... and you can email us at: bomt@bomt.uk.
In this Twisted humor for adults episode BOMT shiftily sleazes backwards through the stench tunnel leading to the most putrid arsepit of sleaze and corruption, an antiuniverse where integrity has been replaced by putrid pig mick. It is the world of politics. It is a world where the entire population takes intelligence tests and the lowest scores win and govern and the highest scores lose and are governed.
We begin with the best tip on how to vote this upcoming election: “Vote for the Lesser Asshole.”
Next, in order to remain fair and impartial, we give equal time to party political broadcasts for “The Fucking Embarrassing Party” (this is truth in advertising… they really are fucking embarrassing) , “The Don’t Vote Party” (which has the wisest platform and they stand for not voting) , “The New Woke NAZI Party” (The goosestep goes woke), and “The ME Party” (which boasts the most common form of politician since, for them, EVERYTHING is about ME).
Stanley Shminglefart attempts to record a campaign speech and overcome his laughable name.
“The Liberal Inclusive Party” proves how inclusive they are, they can produce photos of their candidates standing next to every race, religion and type of person that a person can identitfy with, with the exception of somewhat normal podcast listeners.
We follow with political messages from the indescribable “Party of No Fixed Abode (and since it is indescribable we will not attempt to describe it) and “the Pity Party” (whether or not you vore for them – open your heart and please pity these poor, pathetic, unelectable bastards).
Finally –the revolutionary Sound Behind brings its revolutionary AI technology to the Margret Thatcher’s most famous speech as we hear the REAL goings-on behind the scenes.
Welcome/ warning intro
Theme music montage
Vote for the Lesser Asshole
Political Message – The Fucking Embarrassing Party
Political Message – The Don’t Vote Party
Political Message – The New Woke NAZI Party
Political Message – The ME Party
Vote Shminglefart
Political Message – The Liberal Inclusive Party
Political Message –Party of No Fixed Abode
Political Message – the Pity Party
THE SOUND BEHIND – Oooooh that Thatcher
Closing Credits Follow our Dark humor jokes podcast for Edgy humor
- Satirical comedy shows
- Twisted humor for adults
- Controversial comedy podcast
For all your dark humour, dark jokes and offensive jokes stay close!
(Another day when we reach out to adults who are in love with offensive comedy show. Call us the masters of dark humour for adults. We give it in better doses under our Vip Lounge at patreon.com/BOMT_Podcast)