Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Monkey Mischief and Sandcastle Dreams at Bali's Beach Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2024-11-16-23-34-02-id Story Transcript:Id: Di pagi yang cerah di Pantai Sanur, Bali, Adi siap membangun kastil pasir yang megah.En: On a bright morning at Pantai Sanur, Bali, Adi was ready to build a magnificent sandcastle.Id: Matahari bersinar terang, dan angin semilir berhembus lembut, sementara suara gelombang menghantam pantai dengan tenang.En: The sun shone brightly, and a gentle breeze blew softly, while the sound of waves lapped calmly at the shore.Id: Pantai dipenuhi dengan tawa para pengunjung yang sedang menikmati hari mereka.En: The beach was filled with the laughter of visitors enjoying their day.Id: Adi, seorang pemuda kreatif yang bersemangat, membawa sekop kecil, ember, dan cetakan untuk membangun kastil pasir yang dia impikan.En: Adi, an enthusiastic and creative young man, brought a small shovel, a bucket, and molds to build the sandcastle he dreamed of.Id: Di sampingnya berdiri Dewi, sahabat yang setia dengan senyum ceria, dan Budi yang skeptis tapi suka melihat aksi kawan-kawannya.En: Beside him stood Dewi, a loyal friend with a cheerful smile, and Budi, who was skeptical but enjoyed watching his friends' antics.Id: "Aku ingin membuat kastil pasir terbaik," kata Adi sambil menggulung lengan bajunya.En: "I want to make the best sandcastle," said Adi as he rolled up his sleeves.Id: Dewi mengangguk semangat.En: Dewi nodded enthusiastically.Id: “Kamu pasti bisa, Adi,” katanya.En: "You can do it, Adi," she said.Id: Namun, di balik pohon palem, mata kecil mengamati dengan penuh minat.En: However, behind the palm trees, a small eye watched with keen interest.Id: Seekor monyet nakal mengincar alat-alat Adi.En: A naughty monkey was eyeing Adi's tools.Id: Saat Adi sibuk membentuk menara pertama kastilnya, monyet itu melompat ke depan dan mengambil sekop Adi, melarikan diri dengan cepat.En: While Adi was busy shaping the first tower of his castle, the monkey suddenly jumped forward and snatched Adi's shovel, quickly running away with it.Id: Adi terkejut, “Hei! Kembalikan sekopku!”En: Adi was shocked, "Hey! Give back my shovel!"Id: Budi tertawa terbahak-bahak, “Adakah kamu ada rencana menghadapi monyet ini, Adi?”En: Budi laughed heartily, "Do you have a plan to deal with this monkey, Adi?"Id: Dengan semangat tidak menyerah, Adi memutuskan untuk mencoba beberapa cara.En: With a spirited determination not to give up, Adi decided to try a few ways.Id: Pertama, ia berlari mengejar monyet itu.En: First, he ran after the monkey.Id: Namun, monyet lebih cepat dan melompat ke pohon.En: However, the monkey was faster and leaped into a tree.Id: Kemudian, Dewi memberikan ide.En: Then, Dewi had an idea.Id: “Bagaimana kalau kita beri dia pisang? Mungkin dia akan mengembalikan alatmu,” sarannya.En: "How about we offer him a banana? Maybe he'll return your tool," she suggested.Id: Adi setuju dan mereka mengambil pisang dari keranjang piknik.En: Adi agreed, and they took a banana from the picnic basket.Id: Akhirnya, Adi mendekati monyet itu perlahan dengan pisang di tangan.En: Finally, Adi approached the monkey slowly with a banana in hand.Id: Monyet tersebut memandang pisang dengan mata berbinar dan dengan ragu-ragu menjatuhkan sekop di atas pasir, mengambil pisang, dan duduk di bawah pohon, menikmati makanannya.En: The monkey looked at the banana with sparkling eyes and hesitantly dropped the shovel onto the sand, took the banana, and sat down under the tree to enjoy its meal.Id: Adi kembali ke membangun kastilnya dengan bantuan Dewi.En: Adi returned to building his castle with Dewi's help.Id: Budi, walaupun skeptis, membantu dengan antusias.En: Although skeptical, Budi helped enthusiastically.Id: Kastil itu perlahan terbentuk. Dengan menara tinggi dan dinding kokoh terbuat dari pasir basah.En: The castle slowly took shape, with tall towers and strong walls made of wet sand.Id: Ketika kastil pasir selesai, pengunjung di sekitar bertepuk tangan, dan monyet itu, yang sekarang sudah kenyang, duduk di dekat Adi, seakan-akan mengagumi kastil itu juga.En: When the sandcastle was finished, nearby visitors applauded, and the monkey, now full, sat near Adi, as if admiring the castle too.Id: Adi tertawa dan menyadari bahwa pengalaman ini lebih berarti daripada sekadar hasil akhir.En: Adi laughed and realized that this experience meant more than just the final result.Id: Dia beralih ke teman-temannya dan berkata, “Ternyata, seru juga ya menghadapi tantangan.”En: He turned to his friends and said, "Turns out, it's fun to face challenges."Id: Dewi dan Budi tersenyum mendengar itu.En: Dewi and Budi smiled at hearing this.Id: Di hari cerah di Pantai Sanur, Adi bukan hanya membangun kastil pasir, tetapi juga menciptakan kenangan yang tak terlupakan bersama teman-temannya.En: On a bright day at Pantai Sanur, Adi not only built a ...
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