• Autumn Adventure in Slovenia: Embracing Martinovanje Magic

  • Nov 21 2024
  • Length: 17 mins
  • Podcast

Autumn Adventure in Slovenia: Embracing Martinovanje Magic

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Autumn Adventure in Slovenia: Embracing Martinovanje Magic Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-21-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Listje je zletavalo z dreves, barvito kot slike na stenah v mali pražarni kave v Ljubljani.En: The leaves were falling from the trees, as colorful as the pictures on the walls in a small coffee roastery in Ljubljana.Sl: Notri so ljudje uživali v prijetni toplini in vonju sveže mlete kave.En: Inside, people enjoyed the cozy warmth and the smell of freshly ground coffee.Sl: Luka, Maja in Uroš so sedeli za leseno mizo v kotu, obkroženi s toplim vzdušjem in zvokom tihega čebljanja drugih obiskovalcev.En: Luka, Maja, and Uroš sat at a wooden table in the corner, surrounded by a warm ambiance and the soft chatter of other patrons.Sl: Luka je bil poln energije in pričakovanja.En: Luka was full of energy and anticipation.Sl: Njegove oči so iskrile in ni se mogel več zadrževati.En: His eyes sparkled, and he couldn't hold back any longer.Sl: "Prijatelji," je rekel z žarečim nasmehom, "imam presenečenje za Martinovanje!En: "Friends," he said with a glowing smile, "I have a surprise for Martinovanje!"Sl: "Maja je dvignila obrv in se skeptično nasmehnila.En: Maja raised an eyebrow and smiled skeptically.Sl: "Kaj pa zdaj, Luka?En: "What now, Luka?"Sl: " je vprašala.En: she asked.Sl: Ona je raje imela stvari načrtovane, vsak korak vnaprej določen.En: She preferred things planned, every step predetermined.Sl: "Pripravil sem izlet," je Luka navdušeno razložil.En: "I've organized a trip," Luka eagerly explained.Sl: "Gremo na potovanje po Sloveniji, da doživimo Martinovanje v vseh barvah!En: "We're going on a journey around Slovenia to experience Martinovanje in all its colors!Sl: Morje vina in dobra družba.En: Seas of wine and good company.Sl: Kaj praviš, Uroš?En: What do you think, Uroš?"Sl: " Luka je pogledal proti njemu, vedoč, da bo Uroš pripravljen na katerokoli dogodivščino.En: Luka looked toward him, knowing that Uroš would be ready for any adventure.Sl: "Pogledamo, kam nas cesta pelje!En: "Let's see where the road takes us!"Sl: " je prikimal Uroš, ki je vedno pripravljen na spontanost.En: nodded Uroš, who was always ready for spontaneity.Sl: Maja pa je zavzdihnila.En: Maja, however, sighed.Sl: "Ne vem, Luka.En: "I don't know, Luka.Sl: Jaz raje ostanem tukaj, kjer je toplo in udobno.En: I'd rather stay here, where it's warm and comfortable."Sl: "Luka je razumel Majine skrbi, a ni hotel odnehati.En: Luka understood Maja's concerns, but he didn't want to give up.Sl: "Obljubim, da bo to nepozabno.En: "I promise it will be unforgettable.Sl: Zaupaj mi.En: Trust me.Sl: Slovenija je čudovita v jeseni.En: Slovenia is beautiful in the fall.Sl: Spomin bo vreden.En: The memory will be worth it.Sl: Pripravimo se na vinogradniško deželo.En: Let's prepare for wine country.Sl: Gremo na Ptuj, najstarejše mesto, kjer Martinovanje ne bo razočaralo!En: We're going to Ptuj, the oldest town, where Martinovanje will not disappoint!"Sl: "Maja je videla Luko, ki je bil vedno tako optimističen.En: Maja saw Luka, who was always so optimistic.Sl: Njeno srce je mehčalo ob misli na skupne trenutke.En: Her heart softened at the thought of shared moments.Sl: Morda pa si zasluži malo pustolovščine.En: Perhaps she did deserve a little adventure.Sl: "Vredu, Luka.En: "Alright, Luka.Sl: Prepričal si me.En: You've convinced me.Sl: Tvoje presenečenje sprejmem," je končno rekla Maja in nekoliko skeptično, a z nasmehom popustila.En: I'll accept your surprise," Maja finally said, a bit skeptically but with a smile, she gave in.Sl: In tako so se trije prijatelji tisto popoldne spakirali in sedli v Lukov avto.En: And so, that afternoon, the three friends packed up and got into Luka's car.Sl: Ceste so jih vodile mimo zlatih polj in skozi pisana jesenka drevesa.En: The roads led them past golden fields and through colorful autumn trees.Sl: Ko so prispeli na Ptuj, so jih pozdravili nasmejani obrazi, vonj praženega kostanja in zven harmonike, ki se je razlegal po ozkih ulicah.En: When they arrived in Ptuj, they were greeted by smiling faces, the smell of roasted chestnuts, and the sound of accordion music echoing through the narrow streets.Sl: Tiste noči so pozabili na skrbi in se predali trenutku.En: That night, they forgot about their worries and surrendered to the moment.Sl: Praznovanje Martinovanja, z dobrim vinom, pesmijo in plesom, jih je združilo.En: Celebrating Martinovanje with good wine, song, and dance brought them together.Sl: Maja je spoznala, da včasih nepričakovani načrti prinašajo najlepše spomine.En: Maja realized that sometimes unexpected plans bring the most beautiful memories.Sl: Zaupala je Luki in njegovim instinktom bolj kot kdajkoli prej.En: She trusted Luka and his instincts more than ever before.Sl: Ko so se nasmejano vračali proti Ljubljani, je vedela, da ima ...
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