• Ep 25. Keeping it Real...even when you're down the well
    Apr 28 2024

    Hi lovely Foggers and Fogglets,

    Well, the fog is real at the moment. We couldn’t even remember what episode number this was! We're here though and ready to share our experiences, support and of course, our fog moments.

    We never come to the podcast session with any notes, or even any idea what we're going to talk to you about but somehow, it always all comes together and the conversation flows. Maybe it's some kind of magic, or it could be that for 10-20 minutes before we hit record, we have a little pre show joint therapy session. It releases any tension we've brought with us, lifts any black clouds and seems to open up the chatty channels. We CANNOT overstate the importance of sharing and talking! That's why we share openly, honestly and rawly (is that a word?) with you lovelies because we're all about keeping it real.

    We also always like to bring you something positive or give you sonemthing that'll make you giggle because that's important too. The world, espeically social media, can have us thinking that everything is either all adventure and glamour or all doom and gloom. We're always here to remind you that life isn't like that. It's not black and white, it's all colours and shades.

    So, this episode we're mainly talking:
    • Connection
    • The responsibility sandwich of midlife.
    • Making sure we don't go it alone...and trust.
    • Being down the well and knowing who will hook you out.
    • Fear of the future and planning for it emotionally.
    • Making time for things that feed your cup.

    • Books we're reading
    • Music we love
    • Prioritising our physical and mental health
    • And of course....our Fog Moments

    Thanks for listening to our little chunnerings. As always, we'd love you to join in by letting us know what you think and sharing your experiences and PLEEEEASE let all your friends, colleagues, family know about us so we can keep our little project going and growing.

    Until next time lovely ones, you know it...."Stay sane. Don't lose it." We've got you!

    Big love,
    Michele and Lou x

    Support the show


    We hope you enjoy listening. If you like what you hear please FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW, it will really help us, and please share with your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, aunties, colleagues and bring them along to join the lovely WTF Community. The more the merrier, and the more support we can give each other.

    If you fancy, you can support us by buying us a coffee, just like you would if we were chatting in our favo

    Support the Show.


    We hope you enjoy listening. If you like what you hear please FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW, it will really help us, and please share with your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, aunties, colleagues and bring them along to join the lovely WTF Community. The more the merrier, and the more support we can give each other.

    If you fancy, you can support us by buying us a coffee, just like you would if we were chatting in our favourite café or coffee house. Every little treat goes towards helping us do more of this for you. Click the 'Buy Me a Coffee' link below.

    EMAIL US at chat@wotthefog.com with anything you’d like to ask or share, especially your Fog Moments.

    You Can Join our COMMUNITY. Keep Up to Date and be the first to hear about New Episodes and Other Exciting Stuff by Joining our Members List at http://wotthefog.com
    Join our FACEBOOK GROUP https://facebook.com/wotthefog

    You can FOLLOW US on Instagram

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    27 mins
  • Ep 24. If It's Not on The List, It's Not Coming In! New attitudes and more FUN.
    Jan 31 2024

    Hi lovely Foggers and Fogglets,

    Welcome to our first episode of 2024. Firstly, how was your 2023? If you're anything like us and so many people we speak to, it was a bloomin' doozy. It really did feel like being on a rollercoaster powered by white water rapids at times. It left both of us feeling emotionally churned, battered and bruised.

    BUT, we've decided that that energy (or lack of) is so 2023 and it has to stay there. If any of that 2023 shizzle is still hanging around like a bad smell, seeping into your 2024, tell it it's not on the list and turn it away!! Let's be determined to make 2024 a stronger, more determined, more positive year. Are you with us?

    So, this episode, we're talking all things energy really. From the 7, yep that's right there are 7, signs of fatigue, to the energy we create ourselves from our thinking and attitudes and how we can make sure the bad vibes don't get in and threaten to stay.

    As usual, our unscripted guided chat goes far and wide and is always raw and honest. Other things we're chatting about this episode are:

    • Walking our talk - do we practice what we preach?
    • Connection and community - staying healthy is so much about sharing & talking.
    • Are you over Podcasts? As we feel swamped by the 000's of high budget podcasts, do we carry on?
    • Getting creative - we all have some creative ability and it can be such a great distraction and mindul thing to explore.

    • Books we're reading
    • TV we're watching
    • Movies we love
    • And of course....our Fog Moments

    Thanks for listening to our little chunnerings. As always, we'd love you to join in by letting us know what you think and sharing your experiences and PLEEEEASE let all your friends, colleagues, family know about us so we can keep our little project going and growing.

    Until next time lovely ones, you know it...."Stay sane. Don't lose it." We've got you!

    Big love,
    Michele and Lou x

    Support the show

    Support the Show.


    We hope you enjoy listening. If you like what you hear please FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW, it will really help us, and please share with your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, aunties, colleagues and bring them along to join the lovely WTF Community. The more the merrier, and the more support we can give each other.

    If you fancy, you can support us by buying us a coffee, just like you would if we were chatting in our favourite café or coffee house. Every little treat goes towards helping us do more of this for you. Click the 'Buy Me a Coffee' link below.

    EMAIL US at chat@wotthefog.com with anything you’d like to ask or share, especially your Fog Moments.

    You Can Join our COMMUNITY. Keep Up to Date and be the first to hear about New Episodes and Other Exciting Stuff by Joining our Members List at http://wotthefog.com
    Join our FACEBOOK GROUP https://facebook.com/wotthefog

    You can FOLLOW US on Instagram

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    26 mins
  • Ep 23. ‘On the Couch’ talking Poonami’s, Buckaroo and Not Compromising
    Dec 27 2023

    Well phew lovely Foggers and Fogglets, what a bloomin’ year this has been! We don’t know about you, but we’re feeling bounced around, whiplashed, dizzy and facing backwards as 2023 races to a close. How’s it been for you?

    In this 23 for 23 – Episode 23 and the last of 2023, we reflecting on what’s challenged us, what’s really important, what we’re letting go of and what we’re committing to…sort of…as much as we can, because that’s another lesson from this crazy year, not to put too much pressure on ourselves. Why do we do that?!

    Above all though, we’re feeling massively grateful for so much and for so many people, not least YOU, our gorgeous community who have listened to our ramblings, supported and encouraged us. We honestly love you for sticking around despite our consistent inconsistency, and we’re making a commitment to you to make sure we record our chats every month. You’ve been warned haha!

    So, this episode, our ‘never any notes’ chat includes:

    · Importance of community and talking things

    · Feeling like a ‘Buckaroo’. In a classic fog
    moment, we just couldn’t remember the name
    of this game while we were talking but
    typically, as soon as the mic went off, it came

    · Gratitude – Norwegian style

    · Never being ‘too busy’ for people you value
    and love.

    · Making an effort doesn’t mean BIG effort

    · A little less conversation, a little more action
    please – get ‘doing’.

    · Not subscribing to expensive remedy sales.
    The best remedy is our TTT method – talk,
    time (for yourself), and trying your best.

    · Not compromising night compromises your
    health and well being.

    Thanks for listening to our little chunnerings. As always, we'd love you to join in by letting us know what you think and sharing your experiences.

    Until next time lovely ones, you know it...."Stay sane. Don't lose it." We've got you!

    Big love,
    Michele and Lou x

    Support the Show.


    We hope you enjoy listening. If you like what you hear please FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW, it will really help us, and please share with your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, aunties, colleagues and bring them along to join the lovely WTF Community. The more the merrier, and the more support we can give each other.

    If you fancy, you can support us by buying us a coffee, just like you would if we were chatting in our favourite café or coffee house. Every little treat goes towards helping us do more of this for you. Click the 'Buy Me a Coffee' link below.

    EMAIL US at chat@wotthefog.com with anything you’d like to ask or share, especially your Fog Moments.

    You Can Join our COMMUNITY. Keep Up to Date and be the first to hear about New Episodes and Other Exciting Stuff by Joining our Members List at http://wotthefog.com
    Join our FACEBOOK GROUP https://facebook.com/wotthefog

    You can FOLLOW US on Instagram

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    32 mins
  • Ep 22. Fitting In, Packing in and Hunkering Down
    Oct 16 2023

    Hi loves,

    Well, it's been a minute or two but we're back! We've missed you and our chats.

    Before we started recording this episode, we were chatting about why it's been a while and when we started delving and being really honest, which we always aim to be, we had reached a point where we really didn't know where we fitted in anymore. There was so much meno and midlife conversation going on, among celebrities, businesses and the like, we thought that maybe our humble little chats were old news and not needed or of value any more. BUT, you lovely lot messaged and emailed to ask where we were and when we'd be back and we really felt the love. So, here we are. THANK YOU!

    You know us, we never have an agenda or a script, we just free flow and mostly, it seems to work out. This episode, we're chatting....

    • Feeling depleted - energy, time, money.
    • Hunkering down - ' Wintering'
    • Strength and Immunity - the best ways to stay healthy
    • 8pm is the new midnight
    • Going with your own energy ebb and flow
    • Treating yourself like an old car (haha)
    • The 1st world problems of finding the right makeup - our current favs
    And of course....
    • Our Fog Moments

    Thanks for listening to our little chunnerings. As always, we'd love you to join in by letting us know what you think and sharing your experiences. You can do that in our private Facebook group (link below) or by emailing us privately at chat@wotthefog.com. We'd love to hear from you. and please, let your friends, family, colleagues know about the Podcast and community.

    Until next time lovely ones, you know it...."Stay sane. Don't lose it." We've got you!

    Big love,
    Michele and Lou x

    Support the Show.


    We hope you enjoy listening. If you like what you hear please FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW, it will really help us, and please share with your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, aunties, colleagues and bring them along to join the lovely WTF Community. The more the merrier, and the more support we can give each other.

    If you fancy, you can support us by buying us a coffee, just like you would if we were chatting in our favourite café or coffee house. Every little treat goes towards helping us do more of this for you. Click the 'Buy Me a Coffee' link below.

    EMAIL US at chat@wotthefog.com with anything you’d like to ask or share, especially your Fog Moments.

    You Can Join our COMMUNITY. Keep Up to Date and be the first to hear about New Episodes and Other Exciting Stuff by Joining our Members List at http://wotthefog.com
    Join our FACEBOOK GROUP https://facebook.com/wotthefog

    You can FOLLOW US on Instagram

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    23 mins
  • Ep 21. Up Up and Away. Keeping it Positive and Choosing 'Happy'
    Mar 20 2023

    Hello gorgeous Foggers and Fogglets,

    It's all about the positive vibes this episode lovelies. We're attempting to walk our talk and take our own medicine.

    For a while back there, it all got a bit much. We had so much going on in our personal lives and so many exciting things we wanted to do for you, our amazing community but we just didn't have the energy or capacity to do it all so we had to have a word with ourselves. Actually, we had a bored...oops, 'board' meeting haha, and thought about how we could best keep giving you value and stay connected while honouring our own needs too. So, we've decided that the best thing we can do is concentrate on this, the Podcast, where it all started but we're adding something new for you, a Blog. Every month, either Lou or Michele will share their thoughts, feelings and any interesting stuff they've come across or think you'd like. We really hope you like it.

    As usual, this is a packed episode. We're talking....

    • Asking for and accepting help when we need it.
    • Recognising messages to slow down.
    • Creating space for thinking and feeling.
    • Realising we can't control everything & learning to just 'let go and go with the flow'.
    • We're all creative in our own ways. We just need to find the right thing.
    • Speech problems - getting muddled.
    • Risk assessing - do we cause our own accidents and incidents?
    "Where attention goes, energy flows." The negatives and positives of that phrase.
    • New lives, third age and new starts. New opportunities for fun as we age.
    and of course....
    • Our Fog Moments

    Thanks for listening to our rambles. As always, we'd love you to join in by letting us know what you think and sharing your experiences. You can do that in our private Facebook group (link below) or by emailing us privately at chat@wotthefog.com. We'd love to hear from you.

    Until next time lovely ones, you know it...."Stay sane. Don't lose it."

    Big love,
    Michele and Lou x

    P.S. If you're wondering what an earth the children's TV programme Crackerjack was all about, check this out...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GktZgeOQWUk

    PLEASE tell all your fab female friends about the Podcast and the Event and let's get as many women in midlife and menopause well informed and supported as we can.


    We hope you enjoy listening. If you like what you hear please FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW, it will really help us, and please share with your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, aunties and bring them along

    Support the Show.


    We hope you enjoy listening. If you like what you hear please FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW, it will really help us, and please share with your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, aunties, colleagues and bring them along to join the lovely WTF Community. The more the merrier, and the more support we can give each other.

    If you fancy, you can support us by buying us a coffee, just like you would if we were chatting in our favourite café or coffee house. Every little treat goes towards helping us do more of this for you. Click the 'Buy Me a Coffee' link below.

    EMAIL US at chat@wotthefog.com with anything you’d like to ask or share, especially your Fog Moments.

    You Can Join our COMMUNITY. Keep Up to Date and be the first to hear about New Episodes and Other Exciting Stuff by Joining our Members List at http://wotthefog.com
    Join our FACEBOOK GROUP https://facebook.com/wotthefog

    You can FOLLOW US on Instagram

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    35 mins
  • Ep 20. Revolution not Resolutions. We're not at war so let's stop battling.
    Jan 15 2023

    Hi lovely Foggers and Fogglets,

    We're back and ready to share what's been happening while we've been away. It's been a tough ol' time for us both lately so we chose to step back a little to rest and regroup.

    That got us thinking about how we go about things and how we treat ourselves. When we speak to you lovely gals, you tell us that, like us, you often feel you just have to 'get on with it', 'battle on', 'push through'. Well maybe it's time to change all that. We're not at war with anyone, even ourselves, so let's stop acting like warriors. It's not how it's meant to be, especially at this stage of our lives. It's time to be honest with ourselves and others about it too. Let’s stop making excuses and just be honest about what we feel, what we’re capable of and even what we want.

    So, our words for the year are ACCEPTANCE and HONESTY. What do you think? Can we embrace them? It'll be so liberating and freeing if we can.

    Our mood isn't helped by winter of course. First comes festive chaos followed by new year pressures! Isn't it madness that we start the new year in the middle of winter? It’s not how it’s meant to be. Celtic new year, what our ancestors would have lived by, begins on 1 February. It’s called Imbolc. It’s when new growth, birth and the return of the light/sun is celebrated. Spring doesn’t start officially until 21 March. In winter, we’re meant to, well, ‘winter’. Rest, heal and feed ourselves, nutritionally and emotionally. That doesn’t mean doing nothing, it just means slowing down, and making a decision not to join the race, the rat race. Set your own pace.

    We share lots more around all this in this episode, as well as talking about...

    Mille Fois of crap
    • Inherited ‘get on with it’ strategies
    • Young people ‘work to live’, unlike what we were taught
    • Putting off the important things and people
    • Depression in menopause – is it menopause or stage of life? Both? It’s a
    • If we’re the ones who usually lift others up and care for them, is it hard to admit you
    can’t do that anymore?
    • Winter blues – SAD
    • Michele’s dry eye, sore eyelid solution and lack of diagnosis - update
    • Gratitude practice - Michele's routine

    We've packed a lot into a short episode this time lovelies. We'd love to hear what you think. Don't forget, you can always email us or come over and join us in our private Facebook group. All the deets are down below.

    PLEASE tell all your fab female friends about the Podcast and the Event and let's get as many women in midlife and menopause well informed and supported as we can.

    Support the Show.


    We hope you enjoy listening. If you like what you hear please FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW, it will really help us, and please share with your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, aunties, colleagues and bring them along to join the lovely WTF Community. The more the merrier, and the more support we can give each other.

    If you fancy, you can support us by buying us a coffee, just like you would if we were chatting in our favourite café or coffee house. Every little treat goes towards helping us do more of this for you. Click the 'Buy Me a Coffee' link below.

    EMAIL US at chat@wotthefog.com with anything you’d like to ask or share, especially your Fog Moments.

    You Can Join our COMMUNITY. Keep Up to Date and be the first to hear about New Episodes and Other Exciting Stuff by Joining our Members List at http://wotthefog.com
    Join our FACEBOOK GROUP https://facebook.com/wotthefog

    You can FOLLOW US on Instagram

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    30 mins
  • Ep 19. Totes Emosh & Our 'World Menopause Month' Special FREE Event
    Oct 20 2022

    Hi lovely Foggers and Fogglets,

    We're back again for another jam packed, random conversation episode. How have you been?

    As it's 'World Menopause Month' and we just had 'World Mental Health Day', we thought we'd talk about the lesser known and talked about emotional and mental health symptoms of midlife and menopause.

    In this extended episode, we talk about...

    • The physical-emotional symptom connection.
    • Meno conversation reaching parliament and the women's health check at 45 proposal.
    • How do we know what's menopause related, what's natural ageing and what might be something else?
    • Keeping positive - less problems, more solutions.
    • The importance and healing power of staying connected, being part of a community and of sharing.
    • Can Michele find a magic sleep solution for Lou's insomnia?
    • GP availability - what's your experience?
    • Taking time out - 10 mins, 3 times a day is a valuable half hour.

    Are you coming along to the FREE 'Meet the Experts' event being held in our private Facebook Group on Tuesday 25, Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 October? Each evening at 6pm and 7.30pm GMT, an expert will be coming along LIVE to share their knowledge, tips and loveliness with us. You will have chance to interact (if you want to) and get your questions answered so please show up to support them, us and your fellow Foggers and Fogglets. You'll be getting priceless stuff on: gut health, fashion and styling, how scent can affect and improve our well-being, skincare and facial yoga, body strengthening to avoid osteoporosis and winding down with a beautiful relaxing sound bath.

    Find out more about all the presenters at our website http://wotthefog.com and make sure your come and join the Facebook Group (link below) where it'll all be happening. If you want to leave after the event, we'll miss you, but we won't try to stop you.

    PLEASE tell all your fab female friends about the Podcast and the Event and let's get as many women in midlife and menopause well informed and supported as we can.

    'til next time lovelies, you know it...."Stay sane. Don't lose it."

    Big love,
    Michele and Lou x


    We hope you enjoy listening. If you like what you hear please FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW, it will really help us, and please share with your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, aunties and bring them along to join the lovely WTF Community.

    If you fancy, you can support us by buying us a coffee, just like you would if we were chatting in

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    We hope you enjoy listening. If you like what you hear please FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW, it will really help us, and please share with your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, aunties, colleagues and bring them along to join the lovely WTF Community. The more the merrier, and the more support we can give each other.

    If you fancy, you can support us by buying us a coffee, just like you would if we were chatting in our favourite café or coffee house. Every little treat goes towards helping us do more of this for you. Click the 'Buy Me a Coffee' link below.

    EMAIL US at chat@wotthefog.com with anything you’d like to ask or share, especially your Fog Moments.

    You Can Join our COMMUNITY. Keep Up to Date and be the first to hear about New Episodes and Other Exciting Stuff by Joining our Members List at http://wotthefog.com
    Join our FACEBOOK GROUP https://facebook.com/wotthefog

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    50 mins
  • Ep 17. Going Solo, Getting Your Best On and Permission to Do F#!@ All.
    Sep 12 2022

    Hi lovely Foggers and Fogglets,

    We're back with Episode 17 and we're so grateful that you're still listening.

    We're also SO grateful for those of you who are helping to keep us showing up by making donations via 'Buy Me a Coffee' (link below). THANK YOU this month to Emma S and Clare. Mwah.

    Things you can join in with and have a laugh at this Episode are….

    • Lost and found…a continuing theme (Lou updates us on her lost glasses)

    • Forgotten sunscreen and deep fried skin.

    • COVID. Is it worse and is recovery longer during menopause?

    • How can we have an accident in an empty house?

    • Jelly shoes. Remember those?
    • Do you ever really stop and do absolutely NOTHING? Try lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. What’s your favourite way to do nothing?

    • Do you take ‘fresh air baths’?

    • Travelling alone. Scary or freeing?

    • Our new catchphrase “Get your best on.”

    And of course....our FOG MOMENTS!

    A couple of big missions we’re embarking on are ‘Menopause in the Workplace’ an HRT shortages. There still isn’t enough awareness or planning in workplaces and we think that every business should have a menopause policy and a menopause advocate, male or female. We’re also getting increasingly concerned about stories we’re hearing from our community about horrendous HRT shortages so we’re investigating it. Watch this space! We might be asking you to paint a placard with us!

    Wherever you are in the world, please let us know what the menopause conversation is like and what the HRT situation is.

    Please join in the conversation and share your experiences with us. That’s what builds community and how we help other women like us. You can share privately by email or join our private Facebook Group. Links below.

    Huge love & gratitude,

    Michele and Lou x


    We hope you enjoy listening. If you like what you hear please FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW, it will really help us, and please share with your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, aunties and bring them along to join the lovely WTF Community.

    If you fancy, you can support us by buying us a coffee, just like you would if we were chatting in our favourite café or coffee house. Every little treat goes towards helping us do more of this for you. Click the 'Buy Me a Coffee' link below.

    EMAIL US at chat@wotthefog.com with anything you’d like to ask or share, especially your Fog Moments.

    You Can Join our COMMUNITY. Keep Up to Date and be the first to hear about New Episodes and Other Exciting Stuff by Joining our Members

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    We hope you enjoy listening. If you like what you hear please FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW, it will really help us, and please share with your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, aunties, colleagues and bring them along to join the lovely WTF Community. The more the merrier, and the more support we can give each other.

    If you fancy, you can support us by buying us a coffee, just like you would if we were chatting in our favourite café or coffee house. Every little treat goes towards helping us do more of this for you. Click the 'Buy Me a Coffee' link below.

    EMAIL US at chat@wotthefog.com with anything you’d like to ask or share, especially your Fog Moments.

    You Can Join our COMMUNITY. Keep Up to Date and be the first to hear about New Episodes and Other Exciting Stuff by Joining our Members List at http://wotthefog.com
    Join our FACEBOOK GROUP https://facebook.com/wotthefog

    You can FOLLOW US on Instagram

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    45 mins