FluentFiction - Slovenian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Spring Surprises: Matej's Moment of Courage
    Mar 6 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Spring Surprises: Matej's Moment of Courage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-03-06-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Krožišče pri Trnovski gimnaziji je bilo kot vedno polno študentov, ki so se prerivali mimo v lahkih jaknah.En: The roundabout near the Trnovska Gymnasium was, as always, full of students jostling past in light jackets.Sl: Zrak je bil svež, poln vonja spomladanskih cvetov.En: The air was fresh, filled with the scent of spring flowers.Sl: Matej je s torbo na rami hitel po hodniku, njegovo srce pa je divje utripalo.En: Matej, with his bag on his shoulder, hurried down the hallway, his heart beating wildly.Sl: Pomislel je na Ninino nasmejano obličje.En: He thought of Nina's smiling face.Sl: Danes je bil pomemben dan.En: Today was an important day.Sl: Šolsko tekmovanje se je bližalo in Matej je imel pomembno nalogo.En: The school competition was approaching, and Matej had an important task.Sl: Njegov prijatelj Luka, vedno poln energije, mu je pomahal.En: His friend Luka, always full of energy, waved at him.Sl: "Matej! Si že predal sporočilo učiteljem?" je vprašal Luka, mahedrajoč z ovojnico v roki.En: "Matej! Have you already handed the message to the teachers?" asked Luka, waving an envelope in his hand.Sl: "Šele grem," je rekel Matej.En: "I'm just going," said Matej.Sl: "Prepričan sem, da je vse pravilno pripravljeno."En: "I'm sure everything is prepared correctly."Sl: Luka je radovedno pogledal v ovojnico.En: Luka looked curiously at the envelope.Sl: "Daj no, pokaži!"En: "Come on, show me!"Sl: Matej se je zasmejal.En: Matej laughed.Sl: "Ne, to je zaupno," se je pošalil, a Luka je že potegnil ovojnico iz Matejevih rok.En: "No, it's confidential," he joked, but Luka had already pulled the envelope from Matej's hands.Sl: "Resno, Luka, daj mi to nazaj!" Toda Luka se je že smejal in odpiral sporočilo.En: "Seriously, Luka, give that back to me!" But Luka was already laughing and opening the message.Sl: "Oh, Tale šala bo kar spodletela," je zavzdihnil, toda že je prepisoval podatke na hitro pišeč listič, brez da bi se zavedal svoje nepazljivosti.En: "Oh, this prank will surely fail," he sighed, but he was already copying the data onto a hastily written note, unaware of his carelessness.Sl: Ko je imel Matej končno nazaj svojo ovojnico, ni opazil Luka, kako mu je pomahal v pozdrav in hitro izginil med razredne klopi.En: When Matej finally got back his envelope, he didn't notice Luka waving goodbye to him and quickly disappearing among the classroom benches.Sl: Na dan tekmovanja so se učitelji in učenci zbrali v telovadnici.En: On the day of the competition, teachers and students gathered in the gymnasium.Sl: Vsi so bili polni pričakovanj.En: Everyone was full of anticipation.Sl: Matej je stal ob strani, ko je učiteljica Marija stopila pred mikrofon.En: Matej stood aside as Professor Marija stepped up to the microphone.Sl: "Dragi učenci, danes bomo videli, kako ste se pripravili na temo... hm, ure tveganja?"En: "Dear students, today we will see how you've prepared on the topic... um, risk management?"Sl: Matej je otrpnil.En: Matej froze.Sl: "To ni prav!" je pomislil.En: "That's not right!" he thought.Sl: Načrtovali so povsem drugo temo.En: They had planned an entirely different topic.Sl: Kdor koli, ki je pisal drugače, je moral biti Luka.En: Whoever wrote it differently had to be Luka.Sl: "Kaj naj naredim?"En: "What should I do?"Sl: Hitro se je postavil v kot in pomislil.En: He quickly stepped into a corner and thought.Sl: Nato je pogumno stopil naprej.En: Then he bravely stepped forward.Sl: "Profesorica Marija, žal tu je napaka," je začel in hitro pojasnil situacijo.En: "Professor Marija, sorry, there's a mistake here," he began, quickly explaining the situation.Sl: Marija ga je poslušala in se nasmehnila.En: Marija listened to him and smiled.Sl: "Nič skrbeti, so dnevi, ko se tehnične težave zgodijo," je rekla.En: "No need to worry, there are days when technical issues occur," she said.Sl: "Kaj predlagaš, Matej?"En: "What do you propose, Matej?"Sl: "Dodajmo kreativni izziv," je rekel.En: "Let's add a creative challenge," he said.Sl: "Pripravimo hitro nekaj inovativnega glede na trenutno temo, vsi bodo sodelovali.En: "Let's quickly come up with something innovative on the current topic, everyone will participate.Sl: Uporabimo to kot prednost."En: We'll use it to our advantage."Sl: Ko se je tekmovanje nadaljevalo, so učenci pokazali svojo ustvarjalnost.En: As the competition continued, the students demonstrated their creativity.Sl: Tekmovali so s srčno vnemo in zagnanostjo, ki je očarala vse prisotne.En: They competed with heartfelt zeal and enthusiasm, captivating everyone present.Sl: Na koncu so osvojili častni naziv za najbolj iznajdljivo rešitev.En: In the end, they earned the honorary title for the most ingenious solution.Sl: Nina je stopila do Mateja in se ...
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    17 mins
  • Unraveling the Mysteries of Predjamski Grad
    Mar 5 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Unraveling the Mysteries of Predjamski Grad Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-03-05-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Na robu skale, kjer pozna pesem vetra pripoveduje zgodbe o preteklosti, stoji Predjamski grad.En: At the edge of the cliff, where the familiar song of the wind tells stories of the past, stands Predjamski grad.Sl: Ko se pomladna meglica počasi dviguje, razkriva mogočno strukturo gradu.En: As the spring mist slowly rises, it reveals the imposing structure of the castle.Sl: Luka, mladi zgodovinar, je prestopil skozi obokan vhod.En: Luka, a young historian, stepped through the arched entrance.Sl: Njegove oči so se iskrile ob želji raziskati zgodovinske skrivnosti.En: His eyes sparkled with the desire to explore historical secrets.Sl: Z njim je bila Maja, arheologinja, ki je vedno raje verjela v trde dokaze kot v stare legende.En: Accompanying him was Maja, an archaeologist who always preferred to believe in hard evidence rather than old legends.Sl: Njuna pozornost je bila usmerjena na skrivnostni artefakt, ki je nenadoma pojavil v eni izmed skritih sob.En: Their attention was focused on a mysterious artifact that suddenly appeared in one of the hidden rooms.Sl: Bil je tam, kjer ni nihče pričakoval.En: It was there, where no one expected.Sl: Aktivna domišljija je Luko pripeljala do misli na legendarnega viteza Erazma Predjamskega, ki naj bi nekoč naselil te poti.En: Luka's active imagination led him to thoughts of the legendary knight Erazem Predjamski, who was said to have once inhabited these paths.Sl: Prepričan je bil, da je artefakt povezan z njim.En: He was convinced that the artifact was connected to him.Sl: "Kaj, če je to dokaz, da je Erazem res nosil tak prstan?" je entuziastično nagovoril Majo, ki je že pregledovala predmet pod mikroskopom.En: "What if this is evidence that Erazem really wore such a ring?" he enthusiastically addressed Maja, who was already examining the object under the microscope.Sl: "Najprej potrebujemo dokaz," je resno rekla Maja, z očmi polnimi koncentracije.En: "First, we need evidence," Maja said seriously, her eyes full of concentration.Sl: "Moraš biti prizanesljiv do znanosti, Luko."En: "You have to be lenient with science, Luka."Sl: Medtem ko sta raziskovala, Luka je sledil črkam, vrezanim v staro kamenino.En: While they were exploring, Luka followed the letters engraved in the old stonework.Sl: Odkrižal je staro karto, ki je bila skoraj skrita pred očmi.En: He uncovered an old map that was almost hidden from view.Sl: Prepričan je, da bo to ključ do resnice.En: He was convinced it would be the key to the truth.Sl: Po drugi strani je Maja natančno analizirala vzorce z artefakta in jih primerjala z znanimi podatki.En: On the other hand, Maja meticulously analyzed the samples from the artifact and compared them with known data.Sl: Končno, nekega popoldneva, sta oba dosegla presenetljivo odkritje.En: Finally, one afternoon, they both made a surprising discovery.Sl: Lukove sledi so ga pripeljale do skritega vhoda v gradu, ki je povezan z življenjem Erazma.En: Luka's clues led him to a hidden entrance in the castle, connected to Erazem's life.Sl: Maja pa je analizirala prstne odtise in potrdila, da starost materiala ustreza Erazmovemu času.En: Maja analyzed the fingerprints and confirmed that the age of the material corresponded to Erazem's time.Sl: Dokazi in pripovedi so združili svoje moči.En: Evidence and narratives combined their strengths.Sl: Na koncu dneva sta stala skupaj, gledala sončni zahod nad gradom in se zavedala svoje zmage.En: At the end of the day, they stood together, gazing at the sunset over the castle, realizing their victory.Sl: Luka je spoznal, da so dejstva pomembna, a tudi pripovedi, ki navdihujejo dušo.En: Luka understood that facts are important, but also the narratives that inspire the soul.Sl: Maja pa je začutila, kako zgodbe lahko oživijo suhe podatke, jih napolnijo z življenjem.En: Maja, on the other hand, felt how stories can bring dry data to life, filling them with vitality.Sl: Tako sta Luka in Maja dosegla sporazum.En: Thus, Luka and Maja reached an agreement.Sl: V skrivnostih lahko sobivata dejstva in miti; in ob pomoči obeh, so se odprle nove poti v zgodovino Predjamskega gradu.En: In mysteries, facts and myths can coexist; and with the help of both, new paths into the history of Predjamski grad were opened. Vocabulary Words:cliff: skalemist: meglicasparkled: iskriledesire: željiartifact: artefaktengraved: vrezanimarchaeologist: arheologinjaevidence: dokaziimposing: mogočnoentrance: vhodconcentration: koncentracijemicroscope: mikroskopomfingerprints: prstne odtisenarratives: pripovedimeticulously: natančnoanalyzed: analiziralahidden: skritcorresponded: ustrezatruth: resnicepaths: potivictory: zmagestories: zgodbecoexist: sobivatahistorian: zgodovinarlenient: prizanesljivdiscoveries: odkritjesoul: ...
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    14 mins
  • Tulips, Coffee, and Courage: A Spring Adventure to Amsterdam
    Mar 4 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Tulips, Coffee, and Courage: A Spring Adventure to Amsterdam Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-03-04-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V pomladnem jutru, sonce je nežno sijalo skozi okna priljubljene kavarne v stari Ljubljani.En: On a spring morning, the sun gently shone through the windows of a popular cafe in old Ljubljana.Sl: Mateja in Živa sta sedeli za lesenim mizo ob oknu.En: Mateja and Živa were sitting at a wooden table by the window.Sl: Pred njima je bil razgled na Ljubljanski grad in tlakovano ulico.En: In front of them was a view of the Ljubljana Castle and the cobblestone street.Sl: V zraku je bilo čutiti vonj po sveže zmleti kavi, cela kavarna pa je bila okrašena s tulipani – rdeče, rumene, rožnate.En: The air was filled with the scent of freshly ground coffee, and the whole cafe was decorated with tulips—red, yellow, pink.Sl: Mateja je bila polna navdušenja.En: Mateja was full of excitement.Sl: "Živa, morava videti tulipane v Amsterdamu," je Mateja dejala.En: "Živa, we must see the tulips in Amsterdam," Mateja said.Sl: Njene oči so žarele, vendar je globoko v sebi bila zaskrbljena glede denarja.En: Her eyes were glowing, but deep down, she was worried about money.Sl: Živa je pogledala prijateljico in se nasmehnila, a njen nasmeh je bil nekoliko zadržan.En: Živa looked at her friend and smiled, but her smile was somewhat reserved.Sl: "Rada bi šla, ampak veš, da imam veliko dela v službi," je odgovorila in srknila kavo.En: "I'd love to go, but you know I have a lot of work at the office," she replied, taking a sip of her coffee.Sl: "Težko bi vzela prosto.En: "It would be hard to take time off."Sl: "Mateja je vedela, da je Živa vedno odgovorna.En: Mateja knew that Živa was always responsible.Sl: Rada je preživljala čas s prijatelji, a njene delovne obveznosti so ji bile vedno prioriteta.En: She loved spending time with friends, but her work commitments were always her priority.Sl: "Razumem te, ampak a ni škoda takšno priložnost zamuditi?En: "I understand you, but isn't it a shame to miss such an opportunity?Sl: Mislim, kaj če bi naredila načrt?En: I mean, what if we made a plan?"Sl: "Živa se je naslonila nazaj, razmišljala je.En: Živa leaned back, pondering.Sl: "Kaj pa glede tvojih stroškov?En: "What about your expenses?Sl: Vedno govoriš, kako moramo biti previdni z denarjem.En: You're always talking about how we need to be careful with money."Sl: "Mateja se je nasmejala in iz torbice vzela beležko.En: Mateja laughed and pulled a notebook from her bag.Sl: "Imam idejo.En: "I have an idea.Sl: Naredila bom proračun.En: I'll make a budget.Sl: Lahko najdeva poceni letalske karte in za nekaj dni rezervirava hostel.En: We could find cheap flight tickets and book a hostel for a few days.Sl: Če se držimo skromnega načrta, bi to zmogle.En: If we stick to a modest plan, we could manage."Sl: "Živa je opazovala Matejo, ki je matematično skicirala načrt.En: Živa watched Mateja mathematically sketching out a plan.Sl: Občudovala je njeno strast in željo po raziskovanju.En: She admired her passion and desire to explore.Sl: "Morda bi lahko prosila za nekaj prostih dni," je končno rekla, čeprav s kančkom dvoma.En: "Maybe I could ask for a few days off," she finally said, though with a hint of doubt.Sl: "Pomembno je, da delam na ravnovesju med delom in življenjem.En: "It's important that I work on a work-life balance."Sl: "Njuna razprava je bila topla in iskrena.En: Their discussion was warm and sincere.Sl: Pogovarjali sta se o svojih odgovornostih, željah, in potrebah.En: They talked about their responsibilities, desires, and needs.Sl: Končno je Živa zavzdihnila, vendar zdaj z nasmehom.En: Finally, Živa sighed, but now with a smile.Sl: "Veš, prav imaš.En: "You know, you're right.Sl: Treba je izkoristiti čas za takšne trenutke.En: It's important to take time for such moments.Sl: Gremo.En: Let's go."Sl: "Obe sta se nasmejali in kliknili s skodelicama kave.En: They both laughed and clinked their coffee cups.Sl: Dogovorili sta se, da bosta skupaj oblikovali proračun.En: They agreed to create a budget together.Sl: Mateja se je počutila ponosni, da se bo naučila bolje upravljati denar, Živa pa je našla pogum, da prioriteto da tudi sebi.En: Mateja felt proud that she would learn to manage money better, and Živa found the courage to prioritize herself as well.Sl: S tulipani okrog njiju in pomladjo v zraku sta načrtovali svoj vznemirljiv izlet.En: With tulips around them and spring in the air, they planned their exciting trip.Sl: Njuna spontana odločitev je združila njuna srca ter združila željo po avanturah s premišljenim načrtovanjem.En: Their spontaneous decision brought their hearts together and combined a desire for adventure with thoughtful planning.Sl: Ljubljana je tisto pomladno jutro opazovala s svojim starodavnim čarom, kot da podpira njuno novo ...
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    16 mins

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