FluentFiction - Croatian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?

    Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Tensions and Triumphs: A Croatian Thanksgiving Drama
    Nov 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Tensions and Triumphs: A Croatian Thanksgiving Drama Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-11-23-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Iznad stola, stari luster bacao je toplo svjetlo na drveni stol prepun hrane.En: Above the table, the old chandelier cast a warm light on the wooden table laden with food.Hr: Grosvenor kuća bila je, kao i uvijek, središte obiteljskih okupljanja Ivane i Marka.En: The Grosvenor house was, as always, the center of family gatherings for Ivana and Marko.Hr: Iako Dan zahvalnosti nije hrvatska tradicija, Ivana je odlučila da će poslužiti kao prilika za obiteljsko okupljanje, nešto što je naučila cijeniti kroz prijateljice s putovanja.En: Although Thanksgiving is not a Croatian tradition, Ivana decided it would serve as an opportunity for a family gathering, something she learned to appreciate from friends during her travels.Hr: Ivana je sjedila na jednoj strani stola, pokušavajući ignorirati nelagodnu tišinu koja je povremeno preplavljala sobu.En: Ivana sat on one side of the table, trying to ignore the uncomfortable silence that occasionally filled the room.Hr: S druge strane, Marko je nervozno prevrtao vilicom grašak po tanjuru.En: Across from her, Marko nervously pushed peas around on his plate with his fork.Hr: Oduvijek je bio onaj koji je izgovarao što svi misle, no nitko nema hrabrosti reći.En: He had always been the one to say what everyone was thinking but lacked the courage to express.Hr: "Pa, Marko," započela je Ivana, "kako ide na poslu?"En: "So, Marko," Ivana began, "how is work going?"Hr: Marko je podignuo pogled, nesiguran želi li glumiti ljubaznost ili odgovoriti iskreno.En: Marko looked up, unsure whether to feign politeness or respond honestly.Hr: "Ide. Ali to nije ono što je bitno, zar ne? Što je s nama ovdje i sada? Mislim, zašto uvijek izbjegavamo priče o stvarnim problemima?"En: "It's going. But that's not what's important, is it? What about us here and now? I mean, why do we always avoid talking about real problems?"Hr: Tišina se uvukla u prostoriju još jednom.En: Silence settled in the room once again.Hr: Ivana je osjetila neugodan pritisak u želucu.En: Ivana felt an uncomfortable pressure in her stomach.Hr: Gledala je prema prozorima iza stola, gdje su lišće okićeni sa jarkim narančastim i smeđim tonovima tiho padale.En: She looked towards the windows behind the table, where leaves adorned with bright orange and brown tones were quietly falling.Hr: Mogla je čuti Markov glas dok je nastavljao: "Zar nitko ne želi riješiti nesuglasice koje imamo?"En: She could hear Marko's voice as he continued, "Doesn't anyone want to resolve the disagreements we have?"Hr: Tetka Ana, koja je sjedila do Marka, zakolutala je očima.En: Aunt Ana, who sat next to Marko, rolled her eyes.Hr: "Ovde smo da slavimo, a ne da otvaramo stare rane", rekla je tiho, no ton joj je bio oštar.En: "We're here to celebrate, not to open old wounds," she said quietly, though her tone was sharp.Hr: Ivana je uzdahnula i odlučila intervenirati.En: Ivana sighed and decided to intervene.Hr: "Možda, Marko, ovo nije pravo vrijeme za takve razgovore. Večera, obitelj, osmijehi. Možemo li to nečim zamijeniti? Možda nekom anegdotom iz djetinjstva, nešto zabavno..." pokušala je preusmjeriti razgovor.En: "Maybe, Marko, this isn't the right time for such discussions. Dinner, family, smiles. Can we replace it with something else? Maybe a childhood anecdote, something fun..." she attempted to redirect the conversation.Hr: Ali Marko nije popuštao.En: But Marko wasn't giving in.Hr: "Ako ne sada, kada? Svaki put kad smo zajedno, sve je površno. Ja želim biti dio nešto stvarnog," inzistirao je.En: "If not now, when? Every time we're together, it's all superficial. I want to be part of something real," he insisted.Hr: Svađa se polako zahuktavala, nekoliko glasova se pridružilo.En: The argument slowly heated up, with several voices joining in.Hr: Ivana je pokušala umiriti situaciju, ali duhovi prošlosti bili su previše jaki.En: Ivana tried to calm the situation, but the ghosts of the past were too strong.Hr: No, dok su emocije ključale, Ivana je shvatila nešto važno: mora biti otvorenija s Markom, pa čak i kad se ne slaže s njim.En: Yet, as emotions ran high, Ivana realized something important: she needed to be more open with Marko, even when she disagreed with him.Hr: Nakon dugih rasprava, neka vrsta međusobnog razumijevanja ipak je postignuta.En: After long discussions, some sort of mutual understanding was reached.Hr: Obitelj je pobijedila u neslaganju, barem privremeno, i odlučila pokušati razgovarati otvorenije u budućnosti.En: The family overcame the disagreement, at least temporarily, and decided to try to talk more openly in the future.Hr: Ivana se smiješila, promatrajući Marka.En: Ivana smiled, watching Marko.Hr: Unatoč svemu, to ju je dovelo bliže njemu.En: Despite ...
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    17 mins
  • Shared Dreams: A Journey to Self-Discovery at Aquarium
    Nov 22 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Shared Dreams: A Journey to Self-Discovery at Aquarium Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-11-22-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Dani su postajali kraći, a jesenje lišće prekrivalo je šetnicu prema velikom akvariju na jadranskoj obali.En: The days were getting shorter, and the autumn leaves covered the walkway leading to the large aquarium on the jadranska coast.Hr: Nina i Milan putovali su iz Zagreba cijeli dan.En: Nina and Milan traveled from Zagreb all day long.Hr: Uzbuđenje ih je tjeralo naprijed, unatoč hladnom vjetru koji je puhao.En: Excitement pushed them forward despite the cold wind blowing.Hr: Akvarij je bio poznat po šarenim ribama i rijetkim morskim vrstama.En: The aquarium was famous for its colorful fish and rare marine species.Hr: Nina, studentica morske biologije, bila je puna dvojbi.En: Nina, a marine biology student, was full of doubts.Hr: Imala je zadatak napisati diplomski rad o morskim ekosistemima, ali često se pitala zna li dovoljno.En: She had the task of writing a thesis on marine ecosystems, but she often wondered if she knew enough.Hr: Milan je, s druge strane, fotografski entuzijast.En: Milan, on the other hand, was a photography enthusiast.Hr: Njegov plan bio je snimiti savršenu fotografiju za svoju prvu izložbu.En: His plan was to capture the perfect photo for his first exhibition.Hr: Ali u sebi je osjećao pritisak da nije dovoljno dobar.En: But internally, he felt the pressure of not being good enough.Hr: Kada su stigli, vrata akvarija bila su već otvorena.En: When they arrived, the aquarium doors were already open.Hr: Unutra, prostor je bio prostran i osvijetljen plavičastim svjetlom iz ogromnih spremnika.En: Inside, the space was vast and illuminated by bluish light from the enormous tanks.Hr: Zvuk mjehurića i škljocanje fotoaparata ispunjavali su zrak.En: The sound of bubbles and camera clicks filled the air.Hr: Posjetitelji, odrasli i djeca podjednako, promatrali su kroz staklene zidove.En: Visitors, adults and children alike, observed through the glass walls.Hr: Nina se zaustavila ispred velikog spremnika s ribama škarpinama.En: Nina stopped in front of a large tank with scorpionfish.Hr: "Pogledaj, Milan," rekla je, "njihove bodlje kriju otrov.En: "Look, Milan," she said, "their spines hide venom."Hr: " No dok je govorila, njen glas je drhtao, što ju je iznenadilo.En: But as she spoke, her voice trembled, which surprised her.Hr: Ubrzo se pridružio i stručnjak za morsku biologiju koji je gostovao tog dana.En: Soon, a marine biology expert who was a guest that day joined them.Hr: Ljubazno joj je ponudio savjete.En: He kindly offered her advice.Hr: Nina je iskoristila priliku da postavi pitanja, a njegov entuzijazam pomogao joj je da se opusti i više vjeruje u vlastito znanje.En: Nina took the opportunity to ask questions, and his enthusiasm helped her relax and trust her own knowledge more.Hr: Milan je u međuvremenu imao problema.En: Meanwhile, Milan had trouble.Hr: Njegov fotoaparat, netom kupljen, prestao je raditi.En: His camera, just recently purchased, stopped working.Hr: Panika ga je obuzela.En: Panic overcame him.Hr: Uočio je drugog posjetitelja sa sličnim fotoaparatom.En: He noticed another visitor with a similar camera.Hr: Sramežljivo je prišao i upitao bi li mogao koristiti njihov rezervni ako imaju.En: Shyly, he approached and asked if he could use their spare if they had one.Hr: Nina i Milan ponovno su se našli pred glavnim spremnikom.En: Nina and Milan found themselves again in front of the main tank.Hr: Nini su oživjele oči dok je opisivala morski svijet Millanu kroz svoj objektiv riječi.En: Nina's eyes lit up as she described the marine world to Milan through her lens of words.Hr: Njene riječi preobrazile su sve pred njim.En: Her words transformed everything in front of him.Hr: Milan se fokusirao na trenutak u kojem sjena velike morske kornjače prelazi preko koraljnog grebena.En: Milan focused on the moment when the shadow of a large sea turtle crossed over the coral reef.Hr: Klik!En: Click!Hr: Nova kamera uhvatila je trenutak.En: The new camera captured the moment.Hr: Milan je uspio snimiti sliku koja mu se činila savršenom.En: Milan managed to take a picture that seemed perfect to him.Hr: Zajedno su prošli kroz dan na akvariju, svaki put jačajući jedan drugoga.En: Together, they spent the day at the aquarium, each time strengthening one another.Hr: Nina je shvatila koliko zna i koliko može postići.En: Nina realized how much she knew and how much she could accomplish.Hr: A Milan, noseći impresionirajuću fotografiju dana, osjećao je obnovljenu vjeru u svoje sposobnosti.En: And Milan, carrying the impressive photo of the day, felt renewed faith in his abilities.Hr: Kad su napustili akvarij, nebo je već počelo tamniti.En: When they left the aquarium, the sky had already begun to darken.Hr: Hodali su polako prema autobusnoj ...
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    17 mins
  • Unlocking Secrets: Ivana's Aromatic Discovery
    Nov 21 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unlocking Secrets: Ivana's Aromatic Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-11-21-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana je radila svoju večernju smjenu u pržionici kave smještenoj u srcu Zagreba.En: Ivana was working her evening shift at the coffee roastery located in the heart of Zagreb.Hr: Jesenje lišće padalo je ispred prozora, stvarajući šuštavu melodiju.En: Autumn leaves were falling outside the window, creating a rustling melody.Hr: Pržionica je bila toplo mjesto uređeno drvnim policama prepunima sitnica vezanih uz kavu.En: The roastery was a warm place, decorated with wooden shelves filled with coffee-related trinkets.Hr: U kutu se nalazila mala pozornica, spremna za nastupe uživo.En: In the corner, there was a small stage, ready for live performances.Hr: Ivana je bila znatiželjna baristica, uvijek željna naučiti više o tehnikama prženja.En: Ivana was a curious barista, always eager to learn more about roasting techniques.Hr: Tog je dana primijetila nešto neobično.En: That day, she noticed something unusual.Hr: Tijekom rada, u zraku pržionice osjetio se čudan, ali privlačan miris.En: During her work, a strange yet appealing aroma lingered in the air of the roastery.Hr: Miris je bio suptilan, pojavljivao se i nestajao bez upozorenja.En: The scent was subtle, appearing and disappearing without warning.Hr: Ivana je odlučila saznati odakle dolazi.En: Ivana decided to find out where it was coming from.Hr: "Marko", upitala je Ivana, obraćajući se vlasniku pržionice.En: "Marko," Ivana asked, addressing the owner of the roastery.Hr: Marko je bio tajanstven tip.En: Marko was a mysterious type.Hr: Rijetko je otkrivao svoje planove.En: He rarely revealed his plans.Hr: "Osjećaš li ovaj miris?"En: "Do you smell that aroma?"Hr: Marko se nasmiješio na način koji ništa nije otkrivao.En: Marko smiled in a way that gave nothing away.Hr: "Možda je to samo neka nova sorta kave", rekao je kratko, izbjegavajući detalje.En: "Maybe it's just some new coffee variety," he said briefly, avoiding details.Hr: Jelena, redovna mušterija i jazz pjevačica koja je često zabavljala goste svojim nastupima, također je bila tu.En: Jelena, a regular customer and jazz singer who often entertained guests with her performances, was also there.Hr: Izgledala je kao da je posebno zainteresirana za Ivankinu istragu.En: She seemed particularly interested in Ivana's investigation.Hr: "Taj miris je poseban, zar ne?" rekla je Jelena, zagonetno.En: "That aroma is special, isn't it?" said Jelena, enigmatically.Hr: Ivana nije bila zadovoljna neodređenim odgovorima.En: Ivana wasn't satisfied with the vague answers.Hr: Znatiželja joj nije dala mira.En: Her curiosity wouldn't let her rest.Hr: Odlučila je ostati nakon smjene kako bi istražila podrijetlo mirisa.En: She decided to stay after her shift to investigate the source of the aroma.Hr: Bez obzira na Markova nejasna upozorenja, nije mogla odustati.En: Despite Marko's unclear warnings, she couldn't give up.Hr: Kada se pržionica ispraznila, Ivana je počela istraživati.En: When the roastery emptied out, Ivana began exploring.Hr: Otvorila je vrata male ostave.En: She opened the door to a small storeroom.Hr: Bio je to mrak, ali miris je bio snažniji.En: It was dark, but the aroma was stronger.Hr: Dotaknula je nešto čudno iza polica.En: She touched something strange behind the shelves.Hr: Bio je to tajni odjeljak.En: It was a secret compartment.Hr: S uzbuđenjem, Ivana je otkrila da su unutra egzotična zrna kave iz različitih dijelova svijeta.En: With excitement, Ivana discovered exotic coffee beans from different parts of the world inside.Hr: Svako zrno imalo je svoju priču, a miris je dolazio od jednog posebnog zrna.En: Each bean had its own story, and the aroma was coming from one special bean.Hr: Bilo je jasno da Marko eksperimentira s tim zrnima za posebnu mješavinu.En: It was clear that Marko was experimenting with these beans for a special blend.Hr: Kada je Marko ušao, Ivana je ljubazno tražila objašnjenje.En: When Marko came in, Ivana kindly asked for an explanation.Hr: On se nasmiješio drugačijim osmijehom, pun ponosa.En: He smiled a different smile, full of pride.Hr: "Htio sam stvoriti nešto jedinstveno, ali nisam bio siguran kako ćeš reagirati", priznao je.En: "I wanted to create something unique, but I wasn't sure how you would react," he admitted.Hr: Kao rezultat ovoga, Ivana je shvatila važnost strpljenja i razumijevanja u izgradnji povjerenja.En: As a result of this, Ivana realized the importance of patience and understanding in building trust.Hr: Njihov je odnos postao dublji putem ovog otkrića.En: Their relationship deepened through this discovery.Hr: Ostavljajući pržionicu, Ivana je osjećala da je otkrila više od tajne arome; otkrila je još jednu dimenziju svijeta kave, i prijateljstva s Markom.En: Leaving the roastery, Ivana ...
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    16 mins

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