• #68 Music, Movies and Meaning
    Aug 23 2021

    The discussion this week:

    - being a self-taught vs classically trained musician

    - music is an excellent example of creativity constrained by structure that produces high quality material

    - why is the number of original screenplays being produced into movies getting lower and lower?

    - most movie experiences are the equivalent of eating fast food

    - movies with real effects vs special effects: is there a difference in how we experience them?

    - discussing some classics like The Matrix and Fight Club and whether they'll stand the test of time

    - the value of working on yourself

    - Socrates: "The unexamined life is not worth living."

    - Temporal Discounting and why it rules how we live our lives

    - ...and more

    Thank you for tuning in!

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    Follow Gurinder: https://instagram.com/gsandhucoach

    Follow Jude: https://instagram.com/jude_hirschheimer

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    1 hr and 24 mins
  • #67 The 3 Systems of Balance, Inauthenticity Feels Rife on Social Media, Our Intuitions Are Getting Corrupted
    Aug 16 2021

    The discussion this week:

    - The 3 systems of your body that keep you balanced and oriented in this world.

    - Inner ear imbalances

    - How processing of visual input affects movement efficiency and performance

    - Dealing with strains on visual system and noticing the cues

    - The double-edged sword that is social media

    - The online world is degrading into polarisation

    - Inauthenticity feels rife on social media

    - Discussing John Vervaeke's Awakening from the Meaning Crisis lecture series

    - Our ability to develop good intuitions is getting corrupted

    - We're becoming real life Tamagotchi's! (at least you 80's babies should get this reference :-P)

    - Parenting is a constant anxiety-riddling project

    - There's no 'getting your life back' once you have kids

    - Shout out to all the Wonder Women and Supermen out there

    - Navigating through change and transition

    - ...and more

    Thank you for tuning in!

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    Follow the show on Instagram: https://instagram.com/evolveachievethrive

    Follow Gurinder: https://instagram.com/gsandhucoach

    Follow Jude: https://instagram.com/jude_hirschheimer

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with your friends and leave a rating & review to help us get the show out there for more people like you to enjoy.

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    1 hr and 27 mins
  • #66 Principles vs Methods, Becoming Adaptable to Succeed, The Problem with Nutrition Advice
    Aug 9 2021

    The discussion this week:

    - modern life is on a knife-edge

    - becoming adaptable when things aren't going to plan

    - cultivating different ways of exercising

    - being open minded to build resilience

    - the unhelpful dogma tied to different nutrition strategies

    - being vegan doesn't automatically make you healthy

    - what diet works best is based on the individual

    - ...and more

    Thank you for tuning in!

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    Follow the show on Instagram: https://instagram.com/evolveachievethrive

    Follow Gurinder: https://instagram.com/gsandhucoach

    Follow Jude: https://instagram.com/jude_hirschheimer

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with your friends and leave a rating & review to help us get the show out there for more people like you to enjoy.

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • #65 Learning by Teaching, Sleep Tips, Different Types of Breathing for Different Tasks, Carryover of Strength Training for Life Goals
    Aug 2 2021

    The discussion this week:

    - What we learn from teaching new NeuroKinetic Therapy students

    - Skill acquisition builds confidence

    - Applying learnings from the immensely valuable Brain Coach Bootcamp taught by Dr. Sarah McKay

    - Discussing sleep advice provided by Andrew Huberman on the Tim Ferriss podcast

    - Getting nutrition dialled in for the fitness photoshoot

    - The immense carryover of strength training into other activities

    - Building strength only once a solid base of movement capacity is developed

    - The different types of breathing for different tasks

    - Taping mouth shut for improving nasal breathing

    - The bedrock of health? Sleep.

    - The pro-depressive effect of excess light exposure in the middle of the night

    - Jude is a chimp

    - ...and more

    Thank you for tuning in!

    Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to get notified about new episodes, to have the exclusive opportunity to submit questions to guests, and get the latest news about the goings on of the podcast: https://gurindersandhu.com/evolve-achieve-thrive-podcast

    Follow the show on Instagram: https://instagram.com/evolveachievethrive

    Follow Gurinder: https://instagram.com/gsandhucoach

    Follow Jude: https://instagram.com/jude_hirschheimer

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with your friends and leave a rating & review to help us get the show out there for more people like you to enjoy.

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    1 hr and 28 mins
  • #64 Tapping into Your Best Self, Failure is Often Redirection, Getting Through Your Own Bullsh*t
    Jul 26 2021

    The discussion this week:

    - The need for a coach to guide you

    - Transferring your skills from an area of expertise to an area you have no footing in

    - Tapping into the best parts of yourself to achieve your goals

    - Investing in your future

    - Failure is often redirection

    - "Stay committed to your decisions but stay flexible in your approach"

    - Self-care ain't just bubble baths and facials

    - You have to get through your own bullshit

    - Having the hard conversations

    - ...and much more

    Thank you for tuning in!

    Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to get notified about new episodes, to have the exclusive opportunity to submit questions to guests, and get the latest news about the goings on of the podcast: https://gurindersandhu.com/evolve-achieve-thrive-podcast

    Follow the show on Instagram: https://instagram.com/evolveachievethrive

    Follow Gurinder: https://instagram.com/gsandhucoach

    Follow Jude: https://instagram.com/jude_hirschheimer

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with your friends and leave a rating & review to help us get the show out there for more people like you to enjoy.

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    1 hr and 26 mins
  • #63 What is Your Purpose? Discovering Personality, The Four Agreements, Optimism Breeds Resilience
    Jul 19 2021

    The discussion this week:

    - what is your purpose?

    - there's nothing bigger to do than raise the next generation

    - Discovering Personality by Jordan Peterson

    - getting over Shiny Object Syndrome

    - the neurobiology of having a purpose and how it protects against Depression

    - The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

    - don't make assumptions about anybody or anything

    - tell the truth and you'll never have to remember a thing

    - you have to be optimistic if you want to have resilience and perseverance

    - doing nothing is overrated

    - ...and much more

    Thank you for tuning in!

    Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to get notified about new episodes, to have the exclusive opportunity to submit questions to guests, and get the latest news about the goings on of the podcast: https://gurindersandhu.com/evolve-achieve-thrive-podcast

    Follow the show on Instagram: https://instagram.com/evolveachievethrive

    Follow Gurinder: https://instagram.com/gsandhucoach

    Follow Jude: https://instagram.com/jude_hirschheimer

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with your friends and leave a rating & review to help us get the show out there for more people like you to enjoy.

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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • #62 Sleep is the Bedrock, Lessons from Receiving Psychological Therapy, Stillness vs Movement for Better Creative Thinking
    Jul 12 2021

    The discussion this week:

    - Sleep is the bedrock: routine to get to sleep

    - Overcoming rumination

    - The various benefits of receiving psychological therapy

    - Having mental therapy should be looked at no differently than receiving physical therapy for ailments and injuries

    - How much is social media affecting us mentally?

    - Can our online lives substitute for physical social connection?

    - Stillness vs Movement: What's better for creative thinking and problem solving?

    - ...and much more

    Thank you for tuning in!

    Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to get notified about new episodes, to have the exclusive opportunity to submit questions to guests, and get the latest news about the goings on of the podcast: https://gurindersandhu.com/evolve-achieve-thrive-podcast

    Follow the show on Instagram: https://instagram.com/evolveachievethrive

    Follow Gurinder: https://instagram.com/gsandhucoach

    Follow Jude: https://instagram.com/jude_hirschheimer

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with your friends and leave a rating & review to help us get the show out there for more people like you to enjoy.

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    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 23 mins
  • #61 Body Transformation, How to Help Others Change, Giving Up Alcohol, Play Takes the Fear Out of Failing
    Jul 5 2021

    A bit more of a laid back episode, here's what we discussed:

    - G is a professional sleeper

    - Becoming a mother means you don't sleep

    - Jude's new goal: a fitness photoshoot

    - Why sign up for this body transformation with a photoshoot at the end?

    - Possible implications of a body transformation programme

    - Having a clear goal changes you

    - It's a powerful thing for your mind to be able to lift a lot of weight

    - Purposeful training

    - How do you convince someone they need to change something about themselves?

    - Giving up alcohol and the unexpected conversations that come with that

    - Grappling feels like play

    - "Play is basically failing with a smile on your face"

    - ...and more...

    Thank you for tuning in!

    Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to get notified about new episodes, to have the exclusive opportunity to submit questions to guests, and get the latest news about the goings on of the podcast: https://gurindersandhu.com/evolve-achieve-thrive-podcast

    Follow the show on Instagram: https://instagram.com/evolveachievethrive

    Follow Gurinder: https://instagram.com/gsandhucoach

    Follow Jude: https://instagram.com/jude_hirschheimer

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with your friends and leave a rating & review to help us get the show out there for more people like you to enjoy.

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    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 31 mins