• Lost Resolutions: A Serendipitous Adventure in Triglav

  • Jan 2 2025
  • Length: 16 mins
  • Podcast

Lost Resolutions: A Serendipitous Adventure in Triglav

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lost Resolutions: A Serendipitous Adventure in Triglav Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-02-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Grega in Nika sta korakala po snežno zasneženi pokrajini Triglavskega narodnega parka.En: Grega and Nika were walking through the snow-covered landscape of the Triglavski narodni park.Sl: Sonce je sijalo, zrak je bil svež, zime so bile čarobne.En: The sun was shining, the air was fresh, and the winter was magical.Sl: A v Greginih mislih ni bilo miru.En: But there was no peace in Grega's thoughts.Sl: Spomnil se je pomembnega dokumenta, ki ga je pozabil — njun seznam novoletnih zaobljub.En: He remembered an important document he had forgotten — their list of New Year's resolutions.Sl: "Slišim tvoje misli, Grega," je rekla Nika, ko sta nadaljevala hojo s krpljami po zasneženi stezi.En: "I can hear your thoughts, Grega," said Nika as they continued snowshoeing along the snowy trail.Sl: "Spet razmišljaš o tem seznamu, kajne?En: "You're thinking about that list again, aren't you?"Sl: "Grega je prikimal.En: Grega nodded.Sl: "Pozabil sem nanj.En: "I forgot about it.Sl: Treba ga je najti!En: We need to find it!Sl: Brez njega ne bo reda.En: Without it, there will be no order."Sl: "Nika se je nasmehnila.En: Nika smiled.Sl: "Morda je bolje, da uživava v dnevu in delava nove načrte.En: "Maybe it’s better we enjoy the day and make new plans."Sl: "Ne prepričana, da bi popustila, je Grega trdil: "Samo še malo hodiva proti vzhodu, mislim, da sem ga tam izgubil.En: Not convinced to give up, Grega insisted, "Let's just walk a little further east, I think I lost it there."Sl: "Medtem ko sta sledila Gregini ideji, je sneg postajal globlji.En: As they followed Grega's idea, the snow grew deeper.Sl: Pokrajina Triglavskega narodnega parka je bila dih jemajoča.En: The landscape of the Triglavski narodni park was breathtaking.Sl: Meglice, ki so se dvigale nad gorami, so dajale občutek skrivnosti.En: Mist rising above the mountains added a sense of mystery.Sl: "Najprej spijmo topel čaj," je predlagala Nika, ko sta prišla do zlatega razgledišča, kjer je bil razgled na bližnji gozd.En: "Let's have some hot tea first," suggested Nika when they reached a golden viewpoint with a view of the nearby forest.Sl: Po krajšem odmoru sta nadaljevala pot.En: After a short break, they continued on.Sl: Na svoje presenečenje sta srečala skupino pohodnikov.En: To their surprise, they met a group of hikers.Sl: Eden izmed njih je imel v roki njuno izgubljeno listino.En: One of them was holding their lost document.Sl: "Je to vaš seznam?En: "Is this your list?"Sl: " je vprašal eden izmed pohodnikov z nasmehom.En: one of the hikers asked with a smile.Sl: Grega je hitel k njim.En: Grega hurried over to them.Sl: "Da, to je naš!En: "Yes, that's ours!Sl: Ali ga lahko vrnete?En: Can you return it?"Sl: "Hodci so se nasmehnili.En: The hikers smiled.Sl: "Morda, vendar smo ga uporabili za našo lov na zaklad.En: "Maybe, but we used it for our treasure hunt.Sl: Želite se nam pridružiti?En: Do you want to join us?"Sl: "Nika je pogledala Grega.En: Nika looked at Grega.Sl: Njene oči so bile sijoče, pripravljene na novo pustolovščino.En: Her eyes were shining, ready for a new adventure.Sl: "Kaj praviš, Grega?En: "What do you say, Grega?Sl: Reši naj se vse drugo, gremo uživat?En: Forget everything else, shall we enjoy ourselves?"Sl: "Grega je samo klecnil z rameni in se nasmehnil.En: Grega just shrugged and smiled.Sl: "Dobro.En: "Alright.Sl: Prilagodimo se staremu zaradi novega!En: Let's adapt the old for the new!Sl: Konec koncev, kaj je en seznam v primerjavi z lepim dnem z vami?En: After all, what is one list compared to a beautiful day with you all?"Sl: "Skupaj so se podali na lov na zaklad.En: Together, they joined the treasure hunt.Sl: Smeh in veselje sta zapolnila zrak.En: Laughter and joy filled the air.Sl: Grega je med potjo spoznal, da je pomembneje uživati v trenutkih s prijatelji kot rigidno slediti načrtom.En: Along the way, Grega realized that it's more important to enjoy moments with friends than to rigidly follow plans.Sl: Ko se je sonce spuščalo za zasnežene vrhove, sta Grega in Nika stala ob strani.En: As the sun set behind the snowy peaks, Grega and Nika stood aside.Sl: Občutek, da so novoletne zaobljube postale lepotni dodatek v njihovem življenju, je bil sproščujoč.En: The feeling that New Year's resolutions had become just a beautiful addition to their life was relaxing.Sl: "Seznam lahko vedno napiševa na novo," je rekla Nika, objemajoč Grega.En: "We can always write a new list," said Nika, hugging Grega.Sl: "A dnevi, kot je ta, niso v beležki.En: "But days like this aren't in the planner."Sl: "Grega je prikimal.En: Grega nodded.Sl: "Res je.En: "That's true.Sl: Danes sem se naučil, da življenje po meri ni vedno po načrtih.En: Today I learned that life by our terms isn't always ...
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