
  • WHO YOU ARE | Do we really know who we are as much as we think we do? Is it based in reality or who we wish to be?
    Jan 15 2025

    I recently noticed that our idea of who we are at this very moment may not be fully based in reality. Why is this? There is who we think we are, who we are in this moment and who we want to be. All 3 of these things are not always aligned. We are often transitioning between the old us and the new us. What happens to our idea of who we are during these periods? Spiritual teachings say “know who you are” but I realized this could be misleading. In this episode, I dive into all of this and how better understanding what “know who you are” means can actually help you actually better know who you are, and ways that have helped me.

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    15 mins
  • ALIGNMENT | It’s time to stop ignoring things that no longer feel aligned with who you are.
    Jan 8 2025

    Through my own experiences and hearing from many others recently, I realized that many people are being called to take a closer look at things they have been doing on autopilot for many years. Things that they dismissed, shoved under the rug and ignored, were now staring them in the face, forcing them to address it. People are being challenged to question their old ways of doing things. I felt this shift within me over the last few months and it has been hard and painful but the reward is moving closer to who you are, being more of your authentic self, having your outer world be more aligned with who you are. These are incredible things but can feel really hard and lonely. I share my own experience and journey around this in this episode. I hope it makes you feel understood and heard, and less alone in whatever journey you may be going through as we all kick off this new year.

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    21 mins
  • FEELING DEEPLY | How to reframe moments of intense emotions as a powerful reminder of what it means to be fully alive, embracing the richness and depth of the human experience.
    Nov 27 2024

    Is it possible that we might be missing the point of being human if we do not allow ourselves to feel deeply? Why do we stop ourselves or judge ourselves when we feel things deep within our being? I wonder if the message that we shouldn’t live in our feelings long enough to cause suffering somehow turned into not feeling at all, being stoic at all times, being even keel at all times. Some of the most wonderful humans I know, feel big ! Why is that? I unpack all of this and how I realized that it was never about not feeling deeply, I just needed to reframe what it meant to feel deeply.

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    12 mins
  • VALUES | Values aren’t what you talk about, it's the actions you take and don’t take, it's what you speak up for and don’t speak up for.
    Nov 14 2024

    These days “values” has become a word like many others that we sometimes casually and carelessly throw around. I recently realized its a lot easier to recite what our values are, than to defend them, speak up for them, walk away because of them. There are people who simply talk about values and then those who integrate them into how they live their life. In this episode, I talk about this realization I had and what I started observing in my own life and around me. It’s easier to bend the rules as far as your values go then to be a stickler about them but in an experiment I did, I realized that there is a surprising outcome to sticking to your values despite the discomfort and fears. Listen in as I unpack the complexities of "values."

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    14 mins
  • COLLECTIVE ENERGY| How you are actively contributing to and influencing the collective energy of the world on a daily basis.
    Oct 23 2024

    It’s so easy to feel insignificant in this gigantic planet of 8 billion people but I don’t think we would if we truly understand the collective energy that is at play in the universe. It may sound overwhelming or out of reach to think of a collective energy but in this episode, I break down what that means for me and how I realized there was such a thing as collective energy that I am actively contributing to every single day of my life, making my life a significant part of the world. In this episode, I give a different perspective on what changing the world means. Listen in to see why what you do every day of your life - the choices, the actions, the focus, the words, the thoughts, matters more than you know.

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    14 mins
  • VILLAINIZING PEOPLE | How to notice and stop the urge to villainize and judge others to justify why you feel differently about them or why the relationship has changed.
    Oct 16 2024

    Everything our mind spews out isn’t always true. Sometimes its simply to soothe us and make us feel better. It’s goal isn’t always to feed you accurate information but to rather make you feel better. In doing so, sometimes we become judgmental and critical of others when the relationship changes or when people don’t include us. Rather than accepting that maybe the season for this relationship has ended, we feel the need to justify the why. I noticed this in myself and others recently and wanted to unpack it. I wanted to get to a place where I didn’t live in the judgment phase or even skipped it at times. Relationships ebb and flow throughout our life so learning to deal with them with grace and love is always something that will come in handy. Check this episode out where I unpack the how!

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    16 mins
  • EXPECTATIONS OF OTHERS | If someone repeatedly disappoints us, the focus needs to shift to what we are doing wrong, not them.
    Oct 10 2024

    One of the biggest challenges in relationships tends to be that they are not behaving in the way we expect. The question we fail to ask is - did their behavior change from the past or is it the same? Where did our expectations of them come from? Changing others is rarely the solution because, as we all have probably experienced, its not an easy thing to do. So what do you do in this situation? Complaining about it year after year is exhausting and, honestly, pointless. When I took a minute to change the focus from them to myself, I realized where I was going wrong in my way of thinking. And when I figured out the shift I needed to make in my mindset, the frustration and disappointment dissipated. It's that transformative and instant. Check this episode out as I share my own journey and discoveries around this topic.

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    16 mins
  • PUSHING YOUR LIMITS | Lessons and realizations from doing one of the most physically strenuous things I have ever done in my life.
    Oct 2 2024

    I recently did two of the most physically strenuous things I have ever done in my life and of course, I had a lot of realizations and unpacking that I wanted to share with you. From why you should do things outside of your comfort zone to the bonding that happens when you do hard things together to what true character means and so much more. You may not care about hiking for 15 hours like I did but the realizations are applicable to whatever speaks to you. It taught me and reminded me of a lot of life lessons and I am hooked on getting outside of my comfort zone more and more - you dont know what you dont know until you do it. So many parts of us want us to stay in the comfort zone but something incredible happens when you tap into a part of you, you didn’t realize was there.

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    22 mins