• How Do I Know God - Why Pray?: Part 5 - Woodside Bible Church
    Feb 6 2025

    Have you ever wondered what Jesus desires for His followers? Today, we are concluding our series, Why Pray? where we've been studying through John 17. In this passage we see a glimpse of Jesus' prayer life, we see what He was truly concerned about and what was on His heart before His crucifixion. We see in this final section of scripture, what Jesus desires for those who would believe in Him. Jesus desires that we experience God's unity, God's glory, and God's love. Jesus' desire for us is that we would fully bask in His abounding love, joy, and freedom. May we take that step and rest in His plans for us. Entering into prayer to know Him more and become more like Him. So, why pray? To make know God and make Him know. Tune in to the last message of the series, How do I know God? And boldly enter into His presence.

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    31 mins
  • How Do We Know God's Purpose For Us - Why Pray?: Part 4 - Woodside Bible Church
    Jan 27 2025

    Do you ever wonder what your purpose is? How do you find it? Do you even have one? These are questions many of us have wrestled with, but we each have a greater, deeper purpose than we might realize.

    We have been studying John 17 throughout our series Why Pray? In this passage, we read a prayer that Jesus prayed just hours before His crucifixion. At the Last Supper, we see Him praying to His Father over His disciples and His purpose. Within Christ’s prayer, we can find the purpose that He longs for us, His children, to have. Because we're set apart as followers of Christ, our purpose is found in Jesus and built on Him alone. It's all about Jesus. Join us for our latest sermon, How Do We Know God’s Purpose for Us? and find out why prayer is so vital to knowing our purpose in Christ.

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    31 mins
  • Knowing God's Protection - Why Pray?: Part 3 - Woodside Bible Church
    Jan 23 2025

    Are you confident in your prayers? When you pray do you have confidence that God will hear you or protect you? Maybe you wonder how you can have that confidence. Throughout our series on prayer, we’ve seen Jesus pray for Himself and his disciples, within His prayer we read of Christ coming into unity with the Father. Today, as we continue in our series, Why Pray? We will continue to see how through prayer we can come to know Christ deeper. Can we be confident when we pray for God’s protection? Yes, we can! But to solidify this truth we will see examples from scripture. We can be confident in God’s protection because God keeps us in salvation, in His joy, and from the evil one. Why should we pray? To seek God’s protection. We don’t have to live in fear because we have a Father who is more than able to protect us. Join us in the latest message of the series, Knowing God’s Protection, and run to God with all your requests, He is faithful to cover us in His love.

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    31 mins
  • Is God Generous? - Why Pray?: Part 2 - Woodside Bible Church
    Jan 13 2025

    Have you ever wondered if God is generous? Maybe you have trouble fully understanding what God has given us or if He’s given us anything. But we see in scripture that He is generous, giving more than we could ever imagine. As we continue in our series, Why Pray? We will look at how the Lord has been generous towards us. The more time we spend in the Word, the more we will learn God's character. Jesus’ heart is for His children and those who will follow Him. He is trustworthy and His Word is true. Christ cares for us deeply and we see that through all He has given us. God has given us to Christ and Christ has given us God’s Word. So why should we pray? To know the generosity of God. Join us for the latest message of the series, Is God Generous? And hear how Christ has been greatly generous toward His children.

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    30 mins
  • How to Glorify God in Prayer - Why Pray?: Part 1 - Woodside Bible Church
    Jan 6 2025

    Why do we pray? How should we pray? Questions many of us have likely wondered before. As we strive for growth in our relationships with God, prayer is a main way we get to know who God is and align our hearts with Him. This new year we are beginning a new series, Why Pray, looking at the High Priestly prayer Jesus prayed to examine why and how we should pray. So, why should we pray? To glorify God. When we pray, we are entering into a conversation with God, the Holiest of all. He loves to hear from His children and through our time spent in prayer, we get to know who He is and grow in intimacy with our Father. When we acknowledge God as Father, Jesus as Son, and the glory of Christ we are glorifying God through prayer. Join us in the first message of the series, How to Glorify God in Prayer, and learn how we can grow in our prayer lives.

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    37 mins
  • Until All Have Heard - Reach: Part 2 - Woodside Bible Church
    Dec 17 2024

    Jesus’ incarnation brought freedom for His people. The birth of our Savior Christ changed the world. He brought light and joy to the world and transformed darkness to light. We are continuing in our Advent series, Radiant, looking at the birth of Jesus and the importance it had then and what it means for us now. Jesus frees us from our captivity of sin and shame. Through His gift of relationship with Him, Christ frees us from the burden of sin, He crushes the pain of Satan’s accusations and defeats the tyrant of death. We are a people in desperate need of deliverance, to find liberty in Christs gift of salvation. We need His hope to change our lives and free us from the bondage of sin. May this bring encouragement to you that the coming of Christ brings liberty to enslaved sinners. Join us in the latest message of the series, The Light of Liberty, receive Christ’s gift to you and experience the freedom He brings to us.

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    34 mins
  • The Light of Joy - Radiant: Part 2 - Woodside Bible Church
    Dec 9 2024

    How can we experience lasting joy? Not the temporary happiness, that the world seems to be chasing, but joy that withstands our circumstances. Last week we kicked off our Advent series, Radiant, diving into the hope that Christ holds and the gift that is found in Jesus’ birth. The light that the coming of Jesus brings us is eternal, He offers us hope and joy. In Him, we can experience forever joy—that never dissipates, even in the difficult parts of life. Jesus fills us with joy by growing our family, bringing us to a table of celebration, and giving us forever joy. Life throws us a lot of different joys, many bring us happiness, but when the joy of receiving goes away what are we left with? What hope we have in Christ—the light of joy, we get everlasting joy that isn’t dependent on circumstance or temporary pleasures. Tune in to the latest message of the series, The Light of Joy, and cling to Christ’s everlasting joy.

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    26 mins
  • Pastor Chris' Announcement and Message
    29 mins