• Meditation: Exercise Of Deep Contemplation
    Sep 2 2024

    This exercise of meditation and body awareness seeks to help us to deepen the training of our capacity for contemplation.

    Contemplation is a practice or a technique of body awareness and visualization that helps us to connect with our present moment, with our here and now. And from this connection, we seek to generate states of well-being in ourselves.

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    18 mins
  • Meditation: Identifying our space of calm and serenity
    Aug 1 2024

    This meditation technique seeks that we can consciously connect with a place or a neutral space, which allows us to generate and maintain in our body and mind, states of calm and serenity.

    We want to train our capacity for contemplation. Contemplation is a practice that helps us to generate and maintain states of calm and serenity in our daily lives.

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    15 mins
  • Meditation: Deep Self-connection Through The Pause
    Apr 30 2024

    This technique is designed to create awareness of the importance of making a stop in our daily routine.

    Generate awareness of this importance and go connecting in a recurrent way with our ability to stop, to be silent, to be still and at ease with ourselves and with our entire being.

    This meditation space, called the awareness corner, is composed of relaxation, breathing, body awareness, visualization and concentration techniques that seek to promote physical, mental and emotional well-being. These practices seek to offer profound benefits to our body and mind.

    Their consistent practices can help people achieve states of deep relaxation, improve the quality of sleep, improve our stress management, increase our ability to concentrate and strengthen the mind-body relationship.

    I hope that all these exercises will be of great benefit to you and to all those who decide to practice them, in this process of improving our connection between body and mind, improving our body awareness, self-acceptance and self-confidence, as well as allowing us to promote greater balance and harmony in our daily lives.

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    11 mins
  • Meditation: Technique to generate a state of deep tranquility
    Apr 17 2024

    With this technique, we seek that through an exercise of body and physical awareness, people are able to generate positive states and tranquility in our body and mind. States that we wish to maintain throughout our day.

    We will train our consciousness, to improve its ability to concentrate and its ability to generate states of calm and tranquility through body awareness.

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    12 mins
  • Meditation: Improvement of Sleeping Quality
    Feb 29 2024

    With this deep relaxation technique, we want to protect our consciousness from negative thoughts and sensations that may be active or present before going to sleep.

    We want to train our mind and our consciousness to be able to connect with feelings of well-being that favor a good rest during the night. In this way, we will facilitate a more beneficial, deep and restful sleep.

    This meditation space, called the conscious corner, is composed of relaxation, breathing, body awareness, visualization and concentration techniques that seek to promote physical, mental and emotional well-being. These practices seek to offer profound benefits to our body and mind.

    Their consistent practices can help people achieve states of deep relaxation, improve the quality of sleep, improve our stress management, increase our ability to concentrate and strengthen the mind-body relationship.

    I hope that all these exercises will be of great benefit to you and to all those who decide to practice them, in this process of improving our connection between body and mind, improving our body awareness, self-acceptance and self-confidence, as well as allowing us to promote greater balance and harmony in our daily lives.

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    12 mins