• The Recent BOOM in Christian Education
    Aug 19 2022

    Over the past few years, Christian Schools have seen an enrollment boom. Some schools have seen a 30+% increase in enrollment. Superintendent of Great Commission Schools in Altoona, PA, Jenn McConnell, joins Scott for a conversation around the growing cultural appeal for taking kids out of public schools and into Christian Schools.  

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    48 mins
  • What is Apologia Church REALLY like? // The Church and Roe v Wade - What now?
    Aug 4 2022

    Over summer break Scott vacationed in Gilbert, Arizona so naturally he had to visit ApologiaChurch. What are their church services really like? Scott explains and then has a conversation with Cindy and Stephanie from Crossroads Pregnancy Center to talk about how the church will need to step up and face new challenges from the Roe v Wade decision.  

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    48 mins
  • Modeling Our Values With Our Kids with Trista Dunsmoor
    Jun 23 2022

    If you're a Christian and a parent, you know the feeling of wanting your kids to grow up and come to faith in Jesus. Sometimes we can think that is something to think about later in life. The reality is that our kids grow in their understanding of God through thousands of conversations all through their childhood. One thing we are called to do as parents is to share the truths about God and model His love through our relationships with our kids. Trista Dunsmoor joins Scott to share some of her thoughts and experiences in this episode of mission and likeness.

    You can listen to Trista's podcast, "Unwritten: Your Authentic Story" by clicking this link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unwritten-your-authentic-story/id1556952817

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    48 mins
  • Where do you find HOPE?
    Jun 16 2022

    With the price of just about everything going up, Christians are facing a new battle: what is our hope truly in? Do we find more comfort in low gas prices, cool homes in the summer, and our political party in power or do we find true joy and hope in Who God is and what Jesus has done. This is a daily battle that we shouldn't be trying to face on our own, but as a church body.

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    49 mins
  • Christians Serving on the Front Lines of the Ukraine and Russia War
    Jun 9 2022

    How would you respond to the call to fly into a war zone and help Christians and others in need? Scott talks to Matt and Ben who were on the front lines after the Russia and Ukraine war broke out and share some of the amazing things God was doing even in the midst of war.

    Support Matt and Ben and their team: https://www.abwe.org/work/projects/live-global-grace-extended-team

    Help loveLocal create more Gospel centered content through a local membership! Join today! http://lovelocalpa.com/join 

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    50 mins
  • How Our Hard Times Reveal Our Authentic Faith with Bethany Marshall
    Jun 2 2022

    We all go through trials and hard times throughout our lives. God will often use these trails to grow our faith. In this episode Scott shares an article by Dane Ortlund titled, "Discouragement Can Take You Deeper" as well as a conversation with author of Pickles and Prayer and Pineapples and Praise, Bethany Marshall.

    Become a local and support new content: http://lovelocalpa.com/join

    Support Bethany: http://booksbybethany.com

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    50 mins
  • Fighting Criticism with Curiosity with Jeff McCullough [Hello Saints]
    May 26 2022

    Jeff McCullough joins Scott in this episode to talk about how we can learn and grow in our own faith by fighting criticism with curiosity. Jeff shares his YouTube Channel, Hello Saints, with Scott and tells the story why he is taking his journey to better understand the LDS (Mormon) faith as he compares and contrasts lifestyle, culture and beliefs through an on-going dialogue with Latter Day Saints.  

    Support Jeff and Hello Saints: http://patreon.com/hellosaints 

    Hello Saints YouTube: http://youtube.com/hellosaints

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    51 mins
  • How Christians SHOULD Impact Their Community with Jim Kilmartin
    May 19 2022

    Is social media designed to divide churches? How so? Jim Kilmartin joins Scott in studio to talk about how Christians should transform the community around them.

    9Marks article: Social Media is Designed to Divide Churches

    Center City Church in Downtown Altoona

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    51 mins