World Happiness Fest

By: Luis Gallardo
  • Summary

  • What are the barriers to happiness? How do we heal? How do we maximize our potential? How do we remember who we are? How can we be of service to the world?
    2022 World Happiness Fest
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  • Your power of Manifestation by the Ocean (Hypnotic Session)
    Apr 23 2024
    The Power of Manifestation: Harnessing the Universal Laws of Unlimited PotentialitiesManifestation is the art of bringing our deepest desires and aspirations into reality. It's a concept that transcends mere wishful thinking, tapping into the foundational principles of the universe itself. Central to this practice is the universal law of unlimited potentialities, which posits that the universe holds infinite possibilities for us all. By understanding and leveraging this law along with other relevant universal principles, individuals can unlock the true power of manifestation to shape their lives.Understanding the Universal Law of Unlimited PotentialitiesThe universal law of unlimited potentialities suggests that at any moment, there are limitless paths and outcomes available to us. This law implies that the constraints we perceive are often self-imposed by our beliefs, fears, or societal conditioning. To harness this law, one must first believe in the abundance and limitless nature of the universe. Recognizing that potential is boundless opens the mind to receiving what it truly desires without the limitations of scarcity or competition.Complementary Laws of ManifestationSeveral other universal laws work in tandem with the law of unlimited potentialities to facilitate manifestation. Here are a few key principles:The Law of Attraction: Arguably the most famous among manifestation laws, it states that like attracts like. By focusing our thoughts and energies on desired outcomes, we attract those very possibilities into our lives. It’s essential to maintain a positive and hopeful outlook, aligning our vibrations with what we seek.The Law of Action: Manifestation isn't solely about wishful thinking or positive affirmations. It requires actionable steps towards the desired outcome. This law emphasizes that actions must align with thoughts and feelings to actualize dreams. It bridges the gap between the mental and physical realms.The Law of Correspondence: This principle asserts that the patterns of the macrocosm are reflected in the microcosm. By understanding this correlation, individuals can influence their personal environment and experiences through their thoughts and actions, which in turn resonate with the universe’s larger patterns.The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: This law highlights that energy is always in motion and can be transformed from one form to another. Positive energy can thus be channeled into manifesting positive outcomes, continually evolving from lower to higher vibrations.Practical Steps for ManifestationTo effectively utilize these laws, one must adopt a proactive approach to manifestation:Set Clear Intentions: Know exactly what you want to manifest. Clarity is crucial in harnessing the law of attraction effectively.Maintain High Vibrations: Keep your energy and spirits high. Engage in activities that uplift your mood and keep negative thoughts at bay.Visualize Success: Regular visualization strengthens the reality of your desires in your subconscious, aligning your mental and emotional frequencies with your goals.Take Inspired Action: Be ready to take steps that feel right and are aligned with your goals. Action is a critical component of manifestation, as it actualizes thoughts into reality.Practice Gratitude: Gratitude amplifies positive energy and opens you up to receive more from the universe. It acknowledges the abundance that is already present and forthcoming.ManifestThe power of manifestation lies in understanding and aligning with the universal laws that govern reality. By recognizing the limitless potentialities available to us, and actively engaging with these principles through positive thought, visualization, and action, individuals can shape their destinies. Manifestation is not just about achieving what you desire; it's a transformative journey that reflects your inner self and your deepest values in the world around you. Through this practice, not only can one fulfill personal aspirations, but also contribute positively to the collective human experience. “The world needs new lenses to understand growth and how humans and societies can thrive.” ~ Luis Gallardo Follow the World Happiness Foundation and the World Happiness Fest here: Website:
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    18 mins
  • Realizing a World Free of Labels (Hypnotic Session)
    Apr 22 2024
    Embracing Diversity: The World Happiness Foundation's Vision for a World Free of LabelsIn a society that often prioritizes conformity, the World Happiness Foundation is championing a revolutionary approach: creating a world free of labels, especially focusing on communities that include neurodivergent individuals and those with autism. This initiative is not just about advocating for inclusion; it's about reshaping our understanding of neurodiversity and leveraging it as a strategic element in building a world of freedom, consciousness, and happiness for everyone.Understanding Neurodiversity and AutismNeurodiversity is a concept that refers to the variation in the human brain regarding sociability, learning, attention, mood, and other mental functions. It is a perspective that regards individuals with differences such as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and other neurological conditions as part of normal variations in the human population.Autism, a prominent example of neurodivergence, is often characterized by distinct social interactions, unique strengths, and varied ways of perceiving and interacting with the world. Rather than viewing autism as a deficit, the neurodiversity movement suggests that society should embrace these neurological differences in the same way we accept other forms of diversity.A World Free of LabelsThe World Happiness Foundation believes in a "world free of labels"—a society where people are not defined by their neurological conditions but are embraced for their unique contributions and perspectives. This vision aligns with the foundation's overarching goals of enhancing freedom, raising consciousness, and increasing happiness across the globe.Seeing the World Through Their LensesOne of the core initiatives of the World Happiness Foundation is to encourage society to view the world through the lenses of neurodivergent individuals. This perspective shift is vital for developing more comprehensive and humane approaches to education, employment, and social integration. By understanding how neurodivergent individuals perceive and interact with their environment, society can move beyond mere accommodation and towards genuine inclusion and appreciation of diverse cognitive landscapes.Supporting Whole CommunitiesAchieving this vision requires a holistic approach that supports not only neurodivergent individuals but also their families, teachers, and caregivers. These support networks play crucial roles in the lives of neurodivergent people, and empowering them with knowledge, resources, and emotional support is key to fostering an inclusive community.Educational programs tailored to recognize and utilize the unique learning styles of neurodivergent students, workplace policies that accommodate and celebrate different cognitive abilities, and community services that provide comprehensive support are all elements of this inclusive approach. These initiatives help dismantle the traditional narratives that often marginalize neurodivergent individuals and replace them with a new paradigm that recognizes the value and potential of every person.Toward Fundamental Peace and Human ProgressIf society were to embrace the perspectives of neurodivergent individuals fully, we would not only make strides in achieving fundamental peace but also unlock new paradigms for human progress. Neurodivergent individuals often offer unique insights and innovative solutions to complex problems, driven by their distinct ways of processing information and their heightened abilities in various areas such as pattern recognition, memory, or specialized skills.By valuing these perspectives and integrating them into the broader societal framework, the World Happiness Foundation believes we can advance towards a future where neurodiversity is not just accepted but is acknowledged as a critical component of our collective human advancement.ConclusionThe World Happiness Foundation's commitment to supporting a world free of labels is a bold step toward redefining societal norms and values. By fostering an environment that cherishes neurodiversity, we pave the way for a society that is not only more inclusive but also richer in understanding and innovation. Through this transformative approach, we can envision a future where every individual has the freedom to thrive, contribute, and shape a world of greater consciousness and happiness. “The world needs new lenses to understand growth and how humans and societies can thrive.” ~ Luis Gallardo Follow the World Happiness Foundation and the World Happiness Fest here: Website:
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    19 mins
  • Happytalismo. Capitulo Primero
    Apr 7 2023
    Happytalismo. Un nuevo sistema para un mundo feliz.

    A pesar de los retos a los que nos enfrentamos como el cambio climático, las guerras, las hambrunas, etcétera, todos queremos ser felices. Este estado mental y emocional ha sido uno de los anhelos más importantes en todas las épocas y en todas las culturas. La felicidad es un derecho fundamental según la ONU. Este libro nos propone un cambio de paradigma, el happytalismo, para conseguirlo.

    Este ensayo desvela un nuevo enfoque sobre el mundo actual y explica cómo podemos empezar un cambio estructural desde la perspectiva del mindfulness, la conciencia social y una actitud de respeto profundo hacia la tierra y nosotros mismos como seres interconectados que somos.

    Los prestigiosos autores Luís Gallardo y Javier García Campayo nos proponen un nuevo sistema llamado happytalismo, en el que la riqueza de la humanidad se medirá, no solo través del PIB de cada país, sino en función de la felicidad y la calidad de vida de cada ciudadano y ciudadana.

    Ser happytalista significa estar comprometido con la felicidad de uno mismo, con los demás seres vivos y con el planeta.


    Ser feliz es un compromiso con uno mismo, con los demás seres vivos y con el planeta. Algunas herramientas que te aconsejamos incluir en tu día a día son las siguientes:

    Conectar con tus valores. Sería la primera acción a realizar por la mañana, para que nuestras acciones del día sean coherentes con nuestro sentido de la vida.

    Lleva una vida sana. Aspectos como comida sana, sueño suficiente, ejercicio físico o baños de naturaleza y de sol son clave para el bienestar físico y psicológico.

    Cuida tu red social y tu entorno. Mantener relaciones significativas y estables es un factor de salud mental extraordinario. Cuida también la belleza y lo agradable en tu entorno, para aumentar la sensación general de bienestar.

    Practica algo de meditación. Un período tan breve como 5-10 minutos al día, siempre a la misma hora, preferiblemente al levantarse, permite empezar el día de una forma consciente y con menos estrés.

    Agradece los momentos buenos de la vida. Al final del día repasa tres momentos buenos y agradécete a ti mismo, a los seres que lo han hecho posible y al universo el hecho de que hayan ocurrido.

    Haz algo por los demás. Cada día intenta hacer algo por alguien, sin esperar que los otros te lo agradezcan o ni siquiera que lo sepan.

    Perdona. El odio o el rencor son los sentimientos más destructivos para el ser humano. Es clave comprender que los seres humanos, por nuestras limitaciones emocionales, tendemos a hacernos daño unos a otros de forma inevitable.

    Accede al libro:

    “The world needs new lenses to understand growth and how humans and societies can thrive.” ~ Luis Gallardo

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    18 mins

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