FluentFiction - Slovenian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Unmasking Tensions: A Family's Path to Renewal
    Nov 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Unmasking Tensions: A Family's Path to Renewal Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-23-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Jesensko listje je šuštelo na dvorišču, ko je Jure stopil pred domačijo, ki je bila njegovo zatočišče zadnja leta mladosti.En: Autumn leaves rustled in the yard as Jure stepped in front of the home that had been his refuge in the last years of his youth.Sl: Ko je odprl vrata, ga je ovil vonj po pečeni puranji in bučni piti.En: As he opened the door, the aroma of roasted turkey and pumpkin pie enveloped him.Sl: V topli, nekoliko natrpani dnevni sobi so bile majhne garsijske krožnike razporejene po mizi.En: In the warm, somewhat cramped living room, small hors d'oeuvre plates were arranged across the table.Sl: Jure se je počutil nelagodno.En: Jure felt uneasy.Sl: Ni ga bilo doma že vrsto let.En: He hadn’t been home for many years.Sl: Maja, njegova starejša sestra, je hitela po kuhinji in poskušala umiriti napeto ozračje.En: Maja, his older sister, was bustling around the kitchen, trying to calm the tense atmosphere.Sl: Vedela je, da družinski zbori niso več to, kar so včasih bili.En: She knew that family gatherings were no longer what they used to be.Sl: Dejansko so v preteklih letih postali kraj nerazrešenih sporov in prikrite zamere.En: In fact, in recent years, they had become a place for unresolved disputes and hidden resentments.Sl: Jure se je vsedel k mizi in opazoval, kako starši izmenjujeta napet pogled.En: Jure sat down at the table and watched his parents exchange tense glances.Sl: Oba sta bila tiha, obrnjena drug od drugega, medtem ko je Maja še naprej poskušala dvigniti vzdušje s svojimi prijaznimi besedami.En: Both were silent, turned away from each other, while Maja continued trying to lighten the mood with her kind words.Sl: "Kako ti uspeva na fakulteti, Jure?" je navidezno brezskrbno vprašala, a Jure je čutil težo njenega vprašanja.En: "How’s everything going at university, Jure?" she asked seemingly casually, but Jure felt the weight of her question.Sl: "V redu gre," je odgovoril Jure, ne da bi se podrobneje spuščal.En: "It’s going okay," Jure answered, without going into detail.Sl: Njegov pogled je zdrsnil po mizi.En: His gaze drifted across the table.Sl: Bil je utrujen od pretvarjanja in skrivalnic.En: He was tired of pretending and playing hide-and-seek.Sl: Čutil je dodatno težo pričakovanj staršev, ki sta ga želela usmeriti na svojo strožjo pot.En: He felt the additional weight of his parents' expectations, who wanted to steer him onto their stricter path.Sl: Maja je čutila tiste stare napetosti.En: Maja sensed those old tensions.Sl: Leta je poskušala vzdrževati mir v družini, a zdaj je bila utrujena in želela je, da vsaj za enkrat vse pride na čisto.En: For years, she had tried to maintain peace in the family, but now she was tired and wanted everything to come out into the open at least once.Sl: Vedela je, da Jure v sebi nosi veliko stvari neizrečenih besed.En: She knew that Jure carried many unspoken words within him.Sl: "Čeprav je naša družinska srečanja pogosto preplavljena z napetostjo," je začela Maja, "morda je čas, da končno spregovorimo o tem, kar nas resnično teži."En: "Even though our family gatherings are often flooded with tension," Maja began, "maybe it’s time to finally talk about what’s really bothering us."Sl: Jure je globoko vdihnil.En: Jure took a deep breath.Sl: Vedel je, da je prišel trenutek, da odpre srce.En: He knew the moment had come to open his heart.Sl: "Vem, da nisem bil tu toliko kot bi moral biti.En: "I know I haven’t been here as much as I should have been.Sl: Ampak čutim, da so med nami ostale stvari, ki jih nismo razrešili.En: But I feel that there are things left unresolved between us.Sl: Rad bi razčistil preteklost."En: I’d like to clear the past."Sl: Starši so utihnili.En: His parents fell silent.Sl: Dnevna soba, sicer prežeta z okusom prazničnega vzdušja, je bila zdaj skoraj brez zvoka, razen tiktakanja stenske ure.En: The living room, otherwise pervaded with a festive atmosphere, was now nearly silent, except for the ticking of the wall clock.Sl: Jure je nadaljeval: "Spomnim se, da sem bil prisiljen prevzemati odgovornosti, ki jih nisem zmogel.En: Jure continued: "I remember being forced to take on responsibilities I couldn’t handle.Sl: To me je oddaljilo od vas."En: It drove me away from you."Sl: Maja ga je podpirala z jasnimi očmi, medtem ko so se starši spogledovali, prvič zares brez maske.En: Maja supported him with clear eyes, while the parents looked at each other, truly unmasked for the first time.Sl: Tišina je postajala težja, a počasi so začeli odgovarjati.En: The silence grew heavier, but slowly they began to respond.Sl: Očitki in čustva, dolgo prikriti, so končno prihajali na plano.En: Accusations and emotions, long concealed, finally came to ...
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    19 mins
  • Autumn Whispers: The Bond Forged in Leaves and Laughter
    Nov 22 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Autumn Whispers: The Bond Forged in Leaves and Laughter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-22-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je hodil po stezi skozi Ljubljanski Botanični vrt, jesenski listi so šelesteli pod njegovimi čevlji.En: Matej walked along the path through the Ljubljanski Botanični vrt, autumn leaves rustling under his shoes.Sl: Srce mu je bilo težko.En: His heart felt heavy.Sl: Nedavno je končal dolgoletno zvezo in zdaj je iskal mir in smisel med barvami jeseni.En: He had recently ended a long-term relationship and now sought peace and meaning among the colors of autumn.Sl: Občutek je bil tako pomirjujoč, kot da bi mu drevesa šepetala skrivnosti o življenju.En: The feeling was so soothing, as if the trees were whispering secrets about life to him.Sl: Na klopi ob robu poti je sedela Nina.En: On a bench at the edge of the path sat Nina.Sl: Skicirala je liste, ki so v svojih rdeče-zlatih odtenkih prekrivali tla.En: She was sketching the leaves, which in their red-golden shades covered the ground.Sl: Na prvi pogled je bil to preprost prizor, vendar je Mateja pritegnila svetloba v njenih očeh.En: At first glance, it was a simple scene, yet Matej was drawn to the light in her eyes.Sl: Bil je radoveden.En: He was curious.Sl: Pogledal je preko njenega ramena in opazil žive barve v njenem zvezku.En: He looked over her shoulder and noticed the vibrant colors in her notebook.Sl: "Ti listi so res posebni," je nenadoma rekel, skoraj presenečen nad lastnim glasom.En: "These leaves are really special," he suddenly said, almost surprised by his own voice.Sl: Nina se je zasmejala in dvignila pogled.En: Nina laughed and looked up.Sl: "Hvala.En: "Thank you.Sl: Poskušam ujeti njihovo lepoto, preden jih odnese zima.En: I'm trying to capture their beauty before winter takes them away."Sl: " Matej je začutil njeno strah in dvom, ki sta ga njena umetnost skrivala med potezami čopičev.En: Matej sensed her fear and doubt, which her art hid among the strokes of the brushes.Sl: "Sliši se, kot da resnično čutiš naravo," je dodal, ko je sedel poleg nje.En: "It sounds like you truly feel nature," he added as he sat next to her.Sl: V srcu je začutil toplo pekočo žogo – prvi namig radosti, ki ga je že dolgo pogrešal.En: In his heart, he felt a warm, burning sensation—a first hint of joy he had long missed.Sl: Nina mu je pokazala nekaj svojih skic, negotovo, a z iskro upanja v očeh.En: Nina showed him some of her sketches, uncertain but with a spark of hope in her eyes.Sl: "Morda lahko poveš svoje mnenje," je rekla.En: "Maybe you can give your opinion," she said.Sl: Matej je z rahlim smehljajem preletel njene skice.En: With a slight smile, Matej glanced over her sketches.Sl: "Tvoja dela imajo dušo," je rekel.En: "Your works have soul," he said.Sl: "Čudovita so.En: "They are wonderful."Sl: " Ta priznanja so napolnila praznino, ki jo je čutila tudi sama.En: These acknowledgments filled the void that she also felt.Sl: Nenadna hladna sapica je razmetala Ninine skice po vsej poti.En: A sudden cold breeze scattered Nina's sketches all over the path.Sl: Matej in Nina sta skupaj naglo skakala okrog, lovila liste umetniških del z glasnim smehom, ki je odmeval med drevesi.En: Matej and Nina quickly jumped around together, catching the leaves of artwork with loud laughter echoing among the trees.Sl: Po tej nenadni preizkušnji sta se usedla na klop, ogrela roke ob toplih skodelicah kuhanega vina.En: After this sudden trial, they sat on the bench, warming their hands with cups of mulled wine.Sl: Vdihavala sta sladkobni vonj pijače in delila zgodbe iz svojih življenj, kot stara prijatelja, ki sta se končno našla.En: They inhaled the sweet scent of the drink and shared stories from their lives, like old friends who had finally found each other.Sl: Matej je začel odpirati svoje srce.En: Matej began to open his heart.Sl: Občutek radosti je bil resničen in vendar nov.En: The feeling of joy was real yet new.Sl: Nina je našla v utrinkih smeha in odkritem pogovoru novo samozavest.En: Nina found new confidence in bursts of laughter and open conversation.Sl: Njene skice so zdaj nosile pečat njenega pravega navdiha.En: Her sketches now bore the mark of her true inspiration.Sl: "Morava se srečati še enkrat," je predlagal Matej s toplino v očeh, ki je presegla hladno jesen.En: "We must meet again," Matej suggested with warmth in his eyes that transcended the cold autumn.Sl: "Razmisliva, kako lahko združiva tvojo umetnost in moje pesmi.En: "Let's think about how we can combine your art and my poetry."Sl: ""Z veseljem," je odgovorila Nina z novo energijo in zaupanjem.En: "With pleasure," Nina replied with renewed energy and confidence.Sl: Njuna zgodba še ni bila končana, vendar so semena prijateljstva in ustvarjalnega sodelovanja že rasla med jesenskimi listi botaničnega vrta.En: Their story was not yet...
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    15 mins
  • Autumn Adventure in Slovenia: Embracing Martinovanje Magic
    Nov 21 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Autumn Adventure in Slovenia: Embracing Martinovanje Magic Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-21-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Listje je zletavalo z dreves, barvito kot slike na stenah v mali pražarni kave v Ljubljani.En: The leaves were falling from the trees, as colorful as the pictures on the walls in a small coffee roastery in Ljubljana.Sl: Notri so ljudje uživali v prijetni toplini in vonju sveže mlete kave.En: Inside, people enjoyed the cozy warmth and the smell of freshly ground coffee.Sl: Luka, Maja in Uroš so sedeli za leseno mizo v kotu, obkroženi s toplim vzdušjem in zvokom tihega čebljanja drugih obiskovalcev.En: Luka, Maja, and Uroš sat at a wooden table in the corner, surrounded by a warm ambiance and the soft chatter of other patrons.Sl: Luka je bil poln energije in pričakovanja.En: Luka was full of energy and anticipation.Sl: Njegove oči so iskrile in ni se mogel več zadrževati.En: His eyes sparkled, and he couldn't hold back any longer.Sl: "Prijatelji," je rekel z žarečim nasmehom, "imam presenečenje za Martinovanje!En: "Friends," he said with a glowing smile, "I have a surprise for Martinovanje!"Sl: "Maja je dvignila obrv in se skeptično nasmehnila.En: Maja raised an eyebrow and smiled skeptically.Sl: "Kaj pa zdaj, Luka?En: "What now, Luka?"Sl: " je vprašala.En: she asked.Sl: Ona je raje imela stvari načrtovane, vsak korak vnaprej določen.En: She preferred things planned, every step predetermined.Sl: "Pripravil sem izlet," je Luka navdušeno razložil.En: "I've organized a trip," Luka eagerly explained.Sl: "Gremo na potovanje po Sloveniji, da doživimo Martinovanje v vseh barvah!En: "We're going on a journey around Slovenia to experience Martinovanje in all its colors!Sl: Morje vina in dobra družba.En: Seas of wine and good company.Sl: Kaj praviš, Uroš?En: What do you think, Uroš?"Sl: " Luka je pogledal proti njemu, vedoč, da bo Uroš pripravljen na katerokoli dogodivščino.En: Luka looked toward him, knowing that Uroš would be ready for any adventure.Sl: "Pogledamo, kam nas cesta pelje!En: "Let's see where the road takes us!"Sl: " je prikimal Uroš, ki je vedno pripravljen na spontanost.En: nodded Uroš, who was always ready for spontaneity.Sl: Maja pa je zavzdihnila.En: Maja, however, sighed.Sl: "Ne vem, Luka.En: "I don't know, Luka.Sl: Jaz raje ostanem tukaj, kjer je toplo in udobno.En: I'd rather stay here, where it's warm and comfortable."Sl: "Luka je razumel Majine skrbi, a ni hotel odnehati.En: Luka understood Maja's concerns, but he didn't want to give up.Sl: "Obljubim, da bo to nepozabno.En: "I promise it will be unforgettable.Sl: Zaupaj mi.En: Trust me.Sl: Slovenija je čudovita v jeseni.En: Slovenia is beautiful in the fall.Sl: Spomin bo vreden.En: The memory will be worth it.Sl: Pripravimo se na vinogradniško deželo.En: Let's prepare for wine country.Sl: Gremo na Ptuj, najstarejše mesto, kjer Martinovanje ne bo razočaralo!En: We're going to Ptuj, the oldest town, where Martinovanje will not disappoint!"Sl: "Maja je videla Luko, ki je bil vedno tako optimističen.En: Maja saw Luka, who was always so optimistic.Sl: Njeno srce je mehčalo ob misli na skupne trenutke.En: Her heart softened at the thought of shared moments.Sl: Morda pa si zasluži malo pustolovščine.En: Perhaps she did deserve a little adventure.Sl: "Vredu, Luka.En: "Alright, Luka.Sl: Prepričal si me.En: You've convinced me.Sl: Tvoje presenečenje sprejmem," je končno rekla Maja in nekoliko skeptično, a z nasmehom popustila.En: I'll accept your surprise," Maja finally said, a bit skeptically but with a smile, she gave in.Sl: In tako so se trije prijatelji tisto popoldne spakirali in sedli v Lukov avto.En: And so, that afternoon, the three friends packed up and got into Luka's car.Sl: Ceste so jih vodile mimo zlatih polj in skozi pisana jesenka drevesa.En: The roads led them past golden fields and through colorful autumn trees.Sl: Ko so prispeli na Ptuj, so jih pozdravili nasmejani obrazi, vonj praženega kostanja in zven harmonike, ki se je razlegal po ozkih ulicah.En: When they arrived in Ptuj, they were greeted by smiling faces, the smell of roasted chestnuts, and the sound of accordion music echoing through the narrow streets.Sl: Tiste noči so pozabili na skrbi in se predali trenutku.En: That night, they forgot about their worries and surrendered to the moment.Sl: Praznovanje Martinovanja, z dobrim vinom, pesmijo in plesom, jih je združilo.En: Celebrating Martinovanje with good wine, song, and dance brought them together.Sl: Maja je spoznala, da včasih nepričakovani načrti prinašajo najlepše spomine.En: Maja realized that sometimes unexpected plans bring the most beautiful memories.Sl: Zaupala je Luki in njegovim instinktom bolj kot kdajkoli prej.En: She trusted Luka and his instincts more than ever before.Sl: Ko so se nasmejano vračali proti Ljubljani, je vedela, da ima ...
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    17 mins

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