Nicky Clinch’s book Surrender came to me at the darkest point of my life. It was recommended by one of my best friends and I read it in four days. I did all the exercises and it helped me so much. So, I am absolutely thrilled to be bringing you Nicky’s profound wisdom in this illuminating and transformative conversation on surrender and healing the mother wound.
“Surrender is not a doing. It's an undoing” Nicky Clinch
To set the space, there is a chance that talking about the mother wound may be triggering. Nicky’s invitation is “let whatever gets triggered get triggered. It's only showing you what's already there, sitting dormant, waiting for your attention.”
Nicky teaches that the mother wound is “literally the root to all love. It's our original relationship with intimacy”. And healing it is how we truly come home. To love, to ourselves, and to all that we are.
Potent Nicky quotes from the episode:
“My teacher says to me, Nicky, you're either blaming or you're learning. You can't be doing both at once.”
“When we're blaming, when we're stuck in a state of survival, we're disconnecting from our own sense of power. When we're ready to take ownership and responsibility for everything that we're carrying, that's when we can really begin learning.”
“Fear is a sign that you are starting to tap into the edges of the limits of your knowing, which is actually the beginning of possibility. So, if you're able to be with the fear enough to keep going, I promise you - and I don't make promises often - on the other side of it is beyond what your mind can even comprehend.”
“The fear is not the problem. Our resistance to it is the problem. It's just energy moving through the body. That's all it is.”
Nicky Clinch is a Master Maturation Facilitator & Teacher, workshop leader, Hay House author and Shamanic Healer. Nicky leads people from all over the world through profound life changing processes, allowing them to heal from the root, becoming free of their past and come home to who they truly are. A leading expert in the field of human behaviour and the human condition, ontology, healing trauma and energetic intelligence, Nicky is dedicated to using her life to serve the evolution of human consciousness on our planet and for human beings to discover their truest infinite potential. Founding and leading The Alchemy of Being: Academy of Maturation Coaching, she has now trained hundreds of people globally to become powerful professional maturation coaches with her pioneering teachings and practices of the BodyMind Maturation Method, integrating ancient wisdom, Zen mastery and the future of the evolution of being human.
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