FluentFiction - Slovenian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Lost Resolutions: A Serendipitous Adventure in Triglav
    Jan 2 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lost Resolutions: A Serendipitous Adventure in Triglav Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-02-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Grega in Nika sta korakala po snežno zasneženi pokrajini Triglavskega narodnega parka.En: Grega and Nika were walking through the snow-covered landscape of the Triglavski narodni park.Sl: Sonce je sijalo, zrak je bil svež, zime so bile čarobne.En: The sun was shining, the air was fresh, and the winter was magical.Sl: A v Greginih mislih ni bilo miru.En: But there was no peace in Grega's thoughts.Sl: Spomnil se je pomembnega dokumenta, ki ga je pozabil — njun seznam novoletnih zaobljub.En: He remembered an important document he had forgotten — their list of New Year's resolutions.Sl: "Slišim tvoje misli, Grega," je rekla Nika, ko sta nadaljevala hojo s krpljami po zasneženi stezi.En: "I can hear your thoughts, Grega," said Nika as they continued snowshoeing along the snowy trail.Sl: "Spet razmišljaš o tem seznamu, kajne?En: "You're thinking about that list again, aren't you?"Sl: "Grega je prikimal.En: Grega nodded.Sl: "Pozabil sem nanj.En: "I forgot about it.Sl: Treba ga je najti!En: We need to find it!Sl: Brez njega ne bo reda.En: Without it, there will be no order."Sl: "Nika se je nasmehnila.En: Nika smiled.Sl: "Morda je bolje, da uživava v dnevu in delava nove načrte.En: "Maybe it’s better we enjoy the day and make new plans."Sl: "Ne prepričana, da bi popustila, je Grega trdil: "Samo še malo hodiva proti vzhodu, mislim, da sem ga tam izgubil.En: Not convinced to give up, Grega insisted, "Let's just walk a little further east, I think I lost it there."Sl: "Medtem ko sta sledila Gregini ideji, je sneg postajal globlji.En: As they followed Grega's idea, the snow grew deeper.Sl: Pokrajina Triglavskega narodnega parka je bila dih jemajoča.En: The landscape of the Triglavski narodni park was breathtaking.Sl: Meglice, ki so se dvigale nad gorami, so dajale občutek skrivnosti.En: Mist rising above the mountains added a sense of mystery.Sl: "Najprej spijmo topel čaj," je predlagala Nika, ko sta prišla do zlatega razgledišča, kjer je bil razgled na bližnji gozd.En: "Let's have some hot tea first," suggested Nika when they reached a golden viewpoint with a view of the nearby forest.Sl: Po krajšem odmoru sta nadaljevala pot.En: After a short break, they continued on.Sl: Na svoje presenečenje sta srečala skupino pohodnikov.En: To their surprise, they met a group of hikers.Sl: Eden izmed njih je imel v roki njuno izgubljeno listino.En: One of them was holding their lost document.Sl: "Je to vaš seznam?En: "Is this your list?"Sl: " je vprašal eden izmed pohodnikov z nasmehom.En: one of the hikers asked with a smile.Sl: Grega je hitel k njim.En: Grega hurried over to them.Sl: "Da, to je naš!En: "Yes, that's ours!Sl: Ali ga lahko vrnete?En: Can you return it?"Sl: "Hodci so se nasmehnili.En: The hikers smiled.Sl: "Morda, vendar smo ga uporabili za našo lov na zaklad.En: "Maybe, but we used it for our treasure hunt.Sl: Želite se nam pridružiti?En: Do you want to join us?"Sl: "Nika je pogledala Grega.En: Nika looked at Grega.Sl: Njene oči so bile sijoče, pripravljene na novo pustolovščino.En: Her eyes were shining, ready for a new adventure.Sl: "Kaj praviš, Grega?En: "What do you say, Grega?Sl: Reši naj se vse drugo, gremo uživat?En: Forget everything else, shall we enjoy ourselves?"Sl: "Grega je samo klecnil z rameni in se nasmehnil.En: Grega just shrugged and smiled.Sl: "Dobro.En: "Alright.Sl: Prilagodimo se staremu zaradi novega!En: Let's adapt the old for the new!Sl: Konec koncev, kaj je en seznam v primerjavi z lepim dnem z vami?En: After all, what is one list compared to a beautiful day with you all?"Sl: "Skupaj so se podali na lov na zaklad.En: Together, they joined the treasure hunt.Sl: Smeh in veselje sta zapolnila zrak.En: Laughter and joy filled the air.Sl: Grega je med potjo spoznal, da je pomembneje uživati v trenutkih s prijatelji kot rigidno slediti načrtom.En: Along the way, Grega realized that it's more important to enjoy moments with friends than to rigidly follow plans.Sl: Ko se je sonce spuščalo za zasnežene vrhove, sta Grega in Nika stala ob strani.En: As the sun set behind the snowy peaks, Grega and Nika stood aside.Sl: Občutek, da so novoletne zaobljube postale lepotni dodatek v njihovem življenju, je bil sproščujoč.En: The feeling that New Year's resolutions had become just a beautiful addition to their life was relaxing.Sl: "Seznam lahko vedno napiševa na novo," je rekla Nika, objemajoč Grega.En: "We can always write a new list," said Nika, hugging Grega.Sl: "A dnevi, kot je ta, niso v beležki.En: "But days like this aren't in the planner."Sl: "Grega je prikimal.En: Grega nodded.Sl: "Res je.En: "That's true.Sl: Danes sem se naučil, da življenje po meri ni vedno po načrtih.En: Today I learned that life by our terms isn't always ...
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    16 mins
  • Secrets of Ljubljana Castle: A Snowy Adventure Unveiled
    Jan 1 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Secrets of Ljubljana Castle: A Snowy Adventure Unveiled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-01-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Na dan, ko so snežinke plesale po zraku, se je šola pripravila na potovanje v Ljubljanski grad.En: On the day when the snowflakes danced through the air, the school prepared for a trip to the Ljubljanski grad (Ljubljana Castle).Sl: Tomaž in Nina sta bila med učenci, ki so pričakovali razburljivo izkušnjo.En: Tomaž and Nina were among the students who were anticipating the exciting experience.Sl: Grad se je dvigal visoko nad mestom, pokrit s tanko snežno odejo, in kipel v novoletnem vzdušju.En: The castle rose high above the city, covered with a thin blanket of snow, and bustled in the New Year's atmosphere.Sl: Tomaž je bil navdušen.En: Tomaž was excited.Sl: Oboževal je zgodovino in si je želel odkriti skrivnosti gradu.En: He loved history and wanted to uncover the castle's secrets.Sl: "Nina, si že slišala za skrivni prehod v gradu?En: "Nina, have you heard about the secret passage in the castle?"Sl: " je tiho vprašal med nabiranjem poguma.En: he quietly asked as he gathered the courage.Sl: Nina je stisnila svetlo na torbo.En: Nina clutched her bag tightly.Sl: "Ne," je rekla, nekoliko zaskrbljena.En: "No," she said, somewhat worried.Sl: "Kaj, če se izgubimo?En: "What if we get lost?"Sl: "Tomaž se je smehljal.En: Tomaž smiled.Sl: "Ne bomo se izgubili.En: "We won't get lost.Sl: Poznam grad dovolj dobro.En: I know the castle well enough.Sl: To bo res zabavno.En: It will be really fun.Sl: In pomisli, kako navdušeni bodo sošolci!En: And think about how excited our classmates will be!"Sl: "Ko se je vodeni ogled približeval koncu, se je skupina ustavila na kratkem odmoru.En: As the guided tour was nearing its end, the group stopped for a short break.Sl: To je bila Tomaževa priložnost.En: This was Tomaž's chance.Sl: "Pridi, Nina.En: "Come on, Nina.Sl: Pojdiva," je šepetal in potegnil njen rokav.En: Let's go," he whispered, tugging at her sleeve.Sl: Skozi stari, kamniti hodnik sta se podila bližje do ugledane stare freske skozi kateri naj bi se skrival prehod.En: Through the old, stone corridor, they hurried closer to an observed old fresco through which the passage was supposedly hidden.Sl: Nenadoma sta naletela na majhna vrata, skoraj skrita v senci.En: Suddenly, they came upon a small door, almost concealed in the shadow.Sl: Odprla sta jih in na njuno presenečenje, je bil za vrati ozek prehod, ki je vodil do balkona.En: They opened it, and to their surprise, behind the door was a narrow passage leading to a balcony.Sl: Razgled je bil čaroben.En: The view was magical.Sl: Celo mesto Ljubljana je bilo vidno, okrašeno s svetilkami, ki so sijale kot zvezde na zemlji.En: The whole city of Ljubljana was visible, adorned with lights shining like stars on the ground.Sl: Snežinke so padale kot drobni kristali v zmrznjenem zraku.En: Snowflakes fell like tiny crystals in the frozen air.Sl: "Wow," je vdihnila Nina in se prvič počutila svobodno in pogumno.En: "Wow," Nina breathed, feeling free and brave for the first time.Sl: Tomaž je strmel v mesto, zadovoljno se smehljal.En: Tomaž stared at the city, smiling contentedly.Sl: "Vidiš, Nina, to ni bilo tako strašljivo.En: "See, Nina, it wasn't that scary."Sl: "A njihovo veselje ni trajalo dolgo.En: But their joy didn't last long.Sl: V blagi paniki sta slišala korake skupine, ki se je premikala naprej brez njiju.En: In mild panic, they heard the footsteps of the group moving on without them.Sl: Treba je bilo pohiteti.En: They had to hurry.Sl: Tekla sta po hodnikih, njuni koraki so odmevali v kamnitih stenah.En: They ran through the corridors, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls.Sl: Srci so jima razbijali in ko sta znova našla svojo skupino, so ju učitelji pogledali z namrščenimi obrazi.En: Their hearts pounded, and when they rejoined their group, the teachers looked at them with frowns.Sl: Kljub temu sta bila navdušena – Tomaž zaradi uspešnega lova na skrivnost, Nina zaradi presenetljivega odkritja o sebi.En: Nonetheless, they were thrilled—Tomaž because of the successful hunt for the secret, Nina because of the surprising discovery about herself.Sl: Ko se je ogled končal, je Tomaž pogledal Nino.En: As the tour ended, Tomaž looked at Nina.Sl: "Kakšna pustolovščina!En: "What an adventure!"Sl: " je rekel.En: he said.Sl: "In boljše je, ko si jo z nekom delil.En: "And it's better when you share it with someone."Sl: "Nina je pokimala, njen obraz je sijal.En: Nina nodded, her face glowing.Sl: "Naučila sem se nekaj danes.En: "I learned something today.Sl: Včasih je majhna avantura tista, ki nas osreči.En: Sometimes a small adventure is what makes us happy."Sl: "Lučke Ljubljane so postopoma ugašale, ko je dan prešel v večer.En: The lights of Ljubljana gradually faded as the day turned into ...
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    16 mins
  • From Snowy Trails to Family Ties: A New Year's Adventure
    Jan 1 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Snowy Trails to Family Ties: A New Year's Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-01-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Triglavski narodni park je zjutraj zasijal v čarobni, snežno beli tišini.En: Triglavski narodni park shone in magical, snowy white silence in the morning.Sl: Zrak je bil svež, gozd pa je bil zavit v prekrivalko belih snežink.En: The air was fresh, and the forest was wrapped in a blanket of white snowflakes.Sl: Tomaž, Maja in Jure so se odpravljali na pohod.En: Tomaž, Maja and Jure were setting out on a hike.Sl: Tomaž je upal, da bo ta novoletni izlet postal nova družinska tradicija.En: Tomaž hoped that this New Year's trip would become a new family tradition.Sl: "Maja, pripravljena si?En: "Maja, are you ready?"Sl: " vpraša Tomaž, ko je preverjal nahrbtnik z malico in toplimi oblačili.En: asked Tomaž as he checked the backpack with snacks and warm clothes.Sl: Maja je zavila z očmi.En: Maja rolled her eyes.Sl: "Rajši bi se družila s prijatelji," je godrnjala.En: "I would rather hang out with friends," she grumbled.Sl: Jure pa je že skakal okoli, navdušen nad pustolovščino, ki jih čaka.En: But Jure was already jumping around, excited about the adventure awaiting them.Sl: Pot so začeli po rahlo zasutem gozdu.En: They started the trail through the lightly covered forest.Sl: Tomaž je užival v zvoku pogovarjajočega vetra in prasketajočih stopinjah v snegu.En: Tomaž enjoyed the sound of the talking wind and the crunching footsteps in the snow.Sl: Jure je radovedno raziskoval vsak kotiček poti.En: Jure was curiously exploring every corner of the path.Sl: A Maja se je vlekla zadaj, njene misli so bile daleč stran.En: But Maja lagged behind, her thoughts far away.Sl: Ko so prišli do strmega klanca, je hoja postala težja.En: When they reached the steep slope, walking became harder.Sl: Snežene kepice so jim lezle v škornje, zrak je bil hladen kot zmrznjen med.En: Snow clumps crept into their boots, and the air was cold as frozen honey.Sl: "Samo še malo," je spodbujal Tomaž z optimistično toplino.En: "Just a little more," encouraged Tomaž with optimistic warmth.Sl: Maja je vzdihnila, a ni rekla nič.En: Maja sighed but said nothing.Sl: Nenadoma se je Jure spotaknil ob skriti kamen in izgubil ravnotežje.En: Suddenly, Jure stumbled over a hidden stone and lost balance.Sl: Maja je instinktivno stegnila roko, da ga prime, in skupaj sta se smejala, ko je Jure nekako uspel ostati na nogah.En: Maja instinctively extended her hand to catch him, and they both laughed as Jure somehow managed to stay on his feet.Sl: "Hvala, Maja," se je nasmehnil Jure.En: "Thanks, Maja," Jure smiled.Sl: Tudi Maja se je nasmehnila, prvič tistega dneva.En: Maja smiled too, for the first time that day.Sl: Ta trenutek je Tomažu dal misliti.En: This moment made Tomaž think.Sl: Mogoče ni šlo samo za to, da bi uveljavil tradicijo, ampak za trenutke, ki jih preživijo skupaj.En: Maybe it wasn't just about establishing a tradition, but about the moments they spent together.Sl: "Kaj če bi naredili postanek?En: "How about we take a break?"Sl: " je predlagal Tomaž in pokazal na bližnjo čistino.En: suggested Tomaž, pointing to a nearby clearing.Sl: Ko so prispeli do razgledne točke, se je pred njimi razprostiral osupljiv pogled na dolino, pobeljeno z zimskim sijajem.En: When they arrived at the viewpoint, an astonishing view of the valley, clad in winter brilliance, spread out before them.Sl: Vsi so v tisti lepoti našli mir.En: They all found peace in that beauty.Sl: Mleteli so kakav iz termo posode in izmenjavali misli.En: They sipped cocoa from the thermos and exchanged thoughts.Sl: Maja je priznala, da jo ni bilo tako slabo kot pričakovala.En: Maja admitted it wasn't as bad as she expected.Sl: Tomaž je bil hvaležen.En: Tomaž was grateful.Sl: Učil se je vrednosti prilagodljivosti.En: He learned the value of adaptability.Sl: Z večerjo, ki so jo kasneje pripravili doma, so pričeli novo leto s svežim razumevanjem.En: With the dinner they prepared at home later, they started the new year with fresh understanding.Sl: Družina je odkrila, kako pomembni so skupni trenutki, četudi jih vsake toliko spremljajo nesoglasja.En: The family discovered how important shared moments are, even if they're occasionally accompanied by disagreements.Sl: Ko so sedeli za mizo in si voščili srečno novo leto, je bila ta nova tradicija že bolj obetavna, kot bi si kdajkoli mislili.En: As they sat at the table, wishing each other a happy new year, this new tradition seemed more promising than they ever imagined.Sl: Konec koncev so v srcu Slovenije, pod Triglavom, našli nekaj dragocenejše od navadnih trenutkov – našli so dragocenost družinskih vezi.En: In the end, in the heart of Slovenia, under Triglav, they found something more precious than ordinary moments – they found the preciousness of family...
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    15 mins

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