Showing results by author "Silvia" in All Categories
Mettiti comoda che parliamo di soldi
- By: Silvia Lanfranchi
- Original Recording
"Mettiti comoda che parliamo di soldi" è il podcast della money coach Silvia Lanfranchi. In ogni episodio troverai consigli per guadagnare bene dal tuo business online, accogliere i tuoi desideri, e fare finalmente pace con i tuoi soldi lavorando sul tuo money mindset.
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Dental Chat
- By: Silvia Lobo Lobo
- Original Recording
I interview dentists on dental topics that matter to you. Each episode features evidence based information. If you would like to learn about dental care for you or your family, this podcast is for you.
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- By: Silvia Palazzolo
- Original Recording
Le mie chiacchierate: di vita, di musica, di ballo, di storia. Il mio viaggio attraverso lo Swing, ma non solo. La gioia, la tristezza, i sogni, i progetti, i successi, gli scivoloni, visti attraverso una lente che attraversa varie epoche analizzandole nell'ottica di una cultura e di una musica che mi hanno cambiato la vita. Il Jazz.
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The F World
- By: Silvia D'Alessandra
- Original Recording
The F World is a comprehensive sound space that emphasises womanhood.Not your regular feminist podcast, it explores topics that have women at their core, ranging from medical subjects to societal questions, including more playful interludes.Irreverent, thick, real, everything happens in the time it takes to have a cup of tea, yet any beverage is allowed.Conceived and narrated by a woman — produced by two wonderful men.Discover the complete adventure by getting in touch on Instagram: @futura_care
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Lex Around Me - Contratti
- By: Avv. Silvia Di Virgilio
- Original Recording
In questo Podcast parlo dell'importanza di avere un Contratto che non sia il solito copia e incolla ma che tuteli la tua attività e la tua professione. #LexAroundMe #LexAroundTalk #Contratto
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Good Vibes for You By Silvia Cesar
- By: Silvia Cesar
- Original Recording
O Feng Shui ensina a equilibrar as energias vitais presentes nos ambientes melhorando a qualidade de vida, facilitando relacionamentos e atraindo fartura e bons negócios. Na China, é comum as pessoas se atentarem às condições de vento e água do imóvel, tanto que a frase “Aqui tem bons ventos e águas” significa “Esse local vai me dar sorte”. Autora do livro “Good Vibes for You: Um novo olhar sobre o Feng Shui”, Silvia Cesar conta que o Feng Shui é uma acupuntura na casa da pessoa, que atua no fluxo de energia do corpo físico (Chi), desobstruindo os meridianos (canais ...
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- By: Silvia Aguilar
- Original Recording
Un espacio para aprender, cuestionarte, SER y estar, en el tan trillado aquí y ahora. Regálate y regálale al mundo esa presencia con el estilo único que solo tú le puedes dar. ¡Bienvenidos!
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- By: Silvia Whitaker
- Original Recording
In October of 2011, 4 college students disappeared in the woods near Porter Township, Pennsylvania while researching a documentary on children’s author Jakob Stanley. Recently, their recordings appeared online. In an effort to aid in the investigation, the families of those missing have agreed to release the recovered sound files. ”Tell Me A Story: The True Life of Jakob Stanley” is a serialized, found-footage, biweekly horror podcast. /// The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the podcasters and participants, and do not represent the official policy or ...
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Silvia Suryodaya Grupp
- By: Silvia Suryodaya Grupp
- Original Recording
Silvia Suryodaya verbindet die Welten der Medialität, der Quantenphysik und der Astrologie. Sie lebt ihre Begeisterung und teilt ihr Wissen in ihren Videos, Channelings und ihren Vorträgen und Webinaren. Silvia hat einen sehr erfolgreichen YouTube Kanal aufgebaut mit ca. 50.000 Abonnenten. Die Mediale Ausbildung die Silvia entwickelt hat sowie ihren Online-Kurs um negative Programmierungen und Ängste aufzulösen sind zwei ihrer erfolgreicher Projekte. Ebenso inspiriert und führt sie Menschen in ihre Berufung und wie sie daraus ihr einzigartiges Herzensbusiness erschaffen können. Ganz neu ...
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She Invests!
- By: Silvia Mah
- Original Recording
This is the show where we highlight the growing number of female angel investors, the real unicorns. My mission is to equip female angel investors with more knowledge about how to invest, finding their tribe, and collaborating. From deal flow to exits, women have been gaining experience. Let's learn from each other. We can only improve our representation around the venture table by truly sitting at it and having a voice.
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- By: Dott.ssa Silvia Pasqualini - ilCorpoelaMente
- Original Recording
#unmillimetroalgiorno è il podcast firmato ilCorpoelaMente per ispirarti e accompagnarti ad avere sempre più fiducia in te e coraggio nell’affrontare la tua vita, e le tue scelte, giorno dopo giorno. Perché se è vero che abbiamo tanta voglia di migliorarci e cambiare, è vero anche che è difficile trasformare le buone intenzioni in pratiche quotidiane e affrontare le piccole e grandi paure che ci sabotano. Per questo Silvia Pasqualini, psicologa, psicoterapeuta bionergetica e coach, ti accompagna puntata dopo puntata, un millimetro alla volta, in un viaggio alla scoperta delle paure che...
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- By: Silvia Sperlich Michel Sperlich Michael Oestreicher Zero Weiss
- Original Recording
DigiRex Audiofiles – die Podcast-Serie von digindada by Michel Sperlich. Hier findest Du, die akustische Aufbereitung der "Cahiers d'étrange", sowie digitale Recordings rund um "digindada" – z. B. Interviews, Lesungen, Diskussionen u. v. m.
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- By: Silvia Dervisevic
- Original Recording
FemDesign von Business Mama Silvia Dervisevic richtet sich mit dem Podcast „FemDESIGN - Shine your light" an alle Frauen, die mit beiden Beinen im Leben stehen, Macherinnen, zuverlässige, verantwortungsvolle Business Frauen, die gleichzeitig immer für Andere da sind. Sie stellen sich ihr ganzes Leben immer eher in die zweite Reihe und gehen nur selten in die erste Reihe. Angesprochen sind alle Frauen, die leicht, erfolgreich, mit einem Strahlen ihr Leben in allen Lebensbereichen führen wollen. Es geht darum, wie du es schaffst, dich künftig an die erste Stelle in deinem Leben zu stellen,...
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- By: Silvia Vasconcelos
- Original Recording
Um casal amante de café e um bom papo. Varias discursões e reflexões da vida de casados regadas a risadas, assim surgiu o cafezinho, nossa terapia diária que resolvemos compartilhar com o mundo.
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Interne Revision – souverän, kollegial und wirksam
- By: Silvia Puhani
- Original Recording
In dem Podcast "Interne Revision – souverän, kollegial und wirksam" erhalten Sie die Möglichkeit, an meinem ca. zwei Jahrzehnte umfassenden (Lösungs-)Wissen für Revisionsthemen zu partizipieren. Der Podcast wird folgenden Content enthalten: verschiedenste Revisionsthemen, die in meinem Buch "Erfolgreiche Prüfungsprozesse in der Internen Revision" vielleicht etwas zu kurz kamen, Interviews mit Gästen zu Revisionsthemen, Vorstellung von Büchern, die mich inspirieren und Antworten auf Ihre (gerne auch anonymen) Fragen, die Sie auf einreichen können. In meinen Seminaren, ...
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