• Survival in the Snow: Trust Amid the Slovene Winter

  • Jan 4 2025
  • Length: 16 mins
  • Podcast

Survival in the Snow: Trust Amid the Slovene Winter

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Survival in the Snow: Trust Amid the Slovene Winter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-04-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Zimski veter je bičal pokrajino, ki je nekoč brbotala od življenja.En: The winter wind was whipping the landscape, which once teemed with life.Sl: Slovenija, zdaj prazna in hladna, je nudila malo zatočišča.En: Slovenija, now empty and cold, offered little refuge.Sl: Miha je s težavo hodil čez snežne zamete.En: Miha struggled through the snowdrifts.Sl: Roko je držal tesno ob telesu, krvavela je.En: He held his arm close to his body; it was bleeding.Sl: Nekje globoko v gozdu je bil ranjen, medtem ko je iskal hrano.En: Somewhere deep in the forest, he had been injured while searching for food.Sl: Zver, verjetno volk, ga je presenetila.En: The beast, likely a wolf, had taken him by surprise.Sl: Potreboval je pomoč, nujno.En: He needed help, urgently.Sl: Prišel je do opustošene vasice, kjer so se hiše podile drug v drugo kot mrzla, brezupna zavetišča.En: He reached a desolated village, where the houses crowded against each other like cold, hopeless shelters.Sl: Tam je srečal Nežo in Tadeja.En: There he met Neža and Tadej.Sl: Neža je bila edina, ki si je drznila pristopiti bližje.En: Neža was the only one who dared to approach closer.Sl: Njene oči so izžarevale skrb, čeprav je roke držala trdno ob telesu, da se ne bi tresle.En: Her eyes radiated concern, even though she held her hands tightly to her body to keep them from trembling.Sl: "Rana mora biti oskrbljena," je rekla Neža tiho.En: "The wound needs tending," Neža said softly.Sl: "In zdravil nimamo na pretek.En: "And we don't have an abundance of medicine."Sl: "Tadej, s svojo trdo prisotnostjo, je nestrpno gledal.En: Tadej, with his stern presence, watched impatiently.Sl: "Kako vemo, da se mu splača pomagati?En: "How do we know it's worth helping him?"Sl: " je vprašal.En: he asked.Sl: Miha se je zavedal, da mora odločiti.En: Miha realized he had to make a decision.Sl: Lahko bi nadaljeval sam, vendar ni mogel skoraj več hoditi.En: He could continue alone, but he could barely walk anymore.Sl: Vedel je, da bo brez pomoči umrl.En: He knew he would die without help.Sl: "Potrebujem vas," je priznal ponižno.En: "I need you," he admitted humbly.Sl: "Lahko mi zaupate.En: "You can trust me.Sl: Prosim.En: Please."Sl: "Neža je pokimala in začela pripravljati improvizirano obvezo.En: Neža nodded and began to prepare an improvised bandage.Sl: Njena dotikanja so bila nežna, vendar odločna.En: Her touches were gentle, yet determined.Sl: V njenih očeh je bila iskrica odločnosti, ki je presegla strah.En: There was a spark of resolve in her eyes that surpassed fear.Sl: Medtem ko je noč padala na opustošeno deželo, so zbrali nekaj droge iz Tadejevih zalog.En: As night fell over the barren land, they gathered some medicine from Tadej's supplies.Sl: Bili so redki in dragoceni.En: They were rare and precious.Sl: Tadej je pogledal stran, ko je Neža Miho oskrbovala.En: Tadej turned away as Neža tended to Miha.Sl: Boril se je s krivdo iz preteklosti, a v njegovih očeh je bila želja po popravi.En: He battled with guilt from the past, but there was a desire for redemption in his eyes.Sl: Po dnevu negotovosti je Miha zaspal, a njegovo dihanje je postalo enakomernejše.En: After a day of uncertainty, Miha fell asleep, but his breathing became more regular.Sl: Neža je pazila nanj, dokler ni sama omahnila od utrujenosti.En: Neža watched over him until she herself collapsed from exhaustion.Sl: V tistem trenutku je Tadej stopil bližje in pokril oba z odejo, ki jo je našel v bližnji ruševini.En: At that moment, Tadej stepped closer and covered them both with a blanket he found in the nearby ruins.Sl: Ko je zora obsijala deželo, se je Miha zbudil, počutil se je stabilneje.En: When dawn illuminated the land, Miha woke up feeling more stable.Sl: Zavedal se je, da brez Neže in Tadeja ne bi preživel.En: He realized that without Neža and Tadej, he wouldn't have survived.Sl: "Hvala," je rekel, njegovo hvaležnost je bilo moč čutiti.En: "Thank you," he said, his gratitude palpable.Sl: Skupaj so sedeli in vsak je v sebi čutil novo moč.En: They sat together, each feeling a newfound strength within.Sl: Svet je bil še vedno surov in brez milosti, vendar so našli nekaj dragocenega: zaupanje in novo začeto prijateljstvo.En: The world was still harsh and merciless, but they had found something precious: trust and a budding friendship.Sl: Miha se je naučil zaupati, Neža je okrepila svojo prepričanost, Tadej pa je začel verjeti, da je lahko dober človek.En: Miha learned to trust, Neža strengthened her resolve, and Tadej began to believe that he could be a good person.Sl: Snežinke so padale okoli njih, a zdaj je bila zima malce bolj znosna.En: Snowflakes fell around them, but now winter was a bit more bearable.Sl: Skupaj so ...
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