• An Unexpected Adventure: From Calm to Chaos at Blejsko Lake

  • Jan 3 2025
  • Length: 15 mins
  • Podcast

An Unexpected Adventure: From Calm to Chaos at Blejsko Lake

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: An Unexpected Adventure: From Calm to Chaos at Blejsko Lake Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-03-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Mateja in Andrej sta stala na obali Blejskega jezera.En: Mateja and Andrej stood on the shore of Blejsko Lake.Sl: Bila je zima.En: It was winter.Sl: Sneg je pokrival tla.En: Snow covered the ground.Sl: Nebo je bilo jasno, hladno.En: The sky was clear and cold.Sl: Mateja je predlagala, da bi šla na romantično vožnjo z vprego skozi zasneženo pokrajino.En: Mateja suggested they go on a romantic sleigh ride through the snowy landscape.Sl: Andrej je bil skeptičen.En: Andrej was skeptical.Sl: Raje je imel toplo kavo in mirno sprehajanje ob jezeru.En: He preferred a warm coffee and a peaceful walk by the lake.Sl: Toda Mateja je vztrajala.En: But Mateja insisted.Sl: "Glej, Andrej, to bo zabavno!En: "Look, Andrej, it will be fun!"Sl: " je dejala Mateja in ga potegnila proti sankam.En: said Mateja, pulling him toward the sleds.Sl: V bližini sta zagledala skupino psov.En: Nearby, they saw a group of dogs.Sl: Hitro sta se usedla.En: They quickly sat down.Sl: Samo nekaj trenutkov kasneje pa sta začutila sunkovito gibanje.En: Just a few moments later, they felt a sudden movement.Sl: Psi so začeli teči z vsemi močmi!En: The dogs began to run with all their might!Sl: "Mateja, to niso romantične sani!En: "Mateja, these aren't romantic sleds!"Sl: " je zakričal Andrej, ko je opazil, da hitijo preko snežne pokrajine.En: shouted Andrej as he noticed they were speeding across the snowy landscape.Sl: Psi so bili živahni in hitri, voznik pa se jim je trudil slediti.En: The dogs were lively and fast, and the driver struggled to keep up.Sl: Andrej se je tesno držal za rob sani, veter mu je brnil okoli ušes.En: Andrej held tightly to the edge of the sled, the wind whistling around his ears.Sl: Mateja je bila sprva presenečena.En: Mateja was initially surprised.Sl: Kmalu pa ji je bilo vse skupaj smešno.En: Soon, however, she found it all amusing.Sl: Andrej pa ni bil preveč navdušen.En: Andrej was not too thrilled.Sl: "To je noro!En: "This is crazy!"Sl: " je zavpil, ko je sankanje postalo še bolj divje.En: he yelled as the ride became even wilder.Sl: Psi so zavili ostro v levo.En: The dogs made a sharp turn to the left.Sl: Skoraj sta se prevrnila.En: They almost tipped over.Sl: Mateja se je sedaj začela spraševati, če bi morala takoj priznati svojo napako.En: Mateja then began to wonder if she should immediately admit her mistake.Sl: Nista bila del treninga!En: They weren't part of the training session!Sl: K sreči, ko so se psi umirili, je trener opazil zmedenost na njunih obrazih.En: Fortunately, when the dogs calmed down, the trainer noticed the confusion on their faces.Sl: "Oprostite, nista prava kandidatka za trening," je rekel.En: "Sorry, you're not the right candidates for training," he said.Sl: Počasi so se vrnili na začetek.En: Slowly, they returned to the start.Sl: Mateja se je smejala.En: Mateja laughed.Sl: Andrej je, navkljub vsemu, začutil, kako v njem narašča adrenalin.En: Despite everything, Andrej felt adrenaline rising within him.Sl: Presenetil ga je občutek radosti.En: He was surprised by a feeling of joy.Sl: Ko sta stopila iz sani, ga je Mateja pogledala: "Se opravičujem za to zmešnjavo.En: When they stepped out of the sled, Mateja looked at him: "I apologize for this mess."Sl: "Andrej se ji je nasmehnil.En: Andrej smiled at her.Sl: "Veš kaj, bilo je celo zabavno," jo je skoraj skril s svojo tiho odobritvijo.En: "You know what, it was actually fun," he said, almost hiding his quiet approval.Sl: Tako sta se vrnila v normalno življenje, Mateja pa se je naučila pomembne lekcije.En: Thus, they returned to normal life, and Mateja learned an important lesson.Sl: Od zdaj naprej bo vedno dvakrat preverila svoje načrte.En: From now on, she will always double-check her plans.Sl: Andrej pa je, prvič v življenju, začel uživati malo nepredvidljivosti in pustolovščin.En: Andrej, for the first time in his life, began to enjoy a little unpredictability and adventure.Sl: Blejsko jezero bo od takrat naprej zmeraj simbol njunega majhnega, a pustolovskega dne.En: Blejsko Lake would from then on always be a symbol of their small but adventurous day. Vocabulary Words:shore: obalasleigh: vpregolandscape: pokrajinoskeptical: skeptičeninsisted: vztrajalasudden: sunkovitoromantic: romantičnewhistling: brnilamusing: smešnothrilled: navdušentipped over: prevrnilaadmit: priznatimistake: napakocalm: umirilicandidate: kandidatkareturned: vrniliadrenaline: adrenalinjoy: radostiapologize: oprostitiapproval: odobritvijonormal: normalnolesson: lekcijedouble-check: dvakrat preverilaunpredictability: nepredvidljivostiadventure: pustolovščinsymbol: simboladventurous: pustolovskegasnowy: zasneženofun: zabavnopulling: potegnila
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