Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Stars Over Ruins: Hope's Spark on a New Year's Night Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-04-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Sneg je nežno padal na razpadajoče strehe Ljubljane.En: Snow gently fell on the crumbling rooftops of Ljubljana.Sl: Mesto, zdaj skorajda tiho, je siva senca svojega nekdanjega življenja.En: The city, now nearly silent, was a gray shadow of its former life.Sl: V notranjosti delno uničene stavbe je bilo živahno.En: Inside the partially destroyed building, there was liveliness.Sl: Otroški smeh je prekinjal mrtvi mir.En: Children's laughter broke the dead silence.Sl: To je bila Ana, ki je kljubovala svetu okoli sebe.En: It was Ana, defying the world around her.Sl: Luka je stal poleg nje, nasmejan.En: Luka stood beside her, smiling.Sl: »Hej, še malo snega in bomo lahko zgradili snežaka!« je rekel Luka.En: "Hey, just a little more snow and we can build a snowman!" said Luka.Sl: Ta njegov entuziazem je vedno ogreval Ana srce.En: His enthusiasm always warmed Ana's heart.Sl: Ampak Ana je imela drugo misel.En: But Ana had another thought.Sl: »Naj se najprej učimo, Luka.En: "Let's study first, Luka.Sl: Veš, Matej danes želi nekaj posebnega pokazati,« je odgovorila Ana.En: You know, Matej wants to show us something special today," replied Ana.Sl: Ana, Luka in še nekaj drugih otrok so sedeli na starih lesenih mizah.En: Ana, Luka, and a few other children sat at old wooden tables.Sl: Matej, ki je bil starejši in bolj odgovoren, je s kredo risal po improvizirani tabli.En: Matej, who was older and more responsible, was drawing on an improvised board with chalk.Sl: »Danes se bomo učili o zvezdah,« je začel Matej.En: "Today, we'll learn about stars," Matej began.Sl: »Večerna nebo je jasno, in lahko bomo videli tokson Velikih Pliskavk.«En: “The evening sky is clear, and we will be able to see the constellation of the Great Dolphins."Sl: Otroci so ga poslušali.En: The children listened to him.Sl: Ana je čutila, da s tem znanjem pridobiva košček sveta, ki je bil prej.En: Ana felt that with this knowledge, she was gaining a piece of the world that once was.Sl: Kljub mrazu in pomanjkanju, se ji je zdela ta mala učilnica kot svet univerzum možnosti.En: Despite the cold and the scarcity, this little classroom felt to her like a universe of possibilities.Sl: »Ampak Matej... kaj če bi danes zvečer, za novo leto, zvezde opazovali skupaj?« je vprašala Ana.En: "But Matej... what if tonight, for New Year’s, we observe the stars together?" Ana asked.Sl: Matej je nasmejan pokimal.En: Matej nodded with a smile.Sl: »Seveda, Ana.En: "Of course, Ana.Sl: To je odlična ideja.«En: That's an excellent idea."Sl: Čez dan je Luka izginil.En: During the day, Luka disappeared.Sl: Ana se je spraševala, kje bi lahko bil.En: Ana wondered where he could be.Sl: Ko pa se je bližala noč, se je Luka vrnil z nečim, kar je vse pustilo brez besed.En: But as night approached, Luka returned with something that left everyone speechless.Sl: V njegovih rokah so bile stare knjige, preživele čas in grozote sveta zunaj.En: In his hands were old books, survivors of time and the horrors of the world outside.Sl: »Našel sem jih v stari knjižnici,« je ponosno rekel Luka.En: "I found them in the old library," Luka said proudly.Sl: Matej je odprl eno od knjig.En: Matej opened one of the books.Sl: »Poglejte, otroci, to je bogastvo,« je rekel z navdušenjem.En: "Look, children, this is a treasure," he said with excitement.Sl: Ana je z navdušenjem listala strani.En: Ana leafed through the pages with enthusiasm.Sl: Zdelo se ji je, kot da drži zaklad.En: It seemed to her like she was holding a treasure.Sl: Ko se je bližala polnoč, so otroci zbirali okoli Mateja, ki je pojasnjeval o planetih.En: As midnight approached, the children gathered around Matej, who was explaining the planets.Sl: Prišel je trenutek, ko so skupaj stopili na razpokano teraso stavbe, da bi opazovali nebo.En: The moment came when they stepped onto the cracked terrace of the building together to observe the sky.Sl: Tam, visoko nad uničenim mestom, so bile zvezde mirne in večne.En: There, high above the ruined city, the stars were calm and eternal.Sl: Ana je vedela, da so, čeprav svet uničen, mogočnost univerzuma in moč učenja nekaj, kar nihče ne more uničiti.En: Ana knew that even though the world was destroyed, the majesty of the universe and the power of learning were something that no one could destroy.Sl: »Srečno novo leto,« je Matej zašepetal.En: "Happy New Year," Matej whispered.Sl: Otroci so se zbrali v skupini, obkroženi z mrzlim vetrom in toplimi upi.En: The children gathered in a group, surrounded by the cold wind and warm hopes.Sl: Te noči so spoznali, da skupaj, z znanjem in prijateljstvom, lahko premagajo tudi najtemnejše dneve.En: That night, they realized that together, with knowledge and friendship, they ...
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