• Could you use a little more courage in your life
    Aug 18 2022
    You could say we are in crazy times with lots of uncertainty. However, you have a choice. You could focus on the uncertainty and you could worry about the future. Or you could focus on your life and what you can do to make your life more positive. I encourage you in uncertain times to focus on how to live with a little more courage. This will help you face the uncertainty and to use this opportunity to make the changes in your life to be the person you truly desire to be. In this episode we are going to talk about how you can have the life you desire and the courage to make the changes necessary.
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    27 mins
  • Focus On Taking Care of Yourself
    Jul 21 2022
    When was the last time you made some time for yourself? It could be to do something big, or even to do nothing at all. To often we are the last one to be prioritized. Self-Care is viewed as an indulgence not a necessity. I want to change that thinking today. I will share with you why self-care is important, some ideas of what you can do to take care of yourself, and how to find the time in your busy schedule.
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    27 mins
  • Stop the insanity! It is time to try something different
    Jun 16 2022
    If you are listening to this show, you are probably trying to make some improvement in your life. That is the primary focus of the show, to help you live the life you desire. However sometimes even the best put together plans don t seem to work. Does that sound familiar to you? Sometimes to get the change you want you need to see if there is a different way to think about things, to try something a little different. And that is what we are going to talk about today. Listen to this episode to see how you can get the success you desire by trying something a little bit different.
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    28 mins
  • Why do we keep trying to be perfect?
    May 19 2022
    It seems so simple, we are raised to try to do a good job, to try to please others, to be a good girl. Why do we take this, what starts so simple as trying to achieve something and over time take it to an extreme and try to be perfect? Admit it or not so many issues are caused by us trying to be perfect. Listen in today and we will discuss how this is hurting you in ways you have not thought about and how you can work on letting it go.
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    29 mins
  • Eliminate Burnout
    Apr 21 2022
    Everywhere you turn right now, someone is experiencing burnout. And the chance is this includes you. As we get past COVID this should be a time of celebration and excitement. However, for most it is not. More people are suffering from burnout than ever before. It doesn t need to be this way. You can take control of your life and eliminate burnout. Listen in and we will discuss how you can eliminate the burnout you may currently be experiencing and how you can reduce the chance of experiencing burnout in the future.
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    29 mins
  • Create new habits to change your life
    Mar 17 2022
    A couple months into a year and if you are like most people, you have already given up on any goals you may have set for the year. Instead, have you found it is too easy to fall into old patterns and old habits. If this is the case, it isn t all your fault. Habits are powerful. However instead if using that as an excuse for not reaching your goals, how about if you could use habits as a tool to accomplish your dreams. Listen in and we will discuss how you can utilize the power of habits to improve your life.
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    29 mins
  • Change your mind Change your life
    Feb 17 2022
    It is crazy to think about 2022 is the third year of this crazy pandemic we have been living. When I think back to 2020 and how everything started and how things started shutting down. Then I fast forward to today, what has changed? What part of your life has gone back to normal? What part has been frozen in time for the last couple years? Reflecting on this leads me to think about a larger issue or problem. Do you feel stuck in a rut? If so, you may say it is because of the pandemic, you are trying to or waiting to get back to normal. However, I challenge you to be honest with yourself. The chance is, if you feel stuck in a rut now, then you probably felt this way before the pandemic started. What if the key to achieving the success you desire was as simple as changing your mind? Listen to this episode and we will discus how you can change your life by simply changing your mind.
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    27 mins
  • Make 2022 the year you chose to live thoughtfully
    Jan 20 2022
    While some love to welcome in a new year with resolutions, and grand plans, on how you are going to make all these improvements. A new year can bring energy and excitement. You also may be the type of person who never makes resolutions, they never work out anyway so why bother. Whatever your attitude has been in the past I encourage you to listen in as we discuss why those resolutions may not have worked out in the past and what you can do live thoughtfully as a way to improve your life.
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    30 mins