• Dementia Care: It Takes a Village
    Sep 23 2024

    Hello Care Partners,

    What if you could use a village of experts to help you and your family navigate your loved one's journey with brain failure?

    Whatever the diagnosis, this ever-changing condition will require more help.

    What if you could bring together a team of compassionate care partners who are focused on providing better care for you? Listen to the description of the client we will discuss, and then get your paper and pen out to take down the excellent advice that each of these professionals will share with us. I have questions, and you will too.

    Be sure to listen to the end to learn how you can contact each of these seasoned educators to assist you on your journey.

    Dr. Cindy Keehn Engaging Dementia Effectively www.engagingdementiaeffectively.com

    Jane Jarman Dementia Connections LLC dementiaconnections@gmail.com www.dementiaconnectionsllc.com

    Missy Harden Know I Care Dementia Care Consulting www.DowdaSeniorConsultants.com

    Thanks again to these amazing Ladies and all they do to serve families across the states!

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    33 mins
  • Dr. Steve King, Dementia Prevention and Chiropractic Care
    Sep 23 2024

    Hello Care Partners,

    Today we are discussing Dementia Prevention with Guest Speaker Dr. Steve W. King of Mt. Lookout Chiropractic in Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Steve graduated cum laude from Life Chiropractic College. He treats a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions and sports injuries. He works with many professional athletes and amateur sports enthusiasts to treat and prevent injury, as well as enhance performance.

    Dr. Steve King has an extensive post-graduate education in chiropractic, and he has a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition. His comprehensive approach includes state-of-the-art chiropractic care, targeted nutrition protocols, and exercise recommendations.

    Dr. Steve holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Florida. Prior to his chiropractic career, Dr. Steve worked as a space shuttle engineer at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

    It was interesting to learn how Chiropractic care is so much more than treatment of the Musculoskeletal System of the body. There are multiple Neurodegenerative Diseases that can benefit from regular Chiropractic Care in addition to diseases that can be prevented.

    Join us to learn about how much the environment, nutrition, and even sunlight can affect your health and wellbeing.

    Mt. Lookout Chiropractic

    Phone (513) 321-8484

    Fax (513) 321-3676

    455 Delta Avenue, Suite 1Cincinnati, OH 45226

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    25 mins
  • Dementia: So RUDE!
    Sep 23 2024

    Hello Care Partners,

    Caring for someone with dementia can be one of the most challenging things that you‘ll ever do.

    Doing it wrong, can be even more challenging.

    At A Better Approach To Memory Care, we strive to bring you ideas, techniques, and answers about WHY they do what they do and how we can understand them better.

    When you run into a loved one or a resident that seems to be so rude, I really want you to hit the pause button and spend some time being a great detective instead of a judge and see if we can figure out what’s going on.

    There are lots of reasons why they could be angry.

    We’ll talk today about several of those reasons, including pain, fear, and anxiety.

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    25 mins
  • Hand Under Hand from Teepa Snow
    Sep 23 2024

    Hello Care Partners,

    Today we will look at why some people living with brain failure seem to stop eating or stop using their fork, and resort to using their hands to eat. We will discuss our skill fingers and strength fingers the how we frequently lose skill fingers We want to start feeding them but sometimes there is resistance and we end up chasing them with the spoon or trying to pry their mouths open. YIKES!

    Teepa Snow, the Founder of Positive Approach to Care, developed a revolutionary technique Hand Under Hand. This will help you with their nutrition needs but it can also provide a great boundary for the carepartner when the person living with Dementia is experiencing a lot of seeking and touching needs.

    Enjoy the videos created by PAC and Teepa Snow, an internationally recognized speaker, Teepa Snow is one of the world’s leading advocates and educators for anyone living with dementia or other forms of brain change. An Occupational Therapist with over forty years of rich and varied clinical and academic experience, her philosophy is reflective of her education, work experience, medical research, and first hand caregiving experiences.

    Her advocacy efforts led her to the development of the GEMS® State Model for understanding the progression of dementia and changes in abilities. She also created the Positive Approach to Care® training strategies, which are effective techniques for anyone seeking to optimize care and support for those living with brain change.

    Her user-friendly approaches provide guidance and leadership to national efforts to promote best practices in care. Teepa’s company, Positive Approach to Care (PAC), was founded in 2006 and is now collaborating to improve dementia care worldwide.

    PAC provides online and in-person services, training, and products to professionals, family members, the lay public, and people living with brain change. Teepa presents with extraordinary expertise and humor to audiences large and small throughout the world.

    Please join in her mission to improve the culture of dementia care, one mind at a time.

    Contact Teepa:,www.teepasnow.com



    Here is the Link to our December Bonus Page 👉 https://bit.ly/4a93oRg

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    34 mins
  • Happy Holidays with Dementia
    Sep 23 2024

    Hello Care Partners,

    Celebrating family events gets more difficult as our person living with Dementia declines. Challenges like over stimulation or sheltering them from everything can both cause problems. Personalized care is important and we need to recognize this chronic debilitating disease is unpredictable and will affect your loved one in a different way than it does mine.

    There can also be a more activities during the holidays than are reasonable. For example, parties, shopping, baking, cleaning and decorating not to mention the added expenses. Yikes!! Frequently we have unrealistic expectations for ourselves and our person living with Dementia.

    Let's consider whose needs are really being served by these traditions.

    What do I really want or need?

    What does the Person Living with Dementia (PLwD) want or need?

    Should the goal be to just ENDURE the Holidays?? I vote NO! Let's think outside the box.

    What can we change to serve both of our needs? How can we choose wisely: Let's have a family meeting if there are other decision makers involved.

    1.Call a family meeting to discuss which traditions are a must or what is open to change.

    2. Do you include the PLwD in the meeting? That depends on their awareness.

    3. Consider what we are willing to give up.

    4. Ask for Help! Let go of your ego and save yourself.

    5. At large events, assign a person to be one on one with your PLwD and tend to their needs. They can give them insight and serve them quickly before they get agitated.

    6. They can also recognize when this person needs to leave the room with all the activity for a time out, potty break, snack or something else. Preventing a larger reaction is always good plan.

    7. Put yourself first when it comes to your health habits.

    8. Take time to to step away for a break to breathe and recharge your physical batteries.

    It's important to share this information about your person with friends and family so they will have realistic expectations, but the sad truth is not everyone will understand what you are going through.

    We can always do a zoom call with A Better Approach to Memory Care so they can hear explanations from me. It is so important to have them on the same page pulling in the same direction with you. Care Partners need to acknowledge their feelings.

    Please reach out to family, community, social, spiritual and homecare support as needed. As families grow and change, traditions will too. Choose a few to hold on to and let go of the rest. Maybe go to online visits and exchanging pics instead of gifts to save money. These little changes can provide huge relief for you and your loved one during the Holiday Season.



    So here is it 👉 https://bit.ly/4a93oRg

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    34 mins
  • Dementia Support for Caregivers
    Sep 21 2024

    Hello Care Partners,

    Caregiving can be very difficult especially when it is a family member.

    Today we will share some great tips on providing care for people with brain failure.

    The challenge is that as soon as we get them figured out they change.

    Let's review some important tips:

    1) Approach from the Front.

    2)Accept and Agree.

    3)Stop Correcting Them.

    4)Avoid the Yes/No Questions.

    5)Don't Ask Questions/Instead Tell Stories.

    6)Say, "I'm Sorry".

    7)Be a Grace Giver.

    Keep in mind this is a journey and the relationship with this person is vital. These tips will help you immensely if you put them into practice.

    Share these with the other caregivers around you.

    Here is the Link to our November Bonus Page 👉http://www.teresayoungstrom.com/bonus

    You Got This,


    Show More Show Less
    37 mins
  • Seniors Need to Know Their Plan B
    Sep 21 2024

    Hey CarePartners,

    It is vital to make plans for your "later in life" care long before you need it!

    This should include your Living Will, Powers of Attorney, and All your Advanced Directives, but there is more! Although most of us plan to always stay in our own homes, statistically that will not be the way things go. You need to be proactive and make a plan for if and when your situation changes to assure you are prepared financially, legally, and with your personal choices in mind.

    In this podcast, we will review the signs of physical and mental decline which will indicate that if we continue to live we will eventually decline and need more help.

    Types of help might be homecare, transportation, placement assistance or even care management. Then there is the money part which works better with great planning.

    In America we are blessed with a medicaid safety net if needed but most people would like to be in control when possible. This brings us back to the title of this podcast, Seniors Need to Know Their Plan B.

    We appreciate you sharing in all the information here today and hope you will Like, Share and Subscribe.

    Here is the Link to our November Bonus Page 👉http://www.teresayoungstrom.com/bonus

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    22 mins
  • Dennison Keller-Elder Law Life Care Planning
    Sep 21 2024

    Hello Care Partners,

    We have the privilege of talking with a professional today whose reputation precedes him. Tune in and take lots of notes so you too can be prepared for what the future holds for you and your family as we age.

    Dennison Keller is licensed to practice law in Ohio and Kentucky and owns The Law Practice of Dennison Keller, LLC. He is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, is a past president of the Ohio Forum of Estate Planning Attorneys, and a past president of the Life Care Planning Law Firm Association.

    Dennison has also been accredited by the Veterans Administration. Dennison is a frequent local and national lecturer on the topics of Elder Law, Life Care Planning, Medicaid Planning, and Estate Planning. He also teaches courses on these topics at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute through the University of Cincinnati and the Miami University Institute of Learning in Retirement.

    Dennison is a summa cum laude graduate of the Salmon P. Chase College of Law at Northern Kentucky University and a cum laude graduate of Miami University in Oxford.

    Today we will discuss how to be prepared for ourselves and/or our aging parents so the wheels don't fall off especially if we learn of a dementia diagnosis. The goal is to protect our assets and our legacy with our families.

    Dennison covered:

    When to begin planning for the later stages of life.

    What pieces of the puzzle are necessary in the planning.

    Why is an attorney important to utilize in the planning process?

    What are the additional steps to consider to make this process easier for you and your family.

    How is your Life Care Planning Law Firm different than an attorney who focuses solely on estate planning?

    For more information or to Contact Dennison Keller:

    Cincinnati: (513) 818-1111 Mon-Thu: 9AM–5PM Fri: 9AM–4PM

    Kentucky: (859) 372-6790 By appointment only info@elderlawcincinnati.com

    We so appreciate all the information shared here today and hope you will Like, Share and Subscribe.

    Here is the Link to our November Bonus Page 👉http://www.teresayoungstrom.com/bonus

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    29 mins