• Portals of Possibility: Exploring Gateways to New Realities
    Aug 22 2024

    In this episode, we're exploring portals—those access points to other realities, dimensions, or perspectives, whether big or small, simple or drastic. Think of them as tools that allow energy to flow and transform. We’ll dive into the power of people coming together with shared intentions, focusing on what we want to create rather than what we fear.

    New fields of love and intimacy are being downloaded into Earth’s grid. It’s our job to anchor these energies, but that requires us to stay aligned and take care of ourselves, keeping our chakras and inner portals clear.

    From the mysteries of black holes to the symbolism of mandalas and labyrinths, and even practices like eye gazing, we'll cover how these gateways shape our experiences. Join us as we explore how every cell of your being is a portal, the balance of feminine and masculine energies, and the transformative power of intention.

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    32 mins
  • Blueprint of the Soul: Finding Harmony Through Your Frequency
    Aug 15 2024

    Have you ever wondered how the energy you put out into the world shapes your experiences? Just like sound and light, our thoughts and emotions carry a frequency that either resonates or creates dissonance with everything around us. Life is about recognizing these signals and using them as a mirror to see what frequency you’re truly emitting. Whether it comes from a place of love or fear, understanding your energy is the first step in aligning with your higher self.

    This journey isn’t about chasing perfection or bypassing the tough stuff. It’s about living authentically, facing your true emotions, and embracing the growth that comes with it. By tending to your own energy, you can navigate relationships, heal past traumas, and create intentional shifts in your life. Whether you're holding your frequency in the midst of challenges or learning from those around you, the key is in understanding and aligning with your unique blueprint. Curious to dive deeper? Let’s explore how tuning into your frequency can help you live a more authentic and harmonious life.

    Nikki Caballero Sound Healing: https://www.nikkixcaballero.com

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    36 mins
  • Validation: The Secret Ingredient to Presence
    Aug 8 2024

    As humans, we often seek validation from others. “I am not crazy, right?” How many times have you connected with friends or family to see if they agree with your opinion or experience? This craving to be seen and understood will never be satisfied through external validation until you fully see and accept all parts of yourself and your experiences. When we accept validation from ourselves, we can gain the support of others. When we don't validate ourselves, others devaluing our experiences feels like an immovable weight. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself: "I see you, I understand you, I accept your experience and the feelings that arise from it."

    We also seek validation from sources like spirit or the universe to feel confident in the messages we receive. It begins with mindfulness, being present in the moment to observe what resonates within you. When we search for signs, we tend to stretch our reality to fit the messages we want to receive, which are not deeply rooted in validation. Set an agreement with those you connect with—a symbol or sign that you know is just for you—then forget about it. Let it come back naturally, reminding you of the manifestation or message you have been waiting to receive.

    Whether you are looking for validation from other humans or beings beyond, it begins with you. Tap into your inner universe to access information, give yourself acceptance, and activate your confidence as you move through life knowing that everything is happening for your highest timeline. You will receive the messages in divine timing. Validation is paired with trust. Take the leap of faith, follow your intuition, and watch things happen for you, not to you. This is the validation that you are a powerful creator.

    May the signs be sweet and simple.

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    36 mins
  • Change: Riding the Timeline Shift
    Aug 1 2024

    Mercury is mercurying and Leo season is in full swing! You’re feeling it. We’re feeling it. But what does it all mean and how do we deal?

    Change is the only constant in life. In this episode, we delve into accepting what we cannot change and harnessing our power over what we can, especially our emotions. With Mercury in motion and Leo season at its peak, it's a time of realignment and releasing outdated patterns.

    Every past event has shaped the present, reminding you that current experiences are guiding you toward your future self. Embrace the moment without overanalyzing the purpose, and lean into acceptance. As timelines shift and frequency raising become common knowledge, we discuss the impact on our personal and collective growth.

    Join us as we explore the importance of authenticity, the power of gratitude, and the significance of free will. This existence is all about navigating life's changes with resilience and grace, riding out challenges and embracing the adventure.

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    38 mins
  • Paranormal Activity: Featuring Steve-O the Resident Ghost
    Jul 25 2024

    The paranormal serves as a gateway for many people to explore the energetic realms. There are a few ways to pierce the veil. You can reach the other side by raising your vibration to match the energy you are connecting with. In the higher dimensions, you may use your intuition to communicate. Alternatively, you can become the battery or use electronics and tools to create enough of an energy shift for them to cross the veil into the physical realm. When they enter our dimension, they can create sounds or movements that we experience as paranormal activity. Some beings have enough power, either from your emotional response or their own inherent power, to manifest without your intention. These are your resident ghosts! At our current studio, we have one of our own: Steve-O!

    We begin this episode discussing the paranormal in general, but Steve-O has plenty to say as well. Using our intuitive gifts, cards, and an EMF reader, we connect with Steve-O about his passing and his experience on the other side. When communicating with friendly beings on the other side, it is important to set parameters for who and what can contact you. We communicate with Steve-O because we know it is safe, and we continue to have our guides serve as the bodyguards of our gates to other realms. Protect yourself, set boundaries, and remember that you are more powerful than you believe.

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    53 mins
  • Cults: Find Your Soul Tribe
    Jul 18 2024

    We all crave peace and connection, but sometimes getting swept up in a crowd can pull us in directions we didn’t expect. In this week's episode, we delve into the allure of cults and how they elicit a specific path of devotion—whether that’s to a deity, a belief system, or just something of resonance.

    In a world where knowing the answer can feel empowering, we discuss why so many seek solutions outside themselves, especially during times of disconnection. It feels empowering to have the answers, but often we find ourselves looking outside for validation, especially when we’re feeling a little lost. Sometimes it comes down to figuring out when to hold on tight and when to let go.

    Finding your soul tribe—those amazing people who support you in living your most authentic life, makes all the difference in how supported you are by your community. It goes without saying that authentic connections—whether spiritual or not—can enrich our lives and help us live our truth.

    Work with Tara: https://www.divinelysourced.org

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    53 mins
  • HSP: Ya You Know Me
    Jul 11 2024

    This episode goes out to all the highly sensitive people out there. Being a Highly Sensitive Person has its perks and challenges but we believe it is a gift and a means to access higher levels of consciousness. One of the greatest forms of self love and care is to accept all aspects of ourselves and learn how to feel safe in our bodies. So many look for an escape or maybe even feel trapped in their body but it’s important to think of the body as a safe space for the soul rather than a cage.

    Every challenge experienced on earth offers the opportunity to refine a tool. Growth doesn’t always have to happen through trauma. Growing and evolving by tapping into your creative force is ultimately as effective and that much more enjoyable.

    It’s imperative to find balance between the spikes of energy that activates every emotion. The high highs and low lows aren’t meant to knock you out but instead act as a signal to let you know that balance must be sought. Emotions are our responsibility and instead of waiting for external circumstances to change in order to feel regulated, changing your response to the activated emotions serves as a more direct path to balance.

    Book recommendation: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/923950.The_Highly_Sensitive_Person

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    56 mins
  • Energy Update: Return of the Broads
    Jul 4 2024

    We’re thrilled to be back for our fifth season where we are in person together at last! Our freq checks leave little to the imagination as we share our most authentic selves with you. The energy has been wild these last few weeks so we dig into the impacts of solar flares from what they are and how they affect us on an energetic level.

    Our new studio has a resident spirit nicknamed Steve-O and he loves to pop in to make himself known. So, of course, the topic of spirits, dimension hopping, and ghost stories at one of the more active Portland cemeteries with a bunch of children must be addressed. Needless to say this site was a hotbed for paranormal activity. From crow shit to the EMF reader spiking, the kids got to experience a full gamut of spiritual encounters.

    Many people get introduced to spirit through ghost encounters. This is the gateway into energetics, something we will continue to explore throughout the season! But be mindful, once you open that door you are sending a message that you are open to connect. This will invite all beings, living or not, to begin the energy exchange. Protect yourself and be mindful with your words and who you are giving your attention to since it's your greatest form of currency. This is why it is so important to be present in your body and listen to signs, follow your intuition, and trust yourself.

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    54 mins