Hi guys, welcome back to another episode. This episode is about denominations. I do not go in depth about denominations but touch on the surface level regarding looking down on others, and deeming them unloved and unrighteous because of their denomination. One thing we should know as Christians is that the LORD is the judge of us all. You may look at the surface, and have preconceived conceptions about a person but the LORD said to Samuel, 'Man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.' - 1 Samuel 16:7 ESV In this context, the LORD sent Samuel to Jesse's house to anoint one of his sons to be the new king of Israel and Samuel looked at one of their appearance to justify why he would be a good fit. However, the LORD rejected the idea of looking at the outside appearance because he knew that David was the one who had his heart set on him, even if he didn't have the stereotypical build for a king. The same concept applies to us when we judge people based on the things we hear about their denomination. There's nothing wrong with having righteous judgement and guiding people onto the right path, and diminishing false teachings...but we should still show love and compassion to our brothers and sisters in Christ. The LORD knows their hearts, and if he sees that they're in a bad environment, he will make a way for them to get onto the right path. He loves us regardless, especially when he sees that our hearts are set on him and not on the world.