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Ancient Astronomy

  • The stars and constellations are among the few remaining objects that appear to us just as they appeared to our distant ancestors. This nonfiction narrative presents the tales of the 48 classical constellations, compiled from literature spanning a thousand years....

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  • No direct explanation is given for the origin and nature of the sun, planets, and stars. Because the Sumerians regarded the moon-god as the son of the air-god Enlil, it does not seem unreasonable to suggest that they saw the moon as a bright, air-like body fashioned from the atmosphere....

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  • Part scholarship and part yarn, tying together some of the most intriguing tales of all time - from the Knights Templar and Prester John to Parsival and the Holy Grail - this book will appeal to anyone fascinated by the revelation of hidden truths and the discovery of secret mysteries....

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  • War of the Gods examines ancient scriptures from India, Siberia, Tahiti, and many other regions of the world independently on reports of battles in the stars. Weapons of unimaginable destructive power were used in the battle. One of the weapons used destroyed a planet completely....

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  • Mayan Astronomy: The History of the Maya’s Measurements of the Planets and Stars examines what is known and unknown about the Maya’s astronomy, and why their astronomy was among the most accurate in the world....

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  • Ancient cultures around the world spoke of a vast cycle of time with alternating dark and golden ages; Plato called it the Great Year. Most of us were taught in school that the dark ages were real but the golden age was just a universal myth....

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  • This is a comprehensive beginner's guide to all things conspiracy! Learn how to decode Illuminati symbolism that's hidden in plain sight with the help of an expert in spotting occult secrets....
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  • Through his extensive research into the interconnected wisdom of the ancients, Scranton shows that the forgotten instructional tradition at the source of this knowledge was deliberately encoded to survive for countless generations.....

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  • Filled with entertaining history, pop culture ephemera, and interviews with NASA scientists, The Big Book of Mars is the most comprehensive look at our relationship with Mars - yesterday, today, and tomorrow....

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  • In a drastic reevaluation of astronomy observations from Mahabharata, using high-tech tools of modern astronomy and low-tech tools of the logic of scientific discovery, Nilesh Oak’s extraordinary book presents ordinary theory of astronomy observations....

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  • This third edition surveys the applicability of Egyptian cosmological concepts to our modern understanding of the nature of the universe, creation, science, and philosophy. Egyptian cosmology is humanistic, coherent, comprehensive, consistent, logical, analytical, and rational....

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  • How many Carl Sagan fans know that while the renowned scientist was at Stanford University, he produced a controversial paper, funded by a NASA research grant....
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  • Thanks to ancient Greece, we know more about philosophy, politics, the democratic system, mythology, art, the Olympics, and many, many lingual references imbedded in almost every European language....

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  • For the Maya, astronomy was not a purely scientific pursuit, but intimately linked to religious, mythological, and ideological elements that were of the highest importance. The celestial realm held a sacred nature, as did the many gods and goddesses that dwelt there....

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  • Did you know that before Aristotle and Galileo there were the Mayans? The Mayans were an ancient civilization that once lived in Mexico. They were intelligent people who developed their own calendar and studied math as well as astronomy....

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  • Mesoamerica is a historical region and cultural area in North America. It extends from approximately central Mexico through Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and northern Costa Rica....

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  • During the formative years of Egyptian civilization, each Cosmogony was present. Students from many regions and segments of society attended the Houses of Life, and royals donated endowments for the temple's maintenance and activities. These circumstances suggest a theological harmony....

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