• fuck with yourself so hard that even when other people don't fuck with you, you know you fuck with you
    Dec 13 2024

    I got this from Latto from Rhythm and Flow, this was what she was saying a lot, and damn did it resonate so much!

    This is just one of the many nuggets I got from the show. I loved it so much, I resonated with it so much, I learned so much, and I'm applying so much to my life that I HAD to share what I learned.

    Listen for five nuggets that you can use in your life RIGHT NOW and watch your life change.

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    14 mins
  • You're not toxic, you're just traumatized
    Nov 12 2024

    I've got so much to say about this, but here's 9 minutes of it for you!

    You're not toxic, you're just traumatized.

    You don't have a problem, just a pattern.

    When you see things about you as a "problem", it's less likely that you'll feel empowered to change. You're more likely to choose to believe that it's "just who you are".

    When you see it as just a pattern, you're more likely to believe that you can just change this pattern.

    There is nothing wrong with you. And whenever you're ready to make the choice, you can reintroduce whatever pattern you want into your life and start cultivating the results you desire!

    Sending so much love <3

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    9 mins
  • if you struggle with feeling uncomfortable feelings, this one is for you!
    Sep 6 2024

    humans are mostly afraid of their own feelings. period.

    there's so much to say around this topic but at the end of the day, if someone wants to continuously be stuck in the same cycle and not want to change, then that's the way it's going to be.

    BUT, my hope is for those who's sick and tired of feeling sick and tired of being in the same vicious cycles, bringing up the same vicious pain... who WANT to find ways OUT of living the insane cycles of suffering, to hear this one out!

    Feelings are not meant to cripple you out of living your dream life, your passion, connecting with others. That's not what they're meant to do. They're meant to teach you what still lives within you that ultimately needs attentions. They are not meant to hinder you, they are a part of you and they deserve to be felt.

    And when we do give these feelings the attention and love they want and deserve, they actually don't rule our lives and cause us to suffer anymore. It's a beautiful healing process anyone can commit to.

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    10 mins
  • if you believe a mistake defines you, you are mistaken :)
    Aug 30 2024

    Seriously, this is no way to live! Making mistakes are normal, and when you do, you don't have the spend the rest of the day, week, month, your whole life wondering if anyone else noticed your mistake and that they're thinking "this" "that" or "the other" about you!

    You don't have to go through your days wondering if you're going to "be exposed", or "found out that you don't know shit."

    Your worth is never dependent on your mistakes/failures. EVER.
    As much as your EGO wants you to believe that, it all depends on what you do and how you feel about yourself FOLLOWING a mistake.

    Is there a way for you to become grounded and rooted in your POWER and CONFIDENCE AFTER you've made a mistake? YEP! Watch how you begin to show up differently too :) It's SWEEEEET.

    Reminder: You're allowed to fuck up and get the fuck back up all in a minute without relishing in the fear that others are judging you. :)

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    12 mins
  • look at you comparing yourself to others again... listen for REMEDIES :)
    Aug 23 2024

    Hey beautiful people! I loved talking about this, I went IN because I've had to privilege to look at my own little green monster. I've learned to see this little monster in such a new light, and whereas it used to rule my life and it used to alter my mood constantly, it's used to put me in SUCH depressive moods, I can safely say that I've formed a better relationship with this little monster.

    It doesn't affect me as it used to, although I cannot say that the little monster no longer exists. Here's the thing, if feeling jealous and envious of someone has been a thing for you or if it's still a thing, understand one thing - it will always be there. It'll come up when you least expect it, so don't try to eliminate it. Don't try to hate it away, don't feel ashamed, don't feel guilty.

    Instead, try understanding WHY it exists within you. It doesn't stop here.

    Next, you get to learn how to put your focus back on YOU, and ALL YOUR MAGIC. Just because it's naturally for us to compare, it doesn't mean that we get to feel debilitated from it.. We get to love that part of us that wants to compare and then we get to LOOK AT OUR POWER. We get to focus on US. We get to look at how AWESOME we are with all our special skills and passions and all the beautiful things about us that we forget when we try to compare ourselves with someone else.

    It's a beautiful journey, and when you've tapped back into yourself, watch how the need to compare just... disappears. :)

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    15 mins
  • are you your biggest cheerleader?
    Aug 16 2024

    DISCLAIMER - This episode is definitely not meant to promote being your biggest cheerleader so that you can resent others as you DO IT ALL BY YOURSELF. You can be your BIGGEST cheerleader AND be surrounded many other LOVING cheerleaders <3

    Everyone gets to be their biggest cheerleader! Are you yours?

    It's to remind you all the BEAUTIFUL and HEALTHY things that can sprout when you do have your back and you fully trust yourself!

    It's also to let you know all the UNHEALTHY things that will be shed from your life. These are things that you KNOW you don't deserve, and instead of being stuck in a viscous cycle of these things in your life, you'll see the importance of learning to be your BIGGEST cheerleader! To FULLY trust in yourself!

    This is such an empowering episode! I hope you enjoy <3

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    10 mins
  • don't try to be fearless, it doesn't work that way
    Aug 8 2024

    I hate to break it to you (but I will because I love you)... because I was at a point in my life where I thought the ultimate goal was to be someone who would NEVER have ANY fears come up for her anymore. LOL. I really thought it was possible.

    I've since learned that the goal is to be FEARLESS, but to HAVE FEARS, AND GO AFTER THE DAMN THING ANYWAY!

    This is the best description of being BRAVE, of being COURAGEOUS. And it's the best way to show that you TRUST YOURSELF.

    Don't try to be fearless, try to be fearful AND courageous! Show me what you got!

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    11 mins
  • Why Are You Doing Everything By Yourself?
    Jul 30 2024

    "Cause I can't trust nobody. Nobody will understand me. I'll just be let down. People will think I'm not as strong as I portray myself."

    I get that you think it's just gonna be easier if you don't ask for help, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU FEEL SUPPPPPERRRR LOW. I get it I get it! If you were to tell me I've gotta ask for help when I feel low, it's like pulling out my teeth. So I hear ya, I get it!

    I've realized recently that I asking for help and support actually lightens the load I'm carrying MUCH QUICKER. If I'm worried that people will judge me for "going through the dumps", I gotta remember that those who judge me are actually only judging themselves. It's got nothing to do with me. And also, I can't be judged for being Human. I promise you there are many individuals out there who've been through the pain you're going through, and since they remember how much it hurt, they'll WANT to be there for you. They'll remember how it felt when they went through it, and remember that all they really needed was for someone to SEE, HEAR & UNDERSTAND THEM.

    Go ask for support and get back on your feet quicker than if you were to have to do it all on your own. You don't have to anymore :) <3

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    7 mins