• 152. Everyone Knows Someone Worth Knowing (with Janet Falk)
    Jan 30 2025

    152. Everyone Knows Someone Worth Knowing (with Janet Falk)

    Janet Falk, Ph.D., is a Communications professional with more than 30 years’ experience in-house, as a consultant and at public relations agencies. As Chief Strategist of Falk Communications and Research (www.JanetLFalk.com), she manages pro-active media outreach and has secured placement of executives and events in local, national and international print and broadcast media. Janet is a versatile writer who can prepare newsletters, articles, website copy, LinkedIn profiles, presentations and speeches, as well as marketing literature. She has a broad network of contacts among graphic designers, web developers, photographers and printers to meet related client needs. Speak with her for a complimentary Strategic Communication Session to assess your Communications activity and online presence. She guarantees TWO IDEAS.

    In this episode:

    • Janet shared what she does and how that helps her clients to be more visible.
    • We talked about the various mediums of media that can be used to share what you do.
    • She shared the concept of content multiplication and how that one piece of content can be used in so many ways.
    • She believes there are people who have problems and others who have solutions. She helps connect them together.
    • What to do before, during and after a networking event to stand out.
    • How to help someone who doesn’t want to brag learn to see the value that they bring and talk about it with others in media and networking.
    • Janet shared her four As and how that has helped people in conversations.
    • Her book Improve Your Marketing RBI: Five Ways to Get Business Book leverages a baseball theme to remember the steps to follow! Listen in for her tip to make sure you are doing this each week!

    Information on Janet:

    • JanetLFalk.com
    • Janet Falk on LinkedIn (in/janetlfalk)

    The Book that Janet Recommends:

    • Everybody Writes by Ann Handley

    Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast

    • Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
    • As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
    • You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!

    If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!

    Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!

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    46 mins
  • 151. Top 10 Lessons in Leadership
    Jan 23 2025

    151. Top 10 Lessons in Leadership

    I was thinking about some of my top 10 lessons in leadership as I read an article by another leader who had put theirs together. I thought this would be a great topic for the podcast, so here is my list to share with you.

    In this episode:

    My top 10 lessons in Leadership (in no particular order):

    1. Trust yourself.
    2. Act like you are equals.
    3. Bring value to your team and your company.
    4. Make decisions with the company’s best interest and you will always do the right thing.
    5. Leaders are superheroes who need to put their capes in the closet and create new superheroes.
    6. Focus on being respected as a leader, not liked.
    7. You are paid to think and plan.
    8. Remember every interaction is an opportunity for visibility and to show your value!
    9. Opportunities will show up when you least expect them. Be ready to step up and lead.
    10. Seek clarity and ask for what you want.

    Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast

    • Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
    • As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
    • You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!

    If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!

    Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!

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    14 mins
  • 150. Create Your Rules for Success (with Heather Whelpley)
    Jan 16 2025

    150. Create Your Rules for Success (with Heather Whelpley)

    Heather is a speaker, award-winning author, executive coach, and leadership development consultant passionate about empowering women to live, work, and lead with grounded confidence. With her unique blend of expertise and authenticity, Heather has become a frequent speaker for conferences and companies, where she creates engaging presentations that encourage people to share their voice, create impact, and step into their authentic leadership. Prior to becoming a speaker, Heather spent over a decade at Cargill and Ameriprise in a wide variety HR, leadership development, and change management roles in both offices and plants across the U.S., Latin America, and Australia. She’s the author of two transformative books—An Overachiever's Guide to Breaking the Rules and Grounded Wildness: Break Free from Performing Your Life and Start Living It. Heather lives in Colorado where she spends as much time hiking and exploring as possible.

    In this episode:

    • Heather introduces her book, An Overachievers Guide to Breaking the Rules, that contains a lot of her own experience of being an overachiever (listen to the poem that is read by Sue at the beginning!)
    • How identity can be attached to achieving and where it starts.
    • Why we focus so much on proving ourselves.
    • How our dependence on achievement can be tied to our need for love and belonging.
    • What can happen in our brain, when we try to slow down from our fast pace life.
    • Rules may also be known as limiting beliefs or stories.
    • Why are we so focused on being liked?
    • What are some examples of rules that people may not realize are rules that they are following?

    Information on Heather:

    • HeatherWhelpley.com
    • Heather Whelpley on LinkedIn (in/heatherwhelpley)

    The Book that Heather Recommends:

    • The Firekeeper's Daughter by Angeline Boulley

    Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast

    • Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
    • As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
    • You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!

    If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!

    Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!

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    51 mins
  • 149. The Power of Deliberate Creative Teams (with Dr. Amy Climer)
    Jan 9 2025

    149. The Power of Deliberate Creative Teams (with Dr. Amy Climer)

    Dr. Amy Climer is a thought leader in innovation, team development, and experiential learning. She teaches research-based practices, tools, and techniques to forward-thinking organizations such as the Mayo Clinic, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the University of Wisconsin. Amy holds a Ph.D. in Leadership and Change from Antioch University. Her research led to the Her TEDx talk The Power of Deliberate Creative Teams explains her research and philosophies on innovation and her book Deliberate Creative Teams: How to Lead for Innovative Results will be out February 26, 2025. Amy is the host of The Deliberate Creative™ Podcast. She is the designer of Climer Cards, a creativity and teambuilding tool used by thousands to deepen conversations and generate ideas.

    In this episode:

    • Amy shares about her work and what led her to write her book, Deliberate Creative Teams.
    • What her definition of creativity is and why many people don’t believe that they are creative.
    • Her experience of the innovation and creativity at Mayo Clinic and how that is leveraged to a difference for patients.
    • What her Deliberate Creative Team Scale is and what it measures for a team’s creativity.
    • The importance of having a purpose as a team and some examples of where that can be a struggle for a leader and a team to identify.
    • Different ways that leaders can ensure that everyone on the team has a voice in the room.
    • Cooperation vs Collaboration – what is the difference and why are they so often interchanged?
    • Being creative as a team won’t happen on its own, it has to be deliberate.

    Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

    • A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

    Information on Amy:

    • ClimerConsulting.com
    • ClimerCards.com
    • Amy Climer on Facebook (@climerconsulting)
    • Amy Climer on LinkedIn (in/amyclimer)
    • Amy Climer on Instagram (@amyclimer)
    • Amy Climer on Twitter/X (@amyclimer)

    The Book that Amy Recommends:

    • Navigating Shit Storms by Liz Long

    Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast

    • Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
    • As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
    • You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!

    If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!

    Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!

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    38 mins
  • 148. Planning Your 2025
    Jan 2 2025

    148. Planning Your 2025

    Happy new year. When you are hearing this episode, we will have already had the new year. And you've already gotten through the holidays and hopefully had some time to recharge and relax. This is my favorite time of year, honestly. I love the holidays. First of all, it makes me happy to decorate and to have the whole family home, spend time, you know, going through all of our favorite traditions and eating all of the favorite foods. But it's also a time to look forward. I use it as a time to start to think about what I want to create in 2025.

    In this episode:

    • What do you want to create in 2025?
    • Can you answer this challenging question - What do you want out of your life?
    • How do you plan your goals?
    • A new way to plan out your goals that is simple and easy to follow.
    • What could you add to a goal list that creates possibilities for you and your family?
    • Are you willing to let go of old beliefs, assumptions and ideas that aren’t serving you to get what you want in your life?
    • Be aware that your brain will try to hold you back. Appreciate your brain and what it is trying to do by keeping your safe, but keep going.
    • What new things are coming up for you that you can add to the list?

    Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast

    • Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
    • As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
    • You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!

    If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!

    Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!

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    18 mins
  • 147. Slowing Down to Recharge
    Dec 26 2024

    147. Slowing Down to Recharge

    Today's episode is coming to you the day after Christmas here in the US or wherever you may be celebrating. I know many of you may not listen today, but I wanted to share some things with you that I think you can take advantage of while you're enjoying the holidays with family and friends. Take some time for you as well. This episode is called Slowing Down to Recharge. I put this together for you because I feel like it's the time of year when I try to take some time for myself to do this. I thought it might be helpful to hear some of the things that I'm doing and what I'm learning about rest, relaxation, sleep. Could any of these suggestions become a goal for you over the break, and also into the new year?

    In this episode:

    • How much sleep are you getting?
    • How are you maintain your boundaries?
    • What decisions are you making that allow you to come first in your life?
    • Are you doing things with intention that will make you happy?
    • Recharging allows you to slow down to gain new ideas and perspective.
    • List of ideas that might help you recharge and reconnect with people.
    • When is the last time you sat in a place of peace and quiet?
    • Unlearn habits that aren’t serving you in the best way.

    Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

    • Ted Talk Playlist on Getting Sleep

    Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast

    • Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
    • As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
    • You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!

    If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!

    Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!

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    15 mins
  • 146. Leading a Team Integration
    Dec 19 2024

    146. Leading a Team Integration

    So today's episode is about bringing a team together and integrating them in a way that they're successful. Sometimes this happens when you are the leader taking over a team and bringing a new team underneath you as well. You might be a new leader who's joining an organization and is inheriting a team that you haven't had before. There are all kinds of different scenarios that this can happen. When a new team begins to work together, it can take time to be productive and effective. So if you can do this successfully, they become more productive more quickly. They create a stronger bond together, and they actually are excited about the things that you're going to do together.

    In this episode:

    • Integrating a team with intention can make a difference in the success of the team.
    • What are the team members thinking about during this kind of change?
    • What does a leader need to know with a change like this?
    • Look at leveraging more senior members on the team to support you as the new leader.
    • Help people get to know you as a leader professionally and personally.
    • Create a bonding experience for the team members to take advantage of through a Q&A activity.
    • Ensure that you answer the questions that the team has for you in the best way that you can.
    • Provide as much transparency as you can so they feel comfortable and build trust with you.

    Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast

    • Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
    • As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
    • You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!

    If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!

    Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!

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    14 mins
  • 144. Are You Managing Your Career?
    Dec 5 2024

    144. Are You Managing Your Career?

    Today’s episode is focused on your career. "By the time you got to this point in your career, did you think that you would be further along?" Whether you had a plan in your head or not, it is a good question to ask yourself. There may be a reason that you haven’t gone further. Up until now, would you say that you have had a career that wasn’t planned out and more accidental or a career that you managed? Most people would probably say accidental which is how I would characterize my own. Just imagine…How would things have been different for you if you had planned more? It isn’t too late to start now.

    In this episode:

    • What does it mean to have a managed career?
    • What does an accidental career look like?
    • Why would someone take on a role that may not be a good fit for them?
    • Creating clarity for what you want in a role.
    • Researching potential roles to determine what you might want to do.
    • Having an informational interview with people who have roles of interest to you.
    • You can start leveraging a career plan at any point, so why not today?

    The Visibility Factor Podcast is brought to you in part by the Amplify You Program.

    Do you have limiting beliefs that are holding you back from the success that you want for you career and your life?

    • This 12-month program is a powerful experience that Amplify You is a unique program that will help you learn how to articulate your value and demonstrate the talent that you have so you get the opportunities you deserve!
    • Become a leader who uses your voice, makes an impact and has the career you deserve!
    • If you are interested in learning more visit: https://susanmbarber.com/programs/

    If you are interested in learning more, visit:

    • susanmbarber.com/visibilitybreakthroughaccelerator/

    Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast

    • Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
    • As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
    • You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!

    If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!

    Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!

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    19 mins