In this thought-provoking episode, Detlef Schlich and his AI co-host Sophia explore the monumental cognitive leap of the invention of writing. Humanity’s First External Hard Drive. From its humble beginnings as pictographs to the complex cuneiform scripts of Mesopotamia, writing forever changed how humanity stored, shared, and expanded knowledge. But this isn’t just a history lesson—it’s a journey into how these early innovations reshaped our brains and societies, setting the stage for AI as the next cognitive frontier. So welcome to Arteetude 257 – The Evolution of Writing: How Symbols Became the Seeds of AI. Together, the visual Artist and his AI examine parallels between ancient milestones and today’s rapid technological advancements, all while teasing the intriguing possibility of collective consciousness in humanity’s future.By comparing this cognitive leap to today’s advancements in AI, Detlef and Sophia pose the question: Are we on the brink of another cognitive evolution? Join us as we discuss how these shifts in reading, writing, and now artificial intelligence form our collective ‘cultural magma,’ each layer bringing profound societal change.Detlef Schlich is a rock musician, podcaster, visual artist, filmmaker, ritual designer, and media archaeologist based in West Cork. He is recognized for his seminal work, including a scholarly examination of the intersections between shamanism, art, and digital culture, and his acclaimed video installation, Transodin's Tragedy. He primarily works in performance, photography, painting, sound, installations, and film. In his work, he reflects on the human condition and uses the digital shaman's methodology as an alter ego to create artwork. His media archaeology is a conceptual and practical exercise in uncovering the unique aesthetic, cultural, and political aspects of media in culture.WEBSITE LINKS WAW BandcampSilent NightIn a world shadowed by conflict and unrest, we, Dirk Schlömer & Detlef Schlich, felt compelled to reinterpret 'Silent Night' to reflect the complexities and contradictions of modern life. Atlantic WayThis results from a trip to West Cork, Ireland, where the beautiful Coastal "Wild Atlantic Way" reaches along the whole west coast! TUBE*Silent Night Reimagined* A Multilayered Avant-Garde Journey by WAW aka Dirk Schlömer & Detlef Schlich SchlichInstagramDetlef Schlich ArTEEtude I love West Cork Artists FacebookDetlef Schlich I love West Cork Artists Group ArTEEtudeYouTube Channelsvisual PodcastArTEEtudeCute Alien TV official WebsiteArTEEtude Detlef Schlich Det Design Tribal Loop Download here for free Detlef Schlich´s Essay about the Cause and Effect of Shamanism, Art and Digital Culture this podcast at —
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