
  • Understanding Your Strengths with Business Consultant, Jessica Tietjen
    Nov 3 2021
    Jessica Tietjen had just graduated from law school, and while she was waiting for her results on the bar exam a corporation reached out to have her fill in at an HR position temporarily. She loved it so much she decided to stay. Now she has just moved on to become a business consultant and has also written and published her first book called "The Exceptional Life R-Evolution". On this episode we talk about strengths and why they're so important to understand, her new book, and building community and why we all need it.
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    38 mins
  • The Line Between Creativity and Business with The Brand SERP Guy, Jason Barnard
    Oct 20 2021

    Jason Barnard is known as The Brand SERP Guy. SERP stands for search engine results page. Just think about any time you Google someones name, a band, an actor, a business - that's what pops up in the results. And he works to understand Google and how you can adjust what pops up when people search for you. That's pretty cool. In his lifetime Jason has been in a punk-folk band, a cartoonist, screenwriter, and started a children's tv show that had millions and millions of views. He currently is the founder and CEO of digital marketing agency, Kalicube. He's been on both sides of things as far as business and creativity, which gives him good insight and authority to talk about finding the line between business and creativity. Where do you find the balance between having fun and enjoying what you're doing and profitability?

    Here are some helpful links:

    1. Guides to help you manage your brand online https://kalicube.com/guides/

    2. The Google search result for Jason Barnard https://www.google.com/search?q=jason+barnard

    3. Jason's personal website https://jasonbarnard.com/

    Read the full transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/125W2h2iZ1ogVShltOyfzuWCX7aVFMtN3/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109907576087129722530&rtpof=true&sd=true

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    46 mins
  • Becoming Successful with CMO, Kindsey Pentecost
    Sep 22 2021
    Kindsey Pentecost is the CMO of It Works, a 9-figure health and wellness organization. She started with a degree in criminal justice raiding strip clubs and brothels, to fight human trafficking. She then transitioned, for a time, running the international headquarters for It Works. Along with running the marketing for the company she has two cookbooks, a personal wellness brand, and a podcast helping people take care of their body, soul, and mind. She shares about how you can learn any skill and it's never too late to find your purpose.
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    38 mins
  • How To Sell Your Art with Pastor & Artist, Jady Griffin
    Sep 8 2021
    Pastor and Artist Jady Griffin from Austin, Texas shares how important it is to create space if you want to produce good work. He talks about the rhythm of creating and how it's like a muscle that needs to be worked out consistently. Jady tells his story of transformation in finding his own voice in painting. He shares practicals about growing and moving forward in your craft as well as how to start selling art and making it a business.
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    46 mins
  • Making Your Business Profitable with CPA & Profitability Coach, Heather Zeitzwolfe
    Sep 1 2021
    Heather Zeitzwolfe is a CPA and profitability coach specifically for creatives. She shares insights into how to be profitable, practicals in good financial decisions, and the most common pitfalls that creative entrepreneurs fall into. If you're a creative that's a business owner, this is especially for you.
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    38 mins
  • Getting Really Good At Your Craft with Actor & Composer, Ben Worley
    Aug 4 2021
    Actor and composer, Ben Worley, shares his insights on how he's become better at his craft. He's acted and composed for numerous films starting from a very young age. He began doing indie projects with his brother and friends, and he began to make a name for himself in the industry. Listen as Ben shares how he has learned from numerous composers and has grown from every single project. Ben now lives in LA where he is continuing his film-making career.
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Moving Beyond Hustle Culture with Photographer, Lizzie Schlafer
    Jul 14 2021
    Lizzie never intended for photography to be a full time gig. It began as a creative outlet after her 9-5 job. But that all changed when she asked a wedding photographer if she could follow her around and see what the job was all about. Holding back tears from behind the camera she knew she found her thing. Lizzie shares about being burnt out by the “hustle culture” and how being a new mom quickly helped her know her priorities in life and find a new balance.
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    43 mins
  • Trailer
    Jul 8 2021
    A podcast by Co-Be - a haven for creatives, dreamers, and entrepreneurs. We are all about helping creatives and entrepreneurs along their journey.
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    2 mins