• Emotional Fitness
    Mar 21 2023

    Join us for a FREE One-Hour Emotional Fitness Bootcamp Online Webinar.  

    Saturday, APRIL 1st (this is not a joke) 

    Starting at 11 AM

    Claim Your Space NOW!

    It's not our bad habits, failed diet attempts, addictions, or toxic relationships that are the problem.
    It's our unsafe beliefs about ourselves that keep us seeking more of what we think we deserve.

    Dump the diets, remove the labels, and FREE yourself from your matrix mind.

    The biggest lie we tell ourselves when we don't reach a goal or obtain something we want in life is to say that we "self-sabotage."

    Self-Sabotage implies we know ourselves. If we truly knew ourselves, we would know that we are incapable of Sabotage. We have become so disconnected from our truth that we don't realize how powerful, deserving, and worthy we are.

    Emotions are the ultimate resource for growth. The patterns of your emotions dictate your life. What we experience and the emotions linked to that experience directly reflect our life as it is today.

    Your Emotional Fitness is more important than your emotional intelligence.  

    During the 1 hour Bootcamp, we will: 

    • Teach you how to Establish YOUR baseline
    • Identity your Emotional Response Type
    • Address why your Emotional Diet is vital to your overall health
    • Introduce our Trademark Pending Emotional Fitness Journal Exercises that you can start using today! 

    PLUS, just for registering, RECEIVE A FREE ONE-HOUR Emotional Fitness Training Call with ME! 

    Sign Up Today! 

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    9 mins
  • Dare to Do YOU
    Mar 2 2023

    The Mantra for 2023 is Dare to Do ME; however, saying YOU sounds better!  That being said, this episode with special guest Alysee Bryson is all about Daring to DO.  It's in the Action that the Magic Happens.  But what if you are full of Fear, Doubt, and Worry? 

    How do you dare to do?  Together we tackle this subject by sharing our own personal stories and how we Dare to Do it every day.  Well, most days.  Some days we hide, but most days, we RISE! 

     About Alysse:

    Alysse Bryson is a strong woman in recovery, an innovative media maven, a marketing guru, and gal about town. This sober gal has a humorous outlook on life combined with a fierce determination to succeed.

    What’s her street cred?

    In her past life, Alysse was the Publisher of Seattle Met magazine, Seattle’s largest lifestyle publication. She lived the magazine lifestyle for nearly a decade, rubbing elbows with local celebrities and thought leaders, throwing some of the most talked about parties all over town. Alysse turned in her stilettos and swapped out magazines for live Television for six years. Alysse served as the Director of Business Development for KING 5 Media Group, the local NBC affiliate, part of TEGNA. Her second title around the office was the “Director of Fun.”

    What’s she up to now? Currently, Alysse has just flipped her life upside down for new challenges by leaving the traditional media world in exchange for the opportunity to work on a start-up called Intentional Sidekick. She also stepped into the role of Vice President of Community Development for WORKP2P, a global shipping and logistics freight company, obsessed with marketing, and specializing in large scale events around the world.

    Active Recovery and Volunteer Work

    Alysse is a very active advocate for recovery. She’s been on the board for the Recovery Cafe and the Friends of the Recovery Cafe Network for over six years. Stop her before she volunteers again! Alysse also spends time volunteering with the King County Recovery Coalition and the Washington Recovery Alliance.

    Getting Personal

    Alysse is proud of her Pacific Northwest roots and 16+ years of sobriety, one day at a time. She is a single mom to her adult son Jakob (26) and their two Boston Terriers, Roxie and Bella. When she’s not stuck behind a computer screen, Alysse enjoys traveling and spending time with her friends and family. Alysse loves hunting for street art and usually has a camera in her hand. Consuming content is what she does best! She loves books, podcasts, art projects, and a good Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV binge.

    Alysse is a gal on the go. You can find her frequenting art museums, theatre, concerts, thrift-shopping, planning her next trip, and checking out new restaurants. With her excellent taste and sense of style, when Alysse gives you a recommendation, you know you can trust it. Alysse may be a retired black-out artist, but she’s also been known to throw some of the best parties in Seattle over the last decade.

    Connect with Alysee

    Sober Curator:

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    55 mins
  • It's Not About Self Sabotage
    Jan 9 2023

    This podcast is dedicated to my new book, "It's Not About the Banana" The 5-Step Method to Stop Living Other People's Lies and Start Living Your Truth.

    In this podcast, I read a chapter from the book titled, "It's Not About Self Sabotage."

    The biggest lie we tell ourselves when we don't reach a goal or obtain something we want in life is to say that we "self-sabotage."

    Self-Sabotage implies we know ourselves. Identity Sabotage is more appropriate. The true identity of our spiritual being has been sabotaged.

    "It's Not About the Banana," The 5-Step Method to Stop Living Other People's Lies and Start Living Your Truth, takes readers on a Spiritual Healing Journey of Inner Reflection to Recover from Identity Sabotage and gain Clarity, Empowerment, and Emotional Fitness to reclaim their life.

    It's not our bad habits, failed diet attempts, addictions, or toxic relationships that are the problem.

    It's our unsafe beliefs about ourselves that keep us seeking more of what we think we deserve.

    Let's peel back the Banana and discover the real meaning behind your fears, anxiety, doubt, guilt, and shame to Raise YOUR Voice, Speak YOUR Truth, and once and for all, unmute yourself!

    To purchase your own copy of "It's Not About the Banana" visit https://www.soulshacksisters.com/it-s-not-about-the-banana

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    32 mins
  • Plug Back into your Power Source and Heal
    Jun 15 2022

    Plug Back into your Power Source & Heal is an episode focused on Recovering from Chronic Illness and any other Health Issue that is holding you back.  We discuss the power of the word and how labels can harm us, not help us.  When we identify as our label or illness, we close our mind-body connection to any other solution and fall victim to it.
    We address the elephant in the room, "traditional medicine," and challenge the way we look at health care.  We question these traditional approaches to give you back the power over your health and healing journey. 
    YOU are your own advocate, and we are here to give you a voice. 

    This Episode respects the health industry and understands there is only so much they can do to heal us from our chronic diagnoses.  Instead, we dive deeper within and get to the ROOT cause of the symptoms and conditions that are keeping us sick. 

    Hear how Khristee listened to her GUT and took her health into her own hands, and healed holistically with the power of her mind and nature. 
    You can too!

    Let's Dive in!
    xoxo Tonya De'laine

    Addicted to Failure Course

    More about Khristee Rich and how to contact her today!

    Khristee Rich is a holistic health expert, healer, and writer who advocates for women's health and wellness. With over twenty years as a researcher and seventeen years as a holistic expert, she empowers women to heal their chronic conditions and trauma by using a holistic approach, her powerful energy work, and the natural medicine of the Earth so that they become vibrant, joyful women. Khristee is currently writing a three-book series on childbirth around the world through a holistic perspective.

    Social media:
    YouTube:  Dancing Curtain
    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/khristeerich/

    Web site:

    Freebie: 3 Day Mind, Body, Soul Detox Challenge

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    52 mins
  • Addicted to Failure
    May 10 2022

    Are you Addicted to Failure?  Our newest episode of the Soul Shack Sisters addresses this question with supportive evidence that proves we just might be Addicted to Failure.  Dump the Excuses or Bad Habit Theory, it's time to get to the ROOT CAUSE of a deeper condition that creates the Symptoms keeping you from starting, stopping, or worse yet not even trying.  Stop beating yourself up as to WHY you aren't where you think you should be, or WHY you can't seem to lose that weight, get that promotion, start that business, or write that book.  We have been looking at it all wrong. 

    In this episode, Tonya will address the TRUTH behind our Addiction and how we can recover from the symptoms once and for all.  

    She'll break it down step by step providing a PROVEN strategy to RESET our thinking patterns to break the Identity Sabotage Loop in your mind.

    She'll break down the top 6 signs your mind has been Hijacked and possibly Addicted to Failure.

    Learn about your USB and apply the ISL method to take back your power, and awaken your Inner Compass to guide you on the pathway from Failure to Success.   

    Be sure to subscribe to her email list:  https://www.soulshacksisters.com/
    As she turns this Podcast into a FREE Course you'll be the first to know! 

    To support the show you can donate here: http://cash.app/$soulshacksisters

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    29 mins
  • Unstuck Yourself
    Apr 27 2022

    Are you ready to Unstuck Yourself"What stops you?" is the question addressed in this episode.  Polling our viewers from all platforms, I asked this question and took the TOP 5 responses to challenge. 
    I will go over the questions you can ask yourself to determine the ROOT cause behind "What Stops You," and together, we will make small shifts in our unsafe beliefs behind them. 


    Brene' Brown "Atlas of the Heart" https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B097416CTT&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_NS5ATYHM3YWF3DRPSFXG
    Wayne Dyer "Excuses by Gone" https://www.amazon.com/Wayne-W-Dyer-Self-Defeating-11-1-2010/dp/B00HTJMEKY/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2ZQ3A4L72ZE43&keywords=excuses+be+gone+by+wayne+dyer&qid=1651072545&sprefix=excuses+be%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-2
    Unstuck Yourself 21 Day Challenge  https://www.soulshacksisters.com/the-shift-in-the-soul-shack

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    46 mins
  • Manifesting Miracles
    Apr 1 2022

    Manifesting Miracles Podcast from the Soul Shack Sisters.
    Let's talk Manifesting!  Law of Attraction in Action!  Special Guest Sheri Mahnke shares with Tonya how she started manifesting and what tips and tricks she uses to attract miracles into her life daily.  Learn the do's and don't and the fast track to manifesting!  It's a daily practice that with time is sure to bring abundance and miracles into your life.

    Be sure to check out www.soulshacksisters.com for more ways to Empower Yourself and embrace your life with passion and purpose.

    You can reach our guest Sheri at
    email: msmahnke@rogers.com
    tiktok: @madeformore1111 (her two cup method is pinned)

    Contact the Host
    Tonya De'laine
    tikok: @yogitonya

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoulShackSistersPodcast

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    56 mins
  • The Break up to WAKE UP
    Mar 1 2022

    If you are feeling like your world is crumbling and you are falling apart into tiny little pieces, don't give up BUCKLE UP!  It's in the darkness that we find the light.  It's in the ugly that we find beauty.  It's in the PAIN that we find JOY and it's in our weakness that we are able to find Strength.  
    Don't give up before the Miracle Happens!  


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    24 mins