• Ep. 0: Intro
    Jul 22 2019

    A preview of Beyond the Illusion

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    2 mins
  • Ep. 1: What Is the Illusion?
    Jul 23 2019
    Have you ever asked yourself, “Who am I at my core? What is my true purpose in life?” We certainly have. This podcast is a way to explore those questions through thoughtful conversations and interviews with practitioners and experts in a variety of alternative practices. In this first episode, get to know hosts Tim Howe and Tianna Roser along with our friend Jason Del Rosario. Hear our individual stories on the journey to pierce the veil of illusion that mundane life is all that exists. Books/Resources mentioned: “Seat of the Soul” by Gary Zukav “Journey of Souls” by Michael Newton “Work as a Spiritual Practice” by Lewis Richmond “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Parmahansa Yogananda “The Source Field Investigations” by David Wilcock
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    1 hr and 49 mins
  • Ep. 2 Part 1: Astrology with Shannon Gill
    Jul 24 2019
    In this episode we talk with astrologer Shannon Gill. Some of the things we discuss: How astrology is a map to your life purpose. What are some types of astrology and how do they differ? Why learning even a very basic astrological understanding can help you navigate life. How astrology can tell us why am I going through this, what’s being asked of me and most importantly, when will it end? Can we give too much power over to astrology in decision making? What are some of the important transits and themes for 2019? Shannon Gill is a Certified Evolutionary Astrologer, Archetypal Astrologer and Life Coach. She’s on the Board of the Organization for Professional Astrologers. Using her unique blend of gifts in astrology and life coaching, she will help you discover what your personal blueprint and purpose is and guide you in bringing this purpose and passion into every aspect of your life. Shannon is the director of a spiritual retreat center south of Austin, Lotus Bend Sanctuary. To connect with Shannon or learn more about the services she provides, visit www.shannonleigill.com
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    57 mins
  • Ep. 2 Part 2: Experience an Astrology Reading
    Jul 25 2019
    Have you ever wondered what it’s like to get an Astrological Reading? Join Tim as he visits Shannon Gill and receives his first ever astrology reading. Tim receives a complete analysis of his natal chart. Listen to not only to get all the dirt on Tim, but also because the reading is sort of an astrology lesson. Shannon provides useful detailed explanation of many astrological terms. This information applies to us all. She shares how a person’s astrological chart reveals the Soul’s Evolutionary contract and purpose. Some of the topics covered: What are Ruling Archetypes? How can you utilize them to come into alignment with deeper aspects of Self? The Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant and how they impact us. What is Evolutionary Astrology? How the lunar nodes show us our comfort zone based on what we’ve experienced in our past lives and what lessons we came into this life to master. What do the astrological houses tell us? Book mentioned: “Astrology for the Soul” by Jan Spiller To schedule your own astrological reading with Shannon Gill, visit www.shannonleigill.com.
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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • Ep. 3: Science Meets Spirituality with Russell Von Ohlhausen
    Jul 26 2019
    Have we lost some of the magic and mystery in our everyday lives due to an overemphasis on Science and materialism? Ironically, Science was created to explore mysteries. Science and spirituality are often pitted against each other as if they are mutually exclusive. Could there in fact be an overlap where each attempts to provide answers to understand ourselves and the Universe around us? In this episode, our guest is Russell Von Ohlhausen, a transpersonal ontological consciousnesses catalyzer, writer, lecturer, theorist and research astrologer. His work reflects a lifetime of study of science, religions, myths, metaphysics and most importantly – nature – and what they reveal about consciousness and human behavior. Russ is the perfect person to help us explore Where Science Meets Spirituality. Some of the topics we cover are: How astrology is much more than horoscopes; it’s actually a science. The left and right sides of the brain and how they fit into this equation. Is there a mathematical equation to explain God and existence and are we even meant to know it? How the similarities between the way the body and brain functions and how the zodiacal elements operate point to a cosmological simplex, a divine pattern that repeats throughout all levels of frequency. What determines fate or free will? We even discuss a few movies that demonstrate some of the concepts covered! Russ is a co-founder of the Astrological Society of Austin in 2005, written and taught with Astrology Hub, and NCGR, and lectured at various esoteric organizations such as IONS (Institute for Noetic Science) & INACS. His ground-breaking work in cosmological mechanics, and astrological & mathematical research, Celestia Mathematica & The Fibonacci Zodiac, is currently being taught by other astrological schools as a foundational theory of the governing structure behind astrological knowledge and cosmological mechanics. He is also the creator of Zodiac Faces: Planetary Physiognomy and The Holy Myth: The Bible as Astrological Treatise, and the ARC-Database Initiative (Astrological Research Collaborative). For more on Russ, visit www.ritesofthesun.com or email him at riohlhausen@gmail.com.
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    1 hr and 30 mins
  • Ep. 4 Part 1: Dreams
    Jul 29 2019
    Dreams are a portal from the Unconscious to the Conscious that we all have access to. It’s valuable to explore dreams because they have the ability to give us great insight into the true nature of our own mind and existence. Research shows that people dream around 2 hours per night. For the average person, this adds up to around 6 years of your life spent dreaming! Do you wonder what’s happening during that time? Here’s some of the topics we touch on in this episode: Our theories on what happens when we dream. Different types of dreams. A simple method to work with your dreams (if it all seems too complicated!) Why some people don’t remember their dreams and how to remedy this. Nightmares: what to do instead of waking yourself up. The gifts of shadow aspects revealed in our dreams.
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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • Ep. 4 Part 2: Blurring the Lines Between Dreaming & Waking Consciousness
    Aug 2 2019
    Dreams are a rich topic, endlessly fascinating. In this episode we continue our talk on dreams and the impact they have on our lives. Here’s some of the things we discuss: How to remember our dreams. Have you ever had a shared remembered dream with another person? Are waking consciousness and dream consciousness truly two separate things? What happens if we blur those distinctions? Can we interpret our waking life symbolically the way we do our dreaming life? What are healing dreams? How a dream can powerfully change the way you feel in waking life. We also reveal some of the most meaningful, pivotal dreams of our lives. Movie mentioned: Richard Linklater’s “Waking Life,” which asks the question, Are we sleep-walking through our waking state or wake-walking through our dreams?
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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • Ep. 5: Channeling Spirit Guides
    Aug 9 2019
    Channeling is a type of spiritual communication between people and non-physical beings. Channeling is not unlike language translation/interpretation; receiving a message and sharing it in a way that others can understand. In her book, “A Channeling Handbook,” Carla Rueckert states that “Channeling is a gift that every human being possesses. People have been doing it since the beginning of history.” Channeling has gotten a bad rap due to the fact that anyone can say anything and claim it was channeled from a spiritual being. But how is that any different from the whole “fake news” issue we are dealing with these days? Should we “throw the baby out with the bathwater” and dismiss all channeling just because some sources are not reputable? Ultimately we are meant to develop our own discernment to guide us in what information to trust. In this episode we cover: Tianna’s story of how she began communicating with her guides What steps can you take to ensure that you connect to loving, higher spiritual beings? Trance channel vs conscious channeling: which is better? Demystifying channeling: Why channeling is useful for your everyday life How do we distinguish who we’re communicating with? How can energy work facilitate a connection to your spirit guide? Books mentioned: “Opening to Channel” by Sanaya Roman, “Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment” by Jane Roberts
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    1 hr and 32 mins