
  • 091: Species-Specific Dieting for High-Level Athletes, with Dr. Anthony Chaffee
    Feb 1 2025


    00:28 Dr. Anthony Chaffee is an American medical doctor and neurosurgical registrar in Australia, who over a span of 20+ years, has researched the optimal nutrition for human performance and health. He began University at the age of 16 studying Molecular & Cellular Biology with a Minor in Chemistry, which culminated in an MD from the Royal College of Surgeons. He is an All-American rugby player, former professional player in England and America, and has also trained in MMA fighting at AMC Kickboxing in Kirkland, Washington.

    01:32 Thanks for the podcast review Ayana Fuentes! (IG @pilarfitvegas) - from Las Vegas, NV, USA

    04:04 How Dr. Chaffee treats himself throughout the holidays without straying from a species-appropriate diet!

    06:54 The GRIM REALITY of around a MILLION defense chemicals produced by plants that many people eat!

    12:02 HONEY, FRUIT, & other “clean carb sources.” Should these be avoided to get the most out of a species appropriate diet?

    16:06 RARE MEDICINAL CIRCUMSTANCES, SURVIVAL, and (maybe?) EXTREME PROFESSIONAL SPORTS - the only times it really ever makes sense to expect an advantage from adding plant products into an otherwise meat-based diet; general practices around cooking temperatures, bioavailability and eliminating antinutrients in your cooking.

    21:30 Carbohydrates in PROFESSIONAL BODYBUILDING and RUGBY.

    29:00 Why FAT ADAPTED ENDURANCE ATHLETES can experience 15x more energy than carbohydrate consuming athletes!

    34:06 Why stick yourself with NEEDLES when you can double your TESTOSTERONE naturally?!

    37:09 Weekly LISTENER INSPIRING SUCCESS STORY (L.I.S.S. - @taylormilton_fit - weight loss journey down 100 lbs since going keto/carnivore!) & BAD COACH CALLOUT!!!

    41:23 The truth about LONGEVITY and AGING among high-level athletes.

    44:59 Dr. Chaffee’s tips on HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF THE LION DIET.

    48:02 Farmed salmon vs. fresh salmon - what’s the difference and is it a big deal?

    51:02 Angela Huckaby (from Arkansas - IPL Pro - the.carnivorecutie) - advice and best times for PROLONGED FASTING (PL), and BONE BROTH FASTING. **big contrats being featured on the Spring 2025 cover of NATURALMAG!**

    58:50 Robyn Miller (from Kansas - down 40 lbs in 4 months! @ robyn_s22 ) what to track on your weight loss journey and how to properly take waist measurements.

    01:00:04 YouTube, IG, X, & other best places to follow Dr. Chaffee! The Plant Free MD Podcast / Interviews & Discussions / 60 Minute Consultation with Dr. Chaffee / Dr. Chaffee’s Patreon


    Looking for some mid-workout entertainment and motivation? Stream The SuperSetYourLife.Com Podcast from any platform.

    Questions for Coach Colt? Your first phone call is free for 15 minutes; I also offer 30 & 60 minute 1:1 consultations and monthly coaching services. Email colt@supersetyourlife.com or book here: https://calendly.com/ssyl/meet-greet

    For CREATINE, GLUTAMINE, AMINOS & other performance supplementation:

    • Coach Colt’s Supplement Store (US): https://supersetyourlife.com/collections/supplements

    Coach Richard’s Supplement Store (UK): https://theketopro.com/collections/keto-supplements

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • 090: Addictions, Associations, and Arming Yourself with Facts
    Jan 24 2025


    00:28 Stephen Thomas: IG @ theukcarnivore (blue check 🙂 ) YouTube @ CoachStephen Spotify The UK Carnivore Experience … Be sure to check out Stephens new book on STATINS!

    03:25 How CHOLESTEROL (both LDL and HDL) is contraindicated throughout scientific literature from fraudulent funding to biased studies especially concerning HEART DISEASE.

    07:52 ALL ABOUT CAFFEINE - Ghost, Monster Energy Drinks, Coffee, and advice on how to best eliminate caffeine from your lifestyle; how caffeine blocks your adenosine receptors to trick you into thinking you have energy when you really don’t, and why this stimulant is an unnatural source of energy.

    11:35 What happens within your BRAIN and your ENDOCRINE SYSTEM when you consume SWEET foods and beverages whether naturally or artificially sweetened.

    17:35 Don’t let PERFECTION get in the way of PROGRESS! How to forgive yourself and PICK YOURSELF BACK UP after BINGE EATING, OVER EATING or any other types of “FALLING OFF THE WAGON.”

    20:00 How to USE THE CRITICISMS OF OTHERS to become more effective in your health journey! ( shout out to Robyn from Kansas @ robyn_s22 )

    24:02 GLIADIN: An extremely addictive compound you’re probably eating at most meals if you follow a standard American diet; Grains are loaded with this compound and it’s been proven in multiple studies to create the same neurochemical reactions as doing RECREATIONAL DRUGS, especially MORPHINE & OPIATES.

    29:02 How to identify the difference between HUNGER and CRAVINGS.

    30:03 PEER PRESSURE in social situations; advice on how to respond when offered pizza, cookies, cake and ice cream when you’re not comfortable eating it.

    33:54 SUGARY TREATS and ANIMAL-BASED PROTEINS & FATS - Helping CHILDREN understand the difference between HUNGER and CRAVINGS so they grow up with a healthy mindset around food.

    39:02 What should Carnivore beginners eliminate first? (it varies per person)

    44:41 Minimizing potential pitfalls of caffeine with healthier sources such as herbal teas.

    54:14 What to look for when troubleshooting DIGESTIVE ISSUES and whether to incorporate PROBIOTICS.

    59:53 Question from Colt & Yiann (France - @ yiannstevensc) KIDNEY, TONGUE, HEART, & other organ meats - advice on when to include organs in your diet.

    01:04:20 Question from Ryan Collins ( Tucson, AZ - @ryankcollins ) on BIOAVAILABILITY OF CREATINE.

    01:07:02 Summary of MOOSE, ELK, VENISON, and other wild ruminants vs. domesticated ruminants like beef.

    01:11:04 Performance tips and best times to supplement with EXOGENOUS KETONES and a review of Richard’s D-BHB Exogenous ketone supplements.

    01:20:24 Walking desks and other bio-hacks!

    Looking for some mid-workout entertainment and motivation? Stream The SuperSetYourLife.Com Podcast from any platform.

    Questions for Coach Colt? Your first phone call is free for 15 minutes; I also offer 30 & 60 minute 1:1 consultations and monthly coaching services. Email colt@supersetyourlife.com or book here: https://calendly.com/ssyl/meet-greet

    For CREATINE, GLUTAMINE, AMINOS & other performance supplementation:

    • Coach Colt’s Supplement Store (US): https://supersetyourlife.com/collections/supplements

    • Coach Richard’s Supplement Store (UK): https://theketopro.com/collections/keto-supplements

    We PROUDLY sell KETO BRICKS™: https://supersetyourlife.com/collections/keto-brick%E2%84%A2

    PURELY TALLOW ANIMAL BASED SKINCARE: Save 10% with code COLT10! - https://f22e68.myshopify.com?ref=colt_milton

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    1 hr and 33 mins
  • 089: Methylation Masterclass, Menopause, & MEAT-Ups, with Dr. Robert Kiltz
    Jan 13 2025
    TIME STAMPS: 00:28 Dr. Robert Kiltz is a renowned PHYSICIAN and FERTILITY DOCTOR featured in: The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Parents Magazine, & The Today Show. CARNIVORE CONVERSATIONS is a radical and enlightening examination of how the keto/carnivore diet can help to improve a wide range of complex health and environmental issues contributed to by the Standard American Diet (SAD). WEBSITE: DOCTORKILTZ.COM / IG: @doctorkiltz 06:44 LION CUBS - Advice on how to teach your children healthy habits around what to eat in a world that teaches that toxic foods are healthy! 10:01 Recap of the “Healing Humanity” Meat-Up & a review of The Unholy Trinity by Daniel Trevor. 13:03 “Fruit is okay but only in small amounts. Protein and fat are better for you.” -Everly Milton (5 years old). Proper nutrition starts at CHILDBIRTH! 17:15 SOURDOUGH BREAD is lower in GLUTEN but still has the LECTIN and OXALATE content of other commercial breads 🙁 Advice on consuming toxic yet enjoyable cultural foods in moderation and minimizing damage as much as possible. 22:02 The NINE (9) SUGARS within the human body - Did you know there is SUGAR in MEAT?! Why FATTY ADIPOSE TISSUE is a superfood and has everything you need. 25:00 Why WHEAT is probably the most toxic food you are consuming starting with how it damages your GLYCOCALYX (that dense, gel-like meshwork of carbs and proteins that surround the membranes of cells, including bacteria and endothelial cells). 29:04 All about METHYLATION (a chemical process that adds methyl groups to molecules like DNA, proteins, lipids, and neurotransmitters), how it’s influenced by our environment, how it’s influenced by the foods we consume and how it changes our EPIGENETICS (hormonal and gene changes without affecting our DNA). A “methyl group” (chemical structure CH3) when added to other molecules like DNA or proteins (methylation) has the ability to change the activity of that molecule by affecting its structure and interactions with other molecules, thus changing our epigenetics. That’s why the CARNIVORE DIET changes how you LOOK, FEEL, and ACT! 36:00 Why what nursing mothers eat affects the epigenetics of their children, and how following a proper human diet sets up our children for success in what they eat. 39:02 L.I.S.S. - Robyn Miller @ robyn_s22 41:18 BAD COACH CALLOUT of the week! 40:08 POTTENGER'S CATS - what humans can gain from eating RAW MEAT. 46:11 A list of RENDERED FAT (means it’s been cooked) vs. UNRENDERED FAT (raw fats on ribeyes or fatty parts of meats like knuckle bones and bacon!) sources, a review of EPICBAR DUCK FAT (rendered) and advice on what types of fat should make up the foundation of a successful Carnivore Diet. 56:25 INSULIN’S crucial role in protein metabolism and how to regulate it properly. 01:06:02 @ DR.ALO “In most people they will raise your LDL cholesterol and that will worsen outcomes and shorten you life span.” - Dr. Kiltz’s response 🙂 01:08:44 Yiann, from France: thoughts on HRT for women troubleshooting THYROID issues. 01:13:59 Daiva, from Ireland: PRE-MENOPAUSE dietary & supplementation advice. MARILU HAYES: Website www.mariluhayes.com IG mariluluhayes PURELY TALLOW ANIMAL BASED SKINCARE: Save 10% with code COLT10! - https://f22e68.myshopify.com?ref=colt_milton Questions for Coach Colt? Your first phone call is free for 15 minutes; I also offer 30 & 60 minute 1:1 consultations and monthly coaching services. Email colt@supersetyourlife.com or book here: https://calendly.com/ssyl/meet-greet Information regarding IPE (International Physique League): HOME - Natural Bodybuilding Competitions - Arizona, Connecticut, Alaska, Virginia We PROUDLY sell KETO BRICKS™: https://supersetyourlife.com/collections/keto-brick%E2%84%A2
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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • 088: Diet Breaks, Lean Bulking, & Living Like Lions
    Jan 8 2025


    01:01 About Coach Alan Reeves (IG: @coachalreeves) and introduction to REVERSE DIETING.

    03:14 CUTTING CAFFEINE: Why it sucks and what to expect, and what you’ll gain if you can stick with it!

    04:29 Recap of the IPL APEX VIII in Phoenix, AZ with Angela Huckaby (IG: the.carnivorecutie) executing Coach Richard’s famous TRIPLE REFEED (with modifications and help from Coach Al & Robert Sikes) protocol for keto/carnivore athletes to peak best at the end of a bodybuilding contest prep.

    06:18 How much muscle is it really possible to build naturally in a LEAN BULK or REVERSE DIET?

    08:02 What Coach Al eats in a day to maintain 5% body fat YEAR ROUND without being hungry!

    14:48 Eating at ASIAN RESTAURANTS on the Carnivore Diet? Minimize the carb damage by sticking with white rice; why white rice is probably your best source of carbs if you’re an athlete.

    20:45 Breakdown of Colt’s macros at 1 week into the lion diet (about 300g pro / 300g fat / 3900 Cal)


    27:02 “The opioid effects of gluten exorphins: asymptomatic celiac disease” - PMC5025969 discussion over the ADDICTIVE PROPERTIES of GLUTEN and GLIADIN and how they are proven to mimic MORPHINE.

    29:19 When it makes the most sense to add AVOCADOS to an otherwise carnivorous diet.

    31:02 This week’s L.I.S.S. - Ryan Collins, from Tuscon AZ, US - IG ryankcollins - down 3 lbs in his first week!

    33:39 BAD COACH CALLOUT: Good foods and bad foods.

    40:08 Best animal and plant based dietary sources of MCT OIL.

    42:02 When is it time for a DIET BREAK? (question for Robyn from Kansas)

    51:02 SNEAK PEEK & EXCITING NEWS for Al & Richard’s upcoming (5 months out) MENS RETREAT consisting of EATING MEAT, HEAVY LIFTING, GRAVITY-YOGA, MEDITATION, and LIVING LIKE LIONS!!!

    Check out RICHARDS KETO PRO PODCAST where Rich & Al Reeves, along with featured guests teach how to improve their health and wellbeing using a ketogenic diet.

    Questions for Coach Colt? Your first phone call is free for 15 minutes; I also offer 30 & 60 minute 1:1 consultations and monthly coaching services. Email colt@supersetyourlife.com or book here: https://calendly.com/ssyl/meet-greet

    Coach Richard’s Supplement Store (UK): https://theketopro.com/collections/keto-supplements

    Information regarding IPE (International Physique League): HOME - Natural Bodybuilding Competitions - Arizona, Connecticut, Alaska, Virginia

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    54 mins
  • 087: Reverse Diets, Ketogenic Refeeds & The New Tallow Bricks, with Robert Sikes
    Dec 18 2024


    00:28 About Robert Sikes (THE KETO SAVAGE) / visit www.ketobodybuilding.com/ for Robert’s training programs discussed on the show! / IG @ketosavage / @ketobrick / visit worldnaturalbb.com for all WNBF events

    01:11 Quick recap and reflection on Robert’s recent interview with his figure client & WNBF Pro Jen Pittaro (IG @jenpittaro_keto_fit_mom) - ( click here for interview )

    02:30 *TOP SECRET* sneak peak at the upcoming NEWEST Keto Brick flavor!

    03:14 Taste/texture/performance review of the CAKE POP and MAPLE PECAN tallow-based bricks!


    12:41 How to become a MENTOR and a FRIEND and not just a COACH.

    15:05 LAMB, VENISON, and BEEF: Why Robert sticks to these RUMINANT ANIMALS as the FOUNDATION of his diet.

    16:06 Yiann Stevens (UK) - questions around SELENIUM and THYROID levels and discussion around peer review Selenium and Thyroid Disease: From Pathophysiology to Treatment

    18:45 All about REVERSE DIETING & How to eat POST COMPETITION to maintain 5% body fat and LEAN BULK as a CARNIVORE.

    22:12 POSING pre and post show.

    28:02 How to leverage CARDIO and WEIGHT TRAINING to maximize fat loss and muscle glycogen on contest prep and when reverse dieting.

    33:31 UPCOMING INBF / WNBF / IPL competitions Robert & I will be hosting in 2025!

    36:16 This week’s LISTENER INSPIRING SUCCESS STORY (L.I.S.S.) - Daiva, from Ireland

    40:01 Why FRUIT is NOT part of an optimal human diet! (with Eddie Goeke)

    48:49 Detailed macronutrient breakdown of Richard Smith’s “TRIPLE REFEED” and the results Colt & Angela experienced using LONG-CHAIN FATTY ACIDS, WHITE RICE and EXOGENOUS KETONES to peak for recent pro natural bodybuilding competitions.

    50:03 DAIVA (Ireland), ROBYN (Kansas, US), PAM (Oklahoma, US), KAREN (Colorado, US) - advice for those of our TRIBE that are in the middle of a PROLONGED FAST CURRENTLY! Training, supplementation, mentality, and benefits to be gained from fasting 24+ hours.

    53:11 Yousef Mourtaza (Miami, FL - USA) - IG @bigpapayoshi / ONLINE INTERMITTENT FASTING AND KETO BASKETBALL COACH! (listen to our check in on E313 of THE SUPERSETYOURLIFE.COM PODCAST *12/20/24* for his backstory!) - questions around L.M.N.T. (specifically maltodextrin!) and more advice on prolonged fasting. PURELY TALLOW ANIMAL BASED SKINCARE: Save 10% with code COLT10! - https://f22e68.myshopify.com?ref=colt_milton Hungry for more??

    1. Check out RICHARDS KETO PRO PODCAST where he and his guests teach how to improve their health and wellbeing using a ketogenic diet.

    2. Stream The SuperSetYourLife.Com Podcast from any platform. We publish every MONDAY and FRIDAY!

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    59 mins
  • 086: 21 B*****s You Must Unfollow on Social Media
    Dec 14 2024


    03:48 This week’s LISTENER INSPIRING SUCCESS STORY (L.I.S.S.) - Robyn Miller, from Kansas @ robyn_s22

    07:02 The purpose of “coaching callout videos” with Stephen Thomas & Richard Smith (UK Carnivore Experience interview clip)

    12:35 21 B*****s You Must Unfollow on Social Media! Thanks for helping us pick these idiots reels apart @carnivorejt / @mrscarnivorous / @rustybbqlamb / @healthcoachmais / @carnivore_ali / @ryan_healthwealth

    37:00 TELOMERES, LONGEVITY & ANTI-AGING on Carnivore with Karen

    41:19 Review of our last TALLOW BASED SKIN CARE from Serena at Carnivore Revolution!

    Hungry for more??

    1. Check out RICHARDS KETO PRO PODCAST where he and his guests teach how to improve their health and wellbeing using a ketogenic diet.

    2. Stream The SuperSetYourLife.Com Podcast from any platform. We publish every MONDAY and FRIDAY!

    Questions for Coach Rich? Book a consultation (free and paid options available) with the UK’s leading Keto nutrition expert HERE: Keto 1-to-1 Consultation – KETO PRO SHOP (theketopro.com)

    Questions for Coach Colt? Your first phone call is free for 15 minutes; I also offer 30 & 60 minute 1:1 consultations and monthly coaching services. Email colt@supersetyourlife.com or book here: https://calendly.com/ssyl/meet-greet

    For CREATINE, GLUTAMINE, AMINOS & other performance supplementation:

    • Coach Colt’s Supplement Store (US): https://supersetyourlife.com/collections/supplements

    • Coach Richard’s Supplement Store (UK): https://theketopro.com/collections/keto-supplements

    PURELY TALLOW ANIMAL BASED SKINCARE: Save 10% with code COLT10! - https://f22e68.myshopify.com?ref=colt_milton

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    45 mins
  • 085: The Truth about Cholesterol and the DESI EM PROJECT, with Ankur Verma & Angela Huckaby
    Dec 4 2024


    00:19 Ankur is the host the DESI EM PROJECT (https://open.spotify.com/episode/5ghQcSA6i87kZABE0K0DGC) Anther CARNIVORE PODCAST focusing on the HEALTH ASPECTS of a primal way of eating! Ankur is also a dad, emergency med specialist, gym rat, tatto & travel enthusiast! IG (including consultation info) @thecarnivore.ep

    01:25 This week’s SPECIAL CO-HOST 😀 Per the IPL promotor after her performance this last weekend: “Angela Huckaby was the EPITOME of the IPL’s new “SHAPE” division at the November 2024 IPL Apex VIII in Phoenix, AZ, USA.” Recovering from a jam packed weekend full of 60+ minutes of stage time, photo shoots and video recording! @the.carnivorecutie

    02:59 EGGS, CHICKEN, GOAT, SEAFOOD, and other staple foods Ankur consumes regularly, and why!

    03:15 How to execute 24, 48, & 72 hour fasts.

    07:01 The benefits of FASTED HYPERTROPHY TRAINING.

    09:58 Changes you can make to your diet starting now to REDUCE BODY INFLAMMATION.

    12:30 Karen, from Colorado: Questions around METABOLISM, THYROID LEVELS, and what’s important to keep track of concerning bloodwork.

    20:01 Discussion around OXALATES and review of TOXIC SUPERFOODS by Sally Norton.

    25:00 This week’s LISTENER INSPIRING SUCCESS STORY (L.I.S.S.) - Yousef Mourtaza ( @ bigpapayoshi )


    25:45 Angela & Aknur - How do you make this lifestyle FLEXIBLE and why do you never feel RESTRICTED in terms of what you can and cannot eat on the carnivore diet?

    40:02 Robyn, from KS - setting the example for her and her friends around social events.

    44:49 What to expect if you introduce ALCOHOL into your otherwise carnivorous lifestyle.

    49:02 SATIETY SIGNALS - The difference between HUNGER and CRAVINGS.

    51:22 X, Linked In, & best places to follow Ankur and his content.


    PURELY TALLOW ANIMAL BASED SKINCARE: Save 10% with code COLT10! - https://f22e68.myshopify.com?ref=colt_milton Looking for some mid-workout entertainment and motivation? Stream The SuperSetYourLife.Com Podcast from any platform. We publish every MONDAY and FRIDAY!

    For CREATINE, GLUTAMINE, AMINOS & other performance supplementation:

    • Coach Colt’s Supplement Store (US): https://supersetyourlife.com/collections/supplements

    • Coach Richard’s Supplement Store (UK): https://theketopro.com/collections/keto-supplements

    We now PROUDLY sell KETO BRICKS™: https://supersetyourlife.com/collections/keto-brick%E2%84%A2

    Information regarding IPE (International Physique League): HOME - Natural Bodybuilding Competitions - Arizona, Connecticut, Alaska, Virginia

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    55 mins
  • 084: Facing the Five Fears of Failure, with Sion Reuben Jones
    Nov 27 2024


    00:45 Athlete Spotlight: Sion Reuben Jones (North Wales, UK) IG sion_reuben / trains at @Fervidfitness_flint

    01:30 “How’s your contest prep going Colt?” - the summary up through peak week with Angela Huckabee @thecarnivorecutie for the IPL Apex VIII in Phoenix, AZ

    04:15 A taste comparison of Amish butter vs. Irish butter!


    12:22 Overcoming the FEAR of FAT ADAPTATION! How Sion pushed past the HARDEST PART of getting started with Carnivore which is the removal of carbohydrates as a highly competitive powerlifter; how Sion’s main lifts were affected since becoming a fat-adapted athlete.

    18:42 ENERGY & MENTAL CLARITY: how improvements in Sion’s cognitive health from a proper human diet have enabled him to “conquer the fear of the unknown” and visualize his success from the day he started!

    21:02 Sion walks us through his LEG WORKOUT he used to build is SQUAT 270 KG (close to 600 US lbs!) for REPS!

    26:54 How Sion WARMS UP for a HEAVY SQUAT WORKOUT.

    33:02 The value of a TRAINING PARTNER to help you push passed failure when you’re training legs.

    40:14 Overcoming the FEAR OF NOT TRACKING CALORIES.

    42:09 This week’s L.I.S.S. (listener inspiring success story) - Alicia @farmfresh_usa man-cream.com/alicia-cream drive.google.com/drive/folders/16I7xn0PZTofRf_mNyn3qtfI81WgbM1eB


    55:02 Recap of having trained at some of the COOLEST STRONGMAN & BODYBUILDING GYMS in GLASGOW UK!


    01:01:59 Overcoming the FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING!

    01:04:07 Training around ROTATOR CUFF, KNEE & WRIST injuries.

    01:09:43 Overcoming the FEAR OF GETTING STARTED!


    Hungry for more??

    1. Check out RICHARDS KETO PRO PODCAST where he and his guests teach how to improve their health and wellbeing using a ketogenic diet.

    2. Stream The SuperSetYourLife.Com Podcast from any platform. We publish every MONDAY and FRIDAY! For CREATINE, GLUTAMINE, AMINOS & other performance supplementation:

    • Coach Colt’s Supplement Store (US): https://supersetyourlife.com/collections/supplements

    • Coach Richard’s Supplement Store (UK): https://theketopro.com/collections/keto-supplements

    For online coaching: 1st phone call is free for 15 minutes; I also offer 30 & 60 minute 1:1 consultations and monthly coaching services. Email ⁠colt@supersetyourlife.com⁠ or book here: ⁠https://calendly.com/ssyl/meet-greet⁠

    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 15 mins