• Rebrand
    Jan 16 2025

    This year is all about rebranding myself. Moving to a new state felt like diving into the deep end, but it’s also a perfect way to start fresh. My word for this year is discomfort—and I’m learning to lean into it, trusting that growth and refinement will come through the process.

    Utah wasn’t on my radar in the past; honestly, it would’ve stopped me in my tracks. But now, I’m stepping into this new season full of excitement and gratitude. God, in His wisdom, “blinded” me to the fears that once held me back, allowing me to take this leap of faith. Leaving behind what I had worked and prayed for felt counterintuitive, but I knew surrendering to His plan was the only way forward.

    I’m embracing the reality that I’m a work in progress, under construction—but I’m thankful God has the blueprint. Trusting Him hasn’t been easy, especially when I tried to talk myself out of this decision. But here I am, just a few weeks in, already feeling empowered by the steps I’ve taken.

    Cheers to a year of unknowns, growth, and faith! Here’s to trusting the process and rebranding in a way that honors the journey.

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    37 mins
  • The Reason
    Jan 1 2025

    Christ is THE Reason. For the Season of Joy. The season that we all admire as a time of giving, surrounded by loved ones, and a time dedicated to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This year, the nativity struck me differently than it has other years, and that was because of the striking example of Mary- the mother of Jesus. I studied her character and her magnificent response to the mission Heavenly Father had granted her. She truly placed her trust in God's hand in advance of knowing what may lie ahead. She taught me that God can only transform what you put in His hand. Her confidence stemmed from her faith in what God could perform through her; she was willing to be the vessel in Heavenly Father's miraculous plan. I know she must've felt inadequate, too young, troubled, fearful of rejection and judgment, anxious, and so many more daunting emotions, but she didn't let these emotions overshadow God's capability. I am so grateful for her example of strength, faithfulness, humility, a submissive heart, courage, and pure confidence imbedded in her trust for the Lord in all that He would accomplish. She knew Christ better than anyone on earth; she played a huge role in the miraculous birth story, she witnessed Him preach to Wise men, cherish those around Him, conduct miracles willingly, and ultimately lay down His life. She humbly praised the Son of God and supported Him in all seasons of His life. I hope that we will follow her beautiful example and praise him all the days of our lives. Place our trust in God's hand and draw confidence and strength in Him. Christ is the reason. For the Season. For Life itself.

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    26 mins
  • Cloud Nine
    Dec 10 2024

    One of the beautiful purposes of this life is to be proven, tried, and tested. Our God beautifies the valleys that we endure by allowing our character to be heightened. In the doctrine of Jesus Christ, the last principle--Endure to the End--is arguably the most overlooked. Consistency in our faith and trust in God is vital for our overcoming of the seemingly impossible mountain laid before us. I know how daunting our trials may seem, but I know OUR GOD IS LARGER. The adversary hopes to convince us that our trials are useless when really they have the potential to be a stepping stone in our development. The adversary desires for us to isolate instead of reaching out for God's grace! I want to echo the words of God to Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail: " Peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; and then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on High." I know that our valleys are what LIFT us to our Highest Elevation! Our hill! Our cloud nine! I pray that we will all have an attitude of gratitude for the work that God is putting into our Spirit and Character as we endure the turbulence of our rocky lives. HE IS THE SAVIOR WE ALL ARE IN DESPERATE NEED OF.

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    23 mins
  • Battlefield
    Nov 17 2024

    We are not strangers to the battlefield! We must remember that we witnessed the war in heaven and God was VICTORIOUS! One of the absurd lies satan places on us is that we are alone! Another crazy successful tactic of his is WORRY! Worry is when you feel the pressure of doing it all on your own! Worry is a form of idolatry because you believe you have the power to control an outcome when really, only God can!!! Instead of inviting the omnipotent to carry you through, you worry!

    The thought of being independent isn’t necessarily a defect because God was very intentional when creating us! But He designed us to be weak without His Atoning Power! We need him, there’s no other way to conquer life’s course without Him!

    A blessing of the gospel is knowing that we CAN ALL MAKE A COMEBACK! Even when we are in the battlefield, we can trust that as we come into Him, we will be saved. By His Grace.

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    23 mins
  • Unfinished
    Oct 15 2024
    The unfinished product. We are all incomplete. The Lord’s job is not finished!!! We are still under construction— God is still polishing and transforming us to perfect His masterpiece that you truly are!! and We have a role in that too! Kristen is a very well rounded and motivated person. She is someone who lives in constant evolution. Although she believes God created her beautifully, she knows she can reach her divine potential by putting forth the work necessary to achieve her dreams. She shares her experience as she recognizes the ceilings that were RESTRICTING her and preventing any growth! She preaches: take the next step NOW! Do something that scares you, you might surprise yourself! I have learned through her example that god truly does surprise us when we trust in His will AND do our part in His plan for us! There are so many gems of knowledge and truth within this podcast! I know you need it!!
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    50 mins
  • The Contagious Joy
    Oct 7 2024

    There is a contagious tone of joy in my voice and I owe it all to the loving character of Christ. I am feeling more like myself recently so thought I would hop on a pod and share what is on my heart. Silly ol' me has been contemplating what tactics the adversary has (sadly) been successfully tearing me apart with. There is something so humbling about acknowledging my weaknesses within my valleys. It seems CLEAR AS DAY what the Lord has been trying to teach me, yet the obnoxious strategies the devil has played on me have left me feeling like I am in the dark. But don't you worry folks, I am feeling so empowered by the spirit to say bye-bye to giving in to satan. I share raw and beautiful lessons that the Lord has taught me recently. The Joy that I feel when I immerse myself in the gospel of Jesus Christ, is truly UNMATCHED. I highly, highly recommend this way of living. I hope you can walk away from listening to this pod feeling strong enough and able to recognize the counterfeit that satan is offering you!

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    29 mins
  • Originated by Light
    Sep 22 2024

    We are all originated by a spark of light. Light is a force that is so powerful that it can eliminate the fear that the world instills in our hearts. Time and time again we read in the bible that we are to be the light of the world, Jamey takes this call literally as he strives to lighten each moment with his upbeat, energetic spirit.

    Jamey speaks on the power of connection, chasing your own dreams and aspirations, normalizing casual conversation with god, enjoying life in God's boundary, contributing to the good of this world, and leaving a friendly impact on others.

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    38 mins
  • God's Blueprint
    Aug 22 2024

    God's Blueprint. is better than ours. Our desires change and evolve ALL THE TIME, but God's intentions and desires are constant. That is why He is so kind to take the responsibility of laying out the blueprint for our lives with His heightened eyes instead of our lowly minds and hearts. Do not be condescending to our god and His calling to design the structure of our lives by believing you know best, He has been a god for a long time and has easily and effortlessly earned our trust. God is a knowledgeable architect who knows best. He can reveal His designs to us through the direct lines of prayer, which requires us to open our channels to Him. I invite you to come down to reality and understand that you are not speaking to a wall but actually to the creator. David A. Bednar addresses the natural tendency with prayer to approach it like a grocery list, we are beggars to God and see prayer as an opportunity to ask more from God instead of understanding how we can prove our loyalty and faithfulness to Him. We are entitled to believe that God will give us everything we want when we want it. But God doesn't deserve to be tested like a grocery list. Don't be shallow and stubborn to God, let Him answer your prayers with His perfect grace, let Him surprise you! He will answer our prayers and take care of our desires within His mercy, will, and bounds. Favor His blueprint for your life with confidence that His plan is much more beautiful than yours.

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    26 mins