• Conversational Threading
    Aug 13 2024

    Good communication is at the heart of good relationships and, ultimately, happiness. This week, Lisa and Brad explore how to employ conversational threading to dramatically improve your communication and attain greater closeness with family and friends.

    Ever wondered how you can transform a mundane conversation into a deep, enriching interaction? Discover the power of conversational threading in our latest episode of Just One Thing, where we unpack the art of elaborating on responses to foster engaging and meaningful dialogues. Brad and Lisa explore how this technique can be especially transformative for introverts and discuss the adverse effects of our technology-driven world on conversational skills. By incorporating conversational threading into your daily interactions, you can develop relationships that are not only deeper but also more fulfilling and rewarding.

    We also dive into the importance of effort and practice in personal growth and happiness. Brad shares his inspiring journey from being an introvert to becoming an engaging conversationalist through intentional practice. We emphasize that strong relationships, built on effective communication, are key to lifelong satisfaction—a claim backed by a long-term Harvard study. Whether it's for better jobs, love lives, or family connections, good communication is indispensable. Tune in for valuable insights and a heartfelt commitment to bringing you more consistent episodes aimed at enriching your relationships, health, and overall happiness.

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    16 mins
  • To Be Happier, Be More Generous
    May 20 2024

    Recent studies have shown that increased generosity leads to increased happiness. This week, Lisa and Brad discuss how to go about being a bit more generous and explore things to watch out for, when doing so.

    Discover the unexpected joy found in the simple act of giving, as we unravel the heartwarming connection between generosity and personal happiness. Have you ever felt a surge of warmth after offering a stranger your place in line, or experienced the profound fulfillment that comes from helping someone in need? This episode, brimming with touching anecdotes and insights, invites you into a world where small gestures lead to great rewards, and where the 'glow of giving' illuminates the path to a more contented life. From a fascinating Harvard study to our own life lessons, we're sharing how to find that sweet spot of generosity that doesn't just enrich the lives of recipients, but deeply enhances our own sense of well-being and community.

    As we peel back the layers of what it really means to be generous, we examine not just the how, but the why, of giving. It's a delicate dance between fulfilling our own happiness and maintaining social sensitivity, ensuring that our gestures of kindness never leave others feeling uncomfortable or obligated. Delving into the evolutionary psychology that explains why we're wired to find joy in generosity, we also provide practical advice for integrating these acts into your daily routine. Whether it's through sharing your time, your expertise, or a simple smile, we guide you through understanding your unique ability to contribute and the profound impact it can have on both your life and the lives of others. Tune in for an inspiring discussion that might just shift your perspective on what it means to give, and the happiness that follows.

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    15 mins
  • Be More Vulnerable
    May 14 2024

    Being vulnerable is scary and being purposely vulnerable takes practice and awareness. This week, Lisa and Brad explore the advantages that vulnerability can have on your relationships and overall well being.

    When the walls come down, what's left to discover about ourselves and each other? Lisa and I dare to unravel the art of vulnerability in a heart-to-heart exchange that promises to redefine strength and connection. Through personal revelations, we confront the pressures of societal norms and gender expectations, shedding light on why baring our souls feels risky yet can be remarkably rewarding. Our discussion isn't just for men wrestling with competitive environments, but for anyone who's ever felt hesitant to admit they don't have all the answers. As we dissect the balance between opening up and self-preservation, you'll learn why discernment is your ally in the delicate act of sharing your true self.

    Witness a candid exploration of vulnerability as a cornerstone in relationship building across personal partnerships and even the most casual of interactions. Our conversation takes us from the intimacy of my own relationship journey, where revealing insecurities has drawn my partner and me closer, to the unexpected places like the gym, where my admissions of struggle work to inspire openness in others. This episode isn't merely about the softening of our exterior; it's a profound acknowledgment of vulnerability's role as a teacher and a bridge to deeper human connections. Join Lisa and me as we celebrate the surprising power and the nuanced dance of vulnerability, transforming how we relate, grow, and succeed together.

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    16 mins
  • You Are Always Enough
    Mar 18 2024

    Many times, our efforts just don't match up to our own expectations, or those of our friends and family. This week, Lisa and Brad discuss how to accept that "you are always enough," even when it may not seem so.

    Feeling overwhelmed by the relentless pursuit of perfection? You're not alone. Join us, Brad and Lisa Stearns, as we unpack the liberating concept of radical self-acceptance in our transformative heart-to-heart chat. We shed light on the personal struggles and societal pressures that often lead us to believe we're never quite "enough." Sharing our own stories, we illustrate how recognising and embracing our limitations can be the first step toward genuine contentment. Life's relentless demands often make it seem impossible to excel in every area, but here we affirm the power of acknowledging that your best effort, no matter the capacity, is always enough.

    Embark on a journey of self-discovery with us as we discuss the subtle art of detaching from the pressure of expectations to find a more fulfilling existence. We delve into the natural shifts that come with aging, the biological changes we face, and how these can influence our competitive drives and pursuit of happiness. Discover how cultivating compassion and generosity can lead to a contented life, while practical strategies like affirmations can help combat that inner critic. Together, we explore how freeing ourselves from constant comparison can unlock a deep satisfaction with life, as we celebrate the idea that personal well-being triumphs over external achievements.

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    16 mins
  • Having Deeper Conversations
    Mar 12 2024

    Studies have shown that the true secret to lifetime happiness is the quality of your connections. This week, Lisa and Brad explore how having deeper conversations can enhance the quality of your connections.

    Have you ever found yourself trapped in a cycle of monotonous small talk, yearning to break free and forge genuine connections? Our conversation today is a treasure trove of strategies for anyone eager to transform their chit-chat into memorable interactions that resonate on a deeper level. As we reminisce about the lost art of conversational mastery, I share my own journey towards becoming a more engaged listener and inquisitive converser. With insights from our guest, a networking sage, we unpack the subtle yet powerful techniques of sparking dialogue with observations and meaningful questions. Whether you're an introvert who dreads ice-breakers or an extrovert looking to add depth to your discussions, this episode is your guide to winning friends and influencing people—one conversation at a time.

    This session isn't just about talking—it's about listening, responding, and connecting in ways that leave a lasting impression. We'll explore the FBI negotiator's playbook for establishing rapport swiftly and dive into the practicalities of preparing for conversations with new acquaintances. By sharing anecdotes and coaching tips, we demonstrate the importance of curiosity and empathy in building emotional bonds. So, whether you're hoping to rekindle the flame of a long-time friendship or spark a new one at the gym, tune in and equip yourself with the tools to elevate every conversation from mundane to meaningful.

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    16 mins
  • Transitions Are Hard
    Feb 27 2024

    Major life transitions are frequent and usually difficult. This week, Lisa and Brad explore life transitions and discuss ways to more effectively navigate them, maintaining more equanimity and acceptance.

    As we traverse the ever-shifting landscape of our lives, each transition carves into our identity like water shapes the earth. Today, we share a raw and intimate conversation about wrestling with the loss of youth and the dawning of older age, a topic that deeply resonates with many. We peel back the layers of anxiety and identity crisis that accompany these life chapters, and offer a space to grieve the past while embracing the future. Whether it's the decline of physical prowess or the appearance of new health challenges, we confront the real emotions tied to these changes and the delicate art of redefining who we are.

    In our latest episode, we don't just recount stories; we immerse ourselves in the experience of them. Join us for a candid exploration of confronting physical limitations during a transformative yoga retreat, where we face our vulnerabilities head-on. It's a testament to the power of living in the present, whether it means savoring victories or sitting with discomfort. We unpack the notion that it's not only acceptable but necessary to acknowledge when life's rough tides knock us off course. If you've ever felt adrift amidst the ebbs and flows of life's transitions, let this discussion be your beacon, lighting the path toward self-compassion and a renewed sense of self.

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    17 mins
  • Smart Choices Taste Like Broccoli
    Feb 19 2024

    Smart choices are usually hard choices, think going to the gym instead of Netflix or broccoli instead of cake. This week, Lisa and Brad explore why our best choices are usually somewhat unpleasant and how to overcome this dilemma , at least some of the time.

    Ever wondered why it's just so hard to pass up a slice of cake for a stalk of broccoli? Join us and our co-host Lisa as we get real about the challenges of making smart, healthy choices in a world teeming with tasty temptations. We're not just talking greens and grains; we're peeling back the layers of our evolutionary cravings for the sweet, the salty, and the downright fatty. It's a candid reflection on our own food journeys, the pitfalls of self-criticism, and how we're learning to love the choices that love us back, one nutritious bite at a time.

    In this heart-to-heart, we also unveil our toolkit for tackling the procrastination beast and seamlessly weaving those wise decisions into our lives. Starting small can lead to big changes, and we're all about celebrating the victories—whether it's saying 'yes' to veggies or finding joy in a jog around the block. Plus, we'll let you in on how a little reward can go a long way to make the mundane magnificent. So, hit play for a dose of motivation and perhaps a new perspective on giving yourself that pat on the back for choosing what's good for you. Let's embrace our unique strengths and toast—to a happier, healthier you!

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    17 mins
  • Improve Your Morning Routine
    Feb 13 2024

    Having a solid morning routine can greatly improve your life. This week, Lisa and Brad explore how to construct a morning routine that will make a positive difference.

    When I was grappling with the darkest period of my life, suffocating under the weight of ill health, it was the discovery of a morning routine that breathed new life into my days. Inspired by Hal Elrod's "The Miracle Morning," I embraced the S.A.V.E.R.S. philosophy, and it's this journey of transformation that I'm thrilled to unfold for you. Embarking on this episode, we navigate through the potent mix of Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing, examining how these elements can be tailored to fit any lifestyle, from those who have the luxury of time to others who can spare only minutes at dawn. It's a candid reveal of my personal evolution, a testament to the power these practices hold in fueling productivity, fostering positivity, and enhancing well-being.

    As the sun peeks over the horizon, many of us face the familiar foe of morning dread—a slumbering dragon that I, too, once fought every day. In this heart-to-heart, I share the tactics that helped me slay that beast: grounding myself in gratitude, indulging in affirmations, and steering clear of the mental 'bad place playground.' We discuss the importance of being present and how it can reshape our morning narrative, setting us on a path to happiness and success. Every one of us has a default routine, but with intention and practice, we can forge a routine that serves as our ally. So whether you're a perennial snoozer or the kind who greets the dawn with open arms, let's discover together how mornings can be a launchpad for a life that soars.

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    17 mins