• Body Image & Acceptance - My training hiatus and advice on how to find acceptance in a body you’re so used to criticising
    Feb 6 2024

    In this episode, I reflect on the lessons learned during a recent break in training specifically focusing on what it did for my body image, relationship to food, and my level of self-acceptance. I highlight four key lessons: healing begins with a mindset shift, true self-acceptance is unconditional, how positive body image can help build a healthier relationship with food, and why training can be appreciated for so many reasons outside of aesthetics.

    Now returning to the gym with a newfound appreciation, I share the mental struggles I faced with such a change in my routine and give my take on how you find true self-acceptance no matter how your body changes.

    For the offer - follow this link and use the coupon code shared in the episode for 40% off:


    Let's connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/georgiehharris/

    Or check out my coaching services: https://www.healthmade.me/Coaching-Services-home

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    42 mins
  • Psychedelics - My Experiences with Psychedelic Therapy
    Dec 6 2023

    In this episode, I'm sharing my journey with psychedelic therapy. Get ready for some real talk as I take you through some ups, downs, and aha moments of my experience. I share a couple of profound lessons I learned, and I give you a little run down of the process.

    This episode is like a sneak peek into the power of psychedelics for personal growth. For me, it offered a complete change in perspective, I met my Soul, I said goodbye to a past sabotaging version of myself and I experienced something beyond words after going through a near death experience.

    Enjoy 🙂

    The company I tripped with:


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    37 mins
  • Hormones - Optimise your daily hormone fluctuations for health
    Oct 9 2023

    Today, I'm diving into the fascinating world of hormones and how to get them working in harmony. Our hormones essentially control everything in our bodies and in this episode, I aim to simplify the complex topic while providing practical tips that require minimal effort or scientific understanding. In the past I became obsessed with the intricacies of hormone optimisation but found that a more holistic approach works better for overall health and a good life balance.I walk you through your day-to-day hormone fluctuations, offering advice on optimising specific hormones like cortisol, testosterone, thyroid hormones, melatonin etc. and I cover a few things you can do (or not do) to prevent imbalances when it comes to sleep, fasting, stress, nutrition, endocrine disruptors and circadian rhythm regulation. Remember that these tips should be part of a balanced approach to health and if you suspect serious hormonal issues, consult with a specialist.

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    51 mins
  • Break the cycle of obsessive fitness habits & heal your relationship to your body
    Sep 10 2023
    In this episode, I share my journey from a toxic relationship with my body to finding 14 insights that transformed my life and helped many others. These insights are about breaking free from body image struggles, obsessive behaviours, and external pressures.Finally, I'm in a place where I can let my body just 'be', moving and eating intuitively. But it wasn't always like this. I used to push my body to extreme limits, from Ironman races to restrictive diets and photoshoots. The pressure to look a certain way led to a binge-eating cycle and constant struggles with low self-worth.Over the years, I learned these valuable insights that I'm sharing with you today :
    1. Recognise your patterns.
    2. Let go of control mechanisms.
    3. Address your relationship to diet and exercise together.
    4. Understand that 'more' will never feel enough.
    5. Embrace discomfort for growth.
    6. Expand your life beyond fitness and food.
    7. Reconnect with your intuition.
    8. Let go of judgment of others.
    9. Practice giving control to others.
    10. Allow yourself to feel emotions.
    11. Calm your nervous system.
    12. Avoid the "it's too hard" mindset.
    13. Seek the right support.
    14. Forgive yourself; kindness leads to change.
    Remember, it's a gradual journey, and these changes take time. If you're interested in working with me please check out my website and book in a free discovery call. I am always here to listen and support you on your path to freedom.https://www.healthmade.me/discovery-callhttps://www.instagram.com/georgiehharris/Thank you so much for tuning in, I'll catch you in the next one,G x
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    57 mins
  • An Introduction - Who am I & what can you expect from this podcast?
    Aug 27 2023

    A little intro to me and my background, why I'm starting a podcast, and what I have in store for future episodes.

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    19 mins