• E11: Spiritual Care & Atttentiveness
    May 15 2024

    [Part 2] Dr. Elizabeth Johnston Taylor unpacks her definition of spiritual care by sharing stories of discernment and learning in her work with patients and research.

    Publications by Dr. Taylor

    “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” - Rainer Maria Rilke

    Every Moment Holy prayer book
    Luke 15:11-32
    Cinderella & Her Sisters: The Envied and the Envying by Ann & Barry Ulanov

    Contact Us ncf@intervarsity.org or fill out our Contact Form

    Groups Nurses: Join a group | Students: Join or start a group.

    Membership: Get a professional membership, the award winning Journal of Christian Nursing, and connect with other students and nurses. Sign up using the code “following” to save $10!

    Music is Happy Day by Stockaudio at Pixabay

    Produced by InterVarsity Nurses Christian Fellowship USA

    Hosted by Lara Kay Kaiser

    Podcast Website

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    36 mins
  • E10: Spiritual Care & Respect
    May 1 2024

    [Part 1] Dr. Elizabeth Johnston Taylor shares how she got her start in researching and teaching spiritual care in nursing.

    Publications by Dr. Taylor

    Other authors mentioned in the podcast
    - Gerald and Betty Winslow
    - Barb Pesut
    - Rick Sawatsky

    Contact Us ncf@intervarsity.org or fill out our Contact Form

    Groups Nurses: Join a group | Students: Join or start a group.

    Membership: Get a professional membership, the award winning Journal of Christian Nursing, and connect with other students and nurses. Sign up using the code “following” to save $10!

    Music is Happy Day by Stockaudio at Pixabay

    Produced by InterVarsity Nurses Christian Fellowship USA

    Hosted by Lara Kay Kaiser

    Podcast Website

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    35 mins
  • E9: Taxing or Toxic?
    Apr 3 2024

    [Part 2] Skip McDonald shares how to tell when it's time to leave a toxic space and what it takes when you're called to stay in a taxing role. She shares from her experiences as a mental health nurse and how to develop good support for yourself.

    About Skip McDonald: https://www.skipmcdonald.com/

    God's Word and Mental Health
    Depression: Emerging from the Darkness
    Life Guide Bible Studies: Anxiety

    Contact Us ncf@intervarsity.org or fill out our Contact Form

    Groups Nurses: Join a group | Students: Join or start a group.

    Membership: Get a professional membership, the award winning Journal of Christian Nursing, and connect with other students and nurses. Sign up using the code “following” to save $10!

    Music is Happy Day by Stockaudio at Pixabay

    Produced by InterVarsity Nurses Christian Fellowship USA

    Hosted by Lara Kay Kaiser

    Podcast Website

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    22 mins
  • BONUS: 24 in 24 NCF Student Ministry
    Mar 6 2024

    Jen, NCF Student Ministry Director, shares her vision for planting new ministry for nursing students across the country, empowering these future caregivers with the encouragement and direction of Jesus through accessible and relatable Bible studies and prayer groups.

    24in24 is a vision to see 24 new nursing student ministry groups started in the year 2024.

    SIGN UP FOR 24in24 HERE: tiny.cc/24ncf

    How to join 24in24:

    Pray on the 24th of every month. Sign up here.

    Share this vision with others you know in nursing education.

    Connect with us if you would like to volunteer, plant a group, or advise as faculty.

    Contact Us ncf@intervarsity.org or fill out our Contact Form

    Groups Nurses: Join a group | Students: Join or start a group.

    Membership: Get a professional membership, the award winning Journal of Christian Nursing, and connect with other students and nurses. Sign up using the code “following” to save $10!

    Music is Happy Day by Stockaudio at Pixabay

    Produced by InterVarsity Nurses Christian Fellowship USA

    Hosted by Lara Kay Kaiser

    Podcast Website

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    13 mins
  • E8: Mental Health & Jesus
    Feb 28 2024

    [Part 1] Skip McDonald shares her experiences as a mental health nurse, how Jesus has met her in her own mental health, and her thoughts on how mental health care has developed over the years.

    About Skip McDonald: https://www.skipmcdonald.com/

    God's Word and Mental Health
    Depression: Emerging from the Darkness
    Life Guide Bible Studies: Anxiety

    Contact Us ncf@intervarsity.org or fill out our Contact Form

    Groups Nurses: Join a group | Students: Join or start a group.

    Membership: Get a professional membership, the award winning Journal of Christian Nursing, and connect with other students and nurses. Sign up using the code “following” to save $10!

    Music is Happy Day by Stockaudio at Pixabay

    Produced by InterVarsity Nurses Christian Fellowship USA

    Hosted by Lara Kay Kaiser

    Podcast Website

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    27 mins
  • E7: Resilience and Self Leadership
    Jan 31 2024

    [Part 2] Dr. Santhiny Rajamohan teaches the skill and development of self leadership while connecting the dots with resilience and the Christian faith.

    Nan's Story (Santhiny's sister)

    The Four Pillars of Resilience (REST)

    Relationship with God, self, and others

    Exercise body, mind, spirit

    Self Compassion or Soul Care

    Trusting God’s timing

    JCN article: “Fostering Resilience in Nursing Through R.E.S.T.”

    Video: Understanding and Supporting Minority Student and Nurse Perspectives

    Journal Club “Praying the Psalms as a Strategy for Resilience”

    • Register here for the next event on Thursday, February 8th, 2024

    Or view the recording and all other previous Journal Clubs here.

    Contact Us ncf@intervarsity.org or fill out our Contact Form

    Groups Nurses: Join a group | Students: Join or start a group.

    Membership: Get a professional membership, the award winning Journal of Christian Nursing, and connect with other students and nurses. Sign up using the code “following” to save $10!

    Music is Happy Day by Stockaudio at Pixabay

    Produced by InterVarsity Nurses Christian Fellowship USA

    Hosted by Lara Kay Kaiser

    Podcast Website

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    41 mins
  • E6: Resilience and REST
    Jan 18 2024

    [Part 1] Dr. Santhiny Rajamohan shares about the hardships and challenges she has faced with the help of the Lord and the encouragement of Scripture. Her journey has led her to research and teach methods of resilience including her R.E.S.T. pillars.

    The Four Pillars of Resilience (REST)

    Relationship with God, self, and others

    Exercise body, mind, spirit

    Self Compassion or Soul Care

    Trusting God’s timing

    JCN article: “Fostering Resilience in Nursing Through R.E.S.T.”

    Video: Understanding and Supporting Minority Student and Nurse Perspectives

    Journal Club “Praying the Psalms as a Strategy for Resilience”

    • Register here for the next event on Thursday, February 8th, 2024
    • Or view the recording and all other previous Journal Clubs here.

    Contact Us ncf@intervarsity.org or fill out our Contact Form

    Groups Nurses: Join a group | Students: Join or start a group.

    Membership: Get a professional membership, the award winning Journal of Christian Nursing, and connect with other students and nurses. Sign up using the code “following” to save $10!

    Music is Happy Day by Stockaudio at Pixabay

    Produced by InterVarsity Nurses Christian Fellowship USA

    Hosted by Lara Kay Kaiser

    Podcast Website

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    39 mins
  • E5: Gratitude and Contentment
    Jan 3 2024

    [Part 2] Josh Mays continues to share about some of the harder moments on the job and how he faces them with gratitude and contentment.

    Contact Us

    ncf@intervarsity.org or fill out our Contact Form


    Nurses: Join a group.

    Students: Join or start a group.

    Get a professional membership, the award winning Journal of Christian Nursing, and connect with other students and nurses. Sign up using the code “following” to save $10!

    Music is Happy Day by Stockaudio at Pixabay

    Produced by InterVarsity Nurses Christian Fellowship USA

    Hosted by Lara Kay Kaiser

    Podcast Website

    ★ Support this podcast ★
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    26 mins