• Ep. 15 - Spiritual bypassing & discernment in selecting practitioners
    Jan 25 2025

    Often in this culture we can be sucked into the 'cool thing' to do, rather than the 'real work', and becoming overly attached to the vehicle/container/practitioner/method/technique etc. can be a way to Spiritual Bypass. It is important to use discernment and select high quality coaches to help us fast-track our process, and yet, it is our sincerity, intention, and willingness to confront what is present, which will help us evolve, not the particular method or any other tools we choose to work with.

    In this episode we discuss the fundamental assumption that we are responsible for our own health, and how this belief affects the outcomes in our lives.

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    26 mins
  • Ep. 14 - Amadu Koroma - A chat about fitness
    Jul 24 2024

    Candid chat with PT, Amadu Koroma discussing some of the major lessons and misconceptions within the fitness world.

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    29 mins
  • Ep. 13 - Belief is a Contract
    Jul 12 2024

    "The speed with which we can let go of bad ideas is the currency of the 21'st century"

    With so many contradictory ideas and saturation of information, the ability to detatch from and replace our world views or beliefs become extremely valuable.

    Often we can become so identified with our beliefs that we don't realise that we have a choice not to believe them. These agreements that we make with our thoughts dramatically shape the experience we have and the outcomes that we obtain.

    What ideas are you sub-consciously signing off on? and what impact is it having on your life?

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    21 mins
  • Ep. 12 - Embodiment
    Jul 5 2024

    "On paper this guys seems great, but I don't feel right about him"...... This podcasts introduces the idea of Embodiment and why it is important. Rather than outsourcing our responsibility for our bodies and our decisions to 'experts' perhaps we can take the power back, and cultivate a relationship with our bodies own intelligence systems.

    Our gut, heart, sex... are constantly communicating with us, as we take in data from an infinitely complex world with so many different types of information. In the Western World we glorify and focus on the mind and as such, miss out on so much important information which feeds our powerful intuition.

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    28 mins
  • Ep. 11 - Sound Therapy - 'The body is a musical instrument'
    Jun 21 2024

    From a dirty beat which speaks to a sacral chakra, to a melodic harmony which speaks to our crown chakra..... Just as a piano has keys with different frequency, our bodies have energetic centres with different frequencies. We are a musical instrument!

    A brief introduction into some basics of Energy work and Sound healing - Whether it is physical, mental, or energetic therapy, we are simply bringing attention to an area of the body which is out of balance in an attempt to help it recalibrate to it's natural healthy state.

    The 'therapeutic attention' can come in many forms, including physical touch, mental attention, or sound frequency.

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    25 mins
  • Ep. 10 - The Barstardisation of Spirituality
    Jun 12 2024

    Ayahuasca, yoga, cacao, mupacho, amanita.... Apparently spirituality is sexy now! and has ironically become an object to enhance our fake identity, rather than dropping all the fake layers to uncover the deeper truths about ourselves. Sadly in some circles, it's about having the right bracelets, tattoos and softly spoken voice, rather than engaging in the real work.

    Different spiritual practices are becoming more popular in our culture and with that comes the natural pollution of the space. How do we know the genuine article from the fake? Once again the responsibility falls on the individual to develop and exercise discernment to know who to work with and who not to.

    In this episode we discuss what genuine spiritual practices might feel like, and how a spiritual practice can easily turn into spiritual materialism, which ironically is the opposite of what spiritual practice is about.

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    21 mins
  • Ep. 9 - Age is not a true limitation
    Jun 7 2024

    There can be fear around the healing process or even getting back into activity after a long break. Sometimes we would rather gaslight ourselves and give ourselves an excuse for why we can't, rather than take accountability and do the work required to change.

    There are some fit older people, but all of them do the same right behaviours that create that situation, so is it age or behaviour which dictates the outcome?

    What are the outcomes of the beliefs we subscribe to? Do we want to lie to ourselves to feel comfortable but disempowered, or do we want to accept the harsh truth that "I am choosing this". What limiting beliefs are you signing off on??

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    22 mins
  • Ep. 8 - Our brain thinks negativity is protecting us!
    May 31 2024

    If we are negative, then we are less likely to take action and therefore save potential criticism and rejection. The brain may unconsciously be attempting to save us from harm - Even though it isn't perfectly adaptive to our current environments all of the time.

    What is the energetic imprint behind our decisions? Whatever state we are in when we make plans or decisions, we may just be seeding more of that state into our future! Discussion around the importance of 'Embodiment' and revisiting the idea that our patterns are multifacited.

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    23 mins