富甲天下: 大盛魁 - 富甲天下: 大盛魁 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty]
3 books in series富甲天下:大盛魁 1 - 富甲天下:大盛魁 1 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty 1] Summary

Book 1
富甲天下:大盛魁 1 - 富甲天下:大盛魁 1 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty 1]
- By: 梅锋 - 梅鋒 - Mei Feng, 王路沙 - 王路沙 - Wang Lusha
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 19 hrs and 19 mins
- Unabridged
清朝康熙年间,一代枭雄噶尔丹的铁骑再次席卷蒙古草原,威胁内地。康熙皇帝毅然出兵征讨。为筹措军需粮饷,他下旨向山西的“八大皇商”借钱,太谷武家堡村的孙家也在其中。而这件大事,改变了一个名叫王相卿的穷小子的命运。…… 清朝康熙年間,一代梟雄噶爾丹的鐵騎再次席捲蒙古草原,威脅內地。康熙皇帝毅然出兵征討。為籌措軍需糧餉,他下旨向山西的「八大皇商」借錢,太谷武家堡村的孫家也在其中。而這件大事,改變了一個名叫王相卿的窮小子的命運。
富甲天下:大盛魁 1 - 富甲天下:大盛魁 1 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty 1]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 19 hrs and 19 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £23.99 or 1 Credit
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Book 2
富甲天下:大盛魁 2 - 富甲天下:大盛魁 2 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty 2]
- By: 梅锋 - 梅鋒 - Mei Feng, 王路沙 - 王路沙 - Wang Lusha
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 19 hrs and 38 mins
- Unabridged
大盛魁的赊销生意出师不利,导致散伙。王相卿成功请到蒙古权贵为赊销生意提供担保,解决了原有的弊端,重振商号。负气出走的张杰和返乡探亲的史大学也都回到了大盛魁。与此同时,皇商孙家迎来了新的当家人孙文举…… 大盛魁的賒銷生意出師不利,導致散伙。王相卿成功請到蒙古權貴為賒銷生意提供擔保,解決了原有的弊端,重振商號。負氣出走的張杰和返鄉探親的史大學也都回到了大盛魁。與此同時,皇商孫家迎來了新的當家人孫文舉……
富甲天下:大盛魁 2 - 富甲天下:大盛魁 2 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty 2]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 19 hrs and 38 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £25.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £25.99 or 1 Credit
Book 3
富甲天下:大盛魁 3 - 富甲天下:大盛魁 3 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty 3]
- By: 梅锋 - 梅鋒 - Mei Feng, 王路沙 - 王路沙 - Wang Lusha
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 15 hrs and 6 mins
- Unabridged
在饱受磨难之后,王相卿于商业理念层面也达到了一个新的境界,通过师傅老采头的对联而悟“舍得”之道,从而将商号带入真正良性发展的阶段。而他最大的对手孙文举,却因不断膨胀的贪欲,最终落得了倒台的结局…… 在飽受磨難之後,王相卿於商業理念層面也達到了一個新的境界,通過師傅老采頭的對聯而悟「捨得」之道,從而將商號帶入真正良性發展的階段。而他最大的對手孫文舉,卻因不斷膨脹的貪欲,最終落得了倒台的結局……
富甲天下:大盛魁 3 - 富甲天下:大盛魁 3 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty 3]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 15 hrs and 6 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £26.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £26.99 or 1 Credit