
  • Can't Forget About the Ladies
    Jan 29 2025

    While the majority of our content related to women’s bodies has been focused on all the areas below the navel, today’s content is all about the “ladies." Breasts, while they have the functional use of producing breast milk, are also another sensual organ.

    During this episode, we break down the anatomy of breasts and why each person's breast feels uniquely different. With deep complexity of nerve innervations, muscular involvement, and much more, the breasts play a major impact on feeding another generation but can also play a huge part in our sexual health.

    Research shows that involvement of the breasts is linked to a heightened sexual experience and arousal. At the same time, individuals that have had breast surgeries, or those that have had mastectomies have reported decreased sexual satisfaction. And we also share research acknowledging those who have suffered from breast cancer and the complexities that come with those diagnoses and treatment decisions.

    Also, with the very popular boob job or breast augmentation, we’ll break down what the research says about sex after this surgery and how someone's sexual experience may be impacted.

    We hope you enjoy today’s content and learning more about our “lovely little lumps,” as the Black Eyed Peas would say.


    As we mention at the beginning of the podcast, we are going to be opening our FIRST EVER Q&A forum in anticipation of celebrating one year of the podcast! 🎉

    The link below can take listeners to a website to anonymously post questions which we will answer with our one year celebration episode in April. There are no questions off-limits. We will plan to keep this link open until March.

    Listeners will then be prompted to copy and paste a separate link to enter their email for a giveaway basket. This will be shipped to your personal address and include a variety of Maddie and Larisa’s favorite sexual health goodies. ❤️


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    28 mins
  • Menopause: Your (Hormone) World Upside Down
    Jan 13 2025

    Today's episode covers Maddie's absolutely favorite topic in women's health: Menopause. As women, we spend SO MUCH of our life in menopause. It's our goal to help women not look at menopause as something they have to "suffer through."

    Maddie will help break down the hormonal and physiologic changes that occur both before and during menopause. She helps to explain why certain individuals' symptoms may be more severe than others as well.

    We also review different evidence-based treatment options (both that require medication and that don't) and we cover how our sex life is still a critical component to our overall health and helping solve this solution in menopause is closely related to our plummeting hormones.

    We can't wait for you to listen to one of our favorite topics as we begin with our first episode of 2025! Cheers!

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    49 mins
  • Male Sexual Health: An Interview with Nate Bryant, APRN (PART 2)
    Dec 30 2024

    Part 2 is here! 🎉

    We've got a special guest episode for you this week. We are finishing our conversation about all things MALE sexual health with Nate Bryant, a nurse practitioner that specializes in male sexual health and currently works in a urology office.

    Our conversation includes how women can support their male partners that may be experiencing sexual dysfunctions, better understanding the male perspective and their experiences versus our own. Nate discusses what it can feel like to be "less of a man" and also how he has seen partners be supportive and how this care and concern for your partner can improve both people's sex lives when they're both invested.

    Nate discusses different diagnoses as well as treatment options, which (spoiler) there are SO MANY MORE OPTIONS FOR MEN! While we didn't necessarily find this surprising, we found it interesting how much research and treatment options are available for men.

    We found this topic so interesting and we hope you find it as engaging as we did. We've even decided to break this episode into two parts because the information was SO rich and SO informative!

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    34 mins
  • Male Sexual Health: An Interview with Nate Bryant, APRN (PART 1)
    Dec 16 2024

    We've got a special guest episode for you this week. We are talking all things MALE sexual health with Nate Bryant, a nurse practitioner that specializes in male sexual health and currently works in a urology office.

    Our conversation includes how women can support their male partners that may be experiencing sexual dysfunctions, better understanding the male perspective and their experiences versus our own. Nate discusses what it can feel like to be "less of a man" and also how he has seen partners be supportive and how this care and concern for your partner can improve both people's sex lives when they're both invested.

    Nate discusses different diagnoses as well as treatment options, which (spoiler) there are SO MANY MORE OPTIONS FOR MEN! While we didn't necessarily find this surprising, we found it interesting how much research and treatment options are available for men.

    We found this topic so interesting and we hope you find it as engaging as we did. We've even decided to break this episode into two parts because the information was SO rich and SO informative!

    Enjoy Part 1 and look out for Part 2 shortly!

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    51 mins
  • Cunnilingus & Fellatio, Let Us Explain...
    Nov 26 2024

    Yes, oral sex IS sex. Is it safer? Not necessarily. Does it keep you from getting pregnant? Sure. Can it be a great tool in your tool box for pleasure? Absolutely.

    We explore all things oral sex in today's episode. Our discussion includes anatomy, considerations for giving and receiving oral sex, and ways to incorporate this into your sexual “repertoire."

    You'll be encouraged to consider using things like rhythm, variation, and recognize that one interaction to the next may look different with the same or different partner.

    Lastly, we’ll break down what research says about men's vs. women's perspectives on oral sex and who is really giving more oral sex, which may surprise you!

    Cover those little ears and enjoy another one of our favorite sex topics!

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    33 mins
  • Birth Control & Libido
    Nov 11 2024

    Birth control is used by many individuals for prevention of pregnancy, but also to help control their bleeding month-to-month. One of the most commonly used types of birth controls are pills, also referred to as oral contraceptives (OCPs).

    Our episode today focuses on a specific side effect often reported for individuals on OCPs: low libido or low sex drive. We unpack the science behind why certain individuals may experience low libido on OCPs and while others may not. We also break down studies that reflect the percentage of patients that experience these symptoms as well as which OCPs are more generally linked to low libido. Additionally, we comment on a published article that discusses other birth control options that may have a positive effect on libido.

    We value the ability to prescribe our patients birth control, and we use this as a tool in our toolbox when we’re seeing patients in our office. It is SO important, though, to discuss the possible side effects of each medication we offer patients, such as birth control. Individuals should know what side effects they may experience and then decide if that option is still best for them.

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    24 mins
  • “Help, I Can’t Orgasm!”
    Oct 29 2024

    We’ve covered almost all the different disorders under the umbrella of sexual dysfunction. Today, we’ll be covering anorgasmia, which is the delay, absence, or reduced intensity of orgasmic sensations.

    As you've likely heard in previous conversations, most sexual dysfunctions are interconnected and often one leads to another. It's important to consider other medical diagnoses that could impact someone’s sexual health as well. While our sexual health can improve our day to day and overall well being, there may be other dynamics at play that may prevent someone from achieving a consistent orgasm and other risk factors that may aggravate this.

    Today, we're sharing studies that show improved outcomes for those with an orgasmic disorder with different interventions such as the use of a vibrator, and we’ll also explore other treatment options that may be better for others.

    If you haven’t listened to our episodes on Vibrators, Masturbation, or Orgasm, you may hear us refer back to some of the information discussed in these episodes. Check them out!

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    33 mins
  • Lube Up: Everything You Need to Know About Lubricant
    Sep 30 2024

    When you search online or walk down a store and find yourself in the lube aisle, it can be overwhelming knowing which kind is the best for YOU. Our episode today focuses on the different types of lubricants and why some may be better for your lifestyle or sexual health. We talk through common lubricants like silicone and water-based plus “natural” lubricants like coconut oil and saliva, including the pros and cons. We even include a list of our personal favorites!

    Plus, if you’re not someone who regularly uses lubricant, we’ve included a couple of studies describing why the use of lubricant in general may be positive. Lubricants, both with partners or without, are another tool in our tool box for improving our own sexual health journeys.

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    25 mins