• 81. The Fall: Something is Off... But What?
    Aug 13 2024

    Ever feel like something is off, but you're not sure what?

    Like everything in life seems to be going well, and there's really no reason why you should be feeling this way, but it's nagging.

    You should be grateful for your life, but you just can't shake the feeling that something isn't right.

    This is an awkward fall, because you didn't trip or slip. Nothing bad happened to you. Nobody pushed you down. You just simply want to crumple to the ground where you are and voluntarily fall down.

    Join us in this episode of Shattered to Unbreakable as we dissect those moments when everything seems to be as it should, but it really feels like something's not right.

    You might feel like you should be grateful, like you should stop complaining, or just play dazed and confused. What you really need is time to sit in this space and figure out what is left to discover about yourself that you don't know yet.

    This could be your greatest moment.

    Instead of pushing these uncomfortable feelings aside and burying them deep inside, you sit here and feel it.

    This will lead you to a path of immense self-discovery and a complete leveling up in your life.

    But if you don't... if you satiate with distractions, push it away, ignore it, or pretend it doesn't exist... it will lead you to a depressing place of quiet desperation and silent suffering that it will be hard to escape from, and will infiltrate every part of your life, relationships, spirituality and health.

    Listen in and take these three helpful tips on how to get through those uncomfortable moments by exploring the new message that will have you living on a whole new level!

    Stay Sparkly, Sweet Sisters!


    • Feeling like something is wrong, even when everything seems fine, is a sign of growth and self-discovery.
    • It is important to embrace the discomfort and explore the misalignment in your life.
    • Sitting in the uncomfortable space and doing the next right thing can lead to personal growth and a sense of purpose.
    • After achieving goals, there may be a sense of emptiness due to the absence of dopamine. It is important to set new goals and continue growing.
    • Aligning your actions with your beliefs and finding joy in what brings you happiness can lead to a more fulfilling life.


    00:00 The Unsettling Feeling of Something Being Wrong

    02:22 Embracing Discomfort and Exploring Misalignment

    06:36 Sitting in the Uncomfortable Space

    09:11 The Importance of Doing the Next Right Thing

    15:12 Navigating the Dopamine Dumps After Achieving Goals

    18:19 Aligning Actions with Beliefs and Finding Joy

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    20 mins
  • 80. The Fall: After Loss of Life
    Aug 6 2024


    The contents of this episode contains painful and heavy language and topics. Please listen with caution if you are in a vulnerable state of mind and consult a mental health professional for help.

    In this episode, we discuss the heavy topics of loss and grief, specifically focusing on miscarriage, the loss of a loved one, and death by suicide. I share my personal experience of having a miscarriage and the complex emotions that come with it as well as the loss of someone dear to me, and my struggles with suicidal ideation.

    We address the stages of grief and the importance of allowing oneself to feel and process each stage. And of course, I am always an advocate of the need to be gentle with yourself and seek support during the grieving process.

    Stay Sparkly, Sweet Sister.


    • Loss and grief are complex emotions that require time and space to process.
    • The stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance) may not occur in a linear order and can be experienced multiple times.
    • It is important to allow oneself to feel and express emotions during the grieving process.
    • Seeking support, whether through therapy or counseling, can be helpful in navigating the grieving process.
    • Prayer and faith can provide comfort and healing during times of loss and grief.


    00:00 Loss and Grief: Miscarriage

    09:33 Loss and Grief: Losing a Loved One

    13:25 The Stages of Grief

    19:48 Finding Healing and Purpose in Loss

    21:17 Faith and Comfort in Times of Grief

    24:42 Navigating the Grieving Process

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    25 mins
  • 79. The Fall: Life After Addiction w/ guest Stephanie Larsen
    Jul 30 2024


    Stephanie Larsen shares her journey of overcoming addiction and finding healing through her faith in Jesus. Growing up in a dysfunctional home, Stephanie experienced drug addiction, abuse, and a miscarriage. She found herself in and out of jail, but it was during her time behind bars that she encountered God and gave her life to Him. Stephanie emphasizes the importance of removing toxic relationships and surrounding oneself with a supportive community. She also highlights the transformative power of diving deep into a relationship with Jesus and finding fulfillment and healing through Him.

    Follow her on Instagram @live_strong2123

    Stay Sparkly, Sweet Sisters


    • Addiction can be overcome with the help of Jesus and a supportive community.
    • Removing toxic relationships is crucial for healing and growth.
    • Diving deep into a relationship with Jesus can bring fulfillment and transformation.
    • God is present even in the darkest places, such as jail, and can work miracles.
    • Finding healthy connections and relationships is essential for recovery and rebuilding one's life.


    00:00 Introduction and Guest Introduction

    01:06 Background and Childhood

    03:13 Drug Addiction and Toxic Relationships

    05:11 Encounters with God in Jail

    08:15 Giving Life to the Lord and Healing

    12:07 Rebuilding Life and Creating Healthy Connections

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    25 mins
  • 78. The Fall: Life After Divorce w/ guest Dana Ashford
    Jul 23 2024

    Hey everyone! In this episode of Shattered to Unbreakable, I chat with the amazing Dana Ashford about the ups and downs of life after divorce. We dive deep into the process of recovering from it and how crucial it is to build your self-worth and self-efficacy during this challenging time.

    Dana opens up about her own experience of going through the fall, sharing the raw emotions and thoughts that accompanied it. We talk about the importance of self-care and self-acceptance, emphasizing that healing is a journey that takes time. One key point we discuss is how active listening and emotional inclusivity can be powerful tools when supporting someone who’s going through a tough time.

    We also highlight the importance of perspective-taking and understanding that everyone’s healing process is unique. The conversation focuses on self-love, self-acceptance, and self-observation, encouraging you to take accountability for your wounds and work on healing them. Throughout the episode, we stress the need to be brave, courageous, and resilient.

    Dana and I remind you to embrace your uniqueness and practice active listening to foster emotional inclusivity. This episode is packed with insights and advice for anyone going through a divorce or supporting someone who is. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the healing journey and how to rise stronger from it.

    Stay Sparkly, Sweet Sisters!


    - Building self-efficacy and self-worth is crucial during the fall of life after divorce.

    - Self-care involves being accountable to yourself and accepting where you are in your journey.

    - Active listening and emotional inclusivity are essential when supporting someone going through a difficult time.

    - Perspective-taking helps in understanding and validating the experiences of others.

    - The healing process after divorce takes time and there is no set timeline for recovery.

    - Healing after a divorce requires self-love, self-acceptance, and self-observation.

    - Taking accountability for one's wounds and working on healing them is crucial.

    - Being brave, courageous, and resilient is essential during the healing process.

    - Embracing one's uniqueness and practicing active listening fosters emotional inclusivity.

    - Supporting those going through a healing journey requires empathy and understanding.

    Join us for an empowering conversation that will leave you feeling ready to tackle your healing journey with courage and self-love.


    00:00 Introduction and Overview

    02:59 The Fall of Life After Divorce

    09:29 Emotions and Self-Awareness During the Fall

    13:25 Practicing Self-Care and Self-Acceptance

    19:16 Active Listening and Emotional Inclusivity

    22:57 Perspective-Taking and Healing Process

    25:23 Taking Accountability for Healing Wounds

    31:13 Embracing Self-Love and Self-Acceptance

    35:39 Embracing Uniqueness and Practicing Active Listening

    39:49 Supporting Others on Their Healing Journey

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    48 mins
  • 77. The Fall: After a Breakup w/ Relationship Coach Bre Wolta
    Jul 16 2024

    Hey everyone! In this episode of Shattered to Unbreakable, I had an insightful chat with relationship coach Bre Wolta about navigating life after a breakup. We dive into the whirlwind of emotions and fears that often accompany a breakup, and we touch on the unpredictable nature of grief. Bre and I discuss how crucial it is to regulate your nervous system and rediscover your identity during this time.

    Bre shares some fantastic advice on setting boundaries and the importance of clearing out physical and digital reminders of your ex.

    We offer practical steps for moving forward, like making a list of what wasn’t working in the relationship and reflecting on the masks you wore.

    We also highlight tapping as a tool for emotional regulation and stress the importance of self-compassion and seeking support.

    We wrap up with a reminder to stay true to yourself and steer clear of negative social media temptations. This episode is packed with strategies to help you heal and find your path forward.

    Stay Sparkly Sweet Sisters!


    • Breakups are never easy and it's normal to feel a range of emotions, including sadness, relief, guilt, and fear.
    • Grief is unpredictable and uncontrollable, and it's important to meet each emotion with compassion and allow it to process.
    • Regulating the nervous system is crucial after a breakup, and physical and digital decluttering can help create a sense of control.
    • Setting boundaries is essential to protect both parties from unnecessary pain and resentment.
    • Finding one's identity after a breakup is a process that requires self-exploration and rediscovering personal preferences and interests. Remove reminders of the ex from your immediate environment
    • Make a list of what wasn't working in the relationship
    • Reflect on who you were in the relationship and what masks you wore
    • Use tapping as a tool for regulating emotions
    • Give yourself compassion and seek support
    • Stay true to yourself and avoid negative social media behavior


    00:00 Introduction and Welcome

    03:30 Normalizing the Grief Process

    08:02 Regulating the Nervous System

    10:54 Setting Boundaries

    15:35 Finding Your Identity

    19:50 Introduction and Importance of Removing Reminders

    25:28 Emotional Regulation: The Power of Tapping

    27:47 Compassion and Support in the Healing Process

    30:36 Staying True to Yourself and Avoiding Negative Social Media Behavior

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    39 mins
  • 76. Season 4 Opener: The Fall: When Your Body Fails
    Jul 9 2024

    In this episode of Shattered to Unbreakable, we step into Season 4 of the Reclaim Podcast with a theme of "The Fall." This theme is considering all of the ways in life that we fall and how those who have healed were able to pick themselves up and carry on. In this episode, Amanda Wooten shares with us how what she thought was a broken bone turned into years of battling with cancer, multiple surgeries, pill addiction and finally amputation. Amanda's story is inspirational! Starting at 15 years old, she broke her leg playing basketball and when she went in for treatment she found out that she had osteosarcoma, bone cancer, in her leg. After chemotherapy treatments and many hard nights with surgeries and sickness, she beat cancer and was declared cancer free. In the years to come she would have 9 surgeries over the course of 7 years, finally leading her to decide to amputate the leg. Join us as she shares what got her through the hardest times, and how she has learned to thrive despite her pain and trauma from her experiences by keeping a positive mindset, and reaching out for help. She was able to prioritize her family, which gave her strength for the journey and you don't want to miss this story. If you have health struggles, or know someone who does, please share this with them. You can follow Amanda on Facebook to see more about her story and pictures of her success! Stay Sparkly Sweet Sisters!

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    28 mins
  • 75. Season 3 Closer: Your Dream Life Exposed
    May 14 2024

    In this season closer of Shattered to Unbreakable, I share my decision to take a six-week break due to the intense workload of my psychology online degree program.

    Before the hiatus, I delve into the concept of defining your dream life and its alignment with personal values. Using my "dump and bump" strategy, I encourage listeners to brain dump their dream life aspirations and then analyze their origin to ensure alignment with their authentic selves.

    Join me on this introspective journey as we uncover what truly drives our desires and aspirations. Stay tuned for the return in June, and until then, keep shining bright!

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    12 mins
  • 74. AWHONN Presentation for Nurses: Spark the Fire Within
    May 7 2024

    Hey everyone, I'm Brandi, and I recently had the pleasure of speaking with the amazing nurses from AWHONN about a topic close to my heart: connecting with our inner 5-year-old selves. You know, that fearless little dynamo who believed she could conquer the world? Yeah, that one! In our talk, we delved into the power of aligning our habits and self-talk with that spirited inner child. I shared some practical tools to help these incredible nurses not just manage stress, but conquer it like the superheroes they are. We talked about how controlling our environment can play a huge role in keeping stress at bay. From setting boundaries to creating calming spaces, it's all about giving ourselves the support we need to thrive. But it's not just about managing stress; it's also about being kinder to ourselves. We explored ways to nurture our inner child, to speak to ourselves with the same compassion and encouragement that we would offer to that 5-year-old version of ourselves. Because here's the thing: that inner child is still there, cheering us on, believing in our limitless potential. And when we tap into that energy, there's nothing we can't accomplish. So, to all the nurses out there (and everyone else watching), I encourage you to embrace your inner 5-year-old. Believe in yourself, take care of yourself, and remember that you have everything it takes to conquer the world. You've got this! Until next time, Stay Sparkly Sweet Sisters! For more information and resources please visit www.TheReclaimStrategy.com and listen to the podcast Shattered to Unbreakable

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    46 mins