FluentFiction - Welsh

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Finding Joy in Simple Gifts: A Market Tale
    Nov 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Finding Joy in Simple Gifts: A Market Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2024-11-23-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Cardiff Central Market oedd lle prysur gyda’r hydref yn gwneud ei bresenoldeb yn amlwg.En: Cardiff Central Market was a busy place with autumn making its presence obvious.Cy: Dail melyn a coch, wedi eu taflu gan y gwynt, yn chwythu o gwmpas y cychoden ar y llawr.En: Yellow and red leaves, tossed by the wind, swirled around the footfall on the floor.Cy: Yno, roedd aroglau cyfarwydd - bara ffres, caws a phrydau selsig poeth yn llenwi’r awyr gyda rhywbeth cartrefol.En: There, familiar scents - fresh bread, cheese, and hot sausage dishes filled the air with something homely.Cy: Roedd Gareth yn sefyll y tu mewn i’r farchnad, ei feddwl dan straen.En: Gareth stood inside the market, his mind under stress.Cy: “Mae ’na gymaint o bobl yma, Cerys,” meddai wrth ei ffrind sy'n sefyll gerllaw.En: “There are so many people here, Cerys,” he said to his friend standing nearby.Cy: Roedd Cerys yn gwybod bod Gareth bob amser yn ceisio gwneud popeth yn berffaith, yn enwedig pan oedd y teulu yn y golwg.En: Cerys knew that Gareth always tried to do everything perfectly, especially when family was involved.Cy: “Dim ond mymryn o baciwch i ymlacio,” atebodd Cerys gyda gwên.En: “Just take a moment to relax,” replied Cerys with a smile.Cy: Gwyddai fod Gareth eisiau prynu anrhegion arbennig i’w deulu, ond roedd y peth yn teimlo fel ordd.En: She knew that Gareth wanted to buy special gifts for his family, but the task felt overwhelming.Cy: Rhwng y torfeydd, roedd Gareth yn benderfynol.En: Amidst the crowds, Gareth was determined.Cy: Roedd fannaon o gywair newydd, rhwng y stondinau.En: There were hints of a new cadence between the stalls.Cy: Dylan, un arall o’u grŵp, oedd wedi sylwi.En: Dylan, another member of their group, had noticed.Cy: “Gweld dyma!” dywedodd wrth Gareth, gan ddangos stondin llawn eitemau wedi’u gwneud â llaw.En: “Look at this!” he said to Gareth, showing him a stall full of handmade items.Cy: Roedd rhywbeth o’r golygfeydd cyffredin yn hyn, rhywbeth hyfryd yn y symlrwydd.En: There was something out of the ordinary in this, something lovely in its simplicity.Cy: Gareth synhwyrai fod y stwff wedi’i wneud â llaw yn dal yr emosiwn roedd ei angen arno.En: Gareth sensed that the handmade stuff captured the emotion he needed.Cy: Roedd yma llygad drygionus a chalon gynnes yng nghyffyrddiad pob rhodd.En: There was a mischievous eye and a warm heart in the touch of each gift.Cy: Yno, welodd Gareth bamffleddion bach, pannau prydau a gelwyddau a oedd mor fanllyd â’i feddyliau ei hun.En: There, Gareth saw small pamphlets, cooking pans, and trinkets that were as intricate as his own thoughts.Cy: Dylan lawen, “Y rhain, Gareth, maent yn ffitio i ti,” ac roedd Gareth yn cytuno.En: Dylan, cheerful, said, “These, Gareth, they suit you,” and Gareth agreed.Cy: Roedd wedi dod i sylwi fod pethau naill ai’n wir neu’n ffaelu dibennaol, ac roedd yn troi at yr ochr syml, y ddedwydd.En: He had come to realize that things were either truly meaningful or utterly pointless, and he turned towards the simple, the joyful.Cy: Eleni, roedd Gareth am i’w deulu deimlo’r cynhesrwydd a’r tendrwydd hynny.En: This year, Gareth wanted his family to feel that warmth and tenderness.Cy: Roedd fel pe bai’r darnau drwsiad i gyd yn llywodraethu i roi perthynas yn hytrach na rhaniad.En: It was as if the elegant pieces were contrived to bring togetherness rather than division.Cy: Gyda chasgliad bach o roddion ond mewn emosiwn mawr, roedd Gareth yn fwy hyderus na fu o’r blaen.En: With a small collection of gifts but a great deal of emotion, Gareth was more confident than ever before.Cy: Na, nid oedd rhaid i bopeth fod yn berffaith.En: No, not everything had to be perfect.Cy: Ond, y gwirionedd oedd yn bendant yn ddigon.En: But authenticity was certainly enough.Cy: “Diolch i ti, Cerys, Dylan,” dywedodd Gareth, wrth iddo ymdroi o'r farchnad.En: “Thank you, Cerys, Dylan,” Gareth said as he walked out of the market.Cy: Y tu allan, roedd yr awyr yn codi cymylau i ffwrdd, rhoddai goleuni eto ar rywbeth araf ond gwirioneddol.En: Outside, the sky was lifting clouds away, casting light again on something slow yet true.Cy: Roedd yn barod bellach am gynheafau Thanksgiving.En: He was now ready for a Thanksgiving harvest.Cy: A oedd hynny am gael hyfrydwch, nid perffeithrwydd, oedd ei gôl.En: What mattered was joy, not perfection—his goal. Vocabulary Words:swirled: chwythufootfall: cychodenhomely: cartrefolstress: straenscents: aroglauoverwhelming: orddcadence: cywairstalls: stondinauhandmade: â llawpamphlets: bamffleddiontrinkets: gelwyddauintricate: manllydmischievous: drygionusconfident: hyderusauthenticity: gwirioneddovercast: cymylaujoyful: ddedwyddtenderness: tendrwyddcontrived: ...
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    15 mins
  • When Rain Sparks Connection: Love Blooms at Bae Caerdydd
    Nov 22 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: When Rain Sparks Connection: Love Blooms at Bae Caerdydd Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2024-11-22-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Roedd glaw yn disgyn yn drwm dros Fae Caerdydd.En: Rain was falling heavily over Bae Caerdydd.Cy: Roedd y tymor yn Hydref, ac er bod yr awyr yn las, roedd sŵn y glaw yn canu fel cerddoriaeth ar do'r milltir.En: The season was autumn, and although the sky was blue, the sound of the rain played like music on the roof of the bay.Cy: Roedd Aeron yn camu i mewn i'r aquariwm, yn chwilio am loches.En: Aeron stepped into the aquarium, seeking shelter.Cy: Roedd yn well ganddo fwydro trwy'r tanciau pysgod anferth na sefyll yn y glaw oer.En: He preferred to wander through the enormous fish tanks than stand in the cold rain.Cy: Yn yr un acwariwm, roedd Megan yn gwerthfawrogi’r golygfeydd o bysgod lliwgar.En: In the same aquarium, Megan was appreciating the views of colorful fish.Cy: Roedd hi'n hoff iawn o dynnu lluniau’r creaduriaid môr.En: She loved taking pictures of the sea creatures.Cy: Roedd y lliwiau'n ysbrydoliaeth i'w gwaith celf.En: The colors were an inspiration for her artwork.Cy: Roedd pobl yn symud o amgylch, ond roedd eu teithiau'n cydblethu yma ac acw.En: People moved around, but their journeys intertwined here and there.Cy: Pan adewais lle i sefyll ger un o'r tanciau mwyaf, trodd Megan a gweld Aeron yn sefyll wrth ochr y ffenestr wenfflam.En: When she made room to stand by one of the largest tanks, Megan turned and saw Aeron standing by the large window.Cy: Roedd eu llygaid yn cwrdd a rhannwyd golwg syfrdanol rhyngddynt.En: Their eyes met, and a stunning look was shared between them.Cy: "Ti'n hoffi pysgod?" gofynnodd Aeron, gan gwenu’n ddoniol.En: "Do you like fish?" Aeron asked, grinning playfully.Cy: "Ydy, mae’r moroloion yn anhygoel! Dwi'n cael llawer o ysbrydoliaeth ganddyn nhw." Atebodd Megan, ei llais yn llawn brwdfrydedd.En: "Yes, the marine creatures are incredible! I get a lot of inspiration from them," replied Megan, her voice full of enthusiasm.Cy: "Beth sy'n dod â thi yma? Y glaw?" chwarddodd hi.En: "What brings you here? The rain?" she laughed.Cy: "Ie, a fy niddordeb mewn bywyd môr. Dwi newydd symud i Gaerdydd a dwi'n gweithio ym maes bioleg môr." Roedd ei lygaid yn disgleirio wrth siarad am ei waith.En: "Yes, and my interest in marine life. I just moved to Caerdydd and am working in marine biology." His eyes sparkled as he talked about his work.Cy: "Dyna mor ddiddorol! Dwi'n artist lleol. Ryn ni erioed wedi cwrdd o'r blaen?" gofynnodd Megan, chwilfrydig.En: "That's so interesting! I'm a local artist. Have we ever met before?" asked Megan, curious.Cy: "Na, ond mi fyddai'n hoffi cyfarfod eto. Mae’n anodd symud i le newydd a gwneud cyfeillion... ond dwi’n siŵr y daw.En: "No, but I'd like to meet again. It's hard to move to a new place and make friends... but I'm sure it will happen.Cy: Mae digon i ddarganfod yma. Beth amdanat ti? Oes gen ti brosiect newydd?" gofynnodd Aeron.En: There's plenty to discover here. How about you? Do you have a new project?" Aeron asked.Cy: Megan yr oedd yn amheuaethus o'r amser byddai'n siarad am ei chelf.En: Megan was usually cautious about discussing her art.Cy: Ond teimlai'n gysur â'r ddeialog.En: But she felt comfortable with the conversation.Cy: "Dwi'n gweithio ar gyfres newydd o luniadau môr. Gelli di weld fy nghofiant os ti eisiau?" Cynnigiodd hi, yn gostyngei.En: "I'm working on a new series of marine drawings. You can see my portfolio if you want?" she offered, modestly.Cy: Roedd Aeron wedi synnu, ond hapus mendio.En: Aeron was surprised but delighted.Cy: Gyda phowldraeth a balchder, agorodd Megan ei llyfr brasluniau.En: With pride, Megan opened her sketchbook.Cy: Y creaduriaid hwnnw o'r môr wedi cael eu dal yn ei gwaith celf.En: The creatures from the sea captured in her artwork.Cy: Roedd Aeron yn cael ei swyno gan ei thalent.En: Aeron was captivated by her talent.Cy: “Ti'n anhygoel,” meddai Aeron yn amlwg, y geiriau'n llifo’n naturiol rhwngdynt.En: "You're amazing," said Aeron genuinely, the words flowing naturally between them.Cy: "Dyma sy'n rhoi bywyd i'r byd morol. Sut fydde ni'n colli hebddo? Dwi'n gwir werthfawrogi."En: "This is what gives life to the marine world. How would we live without it? I truly appreciate it."Cy: Ar ôl i'r glaw glirio, cerddodd y ddau i'r caffi cyfagos i siarad ymhellach.En: After the rain cleared, the two walked to the nearby café to talk further.Cy: Wrth rannu straeon am eich angerdd, roedd y ddau wedi teimlo cysylltiad.En: Sharing stories about their passions, both felt a connection.Cy: Roeddynt yn rhannu rhifau, gyda chytundeb o gyfarfod eto.En: They exchanged numbers, agreeing to meet again.Cy: Efallai i ymweld ag eraill o leoedd môr neu hyd yn oed cyd-weithio ar brosiectau celf.En: Perhaps to visit other marine places or even collaborate on art projects.Cy: Erbyn diwedd y ...
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    17 mins
  • From Ambition to Heartfelt Harmony: Eira's Christmas Pantomime
    Nov 21 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: From Ambition to Heartfelt Harmony: Eira's Christmas Pantomime Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2024-11-21-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Er roedd prynhawn o hydref yn Abertawe, gwlith dyner yn hongian yn yr awyr oer.En: It was an autumn afternoon in Abertawe, a gentle dew hanging in the cold air.Cy: Roedd yr arogl coffi ffres ar led rhwng waliau'r rostir coffi lleol, lle mae pobl yn dod ynghyd yn aml i sgwrsio a chynllunio dros fenyn a phaned yn gynnes.En: The aroma of fresh coffee spread between the walls of the local coffee roastery, where people often come together to chat and plan over butter and a warm cup.Cy: Roedd aŵyrlun clyd yr ystafell dan arweiniad goleuadau cynnes, a than hynny, roedd Eira ac Rhodri yn eistedd wrth fwrdd pren, y ddau'n athrawon yn yr ysgol leol.En: The cozy ambiance of the room was led by warm lights, and under them, Eira and Rhodri sat at a wooden table, both teachers at the local school.Cy: Edrychodd Eira o gwmpas yn anniddig, tra oedd Rhodri yn llonaid ac eiriol ei phen.En: Eira looked around restlessly, while Rhodri was cheerful and supportive of her.Cy: "Rhaid i ni wneud y Nadolig hwn yn anhygoel," mynegodd Eira gyda phenderfyniad cynhwysfawr.En: "We have to make this Christmas amazing," expressed Eira with comprehensive determination.Cy: "Bydd y pantomeim yn ddigwyddiad y flwyddyn!"En: "The pantomime will be the event of the year!"Cy: Roedd Rhodri, gyda ei agwedd llawer mwy hamddenol, yn cymryd llymaid arall o'i cappuccino cyn ateb.En: Rhodri, with his much more relaxed attitude, took another sip of his cappuccino before responding.Cy: "Eira, mae'n rhaid i ni gofio’r adnoddau cyfyngedig sydd gyda ni. Efallai y dylwn ni symleiddio rhai elfennau?"En: "Eira, we have to remember the limited resources we have. Maybe we should simplify some elements?"Cy: Roedd meddwl am adnoddau cyfyngedig a'r llinell terfyn tyn yn poeni Eira.En: The thought of limited resources and the tight deadline worried Eira.Cy: Roedd ei chalon yn dymuno gwneud trawiad ar bawb.En: Her heart wished to make an impact on everyone.Cy: Ond gwybodai hi, o bant o'i hanner, fod Rhodri yn iawn.En: But she knew, deep down, that Rhodri was right.Cy: Roedd yn rhaid gwneud penderfyniad - cadw'r uchelgais neu osod ffiniau realistig.En: A decision had to be made – to keep the ambition or set realistic boundaries.Cy: Wedi ychydig o funudau mewn byrfyfyr o dawelwch, daeth ateb i Eira.En: After a few minutes in a brief silence, an answer came to Eira.Cy: "Rhodri, beth os fyddwn ni'n canolbwyntio ar y neges? Gallwn ni arlliwio llai o osodiadau, ond gwneud y story yn bersonol a theimladwy."En: "Rhodri, what if we focus on the message? We can use fewer set designs but make the story personal and heartfelt."Cy: Mae Rhodri yn gwenu arni a gwthiwyd ymlaen hebwain.En: Rhodri smiled at her and pushed forward enthusiastically.Cy: "Fi fydd yn helpu gyda'r celfyddydau - geiriau yn dod bywyd gyda lluniau syml sy'n cyffwrdd â chalon."En: "I'll help with the arts – words will come to life with simple pictures that touch the heart."Cy: Wrth i’r coffi oero ar y bwrdd rhwng nhw, cynhyrchwyd llun fres o bartneriaeth a chydweithrediad newydd yn eu meddyliau.En: As the coffee cooled on the table between them, a fresh picture of partnership and new collaboration formed in their minds.Cy: Roedd Eira yn gwybod, gyda Rhodri wrth ei ochr, y gellid cyflawni'r sioe yn ogystal, er gyda llai.En: Eira knew, with Rhodri by her side, the show could be achieved just as well, albeit with less.Cy: Wrth i'r dyddiadod dipio yn y cefndir, gwnaeth Eira a Rhodri ffarwelio a chytuno i gyfarfod eto i ddatblygu'r cynllun diweddaraf.En: As the daylight dipped in the background, Eira and Rhodri bid farewell and agreed to meet again to develop the latest plan.Cy: Clywais gor yr haul yn cau, maglau andiffynol o glust i glust yn eu llên, yn gadarnhaol a bywiog, ymlaen at y sioe.En: They heard the sun's chorus closing, protective loops from ear to ear in their writing, positive and lively, heading towards the show.Cy: Daeth y dydd i'r llwyfan ac aeth y cyfan i'r cynllun.En: The day came to the stage, and everything went according to the plan.Cy: Roedd cynulleidfa, wedi’i swyno gan stori Eira a’r delweddau Rhodri, yn sicrhau bod neges y chwarae yn cyrraedd eu calonnau.En: The audience, captivated by Eira's story and Rhodri's imagery, ensured the play's message reached their hearts.Cy: Roedd clod nid oherwydd ei opulent, ond oherwydd ei gonest a chynnes.En: It was praised not for its opulence but for its honesty and warmth.Cy: Wedi’r sioe, gwnaeth Eira wylio’r myfyrwyr â llawenydd, cytuno â’r gwirionedd newydd gafodd dysgu.En: After the show, Eira watched the students with joy, agreeing with the new truth she had learned.Cy: Efallai nad yw popeth yn ei angen i fod yn wych; weithiau, mae angen cael ei ystyried a’i rannu gyda'r rhai sy'n credu.En: Perhaps not ...
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    16 mins

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