This week Josiah leads us in a message of hearing from God, encouraging us to live a life in deep relationship with Jesus and this means hearing His voice.
Jo does a recap of last weeks message on Easter Sunday
One great quote was 'if our relationship with God is only through someone else then we're missing the Gospel'!
He paid the highest price for us to have relationship with him!
All of John 10 - Jesus the good shepherd
Hebrews chapter 3 & 4
Sheep follow the shepherd for they know His voice
Jesus is the door - the way, the truth and the life
Jesus is the door in which we enter to hear His voice
We need to be born again to hear His voice
That all would hear His voice and follow Him
This is our inheritance
2 Cor 3:15-18 - When we turn to the Lord the veil is removed.
He unveils the scripture to us, that He is all throughout the bible
And more time we spend in His word, the more we learn to know Him
Declare the truth - Jesus is my shepherd and I hear His voice!
Do's and Don'ts of hearing Gods word
Heb 3:7-19
Don’t live in active sin - like the Israelites that hardened their heart in unbelieve
Don't disobey what He tells you to do
Don't be envious and self seeking, for that is where confusion and evilness comes - James 3
Don't hold offence and bitterness, this is where we are deceived and false prophets arise - Matt 24:10-12
Heb 12:15 - Bitterness causes us to fall short of the glory of God
Unless you forgive others you will not be forgiven
Don't sear your conscience - 1 Tim 4:1-2
Don't live unsubmitted to leadership or not planted in a church - Ps 92 those who are planted in the house of the Lord, shall flourish in the courts of God!
Do read the bible - the more you read, the more you are familiar with His voice, His heart and His ways
Do spend time in worship and prayer
Do exercise your faith and choose to believe it - Heb 4:2-3 - the word they heard did not profit them because they did not believe
Take steps of faith and admit when you get things wrong, repent and let Him lead you
Do have a good conscience, being quick to obey and test the voice with others in the church.