• Inherited Traits: Embracing the Good and Overcoming the Bad
    May 29 2024

    In this episode of the "You Are Dope" podcast, I’m thrilled to have my son JC as a special guest. Together, we explore the traits and habits we inherit through genetics—both the good and the bad. We’ll discuss how these inherited traits shape us and offer practical advice on how to address and correct any negative habits we've picked up along the way. Join us for an insightful conversation about understanding and improving ourselves.

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    27 mins
  • Emotional Resilience: Be a Colander, Not a Sponge
    May 15 2024

    In this episode of the "You Are Dope" podcast, we emphasize the significance of avoiding the absorption of other people's emotions. While it's natural to empathize, constantly taking on others' emotions can lead to feeling drained and depleted. We illustrate strategies to avoid this by encouraging listeners to be like a colander rather than a sponge. Just as a colander allows water to pass through while retaining the substance, we discuss ways to empathize without internalizing others' emotions, promoting emotional well-being and resilience.

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    7 mins
  • Forgiveness: Timing the Path to Healing
    May 1 2024

    Tune in to this week's enlightening episode of the You Are Dope podcast as we delve into the profound topic of forgiveness. Join us as we explore the complexities of determining when individuals have sufficiently atoned for their actions, prompting us to release our lingering animosity and extend forgiveness. We'll also contemplate the deeper question: who does forgiveness truly benefit? Is it solely for the transgressor, or does it hold transformative power for the forgiver as well? Prepare for a thought-provoking discussion that challenges conventional perspectives and invites reflection on the nature of forgiveness in our lives.

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    15 mins
  • Exploring the Power of Coaching
    Apr 17 2024

    Tune in to this week's episode of the "You Are Dope" podcast as we sit down with Maxwell, a vibrant college student at Duke University and a current client of mine. We dive into the world of coaching, exploring Maxwell's decision to seek out a life coach and the transformative impact coaching has had on his life. Join us for an insightful conversation filled with inspiration and personal growth!

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    9 mins
  • Getting Older
    Apr 3 2024

    In this episode, we delve into the complexities, challenges, and joys of aging. Join us as we navigate the different stages of life and discuss the myriad experiences that come with growing older. From the physical changes that accompany aging to the evolving perspectives on relationships, kids, careers, and purpose, we cover it all.

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    15 mins
  • Women in Hip Hop!
    Mar 20 2024

    This week we dive deep into the vibrant world of hip-hop culture. In this episode, we shine a spotlight on the often overlooked and underrated contributions of women in hip-hop.

    Join us as we explore the journey of female artists within this dynamic and influential genre. From the early pioneers who paved the way to the contemporary icons shaping the landscape today, we delve into the stories, struggles, and triumphs of women in hip-hop.

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    6 mins
  • Trauma In Young Adults
    Mar 6 2024

    In today's podcast episode, we delve into a crucial and often overlooked aspect of mental health: trauma in young adults. This sensitive topic encompasses a wide range of experiences that can profoundly impact the lives of individuals navigating the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

    Moreover, we'll explore coping mechanisms, resilience-building strategies, and the importance of support systems in helping young adults navigate and heal from trauma. Together, we'll strive to create a space for open dialogue, destigmatizing the conversation around mental health and encouraging listeners to seek help when needed.

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    21 mins
    Feb 21 2024

    Join us for a thoughtful discussion on the strengths and challenges of both HBCUs and PWIs.

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    10 mins