• Taking My Life Back from an Eating Disorder
    Mar 7 2017
    They key is you must be the one to take back your life from these limiting behaviours. Until you say yes, it controls you, and gives you all the excuses to keep on doing what you are doing. And yes, it can kill you. It certainly diminishes the quality of your life's experiences. For me feeding the self, is about “feeling” the self and knowing what to do about those feelings in the moment. You are not a victim. You can change your story any time, make yourself the hero of the story you tell. Where do we find joy? Happiness? Peace, or Bliss? When we release the emotions rather than trying to force them – then these states become our “normal” resting state. That's right, when we are not engaged in our thoughts, our resting state drops us back to joy, happiness, peace, bliss. You can live from this place and take back your life from this eating disorder.
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    56 mins
  • Long Term Recovery Strategies That Work
    Feb 28 2017
    We've covered the problems, we've talked about the issues, we've dealt with the foods, we've looked at motivation and how easy it is to self-sabotage your efforts. Today, we look at the long term recovery strategy and how we can implement it. Starting Right Here, Right Now. This is not about anyone else but you. It's a choice, a choice you make to commit to living your life without this addiction, this behaviour pattern, this life style, that is in fact, threatening your life every time you do it. You may think you are a functioning addict, and you may manage your life pretty well, however, your body on the inside has been struggling and you know it. * Bringing greater respect to the forefront of your body, mind and spirit * Adding in a Meditation Practice * Owning your personal power * Taking responsibility for your choices * Resolving Conflict * Easing anxiety * Releasing Stress in my life * Food as Fuel * Supplements that heal Take back your life, now!
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    54 mins
  • How to maintain recovery
    Feb 21 2017
    How do you keep on keeping on, when you get overwhelmed? Feel anxious, upset, or someone says something to you, and it just sets off all those old triggers? Tune into this weeks show and we'll be talking about how to stay the path, how to shop for yourself, planning meals, sleep and getting the body functions back on track too. It's all critical to recovery, and step by step you can walk your way out of it , and take back your life from an eating disorder. We're going to answer some questions from people that have been emailing and contacting me too. A great show, great information and insights about life without an eating disorder. Join me February 21, for this program.
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    55 mins
  • With loving hearts we remember
    Feb 14 2017
    Dedicating to the families that have lost loved ones to an eating disorder from around the world, our hearts are with you. Eating Disorders continue to hold the highest mortality rates of any of the psychological disorders - in fact 20% higher than all others. Today family members are here sharing their grief, their loss and how they are coping. Both these women were professionals; one a triple board certified psychiatrist, the other a bachelor of nursing. Both worked in clinics, and hospitals and both lost their lives to this. Marie-Claude's family had no idea their daughter was about to die, until they got the call she'd been found dead in her home and learned she'd had bulimia since the age of 14. Mary-Jane's family share the journey of over 30 years of treatment in centres, respite centres, home care, surgeries, all at a huge personal & financial cost. This is a powerful, thought provoking, emotional and heartfelt sharing of the high cost of eating disorders.
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    55 mins
  • International Eating Disorders Awareness Week
    Feb 7 2017
    This week is International Eating Disorders Awareness Week, and programs and organizations are reaching out into the communities to help increase awareness of Eating Disorders. EDAC, NEDIC are just two of many. Gurze Books.com offers all kinds of helpful books and tools - all of these groups encourage healthy resources to help you. Tosca Reno has chat groups and newsletters to help you on her EatClean web site. Tips and tools are available on my web pages at Ways of the Wise Woman.com; and on FaceBook: Kathy Welter; You don't heal this all at once, but in small significant steps - eventually you get there. This weeks show we talk about the family and how family values can often set the kids up for power and control dramas. We'll talk about how to avoid these, and set up food as fuel - and nothing else. This week we touch on the benefits of meditation, guided visualizations, and hypnosis. And of course, contact me, I'm here. 604-421-1722 welterk@shaw.ca
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    52 mins
  • The Gene Keys, A Discussion on Addiction: with Peter Tongue
    Jan 31 2017
    Peter Tongue is adept in the work of deeper spirituality and the evolution of the soul's work. A deeply compassionate and caring individual, his interviewing skills brought to light many who have embraced their path of examining the deeper aspects of the soul's journey. His recent work with the Gene Keys examines f our Soul's work, embracing those shadow places where uncomfortable questions remain hidden, secret; often avoided. Peter is dedicated to his current work with the Gene Keys as a trainer, leader and through private readings, coaching and counselling. There is an aspect of the Gene Keys that directly connects with both addictive and co-dependent patters of behaviour so I asked Peter to come and share with us just how the Gene Keys can both assist and illuminate patterns, when we find ourselves drawn into addictive patterns. Peter's investigative approach together with his deep compassion help illuminate the subject so real change can begin.
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    57 mins
  • What is life like when you Stop Using Bulimia?
    Jan 24 2017
    For years, I've shared this friendship with Debbie, knowing she has a similar program using NLP & Hypnotherapy to help people reclaim their lives from eating disorders. Welcoming her to the show, we'll share what we do to help people take back their lives from these debilitating behaviours. Having fully recovered from Binge Eating and Bulimia, Debbie Williams reclaimed her life and used her many skills to help people heal and recover. Working diligently to teach herself new strategies for living without binging and bulimia, she now shares these strategies in her programs that help people recover. She shares her view is finding NLP which helped her retrain her brain to think like Lean people do. We'll talk about the distortions in thinking and how you can change your brain, faster than you think. This program is all about reclaiming your life from an eating disorder. Join us...
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    55 mins
  • Tosca Reno on Chasing Hunger, with Kathy Welter Nichols
    Jan 17 2017
    Sharing the evolution of health and wellness, Tosca is often called “the woman with 9 lives,” Reno has a depth of experience beyond many. Through her love of family she reveals her selflessness. Through her loss of love and child, she reveals her humanity. Through her consistent caring for others she shares her compassion. Through her grit she shows her resilience. When most would have given up, Reno still stands, sharing her smile and authenticity. In this episode we'll tackle the subject of White Poison, Sugar! How it contributes to binge eating and addictive patterns with foods. Tosca's Eat Clean Recharged is a book I give to every client, because it follows the glycemic index eating plan of six small meals a day, and she has beautifully included meal plans and shopping lists to make your home care recovery plan, effortless. It's a must in recovery. Tosca Reno is with me January 17, live on Voice America
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    55 mins