• S3 Episode 4: Kamel El Khayat "The Tailor" A Palestinian Story
    Dec 21 2023

    Apologies for the sound quality as our mic system was compromised for this episode. In this episode we sit down with Kamel El Khayat who's ancestry to the land of Palestine spans back many hundreds of years.  We talk about his family history, the current plight of Palestinians and how he came to become a Personal Trainer.

    Find Kamel on Instagram

    Resources discussed in this Podcast:
    The Hundred Years War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialist Resistance - Rashid Khalidi

    The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappe

    Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World

    Our Website: http://www.theupgradeguys.com
    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/theupgradeguys

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    1 hr and 43 mins
  • S3 Episode 3: Unlocking Your Hip Potential Part II
    Jul 18 2023

    In this episode Rich and Nat sit down to talk about Hip Mobility again. This time the discussion discusses the difference between Kinstretch and The Internal Strength Model as well as how the current 12 Week Program is built. 

    Leading up to the re-release of The Upgrade Guys 12 Week Hip Mobility Program, this episode gives some extensive background on the foundations of training your hips. They discuss the priorities of training, how Yoga and Foam Rolling isn't enough and of course some spicy hot takes.

    Be sure to leave us a review and if you like our show, please rate us.

    Get on the VIP list to make sure you don't miss the Pre Sale Launch: http://eepurl.com/gcLMNj

    Our Website: http://www.theupgradeguys.com
    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/theupgradeguys

    Our Website: http://www.theupgradeguys.com
    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/theupgradeguys

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    53 mins
  • S3 Episode 2: Unlocking Your Hip Potential Part I
    Jul 6 2023

    In this episode Rich and Nat sits down to talk about Hip Mobility, what the fundamental joint function of the hips are and the basics of joint capsule and training. Leading up to the re-release of The Upgrade Guys 12 Week Hip Mobility Program, this episode gives some extensive background on the foundations of training your hips and how we approach it. Of course, it wouldn't be The Upgrade Guys if it didn't get spicy at the end with a little clown sniping. 

    Our Website: http://www.theupgradeguys.com
    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/theupgradeguys

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    30 mins
  • S3 Episode 1: Off to PT School with Gary Heshiki
    Jun 26 2023

    In this episode we speak with Gary Heshiki who is currently enrolled in Physiotherapy School in Australia. He relocated in 2022 and sat down to talk with us just before leaving. This was recorded last year and we will do an updated episode and check in with Gary some time soon. 

    In this episode we discuss filling the gap between Rehab and Training. We discuss the homogenous nature of the leadership within the Health & Fitness industry and we talk about Gary's path to Physiotherapy school. 

    You can find Gary on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/garyheshiki/

    Our Website: http://www.theupgradeguys.com
    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/theupgradeguys

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • Lost Tapes Episode 7: Coaching or Training
    Jul 7 2022

    Sometimes people get in their feelings about using the term Coach to distinguish themselves from "Trainer". We think that the two words are not mutually exclusive. You can be one or the other, or both. At the end of the day, words matter. The way we use words matter and how we describe our practice, field or profession matters.

    Find our Mobility Training products at:

    Our Website: http://www.theupgradeguys.com
    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/theupgradeguys

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    34 mins
  • The Lost Tapes Episode 6: What We Evolved To Do
    May 19 2022

    In this episode we talk about evolution... not really, but we talk about the ridiculous nature of the current fitness industry believing we evolved to do a Bench Press or some other made up exercise.
    We don't have any advertisements save for promoting our own products and services and those of our guests. Mobility Memberships and 12 Week courses are how we continue to fund our podcast work. We appreciate your support of all our work.

    Find our Mobility Training products at:

    Our Website: http://www.theupgradeguys.com
    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/theupgradeguys

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    39 mins
  • The Lost Tapes Episode 5: Real Mobility Training
    May 4 2022

    You hear a lot of people calling just about everything Mobility Training, from Animal Flow to MovNat, but what is Mobility Training really? In 2019 we tried our best to articulate this a little bit for our audience.

    Mobility training is specific and deliberate. The intention behind your mobility training has to be focused on and deliberated effect the parts involved with movement. If your joints don't move then you cannot move and it is as simple as that.

    Learn more about Mobility Training with our FREE Intro to Mobility Training:

    Our Website: http://www.theupgradeguys.com
    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/theupgradeguys

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    30 mins
  • The Lost Tapes Episode 4: Lenses
    Apr 20 2022

    In this episode  of The Lost Tapes we dive into the lenses by which we view training, exercise, fitness, etc. Regardless of what we do in life, there will always be lenses through which we see things.

    We may view through the lens of culture, gender, sex, race, or many other things. In our normal freestyle manner that kicked off our early podcasting in 2019. 

    We don't have any advertisements save for promoting our own products and services and those of our guests. Mobility Memberships and 12 Week courses are how we continue to fund our podcast work. We appreciate your support of all our work.

    Find our Mobility Training products at:

    Our Website: http://www.theupgradeguys.com
    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/theupgradeguys

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    37 mins