FluentFiction - Welsh

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Heartfelt Connections: Art and Care Unite at Caerdydd Hospital
    Jan 30 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Heartfelt Connections: Art and Care Unite at Caerdydd Hospital Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-30-23-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Ar fore oer o Ionawr, y gwynt yn chwythu trwy strydoedd chul Caerdydd, roedd llew o bobl yn prysur fynd a dod yn Ysbyty'r ddinas.En: On a cold January morning, the wind blew through Caerdydd's narrow streets, as crowds of people hurriedly came and went at the city's hospital.Cy: Roedd Llywelyn yn sefyll wrth giatiau'r ward pediatreg, yn gwisgo ei ryw fag coconet a'i gôt.En: Llywelyn stood by the gates of the pediatric ward, wearing his coconut bag and coat.Cy: Roedd disgleirdeb byd dydd Santes Dwynwen yn gorfod ei godi o fod yn llwch llawn gwaith.En: The brightness of Dydd Santes Dwynwen had to lift him from the dust full of work.Cy: Roedd y pediatreg ward yn brysur, ond llawn goleuni a phosteri lliwgar o'r dathliad yn hongian o'r waliau.En: The pediatric ward was busy but full of light, with colorful posters of the celebration hanging from the walls.Cy: Plant yn chwerthin, pelydrau o lawenydd mewn lle syfrdanol o ddifrifol.En: Children laughed, beams of joy in a remarkably serious place.Cy: Aeth traed Llewelyn yn gofalu am yr ystafell, ond ei feddwl yn rhywle arall.En: Llywelyn's feet took care of the room, but his mind was elsewhere.Cy: Roedd teimlad o hiraeth yn ei gysuro y bore hwn.En: A comforting feeling of homesickness embraced him this morning.Cy: Ni fuasai'n hir cyn gweld Carys, gyda chlocswyddion meddyg yn taro'r llawr.En: It wasn't long before he saw Carys, with her doctor's clogs clacking on the floor.Cy: Roedd ei gwallt hufennog yn sgleinio yn y lluminescant golau ysbyty.En: Her creamy hair shone in the hospital's fluorescent light.Cy: Hyd yn oed mewn profiad mor llawn gofid, roedd hi'n sefyll fel seren yn y ceffylau'r drws.En: Even in such a distressing experience, she stood out like a star by the entrance.Cy: "Llewelyn!" gwaeddodd, golwg o gydymdeimlad yn ei llygaid.En: "Llywelyn!" she shouted, a look of sympathy in her eyes.Cy: "Carys, mae'n dda dy weld di," meddai Llewelyn, ei galon yn llawn llawenydd.En: "Carys, it's good to see you," said Llywelyn, his heart full of joy.Cy: Y saboth hwn, roedd colegau yn cwrdd â'i gilydd.En: This sabbath, colleagues were meeting each other.Cy: A ymunodd Eira, yn dod i mewn â'i goluddion meddal a byrddau inc.En: And joined by Eira, entering with her soft gestures and ink boards.Cy: Roedd hi'n dangos serch o gefn gwlad yng nghanol bywyd brysur.En: She brought a touch of rural charm to the busy life.Cy: "Mae'n teimlo fel blynyddoedd," meddai Eira yn llawen, wrth iddyn nhw ymgynnull o fewn cornel eithafol o'r ward, lle mae'r cyffro yn boddi'r emosiwn.En: "It feels like years," Eira said cheerfully, as they gathered in a remote corner of the ward, where excitement drowned emotion.Cy: Wrth y siarad, yn adrodd hen straeon, roedd ganddynt unman ond eu hatgofion i roi cysgod i'r ystafell wag.En: As they spoke, recounting old stories, they had nothing but their memories to provide shade to the empty room.Cy: "Beth ydyn ni'n ei wneud gyda'r holl amser yma?" holodd Llewelyn, yn chwilota am fyfyrdod y tu mewn.En: "What are we doing with all this time here?" asked Llywelyn, searching for reflection within.Cy: Eira, ei strôc wisgal a'i llygad direidus, trwy ffurfio cynllun.En: Eira, with her mischievous eye and a creative flair, formed a plan.Cy: "Beth am greu celf i'r ward? Fy incs i, dy swyddi gofal chi. Gallwn ni wneud rhywbeth ysblennydd."En: "How about creating art for the ward? My inks, your care jobs. We can make something splendid."Cy: Golchodd ychydig o dyndra owyneb Llewelyn.En: A bit of tension washed away from Llywelyn's face.Cy: Roedd cerdded law yn llaw â'i ffrindiau i hwyl a bodlonrwydd.En: Walking hand in hand with friends brought joy and contentment.Cy: "Gwych," meddai Carys, ei llais yn llawn lloni.En: "Great," said Carys, her voice filled with cheer.Cy: Roedden nhw'n trafod hyd y fore, yn sonn am sut y gallai eu doniau ddod a bendith i bobl eraill.En: They discussed throughout the morning, talking about how their talents could bring blessings to others.Cy: Roedd gofal meddygol yn fwy na jyst sgwatio ar y beiciau amserlen; ysbrydoli a chadw'n fyw.En: Medical care was more than just adhering to schedules; it was about inspiring and keeping alive.Cy: Pan adawyd y sain a'r sŵn gweithredol y ward yn gadael bol, roedd Llewelyn wedi codi.En: When the sound and bustle of the ward took a break, Llywelyn had risen.Cy: Mwy cysylltiad nawr, y meddwl llawn dop o fwy o fywyd, roedd serch hapus staff wedi cal llawer o lawniant.En: More connected now, his mind was overflowing with more life; the happy affection of the staff had been rewarding.Cy: Wrth iddyn nhw fynd, safodd Llewelyn y tu allan i giât, ei ffrindiau ar bob ochr iddo.En: As they moved on, Llywelyn stood outside the gate, his friends on either side.Cy: "Dyna'n diwrnod i'w ...
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    18 mins
  • Love's Summit: A Winter Proposal Amid Eryri's Storm
    Jan 29 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Love's Summit: A Winter Proposal Amid Eryri's Storm Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-29-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Ymysg cuddfannau eira uchelderau Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, daeth y bore ioriau.En: Amongst the snow-covered hideaways of Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri's highlands, the morning arrived with a gentle glow.Cy: Roedd y byd yn wyn fel llen hudolus, â'r mynyddoedd anferthol yn sefyll ar lanau cudd wrth i eira drwm ddisgyn yn ddi-baid.En: The world was white like a magical veil, with the enormous mountains standing quietly as the heavy snow fell incessantly.Cy: Mae Gwilym, Seren a Dafydd yn sefyll wrth droed y llwybr, y tri yn benderfynol o gyrraedd copa'r mynydd hardd er gwaethaf y rhew sy'n cyniwair drwyddynt.En: Gwilym, Seren, and Dafydd stood at the foot of the path, all three determined to reach the beautiful mountain summit despite the frost that swept through them.Cy: "Os gallwn ni gyrraedd y copa, bydd y golygfa'n anhygoel," meddai Seren, ei llygaid yn sgleinio â brwdfrydedd.En: "If we can reach the summit, the view will be incredible," said Seren, her eyes shining with enthusiasm.Cy: Seren yw'r person mwyaf beiddgar yn y grŵp, bob amser yn arwain yn benderfynol.En: Seren is the boldest person in the group, always leading with determination.Cy: Ond roedd Gwilym yn fwy synfyfyriol heddiw, ei law yn dal y cylch yn ofalus yn ei boced, gan obeithio'r foment berffaith i ofyn Seren i fod yn wraig iddo.En: But Gwilym was more contemplative today, his hand carefully holding the ring in his pocket, hoping for the perfect moment to ask Seren to be his wife.Cy: Yn sydyn, mae awel gref yn chwythu'r eira o amgylch ac mae'r storm yn troi'n fwy dwys o flaen eu llygaid.En: Suddenly, a strong breeze swept the snow around them, and the storm turned more intense before their eyes.Cy: Gwylfa mor brydferth, bellach yn fygythiad o berygl.En: Such a beautiful sight now became a threat of danger.Cy: "Dylem ddod o hyd i rywle i roi ymwared," mae Dafydd yn argymell, ei lais yn llawn pryder, yn cofio cyfrinach Gwilym.En: "We should find somewhere to take shelter," Dafydd suggested, his voice filled with concern, remembering Gwilym's secret.Cy: Nid yw am roi unrhyw un mewn perygl.En: He does not want to put anyone in danger.Cy: Er ei fod eisiau parhau, mae Gwilym yn gwybod bod rhaid glynu at ddoethineb.En: Despite wanting to continue, Gwilym knows they must heed wisdom.Cy: "Ie," meddai, "rhaid i ni sicrhau ein bod yn ddiogel gyntaf.En: "Yes," he said, "we must ensure we are safe first.Cy: Gallwn ddod yn ôl eto pan fydd y tywydd yn fwynach.En: We can return again when the weather is milder."Cy: "Maent yn symud i lawr i'r cysgodol lle bychan oedd Dafydd yn cofio o daith blaenorol.En: They moved down to the sheltered spot that Dafydd remembered from a past journey.Cy: Mae'r storm, fel cynddaredd y gwynt ei hun, yn mynnu sylw llawn gan y grŵp, ond o ranol hanner awr, maent yn dod o hyd i'r adwy cysgodol ac yn ddigon ffodus i ddod o hyd i loches fach wedi'i gorchuddio â haen drwchus o eira.En: The storm, like the fury of the wind itself, demanded the group's full attention, but after about half an hour, they found the sheltered pass and were fortunate enough to find a small haven covered with a thick layer of snow.Cy: Yng nghysgod yr adwy, gyda synhwyrau eto'n arafu ar ôl yr ymdaith ddwys, mae Gwilym yn teimlo calon gwresog wrth ei ochr.En: In the shelter of the pass, with their senses slowly calming after the intense trek, Gwilym felt a warm heart beside him.Cy: Mae'n tynnu'r cylch allan o'i boced, ei galon yn curo'n gyflym.En: He pulled the ring out of his pocket, his heart racing.Cy: "Seren," meddai'n dawel, ei lais yn ddigynnwrf ond yn llawn teimlad.En: "Seren," he said quietly, his voice calm but full of emotion.Cy: "Fe alla i ddim aros am amgylchiadau perffaith.En: "I can't wait for perfect circumstances.Cy: Y byd golwg perffaith yw'r foment hon gyda ti.En: The perfect world view is this moment with you."Cy: "Mae Seren yn treiddio'n wyrthiol iddi, y cynnwrf yn gorlifo ei thafod.En: Seren was overwhelmed, the excitement flooding her voice.Cy: Mae ei chalon yn fflamio wrth iddi ateb, "Ie, wrth gwrs!En: Her heart flamed as she replied, "Yes, of course!"Cy: "Ac wrth i'r storm ddisgyn tu allan, daeth y tri ffrind o hyd i hafan mewn cariad a chyfeillgarwch, wrth i'r dydd ddod i ben yn dawel yn eu cwt braf.En: And as the storm descended outside, the three friends found a haven in love and friendship, as the day quietly came to a close in their cozy refuge.Cy: Er bod tirlun gwyllt Eryri wedi taflu ei heriau, roedd sêl bendith Saint Dwynwen wedi dod i gwblhad, sef ei wneud yn fwy na dim ond diwrnod o ddatguddio teimladau.En: Although the wild landscape of Eryri had thrown its challenges, the blessing of Saint Dwynwen had come to fruition, making it more than just a day of revealing feelings.Cy: Roedd y gwir harddwch yn eu cyfnod ...
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    15 mins
  • Finding Love in the Hidden Gardens: A Springtime Tale
    Jan 28 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Finding Love in the Hidden Gardens: A Springtime Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-28-23-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Yng nghanol y gerddi cudd, dros y bryniau a thrwy'r llwybrau troellog, roedd yr ardal yn llawn o fywyd.En: In the middle of the hidden gardens, over the hills and through the winding paths, the area was full of life.Cy: Roedd Gŵyl Ddydd Santes Dwynwen wedi cyrraedd, yn nodi dechrau'r gwanwyn yn ei holl ogoniant deiliaidd.En: Gŵyl Ddydd Santes Dwynwen had arrived, marking the beginning of spring in all its leafy glory.Cy: Lampau lliwgar yn hongian drosodd, yn bwrw goleuni cynnes ar y blodau newydd sy'n blodeuo.En: Colorful lamps hung above, casting a warm light on the newly blossoming flowers.Cy: Roedd yr aer yn llawn arogl melys blodau a chyngherddau cerddoriaeth gwerin yn fwy parhaol â phob awr a basiodd.En: The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers and the more enduring sounds of folk music with every passing hour.Cy: Yn nghanol y lle swynol hwn, roedd Rhys yn sefyll yn gynnil, ei galon yn curo'n gryf.En: In the middle of this enchanting place, Rhys stood quietly, his heart beating strongly.Cy: Roedd y gwyliau yn amser perffaith i agor ei deimladau, ond roedd ei ofn yn rhwymyn tynn o amgylch ei gymeriant.En: The festival was a perfect time to open his feelings, but his fear was a tight bond around his courage.Cy: Cyfeillgar ond swil, roedd Rhys wedi ei swyno dros amser gyda Carys, ond methai â dod o hyd i'r geiriau cywir i gyhoeddi ei gariad.En: Friendly yet shy, Rhys had become enchanted over time with Carys, but he couldn't find the right words to declare his love.Cy: Yn yr un cwmni, roedd Ewan, ei ffrind hoffus, a gafodd sylw annymunol Carys gyda'i swyngyfaredd cyffredin.En: In the same company was Ewan, his charming friend, who had captured Carys's attention with his effortless charisma.Cy: "Heddiw yw'r diwrnod," meddai Rhys i'w hun, gan orfodi ei hun ymlaen at y digwyddiadau.En: "Today is the day," Rhys said to himself, forcing himself towards the events.Cy: Roedd y digwyddiad mawr yn y digwyddiad yn ddawns werinol, lle'r oedd pawb yn dod at ei gilydd mewn cadwyn bywiog o symud.En: The grand event of the festival was a folk dance, where everyone joined together in a lively chain of movement.Cy: Gyda phob ergyd o'i droed, teimlai ei hyder yn tyfu o'i fewn.En: With every step of his foot, he felt his confidence growing within him.Cy: Wrth i'r ddawns gychwyn, digwyddodd rhywbeth rhyfeddol.En: As the dance began, something wonderful happened.Cy: Daeth Carys i'w ymyl, ei gwên yn felys ac yn gynnes, yn gwneud galwad dawel Rhys yn gryfach na phoblogaeth yr holl wledd.En: Carys came to his side, her smile sweet and warm, making Rhys's quiet call stronger than the entire festival's crowd.Cy: Y foment ryfeddol hon oedd yr ysgogi sydd ei angen arno.En: This remarkable moment was the push he needed.Cy: Yn y gwyl hyfryd o fewn y dawns, roedd Rhys yn cael ei baru gyda Carys, yn troelli ohoni'n hawdd dan y danau lampau.En: In the delightful celebration within the dance, Rhys was paired with Carys, twirling easily with her under the lamplight's glow.Cy: Roedd eu llygaid yn gwrdd, a'u chwerthin yn colli yn yr harmonïau.En: Their eyes met, and their laughter echoed within the harmonies.Cy: Yn olaf, roedd y cyfle y tu hwnt iddo ffoi.En: Finally, the opportunity was too great to flee from.Cy: Ar ôl y gerddoriaeth wedi gorffen, a’r ddawns wedi darfod, Rhys dod o hyd i’w air.En: After the music had ended and the dance had ceased, Rhys found his words.Cy: "Carys," dywedodd, ei lais yn ddiymwad ond yn benderfynol, "Rwyf wedi cael teimladau tuag atat ers amser hir.En: "Carys," he said, his voice unwavering yet determined, "I have had feelings for you for a long time."Cy: "Atebodd Carys gyda gwên cain, "Rwyf wedi gweld eich natur dosturiol, Rhys.En: Carys replied with a graceful smile, "I have seen your compassionate nature, Rhys.Cy: Mae hyn yn ddim llai na diddordeb.En: This is no less than interesting."Cy: "Ei galonnau yn taro i rythm hapus, cofiodd Rhys y gwerth o fod yn feiddgar.En: Their hearts beating to a happy rhythm, Rhys remembered the value of being bold.Cy: Ni felodd y dydd yr oedd wedi gobeithio ar gyfer.En: He did not miss the day he had hoped for.Cy: Pe na bai wedi rhoi hyn oher, ni fyddai wedi canfod cariad a phenderfyniad newydd i wynebu byd nad oedd mor anadferadwy.En: Had he not taken the chance, he would not have found love and a renewed resolve to face a world that was not so irretrievable.Cy: Mewn ardd fraintiedig gerdd gynnil, dechreuodd dydd newydd, nid ancynau, ond yn gysur têg o rywbeth newydd.En: In a privileged hidden garden, a new day began, not with hesitation, but with the fair comfort of something new.Cy: Roedd Rhys, wedi dysgu gwerth y dewrder, bellach yn gwybod y llwybr at ei gyrfa ei hun.En: Rhys, having learned the worth of courage, now knew the path to ...
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    16 mins

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