• What I Wish I Had Known When Investigating The Church As A Teenager
    Feb 4 2024
    It’s a common question in all ExMormon spaces: “how can I stop my child from joining the Mormon church?” These parents may not be ExMormons, but they belong in our community, and I feel a personal obligation to help those who are teenagers investigating the church — like I once was. In this episode, I discuss my own personal story, how Mormon missionaries court teenagers, and my best advice for navigating this difficult time. In this episode, I speak to both the teenagers and the parents who are concerned for them. I strongly suggest parents listen to the episode first before deciding if it is appropriate to share. Please understand sharing things like this often just feeds the seed planted by the church that they are a persecuted faith and adversity means they are on the right path. I also discuss how joining the church stunted my development and what I suggest for helping your child remember who they are NOW if they do join the church so they can become themselves again when they deconstruct.
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    42 mins
  • Finding Yourself After Leaving The Church + How To Survive an Existential Crisis
    Dec 31 2023

    To celebrate the New Year, Ella Boleynn explores the process of finding yourself after leaving the church. Join Ella as she explores the most important goal that every ExMormon should have -- getting in touch with who they really are. Topics discussed include:

    • the difficulty of deconstructing and finding yourself after leaving the Mormon church
    • confronting the reality of life and ourselves
    • the anonymous post that inspired this episode where someone states "I feel like I missed out on so much... I lived the way people told me to live... I feel cheated out of life."
    • mourning wasted time, sunk costs, and the lost opportunities of youth
    • the conveyor belt of the Mormon church
    • finding yourself while juggling parenting and marriage
    • not feeling guilty for prioritizing your joy and needs
    • How to Survive an Existential Crisis and Why Survival Isn't Enough (read the full blog post on Ella's blog)
    • common questions after a faith transition
    • when the relationship won't survive the faith transition
    • claiming the life you want NOW
    • unpacking the pain of lying to yourself about your sexuality
    • rediscovering yourself by looking back on your childhood
    • taking time to do the things you enjoy
    • making yourself do the things that used to bring you joy even if you have no desire to do them now
    • the power of going outside and laying in the grass
    • call for stories about reclaiming your identity, career, passions, and joy after leaving the church
    • don't be better; be you
    • living boldly to make up for lost time
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    50 mins
  • INTERVIEW: An Ally Betrayed - Angie's Church Therapist Husband Came Out, Confessing to Years of Infidelity
    Dec 17 2023

    Meet Angie, an ally betrayed. Angie has been distanced from the church for awhile, but her now ex-husband was deeply embedded, serving as a bishop in their ward and working for years as a therapist with LDS Family Services. He blamed her faith transition and her lack of interest in sex for the problems in their marriage and never spoke up in support the many times she loudly took issue with the church’s stances on homosexuality. So imagine her surprise when her husband of 23 years told her he wanted a divorce — coming out of the closet and confessing to years of infidelity in one roller coaster of an evening.

    Listen as Angie goes back through the events of that evening and the painful episodes before and after that led to her newfound freedom. As a longtime ally, her pain is a particularly poignant reminder of the collateral damage caused to so many spouses of those who are closeted.

    Connect with Ella Boleynn online:


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    1 hr and 16 mins
  • The Great Mormon Rebranding
    Dec 10 2023

    The Mormon church has been undergoing a massive rebranding effort ever since 2018 when they literally updated the style guide to stop referring to themselves as Mormons. The changes have been pervasive. Join Ella Boleynn as she probes into the reasoning behind these changes and the impact they are having on investigators, active members, and those who have left the church. Discussions include: - What ever happened to the I’m a Mormon campaign? - The insidious nature of primary and Christmas programs that don't seem "Mormon" - Milk before meat as a means of manipulation - Will calling someone "Mormon" eventually be considered bigoted language? - Closed community as evidence of the Mormon church being a cult - How the great Mormon rebranding undermines ExMormon stories and stories showing the truth about the church. - The power of language in the cult of Mormonism - What the label "ExMormon" means to me - My argument for why calling it The Mormon Church is actually more truthful than calling it The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - The necessity of using church-approved language to reach those who are garment-deep in the gospel - Tell me what you think about the great Mormon rebranding on Threads @ellaboleynn

    Connect with Ella Boleynn online:

    https://livinginretrospect.com/my-links Links and references shared: https://news-kh.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/-i-m-a-mormon-campaign https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/church/news/mormon-is-out-church-releases-statement-on-how-to-refer-to-the-organization?lang=eng https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/style-guide

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    47 mins
  • Temple Trauma, Endowment Timing, Repressed Doubts, and Rebuilding Your Authentic Self
    Dec 4 2023

    Celebrate the fact that Ella is no longer bound by the mistake of a temple marriage with an in-depth discussion of her temple trauma, exclusion in LDS temple sealings, the insidious nature of endowment timing, why people repress doubt, and rebuilding your authentic self after leaving the church.

    Connect with Ella Boleynn online:


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    54 mins
  • Thanksgiving Pep Talk: Surviving Holidays with Mormon Family During Your Faith Transition
    Nov 20 2023

    I wasn’t planning on releasing an episode this week, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how many of you are facing holiday celebrations that are anything but comfortable. This brief episode is for you. I’m proud of you for breaking free, and this holiday, I hope you find the peace and joy you deserve.

    Connect with Ella Boleynn online:


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    12 mins
  • Masturbation and Wasted Intelligence
    Nov 12 2023

    A discussion of sexual repression, masturbation, confession, and wasted intelligence.

    Connect with Ella Boleynn online:


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    25 mins
  • INTERVIEW: Stephanie Taylor, Author of "Silenced in the Name of God" On The Church's Toxic Culture of Abuse
    Nov 5 2023

    Sit in as Ella Boleynn interviews Stephanie Taylor, author of Silenced in the Name of God. In this interview exploring her new book, Stephanie opens up about abuse, making her own support, and finally speaking out. Other topics discussed include healing after trauma, the church’s toxic doctrines on forgiveness, the power of anger to motivate creation and change, and the importance of finding joy.

    Buy Silenced in the Name of God: https://amzn.to/3sau1Va

    Stephanie’s website: StephanieTaylor.net

    Spiritually Unchained Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/658093066094068/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF

    Connect with Ella Boleynn online:


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    46 mins