6 Steps To Starting NowOh Monday! Sweet predictable, ambitious Monday. How we love to despise you. Make broken promises to you. And give you the power to start life anew. We blame you for an unfulfilled week and chastise you for showing up at the end of a weekend. Yet, you're reliable and you always show up on time. You give hope when we've given up on our own self discipline and make us accountable before we even prove our accountability. Monday helped me realize the 6 steps to starting now and believe me, they came from hard lessons learned. Broken PromisesHave you ever made a promise to yourself that you will start doing 'the thing' on Monday and then Monday comes (because it always does) and you.... Forget your promise Push it off until next Monday Lose interest in your promise Decide there's no way you can commit to your promiseDecide that your promise results are too far awayIt's OK, we've all done it and then have beaten ourselves up because we didn't get started. Why You Didn't Get Started NowI have found a thousand excuses as to why I pushed off taking the next step towards launching a new project, starting a new goal or committing to a diet. I've even blamed my lack of response to being too tired or the weather was too yucky OR I'm just not in the 'zone' today. Have you been there? It's not because of laziness, usually it's far from the simpleness of that. It's something much more sinister that convinces you into delaying the satisfaction of completing your goal. And it's not lack of motivation, well not always. It's fear! Why Fear Does 'That'I love sharing info about https://thedreambiglife.com/2019/01/17/how-to-overcome-fear/ (fear) and the crazy power it can have over the whole body. It's because it took me a really, really long time to finally understand why I sometimes seemed to lack the follow through needed to start and finish well thought out plans and ideas. I'd spend days and sometimes years lamenting over the lost opportunities and possibilities. Eventually bits and pieces of my self confidence just left and I lost the ability and the will to dream. Fear Does 'That' Because it wants us to stay the same, even if that sameness is toxic, unhealthy and is taking us no where Because it thinks that it's keeping us safe from pain, heartache or failure Because it can sometimes drag up past mistakes and failures and use them as excuses to not take the next step Because it causes us to second guess ourselves, our motives and abilities Because it's insecure and wants us to believe the lies it tells us Because the unknown results and consequences can be scary Because it's comfortable being in fear I'm sure that when you made your plans to start on Monday you weren't planning not to start on Monday. So, lets take the steps to get into action and take you to your goal starting today! 6 Steps to Starting NOWHere are the 6 Steps Starting Now, Taking Action and Achieving Goals. 1. WHY Do You Want That GoalWhy are you wanting to achieve that goal, start that diet or take on that new opportunity or project? Write down your reasons for wanting to succeed. What does it do for you when you have accomplished your goal? How will it make you feel when you've won? What will the outcome be? WHY is it important to you? This doesn't need to be complicated or take pages and pages of information. Just answer why is it important for you to start now and win later. 2. Have Faith In YOUAre you planning to start and not finish? NO! You're starting today because you have the burning desire for something better for you. Do you like the frustration that comes with not following through with your goals? Again, I've already pointed out the sinister plans of fear and why it's stopping you. But, what fear isn't counting on is your abilities and need to move forward. Have faith in you, you are born with so many gifts and talents. 3. Face Those Fears Starting NowLook, that nagging voice...