• Stars Over Ruins: Hope's Spark on a New Year's Night
    Jan 4 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Stars Over Ruins: Hope's Spark on a New Year's Night Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-04-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Sneg je nežno padal na razpadajoče strehe Ljubljane.En: Snow gently fell on the crumbling rooftops of Ljubljana.Sl: Mesto, zdaj skorajda tiho, je siva senca svojega nekdanjega življenja.En: The city, now nearly silent, was a gray shadow of its former life.Sl: V notranjosti delno uničene stavbe je bilo živahno.En: Inside the partially destroyed building, there was liveliness.Sl: Otroški smeh je prekinjal mrtvi mir.En: Children's laughter broke the dead silence.Sl: To je bila Ana, ki je kljubovala svetu okoli sebe.En: It was Ana, defying the world around her.Sl: Luka je stal poleg nje, nasmejan.En: Luka stood beside her, smiling.Sl: »Hej, še malo snega in bomo lahko zgradili snežaka!« je rekel Luka.En: "Hey, just a little more snow and we can build a snowman!" said Luka.Sl: Ta njegov entuziazem je vedno ogreval Ana srce.En: His enthusiasm always warmed Ana's heart.Sl: Ampak Ana je imela drugo misel.En: But Ana had another thought.Sl: »Naj se najprej učimo, Luka.En: "Let's study first, Luka.Sl: Veš, Matej danes želi nekaj posebnega pokazati,« je odgovorila Ana.En: You know, Matej wants to show us something special today," replied Ana.Sl: Ana, Luka in še nekaj drugih otrok so sedeli na starih lesenih mizah.En: Ana, Luka, and a few other children sat at old wooden tables.Sl: Matej, ki je bil starejši in bolj odgovoren, je s kredo risal po improvizirani tabli.En: Matej, who was older and more responsible, was drawing on an improvised board with chalk.Sl: »Danes se bomo učili o zvezdah,« je začel Matej.En: "Today, we'll learn about stars," Matej began.Sl: »Večerna nebo je jasno, in lahko bomo videli tokson Velikih Pliskavk.«En: “The evening sky is clear, and we will be able to see the constellation of the Great Dolphins."Sl: Otroci so ga poslušali.En: The children listened to him.Sl: Ana je čutila, da s tem znanjem pridobiva košček sveta, ki je bil prej.En: Ana felt that with this knowledge, she was gaining a piece of the world that once was.Sl: Kljub mrazu in pomanjkanju, se ji je zdela ta mala učilnica kot svet univerzum možnosti.En: Despite the cold and the scarcity, this little classroom felt to her like a universe of possibilities.Sl: »Ampak Matej... kaj če bi danes zvečer, za novo leto, zvezde opazovali skupaj?« je vprašala Ana.En: "But Matej... what if tonight, for New Year’s, we observe the stars together?" Ana asked.Sl: Matej je nasmejan pokimal.En: Matej nodded with a smile.Sl: »Seveda, Ana.En: "Of course, Ana.Sl: To je odlična ideja.«En: That's an excellent idea."Sl: Čez dan je Luka izginil.En: During the day, Luka disappeared.Sl: Ana se je spraševala, kje bi lahko bil.En: Ana wondered where he could be.Sl: Ko pa se je bližala noč, se je Luka vrnil z nečim, kar je vse pustilo brez besed.En: But as night approached, Luka returned with something that left everyone speechless.Sl: V njegovih rokah so bile stare knjige, preživele čas in grozote sveta zunaj.En: In his hands were old books, survivors of time and the horrors of the world outside.Sl: »Našel sem jih v stari knjižnici,« je ponosno rekel Luka.En: "I found them in the old library," Luka said proudly.Sl: Matej je odprl eno od knjig.En: Matej opened one of the books.Sl: »Poglejte, otroci, to je bogastvo,« je rekel z navdušenjem.En: "Look, children, this is a treasure," he said with excitement.Sl: Ana je z navdušenjem listala strani.En: Ana leafed through the pages with enthusiasm.Sl: Zdelo se ji je, kot da drži zaklad.En: It seemed to her like she was holding a treasure.Sl: Ko se je bližala polnoč, so otroci zbirali okoli Mateja, ki je pojasnjeval o planetih.En: As midnight approached, the children gathered around Matej, who was explaining the planets.Sl: Prišel je trenutek, ko so skupaj stopili na razpokano teraso stavbe, da bi opazovali nebo.En: The moment came when they stepped onto the cracked terrace of the building together to observe the sky.Sl: Tam, visoko nad uničenim mestom, so bile zvezde mirne in večne.En: There, high above the ruined city, the stars were calm and eternal.Sl: Ana je vedela, da so, čeprav svet uničen, mogočnost univerzuma in moč učenja nekaj, kar nihče ne more uničiti.En: Ana knew that even though the world was destroyed, the majesty of the universe and the power of learning were something that no one could destroy.Sl: »Srečno novo leto,« je Matej zašepetal.En: "Happy New Year," Matej whispered.Sl: Otroci so se zbrali v skupini, obkroženi z mrzlim vetrom in toplimi upi.En: The children gathered in a group, surrounded by the cold wind and warm hopes.Sl: Te noči so spoznali, da skupaj, z znanjem in prijateljstvom, lahko premagajo tudi najtemnejše dneve.En: That night, they realized that together, with knowledge and friendship, they ...
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    17 mins
  • Survival in the Snow: Trust Amid the Slovene Winter
    Jan 4 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Survival in the Snow: Trust Amid the Slovene Winter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-04-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Zimski veter je bičal pokrajino, ki je nekoč brbotala od življenja.En: The winter wind was whipping the landscape, which once teemed with life.Sl: Slovenija, zdaj prazna in hladna, je nudila malo zatočišča.En: Slovenija, now empty and cold, offered little refuge.Sl: Miha je s težavo hodil čez snežne zamete.En: Miha struggled through the snowdrifts.Sl: Roko je držal tesno ob telesu, krvavela je.En: He held his arm close to his body; it was bleeding.Sl: Nekje globoko v gozdu je bil ranjen, medtem ko je iskal hrano.En: Somewhere deep in the forest, he had been injured while searching for food.Sl: Zver, verjetno volk, ga je presenetila.En: The beast, likely a wolf, had taken him by surprise.Sl: Potreboval je pomoč, nujno.En: He needed help, urgently.Sl: Prišel je do opustošene vasice, kjer so se hiše podile drug v drugo kot mrzla, brezupna zavetišča.En: He reached a desolated village, where the houses crowded against each other like cold, hopeless shelters.Sl: Tam je srečal Nežo in Tadeja.En: There he met Neža and Tadej.Sl: Neža je bila edina, ki si je drznila pristopiti bližje.En: Neža was the only one who dared to approach closer.Sl: Njene oči so izžarevale skrb, čeprav je roke držala trdno ob telesu, da se ne bi tresle.En: Her eyes radiated concern, even though she held her hands tightly to her body to keep them from trembling.Sl: "Rana mora biti oskrbljena," je rekla Neža tiho.En: "The wound needs tending," Neža said softly.Sl: "In zdravil nimamo na pretek.En: "And we don't have an abundance of medicine."Sl: "Tadej, s svojo trdo prisotnostjo, je nestrpno gledal.En: Tadej, with his stern presence, watched impatiently.Sl: "Kako vemo, da se mu splača pomagati?En: "How do we know it's worth helping him?"Sl: " je vprašal.En: he asked.Sl: Miha se je zavedal, da mora odločiti.En: Miha realized he had to make a decision.Sl: Lahko bi nadaljeval sam, vendar ni mogel skoraj več hoditi.En: He could continue alone, but he could barely walk anymore.Sl: Vedel je, da bo brez pomoči umrl.En: He knew he would die without help.Sl: "Potrebujem vas," je priznal ponižno.En: "I need you," he admitted humbly.Sl: "Lahko mi zaupate.En: "You can trust me.Sl: Prosim.En: Please."Sl: "Neža je pokimala in začela pripravljati improvizirano obvezo.En: Neža nodded and began to prepare an improvised bandage.Sl: Njena dotikanja so bila nežna, vendar odločna.En: Her touches were gentle, yet determined.Sl: V njenih očeh je bila iskrica odločnosti, ki je presegla strah.En: There was a spark of resolve in her eyes that surpassed fear.Sl: Medtem ko je noč padala na opustošeno deželo, so zbrali nekaj droge iz Tadejevih zalog.En: As night fell over the barren land, they gathered some medicine from Tadej's supplies.Sl: Bili so redki in dragoceni.En: They were rare and precious.Sl: Tadej je pogledal stran, ko je Neža Miho oskrbovala.En: Tadej turned away as Neža tended to Miha.Sl: Boril se je s krivdo iz preteklosti, a v njegovih očeh je bila želja po popravi.En: He battled with guilt from the past, but there was a desire for redemption in his eyes.Sl: Po dnevu negotovosti je Miha zaspal, a njegovo dihanje je postalo enakomernejše.En: After a day of uncertainty, Miha fell asleep, but his breathing became more regular.Sl: Neža je pazila nanj, dokler ni sama omahnila od utrujenosti.En: Neža watched over him until she herself collapsed from exhaustion.Sl: V tistem trenutku je Tadej stopil bližje in pokril oba z odejo, ki jo je našel v bližnji ruševini.En: At that moment, Tadej stepped closer and covered them both with a blanket he found in the nearby ruins.Sl: Ko je zora obsijala deželo, se je Miha zbudil, počutil se je stabilneje.En: When dawn illuminated the land, Miha woke up feeling more stable.Sl: Zavedal se je, da brez Neže in Tadeja ne bi preživel.En: He realized that without Neža and Tadej, he wouldn't have survived.Sl: "Hvala," je rekel, njegovo hvaležnost je bilo moč čutiti.En: "Thank you," he said, his gratitude palpable.Sl: Skupaj so sedeli in vsak je v sebi čutil novo moč.En: They sat together, each feeling a newfound strength within.Sl: Svet je bil še vedno surov in brez milosti, vendar so našli nekaj dragocenega: zaupanje in novo začeto prijateljstvo.En: The world was still harsh and merciless, but they had found something precious: trust and a budding friendship.Sl: Miha se je naučil zaupati, Neža je okrepila svojo prepričanost, Tadej pa je začel verjeti, da je lahko dober človek.En: Miha learned to trust, Neža strengthened her resolve, and Tadej began to believe that he could be a good person.Sl: Snežinke so padale okoli njih, a zdaj je bila zima malce bolj znosna.En: Snowflakes fell around them, but now winter was a bit more bearable.Sl: Skupaj so ...
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    16 mins
  • The Runaway Cabbage: A Tale of Laughter at Ljubljana Market
    Jan 3 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: The Runaway Cabbage: A Tale of Laughter at Ljubljana Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-03-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljanska tržnica je bila polna ljudi.En: The Ljubljana market was full of people.Sl: Lučke so svetile na vsakem vogalu.En: Lights were shining on every corner.Sl: Stojnice so bile obložene s svežimi zimskimi pridelki.En: The stalls were laden with fresh winter produce.Sl: Bil je prvi teden v januarju.En: It was the first week of January.Sl: Ljudje so še vedno praznovali novoletne praznike.En: People were still celebrating the New Year holidays.Sl: Maja, znana pridelovalka zelenjave, je prišla na tržnico.En: Maja, a well-known vegetable grower, arrived at the market.Sl: Njeno srce je bilo polno vznemirjenja in skrbi.En: Her heart was full of excitement and worry.Sl: Njena velika glavnata zelje je bilo pripravljeno za tekmovanje.En: Her large head of cabbage was ready for the competition.Sl: Vedela je, da mora zmagati.En: She knew she had to win.Sl: To bi ji prineslo spoštovanje in občudovanje med kmeti.En: It would earn her respect and admiration among farmers.Sl: Zoran in Tanja, njena prijatelja, sta bila tudi tam.En: Zoran and Tanja, her friends, were also there.Sl: Pomagala sta ji prenesti zelje do osrednje mize.En: They helped her carry the cabbage to the central table.Sl: "Srečno, Maja!En: "Good luck, Maja!"Sl: " je rekel Zoran z nasmehom.En: said Zoran with a smile.Sl: Tanja je prikimala: "Tvoje zelje je res čudovito, zagotovo boš zmagala!En: Tanja nodded: "Your cabbage is really wonderful, you'll surely win!"Sl: "Maja je ponosno postavila zelje na mizo.En: Maja proudly placed the cabbage on the table.Sl: Vendar, nenadoma, je močan veter zapihal čez trg.En: However, suddenly, a strong wind blew across the square.Sl: Glavnato zelje se je začelo počasi kotaliti z mize.En: The head of cabbage began to slowly roll off the table.Sl: "Oh, ne!En: "Oh, no!"Sl: " je zaklicala Maja in stekla za njo.En: exclaimed Maja and ran after it.Sl: Trg je bil poln ljudi.En: The square was full of people.Sl: Otroci so se smejali, starši so klepetali in veselice so bile v polnem teku.En: Children were laughing, parents chatting, and the festivities were in full swing.Sl: Maja se je prebijala skozi množico.En: Maja pushed her way through the crowd.Sl: Ljudje so se smejali in kazali na begajoče zelje, ki je postalo prava atrakcija.En: People laughed and pointed at the runaway cabbage, which had become quite the attraction.Sl: Maja je tekla za njim kot veter.En: Maja ran after it like the wind.Sl: Ni dovolila, da kdo drug pomaga.En: She didn't let anyone else help.Sl: To je bila njena priložnost.En: This was her opportunity.Sl: Z največjo hitrostjo je skočila in zagrabila zelje tik preden bi se zaletelo v stojnico z občutljivimi okraski.En: With all her speed, she jumped and grabbed the cabbage just before it could crash into a stall with delicate ornaments.Sl: Ljudje so navdušeno zaploskali.En: People applauded enthusiastically.Sl: Maja se je najprej prestrašeno ozrla okoli sebe, a potem se je začela smejati.En: Maja first looked around fearfully, but then she began to laugh.Sl: Zabava ni mogla biti boljša.En: The fun couldn’t have been better.Sl: Njen padec je bil eleganten in smešen ter je pritegnil mnogo več občudovanja, kot če bi le pokazala perfekcijo svojega zelja.En: Her fall was elegant and funny and attracted much more admiration than if she had just shown off the perfection of her cabbage.Sl: Sodniki so zelje skrbno pregledali.En: The judges carefully examined the cabbage.Sl: Njihov smeh je bil glasnejši kot kdajkoli prej.En: Their laughter was louder than ever.Sl: "Zdi se, da je to zelje zelo posebej energično," je rekel eden od njih s širokim nasmehom.En: "It seems this cabbage is particularly energetic," said one of them with a broad smile.Sl: "Vidimo, da je to delo pravega mojstra.En: "We can see that this is the work of a true master."Sl: "Maja ni dobila prve nagrade, a to je ni več skrbelo.En: Maja didn’t win first prize, but she no longer cared.Sl: Ljudje so se smejali, ona pa je bila srečna.En: People were laughing, and she was happy.Sl: Naučila se je, da zmagati ni vse.En: She learned that winning isn’t everything.Sl: Pomembno je uživati v trenutku.En: It’s important to enjoy the moment.Sl: Njena odločitev, da sama ujame zelje, jo je naučila ceniti pustolovščine in smeh s prijatelji.En: Her decision to catch the cabbage herself taught her to appreciate adventures and laughter with friends.Sl: Ljubljanska tržnica je še naprej žarela v prazničnih barvah.En: The Ljubljana market continued to glow in festive colors.Sl: Maja je šla domov z nasmehom na obrazu in toplim občutkom v srcu.En: Maja went home with a smile on her face and a warm feeling in her heart.Sl: Zanje ni bila več samo kmetica z odličnim zeljem.En: To them, she was...
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    16 mins
  • An Unexpected Adventure: From Calm to Chaos at Blejsko Lake
    Jan 3 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: An Unexpected Adventure: From Calm to Chaos at Blejsko Lake Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-03-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Mateja in Andrej sta stala na obali Blejskega jezera.En: Mateja and Andrej stood on the shore of Blejsko Lake.Sl: Bila je zima.En: It was winter.Sl: Sneg je pokrival tla.En: Snow covered the ground.Sl: Nebo je bilo jasno, hladno.En: The sky was clear and cold.Sl: Mateja je predlagala, da bi šla na romantično vožnjo z vprego skozi zasneženo pokrajino.En: Mateja suggested they go on a romantic sleigh ride through the snowy landscape.Sl: Andrej je bil skeptičen.En: Andrej was skeptical.Sl: Raje je imel toplo kavo in mirno sprehajanje ob jezeru.En: He preferred a warm coffee and a peaceful walk by the lake.Sl: Toda Mateja je vztrajala.En: But Mateja insisted.Sl: "Glej, Andrej, to bo zabavno!En: "Look, Andrej, it will be fun!"Sl: " je dejala Mateja in ga potegnila proti sankam.En: said Mateja, pulling him toward the sleds.Sl: V bližini sta zagledala skupino psov.En: Nearby, they saw a group of dogs.Sl: Hitro sta se usedla.En: They quickly sat down.Sl: Samo nekaj trenutkov kasneje pa sta začutila sunkovito gibanje.En: Just a few moments later, they felt a sudden movement.Sl: Psi so začeli teči z vsemi močmi!En: The dogs began to run with all their might!Sl: "Mateja, to niso romantične sani!En: "Mateja, these aren't romantic sleds!"Sl: " je zakričal Andrej, ko je opazil, da hitijo preko snežne pokrajine.En: shouted Andrej as he noticed they were speeding across the snowy landscape.Sl: Psi so bili živahni in hitri, voznik pa se jim je trudil slediti.En: The dogs were lively and fast, and the driver struggled to keep up.Sl: Andrej se je tesno držal za rob sani, veter mu je brnil okoli ušes.En: Andrej held tightly to the edge of the sled, the wind whistling around his ears.Sl: Mateja je bila sprva presenečena.En: Mateja was initially surprised.Sl: Kmalu pa ji je bilo vse skupaj smešno.En: Soon, however, she found it all amusing.Sl: Andrej pa ni bil preveč navdušen.En: Andrej was not too thrilled.Sl: "To je noro!En: "This is crazy!"Sl: " je zavpil, ko je sankanje postalo še bolj divje.En: he yelled as the ride became even wilder.Sl: Psi so zavili ostro v levo.En: The dogs made a sharp turn to the left.Sl: Skoraj sta se prevrnila.En: They almost tipped over.Sl: Mateja se je sedaj začela spraševati, če bi morala takoj priznati svojo napako.En: Mateja then began to wonder if she should immediately admit her mistake.Sl: Nista bila del treninga!En: They weren't part of the training session!Sl: K sreči, ko so se psi umirili, je trener opazil zmedenost na njunih obrazih.En: Fortunately, when the dogs calmed down, the trainer noticed the confusion on their faces.Sl: "Oprostite, nista prava kandidatka za trening," je rekel.En: "Sorry, you're not the right candidates for training," he said.Sl: Počasi so se vrnili na začetek.En: Slowly, they returned to the start.Sl: Mateja se je smejala.En: Mateja laughed.Sl: Andrej je, navkljub vsemu, začutil, kako v njem narašča adrenalin.En: Despite everything, Andrej felt adrenaline rising within him.Sl: Presenetil ga je občutek radosti.En: He was surprised by a feeling of joy.Sl: Ko sta stopila iz sani, ga je Mateja pogledala: "Se opravičujem za to zmešnjavo.En: When they stepped out of the sled, Mateja looked at him: "I apologize for this mess."Sl: "Andrej se ji je nasmehnil.En: Andrej smiled at her.Sl: "Veš kaj, bilo je celo zabavno," jo je skoraj skril s svojo tiho odobritvijo.En: "You know what, it was actually fun," he said, almost hiding his quiet approval.Sl: Tako sta se vrnila v normalno življenje, Mateja pa se je naučila pomembne lekcije.En: Thus, they returned to normal life, and Mateja learned an important lesson.Sl: Od zdaj naprej bo vedno dvakrat preverila svoje načrte.En: From now on, she will always double-check her plans.Sl: Andrej pa je, prvič v življenju, začel uživati malo nepredvidljivosti in pustolovščin.En: Andrej, for the first time in his life, began to enjoy a little unpredictability and adventure.Sl: Blejsko jezero bo od takrat naprej zmeraj simbol njunega majhnega, a pustolovskega dne.En: Blejsko Lake would from then on always be a symbol of their small but adventurous day. Vocabulary Words:shore: obalasleigh: vpregolandscape: pokrajinoskeptical: skeptičeninsisted: vztrajalasudden: sunkovitoromantic: romantičnewhistling: brnilamusing: smešnothrilled: navdušentipped over: prevrnilaadmit: priznatimistake: napakocalm: umirilicandidate: kandidatkareturned: vrniliadrenaline: adrenalinjoy: radostiapologize: oprostitiapproval: odobritvijonormal: normalnolesson: lekcijedouble-check: dvakrat preverilaunpredictability: nepredvidljivostiadventure: pustolovščinsymbol: simboladventurous: pustolovskegasnowy: zasneženofun: zabavnopulling: potegnila
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    15 mins
  • Reconnecting in the Snow: A Tale of New Year, Love, and Home
    Jan 2 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Reconnecting in the Snow: A Tale of New Year, Love, and Home Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-02-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Triglavski narodni park je bil pokrit s svežim snegom.En: Triglavski narodni park was covered with fresh snow.Sl: Miran je hodil po poti, ki jo je poznal od otroštva.En: Miran was walking on a path he had known since childhood.Sl: To je bila zanj tradicija.En: It was a tradition for him.Sl: Vsako leto na novega leta dan je osvojil Triglav.En: Every year on New Year's Day, he conquered Triglav.Sl: Tokrat pa je bilo drugače.En: This time, however, was different.Sl: Srce mu je težilo nesrečo, ki mu je vzela mir.En: His heart was weighed down by a misfortune that had taken his peace.Sl: Med drevesi v daljavi se je pojavila silhueta.En: Among the trees in the distance, a silhouette appeared.Sl: Miran si je pomel oči in ugotovil, da ga dohiteva dekle.En: Miran rubbed his eyes and realized that a girl was catching up with him.Sl: Bila je Katja, polna energije in radovednosti.En: It was Katja, full of energy and curiosity.Sl: Bila je nova v tem okolju, vendar si je srčno želela najti stik s svojo domovino.En: She was new to this environment, but she earnestly wanted to connect with her homeland.Sl: »Živjo,« je rekla s svetlečimi očmi.En: "Hello," she said with bright eyes.Sl: »Ne bom vam v napoto, zgolj sledila bom poti.En: "I won't be in your way, I'll just follow the path."Sl: «Miran se je za trenutek premislil, nato pa pokimal.En: Miran hesitated for a moment, then nodded.Sl: Njegova želja po samoti ni bila več tako močna.En: His desire for solitude was no longer so strong.Sl: V njej je našel nekakšno toplino.En: In her, he found a kind of warmth.Sl: Pot se je vila skozi zasnežene borovce, ko sta hodila naprej.En: The path wound through the snow-covered pine trees as they walked further.Sl: Katja je postavljala vprašanja, govorila o svojih dogodivščinah v tujini.En: Katja asked questions and spoke about her adventures abroad.Sl: Miran se je počasi sprostil in delil nekaj svojih misli.En: Miran slowly relaxed and shared some of his thoughts.Sl: V pogovoru je bilo nekaj znanega.En: There was something familiar in the conversation.Sl: Zasnežena steza je postala manj vidna.En: The snowy trail became less visible.Sl: Veter je začel biti močan.En: The wind began to grow strong.Sl: Blanket svežega snega je postal izziv.En: The blanket of fresh snow became a challenge.Sl: Vremenska napoved ni napovedovala tako hude nevihte.En: The weather forecast had not predicted such a severe storm.Sl: Morala sta poiskati zavetje.En: They had to find shelter.Sl: Ko sta dosegla vrh, je veter postal neizprosen.En: When they reached the summit, the wind became relentless.Sl: Skuhala sta topel čaj iz zelišč, ki jih je Miran nosil s seboj.En: They brewed warm tea from herbs that Miran had carried with him.Sl: Mrzlo zavijanje vetra je večkrat pretrgalo njun pogovor, toda v mirnih trenutkih sta kljub temu našla geslo.En: The cold gusts of wind repeatedly interrupted their conversation, but in the calm moments, they still found a connection.Sl: »Kisik, hribček in dom,« je Miran spontano začel peti, neko melodično otroško pesem.En: "Oxygen, hill, and home," Miran spontaneously began to sing a melodic children's song.Sl: Katja se je pridružila besedilu, ne da bi o tem premišljevala.En: Katja joined in the lyrics without contemplating it.Sl: Pesem ju je povezovala iz otroštva.En: The song connected them from childhood.Sl: Nenadoma, kot spomin iz preteklosti, sta se spogledala.En: Suddenly, like a memory from the past, they glanced at each other.Sl: »Ti si Katja,« je rekel Miran, s suho grlo.En: "You are Katja," Miran said, with a dry throat.Sl: »Miran?En: "Miran?"Sl: « je Katja dahnila, presenečena.En: Katja gasped, surprised.Sl: Snowstorm je počasi izginjal v daljavi, razkril pa je novo vez.En: The snowstorm slowly faded into the distance, revealing a new bond.Sl: Težko najdeno, pa vendar tu.En: Hard-found, but nevertheless there.Sl: Ko sta se spuščala nazaj v dolino, je ledeni veter postal le tih šepet.En: As they descended back into the valley, the icy wind became just a quiet whisper.Sl: V srcu sta našla toplino, večjo kot kdajkoli prej.En: In their hearts, they found warmth greater than ever before.Sl: Miran je vedel, da ni več sam.En: Miran knew he was no longer alone.Sl: Katja je našla svoj dom.En: Katja had found her home.Sl: Novo leto je prinašalo nove začetke.En: The New Year was bringing new beginnings.Sl: In družina je bila spet skupaj.En: And the family was together again. Vocabulary Words:covered: pokritpath: potchildhood: otroštvoconquered: osvojilmisfortune: nesrečosilhouette: silhuetarealized: ugotovilcatching up: dohitevacuriosity: radovednostihomeland: domovinohesitated: premislilsolitude: samotiwound: vilaadventures: dogodivščinerelaxed: ...
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    15 mins
  • Lost Resolutions: A Serendipitous Adventure in Triglav
    Jan 2 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lost Resolutions: A Serendipitous Adventure in Triglav Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-02-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Grega in Nika sta korakala po snežno zasneženi pokrajini Triglavskega narodnega parka.En: Grega and Nika were walking through the snow-covered landscape of the Triglavski narodni park.Sl: Sonce je sijalo, zrak je bil svež, zime so bile čarobne.En: The sun was shining, the air was fresh, and the winter was magical.Sl: A v Greginih mislih ni bilo miru.En: But there was no peace in Grega's thoughts.Sl: Spomnil se je pomembnega dokumenta, ki ga je pozabil — njun seznam novoletnih zaobljub.En: He remembered an important document he had forgotten — their list of New Year's resolutions.Sl: "Slišim tvoje misli, Grega," je rekla Nika, ko sta nadaljevala hojo s krpljami po zasneženi stezi.En: "I can hear your thoughts, Grega," said Nika as they continued snowshoeing along the snowy trail.Sl: "Spet razmišljaš o tem seznamu, kajne?En: "You're thinking about that list again, aren't you?"Sl: "Grega je prikimal.En: Grega nodded.Sl: "Pozabil sem nanj.En: "I forgot about it.Sl: Treba ga je najti!En: We need to find it!Sl: Brez njega ne bo reda.En: Without it, there will be no order."Sl: "Nika se je nasmehnila.En: Nika smiled.Sl: "Morda je bolje, da uživava v dnevu in delava nove načrte.En: "Maybe it’s better we enjoy the day and make new plans."Sl: "Ne prepričana, da bi popustila, je Grega trdil: "Samo še malo hodiva proti vzhodu, mislim, da sem ga tam izgubil.En: Not convinced to give up, Grega insisted, "Let's just walk a little further east, I think I lost it there."Sl: "Medtem ko sta sledila Gregini ideji, je sneg postajal globlji.En: As they followed Grega's idea, the snow grew deeper.Sl: Pokrajina Triglavskega narodnega parka je bila dih jemajoča.En: The landscape of the Triglavski narodni park was breathtaking.Sl: Meglice, ki so se dvigale nad gorami, so dajale občutek skrivnosti.En: Mist rising above the mountains added a sense of mystery.Sl: "Najprej spijmo topel čaj," je predlagala Nika, ko sta prišla do zlatega razgledišča, kjer je bil razgled na bližnji gozd.En: "Let's have some hot tea first," suggested Nika when they reached a golden viewpoint with a view of the nearby forest.Sl: Po krajšem odmoru sta nadaljevala pot.En: After a short break, they continued on.Sl: Na svoje presenečenje sta srečala skupino pohodnikov.En: To their surprise, they met a group of hikers.Sl: Eden izmed njih je imel v roki njuno izgubljeno listino.En: One of them was holding their lost document.Sl: "Je to vaš seznam?En: "Is this your list?"Sl: " je vprašal eden izmed pohodnikov z nasmehom.En: one of the hikers asked with a smile.Sl: Grega je hitel k njim.En: Grega hurried over to them.Sl: "Da, to je naš!En: "Yes, that's ours!Sl: Ali ga lahko vrnete?En: Can you return it?"Sl: "Hodci so se nasmehnili.En: The hikers smiled.Sl: "Morda, vendar smo ga uporabili za našo lov na zaklad.En: "Maybe, but we used it for our treasure hunt.Sl: Želite se nam pridružiti?En: Do you want to join us?"Sl: "Nika je pogledala Grega.En: Nika looked at Grega.Sl: Njene oči so bile sijoče, pripravljene na novo pustolovščino.En: Her eyes were shining, ready for a new adventure.Sl: "Kaj praviš, Grega?En: "What do you say, Grega?Sl: Reši naj se vse drugo, gremo uživat?En: Forget everything else, shall we enjoy ourselves?"Sl: "Grega je samo klecnil z rameni in se nasmehnil.En: Grega just shrugged and smiled.Sl: "Dobro.En: "Alright.Sl: Prilagodimo se staremu zaradi novega!En: Let's adapt the old for the new!Sl: Konec koncev, kaj je en seznam v primerjavi z lepim dnem z vami?En: After all, what is one list compared to a beautiful day with you all?"Sl: "Skupaj so se podali na lov na zaklad.En: Together, they joined the treasure hunt.Sl: Smeh in veselje sta zapolnila zrak.En: Laughter and joy filled the air.Sl: Grega je med potjo spoznal, da je pomembneje uživati v trenutkih s prijatelji kot rigidno slediti načrtom.En: Along the way, Grega realized that it's more important to enjoy moments with friends than to rigidly follow plans.Sl: Ko se je sonce spuščalo za zasnežene vrhove, sta Grega in Nika stala ob strani.En: As the sun set behind the snowy peaks, Grega and Nika stood aside.Sl: Občutek, da so novoletne zaobljube postale lepotni dodatek v njihovem življenju, je bil sproščujoč.En: The feeling that New Year's resolutions had become just a beautiful addition to their life was relaxing.Sl: "Seznam lahko vedno napiševa na novo," je rekla Nika, objemajoč Grega.En: "We can always write a new list," said Nika, hugging Grega.Sl: "A dnevi, kot je ta, niso v beležki.En: "But days like this aren't in the planner."Sl: "Grega je prikimal.En: Grega nodded.Sl: "Res je.En: "That's true.Sl: Danes sem se naučil, da življenje po meri ni vedno po načrtih.En: Today I learned that life by our terms isn't always ...
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    16 mins
  • Secrets of Ljubljana Castle: A Snowy Adventure Unveiled
    Jan 1 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Secrets of Ljubljana Castle: A Snowy Adventure Unveiled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-01-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Na dan, ko so snežinke plesale po zraku, se je šola pripravila na potovanje v Ljubljanski grad.En: On the day when the snowflakes danced through the air, the school prepared for a trip to the Ljubljanski grad (Ljubljana Castle).Sl: Tomaž in Nina sta bila med učenci, ki so pričakovali razburljivo izkušnjo.En: Tomaž and Nina were among the students who were anticipating the exciting experience.Sl: Grad se je dvigal visoko nad mestom, pokrit s tanko snežno odejo, in kipel v novoletnem vzdušju.En: The castle rose high above the city, covered with a thin blanket of snow, and bustled in the New Year's atmosphere.Sl: Tomaž je bil navdušen.En: Tomaž was excited.Sl: Oboževal je zgodovino in si je želel odkriti skrivnosti gradu.En: He loved history and wanted to uncover the castle's secrets.Sl: "Nina, si že slišala za skrivni prehod v gradu?En: "Nina, have you heard about the secret passage in the castle?"Sl: " je tiho vprašal med nabiranjem poguma.En: he quietly asked as he gathered the courage.Sl: Nina je stisnila svetlo na torbo.En: Nina clutched her bag tightly.Sl: "Ne," je rekla, nekoliko zaskrbljena.En: "No," she said, somewhat worried.Sl: "Kaj, če se izgubimo?En: "What if we get lost?"Sl: "Tomaž se je smehljal.En: Tomaž smiled.Sl: "Ne bomo se izgubili.En: "We won't get lost.Sl: Poznam grad dovolj dobro.En: I know the castle well enough.Sl: To bo res zabavno.En: It will be really fun.Sl: In pomisli, kako navdušeni bodo sošolci!En: And think about how excited our classmates will be!"Sl: "Ko se je vodeni ogled približeval koncu, se je skupina ustavila na kratkem odmoru.En: As the guided tour was nearing its end, the group stopped for a short break.Sl: To je bila Tomaževa priložnost.En: This was Tomaž's chance.Sl: "Pridi, Nina.En: "Come on, Nina.Sl: Pojdiva," je šepetal in potegnil njen rokav.En: Let's go," he whispered, tugging at her sleeve.Sl: Skozi stari, kamniti hodnik sta se podila bližje do ugledane stare freske skozi kateri naj bi se skrival prehod.En: Through the old, stone corridor, they hurried closer to an observed old fresco through which the passage was supposedly hidden.Sl: Nenadoma sta naletela na majhna vrata, skoraj skrita v senci.En: Suddenly, they came upon a small door, almost concealed in the shadow.Sl: Odprla sta jih in na njuno presenečenje, je bil za vrati ozek prehod, ki je vodil do balkona.En: They opened it, and to their surprise, behind the door was a narrow passage leading to a balcony.Sl: Razgled je bil čaroben.En: The view was magical.Sl: Celo mesto Ljubljana je bilo vidno, okrašeno s svetilkami, ki so sijale kot zvezde na zemlji.En: The whole city of Ljubljana was visible, adorned with lights shining like stars on the ground.Sl: Snežinke so padale kot drobni kristali v zmrznjenem zraku.En: Snowflakes fell like tiny crystals in the frozen air.Sl: "Wow," je vdihnila Nina in se prvič počutila svobodno in pogumno.En: "Wow," Nina breathed, feeling free and brave for the first time.Sl: Tomaž je strmel v mesto, zadovoljno se smehljal.En: Tomaž stared at the city, smiling contentedly.Sl: "Vidiš, Nina, to ni bilo tako strašljivo.En: "See, Nina, it wasn't that scary."Sl: "A njihovo veselje ni trajalo dolgo.En: But their joy didn't last long.Sl: V blagi paniki sta slišala korake skupine, ki se je premikala naprej brez njiju.En: In mild panic, they heard the footsteps of the group moving on without them.Sl: Treba je bilo pohiteti.En: They had to hurry.Sl: Tekla sta po hodnikih, njuni koraki so odmevali v kamnitih stenah.En: They ran through the corridors, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls.Sl: Srci so jima razbijali in ko sta znova našla svojo skupino, so ju učitelji pogledali z namrščenimi obrazi.En: Their hearts pounded, and when they rejoined their group, the teachers looked at them with frowns.Sl: Kljub temu sta bila navdušena – Tomaž zaradi uspešnega lova na skrivnost, Nina zaradi presenetljivega odkritja o sebi.En: Nonetheless, they were thrilled—Tomaž because of the successful hunt for the secret, Nina because of the surprising discovery about herself.Sl: Ko se je ogled končal, je Tomaž pogledal Nino.En: As the tour ended, Tomaž looked at Nina.Sl: "Kakšna pustolovščina!En: "What an adventure!"Sl: " je rekel.En: he said.Sl: "In boljše je, ko si jo z nekom delil.En: "And it's better when you share it with someone."Sl: "Nina je pokimala, njen obraz je sijal.En: Nina nodded, her face glowing.Sl: "Naučila sem se nekaj danes.En: "I learned something today.Sl: Včasih je majhna avantura tista, ki nas osreči.En: Sometimes a small adventure is what makes us happy."Sl: "Lučke Ljubljane so postopoma ugašale, ko je dan prešel v večer.En: The lights of Ljubljana gradually faded as the day turned into ...
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    16 mins
  • From Snowy Trails to Family Ties: A New Year's Adventure
    Jan 1 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Snowy Trails to Family Ties: A New Year's Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-01-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Triglavski narodni park je zjutraj zasijal v čarobni, snežno beli tišini.En: Triglavski narodni park shone in magical, snowy white silence in the morning.Sl: Zrak je bil svež, gozd pa je bil zavit v prekrivalko belih snežink.En: The air was fresh, and the forest was wrapped in a blanket of white snowflakes.Sl: Tomaž, Maja in Jure so se odpravljali na pohod.En: Tomaž, Maja and Jure were setting out on a hike.Sl: Tomaž je upal, da bo ta novoletni izlet postal nova družinska tradicija.En: Tomaž hoped that this New Year's trip would become a new family tradition.Sl: "Maja, pripravljena si?En: "Maja, are you ready?"Sl: " vpraša Tomaž, ko je preverjal nahrbtnik z malico in toplimi oblačili.En: asked Tomaž as he checked the backpack with snacks and warm clothes.Sl: Maja je zavila z očmi.En: Maja rolled her eyes.Sl: "Rajši bi se družila s prijatelji," je godrnjala.En: "I would rather hang out with friends," she grumbled.Sl: Jure pa je že skakal okoli, navdušen nad pustolovščino, ki jih čaka.En: But Jure was already jumping around, excited about the adventure awaiting them.Sl: Pot so začeli po rahlo zasutem gozdu.En: They started the trail through the lightly covered forest.Sl: Tomaž je užival v zvoku pogovarjajočega vetra in prasketajočih stopinjah v snegu.En: Tomaž enjoyed the sound of the talking wind and the crunching footsteps in the snow.Sl: Jure je radovedno raziskoval vsak kotiček poti.En: Jure was curiously exploring every corner of the path.Sl: A Maja se je vlekla zadaj, njene misli so bile daleč stran.En: But Maja lagged behind, her thoughts far away.Sl: Ko so prišli do strmega klanca, je hoja postala težja.En: When they reached the steep slope, walking became harder.Sl: Snežene kepice so jim lezle v škornje, zrak je bil hladen kot zmrznjen med.En: Snow clumps crept into their boots, and the air was cold as frozen honey.Sl: "Samo še malo," je spodbujal Tomaž z optimistično toplino.En: "Just a little more," encouraged Tomaž with optimistic warmth.Sl: Maja je vzdihnila, a ni rekla nič.En: Maja sighed but said nothing.Sl: Nenadoma se je Jure spotaknil ob skriti kamen in izgubil ravnotežje.En: Suddenly, Jure stumbled over a hidden stone and lost balance.Sl: Maja je instinktivno stegnila roko, da ga prime, in skupaj sta se smejala, ko je Jure nekako uspel ostati na nogah.En: Maja instinctively extended her hand to catch him, and they both laughed as Jure somehow managed to stay on his feet.Sl: "Hvala, Maja," se je nasmehnil Jure.En: "Thanks, Maja," Jure smiled.Sl: Tudi Maja se je nasmehnila, prvič tistega dneva.En: Maja smiled too, for the first time that day.Sl: Ta trenutek je Tomažu dal misliti.En: This moment made Tomaž think.Sl: Mogoče ni šlo samo za to, da bi uveljavil tradicijo, ampak za trenutke, ki jih preživijo skupaj.En: Maybe it wasn't just about establishing a tradition, but about the moments they spent together.Sl: "Kaj če bi naredili postanek?En: "How about we take a break?"Sl: " je predlagal Tomaž in pokazal na bližnjo čistino.En: suggested Tomaž, pointing to a nearby clearing.Sl: Ko so prispeli do razgledne točke, se je pred njimi razprostiral osupljiv pogled na dolino, pobeljeno z zimskim sijajem.En: When they arrived at the viewpoint, an astonishing view of the valley, clad in winter brilliance, spread out before them.Sl: Vsi so v tisti lepoti našli mir.En: They all found peace in that beauty.Sl: Mleteli so kakav iz termo posode in izmenjavali misli.En: They sipped cocoa from the thermos and exchanged thoughts.Sl: Maja je priznala, da jo ni bilo tako slabo kot pričakovala.En: Maja admitted it wasn't as bad as she expected.Sl: Tomaž je bil hvaležen.En: Tomaž was grateful.Sl: Učil se je vrednosti prilagodljivosti.En: He learned the value of adaptability.Sl: Z večerjo, ki so jo kasneje pripravili doma, so pričeli novo leto s svežim razumevanjem.En: With the dinner they prepared at home later, they started the new year with fresh understanding.Sl: Družina je odkrila, kako pomembni so skupni trenutki, četudi jih vsake toliko spremljajo nesoglasja.En: The family discovered how important shared moments are, even if they're occasionally accompanied by disagreements.Sl: Ko so sedeli za mizo in si voščili srečno novo leto, je bila ta nova tradicija že bolj obetavna, kot bi si kdajkoli mislili.En: As they sat at the table, wishing each other a happy new year, this new tradition seemed more promising than they ever imagined.Sl: Konec koncev so v srcu Slovenije, pod Triglavom, našli nekaj dragocenejše od navadnih trenutkov – našli so dragocenost družinskih vezi.En: In the end, in the heart of Slovenia, under Triglav, they found something more precious than ordinary moments – they found the preciousness of family...
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    15 mins