• 10: How to Announce Your Thing
    Dec 9 2022

    It's hard to know what to do about announcements these days and it often becomes a PR problem as companies and organizations rely on press releases and pounding the pavement on media relations to get results.

    In this episode, I dive deep into announcements, what to do to prepare for them, how to pull them off, and what works. It's a practical exploration of getting the most bang out of announcements as you can.

    I also go into various announcement tactics like press events, SMTs, and--of course, press releases. 

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    46 mins
  • 9: What’s Your 100 Year Plan?
    Dec 2 2022

    Beyond your own legacy, what’s the impact you’re after? 

    What if we considered time beyond ourselves, into the 100 years that frames our life in both directions? From the cultural context that shaped you, to the society that will exist in 100 years that you’re participating in right now? Given that, what’s your purpose for being here?

    We’re at a critical juncture. This is a very transformational time in history, with forces at play that we have never experienced before under any generation, and our very existence may be at stake. We have major problems right now across all levels of society, and they are very deep, entrenched and difficult to solve. Governments can’t do it, businesses have to rise up and lead the way. As business leaders, it’s our job to identify the problem we can solve, and go out and do it on purpose.

    We have the tools and technology to course correct - it’s all in the doing. We have the capability to transform humanity into a better version of ourselves and to do so while still having a thriving lifestyle.

    In this podcast, I discuss the value of hacking your purpose in time, by seeing the value of your actions through a generational lens. If we as business leaders are focused on generational thinking, what dreams may come, what are we capable of? Watch the innovation that comes out of this level of thinking.

    What is your vision for the future? 

    What do you believe in? 

    What world do you want to create? 

    What does the society you want to contribute to value in 100 years? 

    What do you want the world to look like in 100 years? 


    What impact are you trying to make? 

    What does it contribute to society In a bigger way? 

    What is the long-term impact of what you are doing? 

    What value do I bring to society? 

    What movement to you want to be part of? 

    What are you trying to propel in the world? 

    Who are the key players?  

    What am I putting out there for generations to come? 

    What movement am I helping to perpetuate in 100 years? 

    How are you contributing to it? 

    What is your role in it? 

    What are you doing? 

    How are you meaningfully able to contribute to that future? 

    How will what you’re doing now feed into generations to come? 

    What have I accomplished that will set the pace for the next generation? 


    Do you have an answer for that? 


    This podcast was inspired by:  


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    41 mins
  • 8: Let’s Be Honest About Gratitude
    Nov 18 2022

    People talk a lot about gratitude, especially this time of year. The extremely complex sentiment of gratitude is now ubiquitous. Gratitude often reads as insincere, surface-level platitudes—watch your social media feed this week.

    The problem is, when we express gratitude from this passive place of autopilot, we lose connection with the incredible meaning and power it can bring to our lives.  

    Genuine expressions of gratitude are dynamic actions, not passive statements. When we connect with our gratitude as an active force, it becomes an honoring, disciplined and strategic practice. It demands self-reflection, giving us context for who we are and the life we’re living, keeping us accountable as we acknowledge our role in it all. It offers clarity and builds momentum, keeping us in touch and aligned with our deeper reasons and vision. We’re humbled and empowered at once.   

    In this episode, I unpack how to take gratitude from passive to active, so its benefits truly start to manifest in your life. 

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    51 mins
  • 7: You Have an Audience of One
    Nov 4 2022

    Every business leader needs to understand their unique target audience intimately. Let’s face it, we all want to be understood. It’s the foundation of every connection. 

    Typically, client discovery is through the limited lens of market research data which only produces generalized ideas, resulting in mass-produced messaging and superficial connections with a customer base. 

    In this episode, I unpack how understanding your ideal audience on an individual level allows you to communicate in a way that resonates specifically with them so that they can connect deeply with your offering. 

    I guide you through an exercise to understand your perfect customer psychologically and emotionally and, ultimately, to fine-tune your direct value to them. From this framework, I teach you how to create elevated messaging around your appeal that transcends to attract all the right people.

    Show your client you understand them. 


    • Who is your ideal audience? 
    • Imagine that your audience is one person - a single individual rather than a group. If your audience was an audience of one, who would that person be?
    • Why are they your ideal? Why do you like working with them? What are the fundamental traits and qualities they have? 
    • Where did they come from, where are they now, and where are they aiming to go?
    • What is most important to them? What are their ideals?
    • What are their obstacles - traps, temptations, fears?
    • What is their core desire?
    • What drives them? What is their purpose, their motivation?
    • What is their biggest problem, and how does it relate to the problem you solve? How can you help with their challenges and lift them up?
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    48 mins
  • 6: The Truth About SEO
    Oct 28 2022

    SEO is thrown around the business world like it is some mystical art--or worst like it's special seasoning with a secret recipe.

    Let's sit down and explore what SEO is, what it's not, and why it's important--but from a business leader's point of view. We want to provide context for when these three letters are batted around a boardroom or Zoom call.

    We'll unpack the principles of SEO, what goes into a good SEO strategy, and why most things people call SEO really aren't.

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    49 mins
  • 5: Why Gen Z is the Only Generation We Should Be Watching
    Oct 21 2022

    If you are focused on any generation other than Z your business may be antiquated--or it soon will be.

    In this episode, I explore generation marketing and advise on how to make it useful rather than fall into assumption traps. We go into each generation and their environmental situation and general outlook as a result of that.

    Then we unpack the significance of Gen Z, why they are significant, and what we need to learn from them.

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    59 mins
  • 4: The Business Leader Hero's Journey
    Oct 14 2022

    The power of storytelling can be used to create your business story. Doing so crystallizes your purpose, your vision, and even what your business goals, metrics, and outcomes need to be. 

    I'll walk you through an exercise where we apply the concepts of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey model to your own journey.

    We'll go through each of these questions, what they mean, and what the answers will do for you.

    • What is the current state of your industry or situation? What does your audience/industry put up with that they resign to as being normal?
    • What can you do to change this situation, so it is better for everyone? Why you?
    • What is in the way of you moving forward on that?
    • Who do you admire that changed something in the way you want to? What can you learn from them?
    • What is the first thing you need to do, the one tangible step you need to take to make that change?
    • Why will people reject this? Why will that not want you to succeed?
    • Why will other people be attracted to this? Why will they become your supporters?
    • What must you defeat to change the way things are?
    • What is your tool or weapon? How will you do it?
    • What will you become after you've changed the way things are?
    • What does your podcast look like now that you've done this?
    • How will you have changed?
    • What is your secret that you will share to empower others?
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    53 mins
  • 3: The Secret to a Successful Media Strategy
    Oct 7 2022

    Public Relations is broken.

    Professionals are using antiquated approaches, and it isn't working. Journalists and publications are refusing to participate in brand communications, third-party endorsements are decreasing in value among the public, and agencies are bleeding dry trying to drive media relations.

    I do not spend this episode trashing public relations. But I do spend a lot of time exploring why PR is not working like it used to. Exposing the raw truth behind what is going on out there.

    Most importantly, I talk about what brands can do about this. A more timeless way to approach PR that helps reporters with what they need and creates effective programs audiences are interested in.

    In short, we talk about how to stop chasing media and start attracting it.

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    54 mins