This episode of “Follow the Rabbit” features the podcast's first guest, Kelly Pendergrast, a writer, researcher, and strategist based in Oakland, California. Kelly's expertise in technology, digital images, and material culture brings a fresh perspective to the ongoing discussion about third places.
The main topic of discussion is the evolution of third places, comparing traditional concepts to modern interpretations. Kelly presents her research on the subject, highlighting the differences between classic third spaces (like local bars, bowling alleys, or churches) and newer, more branded and aesthetically-driven spaces.
Key points of the discussion include:
- The shift from “container” third spaces to “platform” third spaces- The role of aesthetics and branding in modern third spaces
- The impact of social media and online culture on physical spaces
- The concept of “ungrammable hang zones” versus Instagram-friendly spaces
- The challenges of creating neutral spaces in today's identity-conscious world
- The financial and real estate factors influencing the development of new third spaces
The conversation delves into the reasons behind these changes, touching on topics such as the abundance of information online, the desire for optimized experiences, and the changing nature of community building.
Throughout the episode, Igor and Johannes engage with Kelly's ideas, offering their own insights and experiences. The discussion evolves to consider whether it's possible or desirable to recreate traditional third spaces in the modern context, and what new forms of community spaces might emerge.
The episode concludes with a reflection on the complexities of creating truly neutral spaces in today's society, acknowledging the historical biases in what were once considered “neutral” spaces. This leads to a more nuanced understanding of the potential benefits of newer, more intentionally designed third spaces.
Overall, the episode provides a thought-provoking exploration of how third places are evolving in response to technological, social, and cultural changes, leaving listeners with much to consider about the future of community spaces.
You can also watch this episode on YouTube at