• My Story - The Journey So Far
    Nov 14 2023

    My First Episode was a Solo Episode - In this Episode I shared my story so far, Highlighting all of the Highs, and all of the Lows ive experienced along the way.

    I share the journey of my "Self Project" and 30kg weight loss transformation. Focusing on the changes in my Body Composition, My Mindset and My Mental Health.

    Embarking on The Mission to Embody the Best Version of myself. Irregardless of my starting position and the irregardless of the limiting beliefs that I had for what was possible for me back then.

    I lean into how I turned all of my weakness's into my greatest strengths, and focus on the struggles and adversity I have faced over the last few years, Which have acted as a catalyst in my passion projects, Being what I am building with Embody, So far in my Coaching Journey and Now - Bringing The Embody Podcast to light.

    The aim of The Embody Podcast is to share Inspiration, Encouragement & Hope and Wisdom to other people through sharing stories. So I started with sharing my own -

    Inspire and Be Inspired -

    Because the more stories we share, The more people believe change is possible for them too.

    I hope you enjoy episode one.

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    31 mins