• Episode 43: What's the big deal about PROTEIN?
    Jan 31 2025

    Put on your geek glasses and let's dive in together! Protein is the most important macronutrient in your diet. But most people do not get enough of it every day. Protein affects your blood sugar levels, every hormone in your body, ALL of them, your body's ability to heal and repair, and its capacity to build and maintain muscle. Adequate protein is ESSENTIAL to healthy aging. How do you know how much protein you need every day? How do you get that amount? Listen in as I share the answers to these and other common and relevant questions about protein. Oh! And I totally get off on at least two tangents...one about our broken medical system, and the other about hidden eating disorders in young women. This episode came from this week's Peace, Health, and Joy Incubator call. A client was experiencing blood sugar spikes at night, anxiety during the day, and slow healing from a recent fracture. Listen in to hear her improvements after less than 24 hours of changing WHEN she got in her protein. Because yes, timing matters.

    Who do you need to share this episode with? (The Peace Health and Joy Incubator is a 9-12 month holistic wellness transformation program that I launched in March of 2020. Since that time, twenty women have come through the program. Some have reported that it saved their marriage. Some have reported that it saved other relationships in their lives. All have reported improvement in their overall sense of well-being and a closer relationship to the Lord through experiencing the Holy Spirit in this program. I typically open enrollment once or twice a year. Reach out if you'd like to be notified when I open the doors again.)

    My email is: diannawallacend@gmail.com

    If you're on Facebook, request to join "The Healthy Body Book Club", a private group where Christian women receive weekly encouragement in a live video from me.

    On Instagram I'm @diannawallacend

    If you'd like to snag a copy of my book, Healthy Body: Twelve Principles for Peace, Health, and Crazy Joy, it's on Amazon. Here's the link - https://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Body-Principles-Peace-Health/dp/1091096538

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    49 mins
  • Episode 42: Becoming a Powerful Woman in 2025
    Jan 10 2025

    I believe 2025 is going to be an AMAZING year. And candidly, AMAZING can be good...or bad, can't it? But for it to be the good kind of amazing, I believe God wants you to know that you are powerful.

    Not necessarily the kind of powerful that the world may recognize, with titles, accolades, riches or worldly success (although there's nothing intrinsically bad about those things) but rather the kind of powerful in which you are operating in your God-given spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Not in fear. Not in victimhood.

    Listen in as I share about why I believe this year will be the good kind of amazing. And reach out to me on social media or at diannawallacend@gmail.com to receive the recorded masterclass on Becoming a Powerful Woman in 2025.

    If you're on Facebook, request to join "The Healthy Body Book Club", a private group where Christian women receive weekly encouragement in a live video from me.

    On Instagram I'm @diannawallacend

    If you'd like to snag a copy of my book, Healthy Body: Twelve Principles for Peace, Health, and Crazy Joy, it's on Amazon. Here's the link - https://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Body-Principles-Peace-Health/dp/1091096538

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    35 mins
  • Episode 41: Your Blood Type affects more than you think!
    Dec 20 2024

    "Is it really a thing?" I was recently asked about the connection between our blood type and the kinds of foods we eat. In my "humble but accurate" opinion, it is indeed a thing. Over the past several years, in my personal life and as a practitioner, I've confirmed the blood type diet as valid, meriting at least consideration, if not implementation. In this episode, I share a "30,000-foot overview" of how your blood type affects your food choices, activity preferences, and even your immunity...or autoimmunity. I reference two books for further reading on this topic. Eat Right 4 Your Type by Dr. Peter D'Adamo (written from an evolutionary worldview, just skip the first few chapters if you like) Blood Types, Body Types, and You by Joseph Christiano (written from a worldview more aligned with my own)

    My email is: diannawallacend@gmail.com

    On Instagram I'm @diannawallacend

    If you're on Facebook, request to join "The Healthy Body Book Club", a private group where Christian women receive weekly encouragement in a live video from me.

    If you'd like to snag a copy of my book, Healthy Body: Twelve Principles for Peace, Health, and Crazy Joy, it's on Amazon. Here's the link - https://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Body-Principles-Peace-Health/dp/1091096538

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    37 mins
  • Episode 40: Overcoming Perfectionism
    Dec 13 2024

    The topic of this episode was requested by Christal Doyle Allen in The Healthy Body Book Club, my private group on Facebook....but pretty much every woman ever has struggled with some degree of perfectionism. Perfectionism steals our joy and we don't even realize it. Isn't that just like the enemy of our souls, always stealing, killing, and destroying? Perfectionism is rooted in fear and bitterness. It's a spirit, not just a bunch of behaviors that don't serve us. The good news is this...perfectionism doesn't have to be permanent. I share a story of how God delivered me from perfectionism and how I've been able to help other women find freedom from it, too, over the past 14 years. If you are ready to deal with pesky perfectionism, schedule a call with me. I'm ready when you are!

    Reach out on social media:

    Facebook: DiAnna Wallace

    Instagram: @diannawallacend

    My email is: diannawallacend@gmail.com

    If you'd like to snag a copy of my book, Healthy Body: Twelve Principles for Peace, Health, and Crazy Joy, it's on Amazon. Here's the link - https://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Body-Principles-Peace-Health/dp/1091096538

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    41 mins
  • Episode 39: Grief & Mourning during the holiday season
    Dec 6 2024

    This is the longest episode in this podcast's history. But some things just need to be shared...even when it isn't fun. Even when it's uncomfortable and sad, and hard. The holidays magnify all emotions. The happy emotions are even bigger and better. The harder emotions are bigger and can feel impossible to navigate at times. But, rest assured, you are not alone. I'm sharing some stories from my experiences of losing my husband and my dad to death, my mom to dementia then death, and my second marriage to divorce. (I feel so Elizabeth Taylor saying "My second marriage". I wish it wasn't part of my story, but it is in fact a powerful part of my testimony.) I share about "grief week", the "Bath Towel Boo Hoo", and "The Powell Howl". How journaling can be helpful when you're processing the loss of a favorite person. This episode was requested by Carla Hummel, a friend who recently joined "The Club No One Wants to be In". Carla is in The Healthy Body Book Club on Facebook and responded to a post where I asked for podcast topics. I immediately "whined" that it would be hard and no fun and all the excuses. But then I realized, the holiday season can make it all harder. And perhaps something in my story can be an encouragement to you. If it is, feel free to share it with a friend, on social media, or anywhere else it might be helpful. Thank you for listening.

    My email is: diannawallacend@gmail.com

    On Instagram I'm @diannawallacend

    If you're on Facebook, request to join "The Healthy Body Book Club", a private group where Christian women receive weekly encouragement in a live video from me.

    If you'd like to snag a copy of my book, Healthy Body: Twelve Principles for Peace, Health, and Crazy Joy, it's on Amazon. Here's the link - https://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Body-Principles-Peace-Health/dp/1091096538

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    1 hr and 19 mins
  • Episode 38: That one time God got a hold of me while I was washing dishes
    Nov 22 2024

    Several years ago I learned a valuable and even life-changing lesson about gratitude...while I was washing dishes. It literally changed the way I think even to this day. In this episode, I unpack that experience and hope to encourage you along the way. The holiday season is simultaneously filled to the brim with over-stuffed calendars, family tensions, and thanksgiving for our countless blessings. When we can focus more on the bless than we do on the mess, it truly changes things...it changes us...for good. I'd love to hear your story...when has God gotten a hold of you while you were in the daily mundane?

    My email is diannawallacend@gmail.com.

    I always love to hear from you! If you're on Facebook, request to join "The Healthy Body Book Club", a private group where Christian women receive weekly encouragement in a live video from me.

    On Instagram I'm @diannawallacend

    If you'd like to snag a copy of my book, Healthy Body: Twelve Principles for Peace, Health, and Crazy Joy, it's on Amazon. Here's the link - https://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Body-Principles-Peace-Health/dp/1091096538

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    27 mins
  • Episode 37: 10 Surprising Hormone Disruptors in Your Home Right Now
    Nov 15 2024

    A friend recently asked if I thought she needed hormone replacement therapy. Her question got me thinking about the complicated nature of hormones and some common disruptors found in every home. This episode's heart is to empower and encourage you, but it may feel like meddling, too. Some of its content is hard to hear. But you deserve to know the truth. Even with accurate hormone testing, due to the dynamic nature of hormones (they are constantly changing), if your hormones are being hijacked on the daily from common disruptors in your own home, you'll have difficulty finding true hormone harmony. To schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation call with DiAnna, email diannawallacend@gmail.com. Or reach out on social media.

    If you're on Facebook, request to join "The Healthy Body Book Club", a private group where Christian women receive weekly encouragement in a live video from me.

    On Instagram I'm @diannawallacend

    If you'd like to snag a copy of my book, Healthy Body: Twelve Principles for Peace, Health, and Crazy Joy, it's on Amazon. Here's the link - https://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Body-Principles-Peace-Health/dp/1091096538

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    36 mins
  • Episode 36: How Natural Hormone Balancing is Possible
    Nov 1 2024

    Blood test or saliva? HRT or not? What are the root issues that affect hormone balance in the first place? Why not just take whichever hormone you're low in? In this episode, DiAnna unpacks answers to these questions and more. You'll not only learn her professional preferences but also WHY she has developed them over time. You'll walk away from this episode with a better understanding of how your body's hormones are intended to work dynamically, and what can hijack them, if you feel like you could use some help, you'll receive an invitation to book a complimentary 30-minute consultation with DiAnna to discuss your unique situation.

    Email: diannawallacend@gmail.com
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    28 mins