• Mabon
    Sep 16 2024

    This week we are diving into the Witch’s Sabbat, Mabon. This year Mabon is on Sunday, September 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere and will be on Thursday, March 20th, 2025 in the Southern Hemisphere. Mabon also is the Autumn Equinox, where day and night are both equal. Mabon is technically the last sabbat in the Wheel of the Year. We will be diving into some history, traditions, and ideas in which you could introduce celebrating Mabon in your practice.

    To follow me on all of the things, please follow the link! https://bio.site/cronebydesign


    Chamberlain, L., & Chamberlain, L. (2017, November 6). Mabon (Autumn equinox) – the Wiccan calendar. Wicca Living. https://wiccaliving.com/wiccan-calendar-mabon-autumn-equinox/

    Mabon, & Year, W. of the. (n.d.). How to celebrate mabon 2024. Mabon House. https://www.mabonhouse.co/mabon

    The Moonlight Shop. (n.d.). A solitary ritual for mabon. https://themoonlightshop.com/blogs/news/a-solitary-ritual-for-mabon

    Renee. (2023, September 7). Recipes to celebrate mabon. Awesome on 20. https://awesomeon20.com/recipes-to-celebrate-mabon/

    Zenith, A. (2020, September 19). 15 free and low-cost ways to celebrate mabon. Witchcrafted Life. https://witchcraftedlife.com/15-free-and-low-cost-ways-to-celebrate-mabon-fall-equinox/

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    36 mins
  • Protection Magic
    Sep 9 2024

    This week we are diving into some simple ways of practicing protection magic. We explain what protection magic is and why people might use it as well as how you could incorporate it into your own life and practice. As always all of my episode topics are on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. Everyone is entitled to their own practice making it unique to them. This episode is just to help those who might need a little protection from outsiders, family, energies, and more. Even a person’s own negative thoughts and energy can influence their magic!

    To follow me on all of the things, please follow the link! https://bio.site/cronebydesign


    Brakels, B. (2022, October 19). Simple protection spells. Tragic Beautiful. https://www.tragicbeautiful.com/en-us/blogs/book-of-spells/simple-protection-spells

    H., J. (2023, November 7). Railroad spikes and their protective properties. Spellbound. https://www.trulyspellbound.com/post/railroad-spikes-and-their-protective-properties

    Patti Wigington. (2021, June 1). Protection magic basics. https://www.pattiwigington.com/protection-magic-basics/

    Witchy Secrets. (2024, March 31). Protection spells for witches. https://www.witchysecrets.co.uk/blogs/witchy-wicks-blog-posts/protection-spells-for-witches

    For Further Reading:



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    25 mins
  • Winter Gardens
    Aug 28 2024

    This week we are diving into Winter Gardens, as I’ve always been intrigued by this idea of keeping the gardens going or even changing out plants to fit the seasons. This episode is just a very basic guide and doesn’t have all the tips and tricks to change your life. But to get a basic idea of how you can dip your toes into transforming or adding to your garden for the colder seasons in your zone.

    To follow me on all of the things, please follow the link! https://bio.site/cronebydesign


    Holland, T. A. and D. (2022, March 2). How to plant a Winter Vegetable Garden. Lovely Greens. https://lovelygreens.com/how-to-plant-a-winter-vegetable-garden/

    Thomas, J. (2024, April 26). Gardening in winter (cold-weather growing methods). Homesteading Family. https://homesteadingfamily.com/gardening-in-winter-cold-weather-growing-methods/

    For Further Reading:


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    27 mins
  • Meditation
    Aug 19 2024

    This week we are diving into Meditation, okay hear me out as I know many people who actually become very stressed out due to the aspect of trying to learn how to Meditate. That is okay, we are going to talk about this today, the benefits of meditation, tools you can bring into your practice, different parts, and possibly most importantly different types of Meditation.

    To follow me on all of the things, please follow the link! https://bio.site/cronebydesign


    Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2023, December 14). A beginner’s guide to meditation. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/meditation/in-depth/meditation/art-20045858

    MediLexicon International. (n.d.). Eight types of meditation: What type is best for you?. Medical News Today. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320392#types

    Meditation. Cornell Health. (n.d.). https://health.cornell.edu/resources/health-topics/meditation

    professional, C. C. medical. (n.d.). Meditation: What it is, Benefits & Types. Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/17906-meditation

    For Further Reading:








    YouTube Videos:



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    34 mins
  • Creating a Proactive Garden
    Aug 5 2024

    This week we are diving into creating a proactive garden. This means diving into old knowledge that has been tried and trued way before research and insecticides. But finally, there has been some data and research to show the proof is in the pudding. We are going talk about different ways you can create a garden that does the work with a few hidden steps and still have a plentiful harvest.

    To follow me on all of the things, please follow the link! https://bio.site/cronebydesign


    Brillon, K. (2024, January 27). Will petunias really help eliminate unwanted pests in the garden?. House Digest. https://www.housedigest.com/1499070/natural-pest-control-deter-insects-petunias/

    Dyer, M. H. (2016, November 4). Using marigolds around plants – do marigolds keep bugs away. gardeningknowhow. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/marigold/using-marigolds-to-keep-bugs-away.htm

    Hannemann, E. (2024, May 17). 10 natural ways to eliminate garden insect pests. Birds and Blooms. https://www.birdsandblooms.com/gardening/gardening-basics/natural-ways-eliminate-garden-insect-pests/

    Paul, S., Gall, B., Manalo, L. O., Last, M. D., & Vanheems, B. (n.d.). 7 simple strategies to prevent garden pests. GrowVeg. https://www.growveg.com/guides/7-simple-strategies-to-prevent-garden-pests/

    Ridgway, M. (2023, November 18). 9 reasons you’ll want to add basil to your garden ASAP. House Digest. https://www.housedigest.com/1450262/benefits-plant-growing-basil-garden/

    Tenth Acre Farm. (2023a, July 20). 12 steps to preventing garden pests naturally. https://www.tenthacrefarm.com/preventing-garden-pests/

    Tenth Acre Farm. (2023b, November 17). 7 ways to improve the quality of your soil. https://www.tenthacrefarm.com/improve-soil-quality/

    U.S. Forest Service. Forest Service Shield. (n.d.). https://www.fs.usda.gov/wildflowers/Native_Plant_Materials/Native_Gardening/#:~:text=Native%20plants%20are%20also%20advantageous,soil’s%20capacity%20to%20store%20water

    For Further Reading:



    Tools to Help Create a Proactive Garden:


    Youtube Videos:






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    36 mins
  • Lughnasadh
    Jul 29 2024

    This week we are diving into the Witch’s Sabbat, Lughnasadh also known as Lammas. This year in the Western Hemisphere it is on August 1st, and February 1st in the Southern Hemisphere. Lughnasadh marks the halfway point between the summer solstice (Litha) and the fall equinox (Mabon). We will be diving into some history, traditions, and ideas in which you could introduce celebrating Lughnasadh in your practice.

    To follow me on all of the things, please follow the link! https://bio.site/cronebydesign


    Bhagat, D. (2019, July 30). The origins and practices of Lammas/Lughnasad. Boston Public Library. https://www.bpl.org/blogs/post/the-origins-and-practices-of-lammas-lughnasad/

    Celebrating Lughnasadh (the first harvest). VERCIDA. (n.d.). https://www.vercida.com/uk/articles/celebrating-lughnasadh

    Chamberlain, L., & Chamberlain, L. (2017, November 6). Lammas (lughnasadh) – the Wiccan calendar. Wicca Living. https://wiccaliving.com/wiccan-calendar-lammas-lughnasadh/

    Lorri@Mabon_House. (2024a, July 5). Lughnasadh - the first harvest in The wheel of the year. Mabon House. https://www.mabonhouse.co/new-blog/z9y31j2ltk57b3phpcv73bsvp3kj87

    Lorri@Mabon_House. (2024b, July 11). Easy lughnasadh celebration ideas. Mabon House. https://www.mabonhouse.co/new-blog/easy-lughnasadh-celebration-ideas

    Lughnasadh solo ritual. Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids. (2024, March 8). https://druidry.org/resources/lughnasadh-solo-ritual

    Renee. (2023, July 16). Recipes to celebrate Lammas. Awesome on 20. https://awesomeon20.com/recipes-to-celebrate-lammas/

    Wolfe, W. B. S. E. (2023, April 7). 7 ways to celebrate Lughnasadh (or Lammas). blog.greenwitchliving.com. https://blog.greenwitchliving.com/7-ways-to-celebrate-lughnasadh-lammas/


    Lammas: Celebrating Fruits of the First Harvest by Anna Franklin

    Lughnasadh: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Lammas by The Authors at Llewellyn

    Lugh: Meeting the Many-Skilled God by Morgan Daimler

    Lugh na Bua – Lugh the Deliverer by Cathal O Searcaigh



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    35 mins
  • Erectile Dysfunction
    Jul 22 2024

    This week we are diving into the health topic of erectile dysfunction. I try to talk about very common public health topics to help expand everyone’s understanding and especially to help people feel seen and heard. But I have been pretty female topic-heavy in this category and I wanted to broaden our education to a very common male health concern. In this episode, we will understand what ED is, treatment options, and how it can lead to bigger health concerns. It is best to be proactive instead of reactive when addressing health concerns.

    To follow me on all of the things, please follow the link! https://bio.site/cronebydesign


    Erectile dysfunction (ed). Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment - Urology Care Foundation. (n.d.). https://www.urologyhealth.org/urology-a-z/e/erectile-dysfunction-(ed)

    Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022, March 29). Erectile dysfunction. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/erectile-dysfunction/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20355782#:~:text=Include%20physical%20activity%20in%20your,for%20alcohol%20or%20drug%20problems

    Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2023, June 24). What to know about oral meds for erectile dysfunction. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/erectile-dysfunction/in-depth/erectile-dysfunction/art-20047821

    professional, C. C. medical. (n.d.). What is erectile dysfunction?. Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/10035-erectile-dysfunction

    For Further Reading:









    Youtube Videos:



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    43 mins
  • Book of Shadows vs Grimoire
    Jul 15 2024

    This week we are diving into another magical topic and that is knowing the differences and similarities between two tools that you might be using in your practice or are interested in adding. Of course, to start us off, I do want to say you are not obligated to create these works for your practice. I think looking into the tools of the magical trade always helps in creating a deeper connection to your practice. You might have also seen these names thrown around in pop culture such as in the book/movie Practical Magic or the TV show Charmed and even in the Hocus Pocus movies.

    To follow me on all of the things, please follow the link! https://bio.site/cronebydesign




    Johnson, S. (2021, January 6). Book of shadows vs grimoire: What’s the difference? ARCANE ALCHEMY. https://www.arcane-alchemy.com/blog/2021/1/6/book-of-shadows-vs-grimoire-whats-the-difference

    Low, T. (2023, September 7). What is a book of Shadows?. Medium. https://medium.com/@tabitha.low/what-is-a-book-of-shadows-87223ae19efb#id_token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ijg3YmJlMDgxNWIwNjRlNmQ0NDljYWM5OTlmMGU1MGU3MmEzZTQzNzQiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.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.bC3UlhIux-9joH3UD3UN3aShZ64AdwhWbqloCvnqRXKRjz3p70RNAo9meRXAV1hvtX42rmafLTJYHimnmkic2MK7S-J32nedk_gVeMoUMOClaQXuHmycPnoT0d9ZtF-pgjLYtKvBc_Q6s1HU62PDJ4XGT69UJ1sFfssCPDjb-WWWeXWYDagoHHg8MoO5RZ2c8fuyygLjLjZQSS5yvLu3BUU_vgkKDQFPDKIGIn2qeylIQ9OE_tzfZkSfzqlAATSK8Gz7AAvYg71lDsM6LO-MKpu_Soi3I7t9NMTonzMShZ-ol6vAgaaa9U6PLfcelqi7Aa-po-EODFhtK3JkVWPryw

    Rogers, R. What is the difference between a grimoire and a book of Shadows?. Medium. https://medium.com/@rachel.rogers/what-is-the-difference-between-a-grimoire-and-a-book-of-shadows-a563d1562973

    Swanner, R. (2024, April 8). What is a grimoire and how do I make my own?. The Pagan Grimoire. https://www.pagangrimoire.com/grimoire/

    For Further Reading:





    Grimoires: A History of Magic Books by Owen Davies

    The Book of Magic: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment by Brian Copenhaver

    The Magus

    The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy

    The Grand Grimoire (also known as Le Dragon Rouge)

    The Sworn Book of Honorius

    The Key of Solomon

    Book of Shadows by Wicca’s Gerald Gardner

    Youtube Videos:


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    37 mins